I'm trapped in a cube

Chapter 467: One after another

The surging mud waves forced Li Luo and Zhou Chao to stop temporarily. They stood on the sturdy fallen tree, waiting for the waves to subside.

The destroyed forest suddenly blew a gust of wind, and the activated air gathered again. They were like vultures, taking advantage of the lion's hunting and grabbing the leftovers.

"Did you see it? Those winds."

Zhou Chao looked at the forest and pointed at the rolled leaves.

"Is it activated air?"

"Yes, but they can't cause any harm to us. The more terrible things are below." Zhou Chao pointed down.

At this time, Mo Ling was also staring at the spindle-shaped mud. After attacking the forest, it sank deep into the ground.

"Doesn't it hunt?"

The broken roots were like long wriggling snakes, struggling constantly in the mud. The spindle-shaped mud made the prey lose the ability to resist, but did not eat the prey.

Just when Mo Ling was puzzled, the spindle-shaped mud returned to his sight.

But this time, it did not come alone.

Behind the spindle-shaped soil, there were countless small spindle-shaped soils.

They gathered together like a group of hunting killer whales.

"There are tribes?"

Sure enough, after the activation pollution deepened, the wisdom of these activated creatures became higher and higher, and now even tribes appeared.

This group of spindle-shaped soils quickly came to the surface.

Then, like dolphins, they jumped out of the surface and rolled into the ground with countless roots.

A feast began.

Whether it was the roots or the soft soil that gathered, they became their food. They turned the earth wantonly and crushed everything.

"It's activated soil, they actually formed a tribe!" Zhou Chao said in shock as he looked at the spindle-shaped soil that jumped out of the earth.

"Leave from the other side and don't attract their attention."

The two were about to leave secretly, but the leader of the spindle-shaped soil suddenly looked over here, turned his body, and rushed towards the two.

The rock-hard body smashed several trees, and it seemed that it didn't want to let the two leave.

"It found us!" Zhou Chao quickly handed the holy sword in his hand to Li Luo.

Li Luo also understood and put his hand on the hilt.

However, before she could draw her sword, a huge cube-shaped hole suddenly appeared on the ground in front of her, and the aggressive spindle-shaped soil was just in the middle of the hole and disappeared.

"Iron block..." Li Luo turned her head to look at the block behind her, and the hand holding the hilt slowly relaxed.


At this time, Mo Ling was looking at the huge spindle-shaped soil in the center of the block with curiosity.

"The activity is gone..."

The transmission of the block directly eliminated the activation, and what was piled in front of Mo Ling was just ordinary soil.

"What is this so-called activation? Can it really give life to "dead things"?"

Mo Ling's mind moved, and he threw the soil in front of him out again.

The huge spindle-shaped mud fell to the ground, completely lifeless.

In the distance, the spindle-shaped mud that lost its leader suddenly began to fight among themselves, competing for the remaining food. The huge mud blocks collided with each other and smashed both sides to pieces.

"Without the leader, they seem to have suddenly become a lot dumber."

Mo Ling looked at the spindle-shaped mud that were killing each other with some doubts.

Their fight made the earth tremble more violently, and the tree trunk where Li Luo and Zhou Chao stood began to shake.

"Get out of here!" Zhou Chao reminded Li Luo while looking at the big pit caused by the teleportation and the spindle-shaped mud thrown out.

The two jumped from one tree trunk to another, slowly moving away from the battlefield.

Zhou Chao panted, looked at Li Luo, and then looked at the block behind her.

"Is it the power of this relic? I should have guessed that there is no weak hunter who can come to the fourth floor alone."

Li Luo nodded and handed the holy sword back.

However, Zhou Chao did not take it, but pushed the holy sword to Li Luo.

"It's useless for me to take it, you take it first, and draw the sword in time when you encounter danger."

He turned his head and looked at the depths of the dark forest, his tone full of excitement: "You use the holy sword with great power, and the relic is also very strong. We can definitely reach the central area."

Li Luo looked at the holy sword in his hand and nodded.

"You just said that the soil formed a tribe?"

"Yes, the pollution is more serious than I expected."

"Then do you think they will form a language, a society, or even a civilization? What does the central area look like now?" Li Luo said a terrible guess.

Zhou Chao was silent when he heard this.

"Can the beacon still be used?" Li Luo asked.

"I don't know." Zhou Chao shook his head: "But we have to try it, right?"

He looked at the dark forest, as if he remembered something in the past.

"We also thought about giving up at that time..."

At that time, after losing two companions, the investigation team had differences.

Some team members thought that they shouldn't pay so much for an unknown island. This empty island might not have any value. They might just sacrifice in vain. It would be better to leave now, or find a place to set up a beacon and then leave the island.

However, the captain denied them.

"Do you know why beacons must be set up?"

"Is it to record the movement of this empty island? Is it to monitor the ecology of the empty island? Or is it to prove that humans have been to this empty island?"

"These are all reasons, but they are not the most important."

"The important thing is, for the sake of future generations."

"When someone comes to this empty island in the future, he can know the information about this empty island through the beacon, and can avoid many dangers. Perhaps because of this trivial information, he can get out of this empty island safely."

"We are not doing meaningless things, we are leaving a fire for future generations of mankind."

"You have all heard the story of Prometheus...and now, we are all fire thieves..."

No matter which layer of the abyss it is, it all starts from the unknown. Someone has to push through the unknown darkness to see what is under the fog.

The empty islands are shrouded in fog, and someone has to uncover them.

This is the responsibility of the Sky Island Investigation Team and the responsibility of the "predecessors".

"Now, are you still willing to stay? Become the Fire Thief."

The captain asked this question to the silent team members.

"I'm staying! Captain."

"I'll stay too!"

"They all stayed, of course I can't run away!"

Almost everyone responded to the captain's call, and the remaining people raised their hands to express their determination.

They looked into the dark depths of the forest again...

Then he walked in one after another.

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