I'm trapped in a cube

Chapter 59 Hide and Seek

"The name of this game is Hide and Seek."

Bubble Man said it would hide and let Liang Zhi catch it.

But that's not the most important thing. When you catch it, you must tell who it is, otherwise Liang Zhi loses.

"Then what will happen if I lose?"

"If you lose, start catching again until you win."

At this time, Liang Zhi still didn't know what this "re" meant.

He just felt that the price required for this "Bubble Man" relic was much smaller than he imagined.

And as long as you complete hide and seek, you can get the answer you have always wanted. This is a very profitable business.

At this time, he had been dazzled by the strange attraction and was filled with curiosity, especially wanting to find the whereabouts of the origin cells.

So Liang Zhi agreed.

This also became the beginning of his pain.

Bubble Man even gave Liang Zhi a druid spine and asked him to install it now.

"This is something that can determine how many times you have lost, and you can keep a record."

Although he didn't know the principle of this, Liang Zhi knew what the Druid spine was, so he had no doubts about it.

He had never had a relic before, and when he got one for no reason, he was even very happy and didn't feel anything was wrong.

Under the attraction of the unknown, he lost his ability to judge.

After the Druid Spine was installed, Bubble Man shook hands with Liang Zhi once, proving that the agreement between them had been reached.

Liang Zhi plays games with Bubble Man, and Bubble Man tells him the answer.

At the moment of shaking hands, a film of water surged up his body.

Liang Zhi watched himself age rapidly.

"Next, I'm going to cover your eyes and start running away." The bubble man said to Liang Zhi.

Immediately afterwards, Liang Zhi lost consciousness.

A spine fell to the ground.

When he woke up again, Liang Zhi had no memory of the bubble people and the game.

All he remembered was that he found a strange egg with an acceleration area around it, and he struggled to find a druid spine...

This was the version of his experience that he told at the beginning.

His memory has been tampered with.

But his subconscious was telling him that finding the strange egg meant finding the origin cell.

His thinking began to become confused, and his pursuit of the original cells turned into a yearning for the strange egg, and he almost frantically wanted to find the strange egg.

He returned to the place where he first found the strange egg, but the strange egg had disappeared.

The obsession kept echoing in his mind, and finding the strange egg became his only goal.

Liang Zhi began to search around the big tree hole.

He is someone who knows the Theseus area well.

So soon, after coming to the Theseus area one time, he found the strange egg again.

As the Bubble Man appeared, memories came flooding back instantly. Everything about the game came back to his mind, and the tampered memories blurred and disappeared.

"I found you! Where is my wish?" He was very excited.

"You haven't said who I am yet." Bubble Man replied calmly.

Hearing this, Liang Zhi was stuck, and he realized that he did not know the name of the bubble man.

So he made a random "bubble" guess, and he didn't know what would happen next.

"You guessed wrong, you lost this time."

What followed was a handshake from the Bubble Man, one spine fell to the ground, and the Druid spine on the ground turned into two.

The memory has been tampered with again...

Liang Zhi once again became the ordinary researcher full of obsession, running to the Theseus area every day.

He knew this place very well, and within a few days, he found the strange egg again.

Memory recovery.

This time, he didn't rush to shout out his name, but chatted with the bubble man.

"May I have your name."

"I don't have a name," Bubble Man replied.

Liang Zhi suddenly felt that he had been deceived and said angrily: "Then if you still play this game with me, won't I definitely lose?"

"Someone picked it up for me, and now I have it, but you have to guess for yourself." Bubble Man added.

"Then what's your name?"

"I have no name"


Liang Zhi asked many times, but the Bubble Man always gave the same answer. He thought the Bubble Man was deliberately concealing it, so he had to investigate on his own.

"Are you called 'Aladdin's Lamp'?"

He lost again.

The spine became three...

In the following days, Liang Zhi fell into a cycle of searching for strange eggs, finding strange eggs, guessing wrong names, and tampering with memories.

The druid spines under the strange egg slowly piled up into a nest.

Later, when Liang Zhi found the strange egg but had not yet recovered his memory, he even felt that the lair of the Druid's spine was very magical.

After the bubble man appeared and he gradually recovered his memory, he looked at the druid spines everywhere and felt horrified.

These are all things he once was...

So he started stalling for time, deliberately not guessing the bubble man's name, but if this took a long time, he would be considered a failure.

He could only try again and again.

After experiencing many memory tamperings, he gradually began to understand the Bubble Man, and he discovered that this strange egg was the Bubble Man's true form.

So every time he found a strange egg, he would study it.

At first it was just knocking, but in the end he found that even if he destroyed the strange egg, the bubble man wouldn't say anything.

The next time you see it, the strange egg will return to its perfect appearance.

Although the memory is tampered with every time, something always remains in the subconscious.

He slowly began to carry various research instruments to search for strange eggs, and his subconscious told him that these things might be useful.

Sure enough, after an exploration, he used a microscope to observe the liquid flowing out of the strange egg.

Liang Zhi discovered the small, twisting, square-shaped cells inside the strange egg.

He felt that he had finally discovered the identity of the strange egg.

However, after searching the data, we found that this is a type of cell that has never been discovered before.

It took too long and he couldn't call out the name, so he started a new round of the game.

In the next few rounds of the game, he made a bold guess:

"Those small square cells are the origin cells!"

Bubble Man had told him in previous rounds of the game that as long as the answers were roughly similar, he would win and would not embarrass him.

"You can use the naming of the definition class. Just tell me what I am and you win." The bubble man reminded Liang Zhi.

But at the time, Liang Zhi didn't realize that the bubble man was reminding him, and just started to try to change the way of naming.

After finding the strange egg again, memories came flooding back, and he couldn't wait to shout out his guess: "You are a life composed of original cells!"

When he confidently shouted out who the bubble man was, the bubble man once again announced that the game was over.

"The answer was very close, but you lost again."

The spine fell to the ground again.

Liang Zhi returned to his tampered appearance.

The subconscious mind is at work again.

Because of the discovery of that small square, his concept of strange eggs and original cells continued to be confused, and even deepened.

So much so that he would often start to doubt himself, wondering why he was so sure that the liquid in the strange egg was the origin cell.

And these doubts will quickly collapse after seeing the strange egg.

Then the spine falls to the ground and enters the cycle again...

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