I'm trapped in a cube

Chapter 60 The recurring game

The only thing more painful than being trapped in a cycle is falling into a misunderstanding.

Liang Zhi couldn't guess who the bubble man was.

He even began to suspect that Bubble Man was deceiving and playing with him, and began to give up on himself.

When the memory came back, he no longer guessed who the bubble man was, but first asked the bubble man in front of him: "Why did you do this?"

He felt that he was being tortured by the relic and could not escape from this game.

Once he fell into a misunderstanding of his thinking, it was difficult to change it, so he made mistakes again and again.

Liang Zhi was sure that the answer in his mind was correct, and thought that the bubble man was cheating and did not want him to win the game.

It was at this time that the Theseus Cell area was sealed off, making it increasingly difficult to find the strange eggs.

Each round of the game gets longer and longer.

The impact of memory tampering is getting bigger and bigger. Every time Liang Zhi finds the monster, it takes a long time to remember the game again.

This made him even more angry.

What I was looking for so hard was actually just a scam?

He even wanted to end the game because he thought he had found the Origin Cell and there was no need for this game at all.

But the bubble man told him: "The price has been paid, and the game cannot be over."

The game failed and the number of spines continued to increase.

Liang Zhi was affected by confused memories, and his confusion became deeper and deeper.

So, driven by false memories and curiosity, he began to hatch the story of red string worms and riots...

His strong obsession even affected his behavior of transforming the tree, and the square pattern was subtly implanted into the knowledge of the tree.

This also indirectly led to the birth of the Qifang tribe.

Fortunately, after going through all kinds of hardships, this time, he finally guessed the identity of the bubble man.

But he didn't feel any pleasure from winning the game.

Speaking of this, Liang Zhi sighed and said with a wry smile: "I didn't expect that it was the origin cell itself. No wonder he always said that I was wrong."

But the price has been irreparable. Those things were indeed done by him when his desire for discovery was overwhelming.

After Liang Zhi finished speaking, he lowered his head and helplessly turned over the Druid's spine on the ground.

"You still succeeded, didn't you?" Captain Su suddenly said this.

"What succeeded?" Liang Zhi was stunned for a moment.

"Origin Cell, you found it."

"The price is too high." Liang Zhi still lowered his head.

Captain Su did not speak, but came to Liang Zhi and sat down side by side with him.

Druid spines were scattered everywhere, these valuable relics lying on the ground like rotten bones everywhere.

Pile into a hill.

"Isn't it ridiculous?" Liang Zhi casually picked up a druid spine and held it between the two of them.

Captain Su didn't look at the spine, he just shook his head and said helplessly:

"This is the abyss."

Mo Ling felt very depressed while listening to the conversation between the two.

He controlled the cube to reach the gap opened by the sheep-headed man, and followed the gap to the outside of the temple.

He wanted to see where the sheep-headed man had gone.

But what he didn't expect was that there was a tragic scene outside.

The acceleration area of ​​the origin cells covered the entire transparent village, and countless transparent people were running away in a hurry, trying to hide outside the area.

However, all that awaits them is aging and death, and they will never be able to escape this area.

The Origin Cell slowly wandered through the air.

Why hasn't it left yet?

Mo Ling originally thought that the Origin Cell would leave quickly after leaving the temple, but it actually stayed in the village.

This also led to a crisis in the entire transparent village.

"God's punishment! This is God's punishment!"

The transparent tribesmen shouted to die, and appeared again in a daze. After looking around, they fell into fear again.

The cycle goes back and forth.

"This is the divine punishment for not driving out the immortal things!"

They were still shouting, but after a while, their mouths were opened wide but no sound came out.

The origin cells were wandering around, and bubbles appeared inside the cells.

The bubbles began to continuously transform into various creatures, and the scenes that had appeared in the temple appeared again.

But this time, the original cells did not transform into the previous humans.

Instead, it transformed into a curvaceous female humanoid.

Wave-like clothes began to appear on Bubble's body, and the clothes were covered with various plants.

The lower body turned into a curled snake's tail, and various animal limbs emerged from the snake's tail.

Each part of the body is still changing, and will be re-fixed every time, completely amorphous.

After the bubbles stopped changing, the figure floated out of the original cell membrane and once again used exocytosis to come to the outside of the cell membrane.

A long spine appeared in the bubble figure's hand.

Only then did Mo Ling see clearly.

This is clearly what the goddess statue in the temple looks like.

The moment the goddess walked out of the cell membrane, the acceleration in the transparent village stopped.

All the transparent people are fixed in the life stage they were accelerated to before.

They all looked at their bodies in fear, and when they found that they had not changed again, they knelt down in fear.

"God, please forgive us!"

"Please give us a chance to atone for our sins, and we will drive out all immortal things!"

"We have indeed slacked off. God, please forgive us and give me another chance!"

The sounds of pleading are endless.

The transparent people kowtowed crazily towards the goddess in the sky, and some even broke their heads.

Mo Ling watched in shock as the god descended.

"The Origin Cell is actually the god of the Transparent Tribe?"

Why is there still such a relationship?

I thought that after the game between Origin Cell and Liang Zhi was over, it would leave here.

Mo Ling found that he still knew too little about the origin cells.

This ancient creature, which had survived for unknown lengths of time, was beyond Mo Ling's understanding.

The goddess in the sky looked around, then slowly fell down, her spine swinging in the air in the wind, which looked quite weird.

The goddess came to the crowd, as if she was looking for something, and walked past the transparent tribesmen.

But after going around in a circle, she didn't seem to find what she was looking for and returned to the center of the crowd.

"We failed." The goddess said calmly.

After hearing the goddess's words, the kneeling transparent people began to beg again.

"God, there are so many immortal things. Our power is limited and there is really nothing we can do."

"Flesh tribes are everywhere, and the expulsion is going on all the time. Please give us a little more time!"

The transparent people talked about various reasons.

But the goddess was indifferent and repeated it to the transparent people.

"You failed."

Hearing this, a member of the Transparent tribe crawled to the goddess in despair and begged: "God, we have not failed, we are still expelling, and we will always succeed."

The goddess finally reacted. She looked down at the transparent tribesman, and her ethereal and solemn voice spread throughout the village.

"You have failed."

"The eagle is gone."

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