I'm trapped in a cube

Chapter 468 On the open ground

"It's getting late. I remember there's an open space ahead. Let's take a rest there."


The setting sun gave the thin clouds above the sky island a layer of red. The dim light could no longer pierce the forest, and the road ahead was dark.

Fortunately, before the sun completely set, the two found the open space that Zhou Chao mentioned.

There were several huge stones in the middle of the open space, and the grass on the ground swayed gently with the evening breeze, looking very peaceful.

"Huh~" Seeing this open space, Zhou Chao breathed a sigh of relief.

"It seems that the activated pollution here is not serious."

He walked carefully to the middle of the open space and poked the soil with a branch.

The soil here has not yet activated.

"We take turns to keep watch, and when the sun rises, we will set off again. The night here is very dangerous, and some activated creatures only appear at night."

Li Luo nodded and agreed. He took out a compressed sleeping bag from his bag and got in.

Zhou Chao didn't expect Li Luo to be so decisive. He was stunned for a moment, then climbed onto a stone beside him and sat down.

The sun had completely set, and the moonlight slowly illuminated the open space, while the surrounding forest was pitch black, and some strange sounds could be heard from time to time.

Zhou Chao looked around vigilantly, not feeling tired at all.

In the moonlight, he took out the nameplate in his arms again, letting the moonlight sprinkle on the characters on the nameplate.


He muttered silently, and then grabbed the nameplate tightly.

He didn't put the nameplate back again until strange sounds were heard around him again.


He turned his head quickly and found that a block appeared behind him.

"I was a little too nervous." Zhou Chao smiled self-deprecatingly.

He waved at the block, but unexpectedly, the block actually flew over.

Seeing this, he quickly retracted his hand.

Being able to come to the fourth floor of the abyss, he also knew that he couldn't touch other people's relics casually, in case he triggered some abilities.

Thinking of this, he waved at the block again.

"You go and have a rest, I'll be there."

As soon as he finished speaking, Zhou Chao was stunned.

"Why am I talking to a relic?"

However, the cube flew straight over as if it didn't hear him, and didn't stop until it flew over his head.

"What is this for?" Zhou Chao raised his head and looked at the cube in confusion.


Just as he was wondering, a crisp sound suddenly came from his hand.

He looked over quickly and found that a can of Coke appeared on the stone out of thin air.

Zhou Chao looked at the Coke in confusion, and then looked at the cube.

"Thank you." He said awkwardly to the cube, and then picked up the Coke.

"I haven't drunk this for a long time." He opened the can of Coke clumsily, and thick bubbles immediately came out.

Zhou Chao quickly took off his protective mask and put his mouth close to it.

Under the mask was a pale face, which had lost its color due to the mask. Deep marks were all over his face, but it was still clear that it was a young face, not much older than Li Luo's.

Zhou Chao drank Coke clumsily, and it seemed that he had not tasted similar food for a long time.

Soon, he drank the whole can of Coke, and turned the whole can upside down, constantly tapping the bottom, letting the last drop of liquid drip into his mouth.

"It tastes so good."

He was so excited that he stumbled when he spoke.

He hung the can around his waist reluctantly until the Coke can no longer flowed out a drop of liquid.

Then, he looked up at the cube as if he suddenly thought of something.

"What's the price?"

However, the cube ignored him and flew away directly.

"Huh? No price?" Zhou Chao stared at the cube in a daze, a little confused.

"When Li Luo wakes up, I have to ask her about the price of the block..." He scratched his head and said to himself.


In the middle of the night, Li Luo slowly woke up on the sleeping bag.

She opened her sleepy eyes and looked around for traces of the block. She didn't feel relieved until she saw the block floating on the stone.

After quickly packing up her things, Li Luo climbed onto the stone.

"I've rested well, it's your turn."

"So soon?" Zhou Chao still didn't react: "Be careful, wake me up immediately if there's any danger."


After the two handed over, Zhou Chao jumped directly to the gap between the stones and lay down diagonally.

The surroundings fell into silence again, and the strange sounds in the forest became obvious again, as if something was shaking the leaves, and there were some wind sounds that were sometimes loud and sometimes small.

Once these strange sounds appeared, they would disappear quickly, and soon after, they would sound in another direction.

However, the open space was always safe.

"Are you protecting us?"

Li Luo was not as innocent as Zhou Chao. She looked at the block on the stone.

The block was motionless, as if nothing had to do with it, but Li Luo instinctively felt that this night seemed a little too peaceful. In this polluted activated forest, the night should be more terrifying.

Li Luo's guess was correct. At this time, Mo Ling was indeed dealing with the activated creatures in the woods.


"These activated trees seem to become more active at night." Mo Ling thought as he teleported the activated trees approaching the open space.

He had already forgotten how many he had killed. Since the night fell, the forest seemed to slowly come alive, and many huge trees were walking towards the open space with heavy steps.

"They seem to be chasing something..."

Is there something in this open space?

Mo Ling was very curious, why are these big trees moving towards the open space.

If it was just for the two humans, Li Luo and Zhou Chao, there would not be such a big fuss. There are many moving objects in the forest at night, and they should kill each other in the forest.

Why did they run to the open space where there was nothing?

Mo Ling carefully explored this open space. There were no treasures under the ground, and the boulders were ordinary. He had no idea what the target of those animated creatures was.

It was not until the second half of the night that Mo Ling discovered the strange things on the big trees.

"Their bark is a little black."

Because these big trees have been staying in the dark forest, Mo Ling has not noticed the changes in them.

It was not until Mo Ling compared the big tree that was teleported into the cube that he discovered these strange black spots on the bark.

"The later it gets, the more serious the black spots will be."

The big tree that appeared at night did not have these black spots, but in the second half of the night, these black spots had begun to cover the entire tree, like some kind of mold, slowly corroding the entire tree.

Mo Ling looked at the blackened leaves and suddenly had a flash of inspiration.

"Could it be that they are not chasing something... but running away from something?"

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