I’m Upgrade by Selling Moe [Interstellar]

106. Disfigured【First update】

Videos of Ice Blade Bear began to spread widely on the Internet.

Many people talk about it.

This made me even more curious.

In the past, humans didn't like mutant bugs.

It's because they will wreak havoc and destroy human homes and the planet we depend on for survival.

It will kill all humans.


The relationship between mutant bugs and humans has always been one of constant struggle.

In the past, humans didn't like mutant beasts.

It's because most of them have superpowers, and they never need to worry about superpower riots.

Better for this planet than humans.


The relationship between humans and mutant bugs has turned into hostility.

But when mutant beasts lend a helping hand and help humans solve the crisis...

The indescribable shock left them speechless for a long time, and even aroused strong curiosity in them.

Why would that mutated beast protect a human being?

It can be judged from its actions that it was willing from beginning to end, with no sign of being forced.


Although people have long known that mutant beasts are good and bad, some even get close to humans and become fighting partners. People and beasts help and support each other and jointly resist the attacks of mutant bugs.

Just like Otis and the mutant beast.

The scene of their fight moved countless people.

Some even cried because of it.

I don’t know how many people, on that day, changed their original ideas.

But this time is different.

Because the person protected by the mutated bugs is just an ordinary human being.

He doesn't have any powers.

This is what makes people most curious.

But the military is tight-lipped about this.

But apart from this, people want to know what is happening to the Ice Blade Bear now?

In the video, it looks like he was seriously injured.

In fact, the Ice Blade Bear has been sent to the manor for emergency treatment at this moment.

Of course, that also includes the mutant tiger.

Facing these two mutated beasts who had suffered in the past, Zhao Libing, the military doctor and others showed their eyes full of pity.

Zhao Bin was a little restrained at this moment and looked a little nervous.

Just thinking about being in Otis Zoo now made his legs and feet tremble.

As a person with supernatural powers, it is difficult for him to come into contact with people at Otis's level.

Upon seeing this, the military doctor used his strong affinity and began to comfort Zhao Bin, smiling and asking him to relax.

Zhao Bin's expression was stiff, but his back quietly relaxed a little.

Zhao Qiaoan, on the other hand, looked around, full of excitement.

He really couldn't believe that he could actually come to Otis Manor. Maybe he could also visit the zoo and see those cute mutant beasts.

But there is something more important to do now, which is to take the two mutated beasts to check their injuries.

Zhao Bin and Zhao Qiaoan both followed.

At this moment, the Ice Blade Bear and the Mutated Tiger are undergoing full-body testing.

Zhao Libing was so busy that he almost turned into a spinning top. He didn't even have time to coax the little raccoon cat.

The angry little civet cat ate a few more dried fish today.

It will never be fed to that stupid human being.

no way.

Unless he gives himself five more dried fish.

The little raccoon cat licked its paws and showed a silly smile.

Those are five small dried fish.


Seeing the military doctors being so busy, others wanted to help, but because they didn't know much about medical skills, they could only watch and worry.

After all, only military doctors in the manor would use these medical instruments.

When Zhao Qiao'an saw this, he immediately showed an expression of hesitation.

When Zhao Libing saw this, he couldn't help asking: "What's wrong?"

Although he is not familiar with Zhao Qiaoan.

But he also had a good impression of this person.

After all, it can make a mutated beast that has been hurt accept a human being, and even willingly perform protective actions.

It just proves that this person is worthy of trust.

When Zhao Qiaoan took the medical school examination, his scores were always first, not to mention his excellent results. He defeated countless people with special abilities and became the first in his profession.

But because of his status as an ordinary person, he cannot become a military doctor.

Although he didn't say it with his mouth, he cared about it in his heart.

Now, he really wanted to help this military doctor as a way to thank Otis for helping him and Baymax.

But he was also afraid that military doctors would dislike him for being an ordinary person.

After much hesitation, Zhao Qiaoan walked over and said to the military doctor: "I...can I help?"

Young Master Zhao became nervous for the first time.

Afraid of rejection.

The military doctor paused slightly, raised his head, and asked, "Did you graduate from medical school?"

When Zhao Qiaoan talked about this, he unconsciously showed his strong confidence: "Yes, I ranked first in the graduation exam."

The military doctor couldn't help but be stunned, and then suddenly smiled and said: "That's great, I am the only veterinarian here. Sometimes I am so busy that I wish someone could help me share the work."

Zhao Qiaoan pursed his lips and showed an embarrassed smile.

Zhao Qiao'an hurried over. Although he had not been exposed to these instruments for a long time and was a little unfamiliar when he got started, after a military doctor gave a few words of advice, Zhao Qiao'an quickly went from being unfamiliar at the beginning to becoming familiar with them later.

The whole process lasted less than ten minutes.

Zhao Qiaoan even showed off his strengths in medicine, causing the military doctor to look sideways, show surprise, and sincerely praise: "Qiaoan, you are really talented in this area."

Given time, Zhao Qiaoan's future achievements will definitely exceed his own.

Just a pity.

He is an ordinary person.

You can never go to war.

The military doctor felt sorry in his heart, but did not show it on his face. Instead, he taught Zhao Qiaoan everything he had learned.

These things are all things he learned from the battlefield.

Textbooks and teachers never talk about these things.

Zhao Qiaoan was very grateful and absorbed the military doctor's knowledge like a sponge.

At this time, Otis came over with the little pet, put the fat mutant beast on the table, and said, "Check its body."

The furry ball silently raised its paws and handed the bumpy fur to the military doctor.

Looking sad.

He even sighed anthropomorphically.

As if mourning her lost beauty.

The military doctor couldn't help laughing. He couldn't help but rub the mutated beast and said softly: "You were so bold before and did so many scary things. Now you know how sad it is?"

Unexpectedly, the little pet sighed heavily again.

The little expression is so cute.

The military doctor who was watching wanted to touch the mutant beast again.

"Hurry and check its body," urged the grim Otis.

The military doctor had no choice but to suppress his thoughts and began to conduct a series of examinations on the mutant beast. Finally, looking at the test results given by the optical brain, he said, "Marshal, its body is very healthy, except that it is a little too fat and needs to lose weight."

As he spoke, the military doctor gently pinched the mutated beast's flesh. Bobbing up and down.

It seems to be saying, look at this meat, saying it is too fat is just beautifying it.

Otis nodded and said seriously: "It's time to lose weight."

Ji Wuxiu's eyes widened and he wanted to shake his head crazily.

But he was afraid of revealing his little secret that he could understand human speech.

After all, there are other people here besides Otis.

He must never lose weight.

This is all the result of my own hard work!

You must know that he has to lose five pounds of meat every month by the system.

Otis seemed to understand the little pet's expression, and suddenly showed a half-smiling expression.

Ji Wuxiu turned his head guiltily, carefully protecting his big belly, and sighed again.

In order to maintain this body.

Is it easy for him?

You have to eat and sleep every day, and eat after sleeping.

This day is simply... too hard.

The military doctor looked at the light brain and continued: "As for its hair, it should grow back intact within half a year. Marshal, you don't have to worry."

Otis's eyes were deep and he said, "I know."

When the military doctor said this, he stopped talking.

Otis said in a deep voice: "If you have something to say, just tell me."

"Have you had your body checked at the Research Institute?"

Otis responded with silence and finally said: "Wait a little longer."

The military doctor couldn't help but sigh, "I understand."

In the next few days, Zhao Bin and Zhao Qiaoan both stayed in the manor.

The military doctor was discussing with Zhao Qiaoan a treatment plan for the mutated tiger.

Its injuries were much more serious than those of the Ice Blade Bear.

After multiple tests, the two quickly discussed a treatment plan and began preparing for surgery on the two mutant beasts.

Half an hour later, the operation was successful, and the two mutant beasts successfully survived the crisis.

The next two mutated beasts only need to rest peacefully and recuperate, and apply medicine regularly.

Zhao Bin cried with joy and kept thanking the military doctors.

But what followed was how to solve the problem of housing the two mutated bugs.

The military doctor proposed that the two mutant beasts be admitted to the zoo. After all, only the environment closest to nature can truly relax the mutant beasts physically and mentally, which is more conducive to the recovery of their injuries.

But Zhao Bin and Zhao Qiaoan were a little worried.

What if those mutated beasts take the opportunity to bully the Ice Blade Bears?

Zhao Libing had great confidence in Silver Wolf and the others, "Don't worry, they won't bully these two mutant beasts."

They had suffered the same fate, so how could they hurt each other?

After discussion, everyone decided to let the two mutant beasts live in the zoo, but they were not allowed to meet other mutant beasts in the zoo.

But no one knew how those mutated beasts knew the news, and they actually guarded the door early.

A group of furries were sitting there together, and the air seemed to be frozen.

Everyone broke into cold sweat instantly.

At this moment, all the mutant beasts looked at the two friends up and down with curious eyes.

Just a look.

The mutated beasts then understood that they were all of the same kind and had the same experiences.

They also come together for the same reason.


People were surprised to find that these mutant beasts not only did not reject them, but also did not attack the two mutant beasts. On the contrary, they held their favorite food in their mouths and placed it in front of the two mutant beasts.

It seemed to express welcome.

The mutant beasts in the zoo easily and happily accepted these two new partners.

Suddenly, a tiger swung its tail, looked at the mutated tiger expectantly, and began to howl excitedly.

It seemed like he was talking about something.

It has not seen its kind for a long time.

Being of the same species, mutant beasts can communicate.

The mutated tiger was stunned for a moment, then responded cautiously.

The tiger suddenly became excited, and the mutated tiger left with great enthusiasm and a frightened face.

Although I feel sorry for the mutant tiger, the two mutant tigers should be more topical.

Everyone smiled and watched the two of them walking further and further away, and secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

Otis looked at the little pet next to him with a half-smile, "Did you do it?"

He never believed that these mutated beasts could accept each other so quickly.

The little pet raised its head with an innocent expression.

As if to say, I have no idea what you are talking about.

Otis sneered.

He will never be easily fooled by small pets.

Ji Wuxiu couldn't help but smile as he looked at the mutated beasts that exuded the feeling that although we were unfamiliar with each other, they were trying their best to integrate into each other's circle.

Although they are not as smart as humans.

But...it is the cutest creature in the world.

Long before, he had visited the mutant beasts in the zoo and told them the story of the Ice Blade Bear and the Tiger, and said that these two mutant beasts came here to recuperate.

Then he told the story of the zoo to the mutant bear and tiger.

Both sides feel particularly sorry for the other's experience and pain.

There is such a harmonious scene today.

Of course, this would not be possible without Otis' help.

Ji Wuxiu turned his head and said softly: "Thank you, Otis."

Oti rubbed the little pet's head and said solemnly: "You're welcome."

He didn't ask what the little pet was thanking for.

Because he knows it all.

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