I'm very interested in the ability to read

Chapter 150 This is a lying voice

An unknown person said that he wanted to see the big boss. As a loyal butler, it was of course impossible for him to agree immediately.

After a moment of silence, the housekeeper said to the door phone: "Okay, someone will be at the door to greet you soon."

After a while, four security guards in black suits came to the gate and pressed the knob to open the iron gate.

"What should I call this gentleman?"

The leader of the four security guards motioned to come in.

Jack stretched out his hand, "My name is Rose, I'm a painter."

At the main entrance, after shaking hands with four security guards one after another, the scene of being led towards the butler's room was shown on the surveillance screen.

The housekeeper glanced at the surveillance screen and continued to type on the laptop. He searched for the person's personal information through a special channel through a photo of the visitor's face...

Soon, Jack, who was a guest, was brought in by four security guards in black suits.

The butler sat behind the table calmly. When Jack came in, he asked strangely: "Where is Mr. Marco? I'm looking for him, not you."

"Please call the boss Mr. Meter." The butler said calmly. Are you so familiar with our boss? He opened and closed his mouth and called him by his first name. "I am the chief butler of this house..."

Jack smiled and held out his hand.

The butler shook hands with him perfunctorily and continued: "Then here is the first and most important question: How do you know that the boss is living in this villa today?"

At the end of the sentence, the butler's eyes were very sharp, staring at Jack closely, not missing the slightest change in the other man's face.

Jack was unmoved. After shaking hands, he smiled and sat down on the sofa with his arms and legs crossed, and asked: "I said that there is an extremely urgent matter that must be told to Mr. Marco. So, let me ask, is this extremely urgent matter?" Does Mr. Mark Si know about the urgent matter now? Do you know about it? "

The chief steward said calmly: "Whether you know it or not depends on what the so-called extremely urgent matter you mentioned is."

"Then I don't know." Jack smiled, "Look, a person like me who knows information that you don't know is obviously a capable person. Since I am a capable person, of course I can also get it. Your boss’s latest information, and I’m willing to come all the way to give you advice. Obviously I’m a good person. Why should you look at someone as capable and kind as me like this? Old sir, your eyes are so scary. , can you collect it?"

The butler narrowed his eyes and said coldly: "Just call me sir. I can't afford to be an old gentleman."

"Life is not easy. Is it difficult to understand that I would exchange a piece of advice for a small amount of money?" Jack said generously and sincerely, "I don't believe it. Your boss doesn't even have a professional bodyguard by his side? It's just a meeting with your boss. Don't be so nervous. Bar."

"Of course there are bodyguards..." The butler thought for a while, "Wait a moment."

He picked up the phone on the table, said a few words briefly, and finally said, "Okay, boss." He put down the phone, stood up, and said, "Come with me."


Jack stood up from the sofa, turned around and whispered to the four bodyguards in black suits, "Go and find the thing. Find it and give it to me."

The four bodyguards all wore glasses and could not see the change in their eyes. After hearing Jack's words, they all stood still.

The five people looked at each other for a moment, starting from Jack, to the four bodyguards, and they all finished the same sentence in five mouths: "Isn't this really strange?"

All five people rolled their eyes.

The palms of the four bodyguards each have a rose gold five-pointed star symbol printed on them.

Soon the four of them dispersed quietly and went to other parts of the villa. When they went out, they happened to pass by a housekeeper assistant who came in.

The housekeeper's assistant came in to take over from the butler and watched the surveillance. Seeing that the guest was still lingering in the room, he urged: "The butler is waiting for you."

"Oh, come on, come on." The guest extended his hand enthusiastically, "My shoelace fell off just now. I'm sorry."

The butler's assistant shook hands with him perfunctorily, and glanced down at the same time. He couldn't help but wonder, did the shoes worn by this guest obviously have no laces?

Before leaving, "Jack Jing" looked out the window. A small gray bird came and pecked aggressively at the window.

He glared at Yanque, walked out briskly, and continued to follow the big housekeeper.

The butler frowned and was a little dissatisfied with his slow movements, but he didn't say anything and continued to lead the way.

Soon, the two walked through the corridor and arrived at a room. A man and a woman were already waiting for them at the door. They nodded to the butler and looked at "Jack Jing" with straight faces.

"These two are the boss's personal bodyguards, Mr. Invers and Miss Ruili." The butler nodded and introduced, "Both of them are professional folk hunters."

"Oh, that's awesome!" "Jack Jing" smiled and stretched out his hand, "My name is Ross, and I am a painter. Do you want to draw a picture for you?"

Invers, the folk hunter of the pair, saw the other extending his hand, so he also stretched out his hand to hold it with "Jack Jing" and said calmly: "No need."

After coming into contact with the pentagram symbol painted in red on the palm of "Jack Jing" and the Qi of "Jack Jing", a rose gold pentagram mark quietly took shape in the rough palm of Invers.

Ruili, another female folk hunter, ignored "Jing Jieke" and opened his outstretched hand with a backhand, "Don't be too close, you are a stranger with unknown origins. If you want to see our boss, we must check you out." Do you carry any harmful weapons or poisons on you? Is that okay?"

Although she was asking if she had any questions, Ruili had already started directly, touching all over "Jing Jieke"'s body.

Quietly, a breath of air was released from the woman's hand and entered her body.

"Oh, miss, your hands and feet are not clean!" "Jack Jing" immediately took action, grabbed the woman's wrist with a "snap", stared into her eyes, and at the same time, held her palm firmly with his other hand. Squeeze it tightly, "What kind of garbage are you secretly pouring into my body?"

This person is also a telepathic person!

Invers knew immediately.

Only the big housekeeper next to him knew a little about it. He knew that most of these folk hunters had some strange methods, almost superpowers and spells, but he was just guessing and didn't know much about them.

Although Ruili was shocked, one of her hands was so painful that she couldn't pull away, so she stretched out her other hand and grabbed Jing Jieke's crotch.

"Sir, your hold hurts me." She said coldly, "Can you let go?"

"Jack Jing" also said coldly: "You're hurting me too, let go, Miss?"

The chief steward looked at the two men, one holding each other's wrists and the other tightly, both of them being pinched so painfully that sweat broke out on their foreheads, but they still kept their expressions tight and said harsh words, and he couldn't help but have the urge to hold his forehead and sigh.

"Okay, okay, let's get down to business." Invers tried to persuade him, "Ruili, it was you who made the first move. It was indeed your fault."


Ruili let go and nodded to the housekeeper. She found nothing inappropriate.

Invers' words actually have another meaning: since Ruili has taken the first step and injected her energy into this person, then he has fallen into Ruili's control and can no longer pose any threat.

"Then please." The butler signaled, "The boss is in the room."

"Jing Jiejie" put on an expression that he didn't care about the little woman and followed the butler in calmly. Invers and Ruili followed closely behind, both with a rose gold pentagram symbol printed on their palms.

Because he was not sure if there were any hidden bodyguards here, Jing Yang did not activate the star immediately and directly control the two people and the butler.

After all, if he could successfully get the flaming eyes and leave, Jing Yang would not expose the star mark, get the things and walk away, and finally control the people who had the star mark to pierce the star mark to release the mark, and everyone would treat it as nothing happened. Yes - this operation is a mark and can be arranged in advance, but it is best not to enable it if possible.

Follow the butler into the room.

The spacious reception room has a long table and several sofas. But it was deserted right now.

In one corner of the room, a whole wall was dug out with many holes filled with books of all kinds. Between the two lazy sofas by the window, there were tea and snacks on the coffee table, and two people were sitting and chatting.

Jing Yang knew one of these two people, and Jing Yang felt that he also knew the other one.

The person I met in front of me was exactly the target of my trip, that Marko-Mette, the pair of red-eyed entrepreneurial tycoons who bought the cram school lecturer. He looked very young, in his early thirties, a time when he was in the prime of life and full of energy. However, he looked a little sad when he was drinking tea and chatting with others. He only changed his expression when he saw the butler bringing someone in.

The other one is not tall and short, and a little chubby, but the most eye-catching feature is undoubtedly not the figure but the face.

The top of his head is completely bald, but he still has long, loose hair that surrounds his head. His round face seems a bit cute at first glance, but his facial features are actually a bit weird. His big eyes have no eyebrows, and he looks like a bad guy; and the most damaging thing is What was also harmonious was the pair of big fangs, which popped out like a rabbit's lips. Overall, he looked less and less like a good person - but this person's temperament was unexpectedly harmonious and calm, showing a calmness and tranquility as if he had seen through the world of mortals.

Close your eyes and only perceive the Qi from the perspective of this person. This is simply an elf-like person. But when he opened his eyes, the elf turned into a monster.

If it was the person he knew, "Jack Jing" felt that he was in trouble.

"Just stand there." Mark Si looked over and raised his hand to stop "Jack Jing" from approaching.

Trouble has come.

Si Mark looked at "Jack Jing" and asked, "First of all, tell me, why did you lie to them?"

It seemed that he was indeed the person he knew.

"Your name is neither Ross nor a painter." Marco crossed his hands and fingers and said with certainty, "Am I wrong?"


"Jack Jing" glanced at the short bald man opposite Mark Four with an expressionless expression - it seemed that this guy was indeed the melody he knew.

Melody was also looking at him at this moment, and suddenly said: "Do you know me?"


"Jack Jing" cursed in his mind, Melody was a music hunter. Just hearing her name and profession, you knew that her ability lay in rhythm.

Melody's hearing is extremely developed. It is an upgraded version of the enhanced hearing developed by Jing Yang and Xiaodi after "condensation" in the ears. On a rainy day, I can hear you clearly after two buildings. The kind of monster-level hearing that speaks to oneself...

It doesn’t matter that she has developed hearing. The most outrageous thing is that Melody, as a top musician, can clearly hear the heartbeats of other people from a distance, and based on the rhythm and rhythm of the heartbeats, she can tell whether the other person is lying or anxious. , nervousness, self-doubt or other moods...

He understands that it belongs to another kind.

In front of the melody, lying, pretending... it's all meaningless.

So, "Jack Jing" glared at him and said, "Is it strange to meet you? You are not an expert hermit."

"But I rarely reveal my abilities to people I don't know well." Melody said softly.

Don't be surprised, this is a girl.

The former Melody was probably still a beautiful girl. Unfortunately, a friend of hers got a piece of music called "Dark Sonata" composed by the Demon King. Just after listening to the flute part of this piece of music, the melody was disfigured by disaster and became what it is now. She looked like a ghost——and her friend who was playing the music died suddenly.

In terms of personality, Melody is a soft girl.

But as a professional hunter, there is no shortage of professional qualities. At this moment, she keenly grasped the loophole of "Jing Jieke" - being able to listen to the "voice of the heart" is really a shameless thing.

"You know what I'm capable of, right?" Melody asked bluntly.

Damn it, are you cheating? Just because he is a humanoid lie detector, he can do whatever he wants?

If there weren't monsters running around the Dark Continent and there was no need for lie detectors, I would have pressed your head on the spot and joined the Akatsuki organization, would you believe it...

"Jack Jing" sighed, rolled up his sleeves and said, "Originally, I was prepared to get along with you as an ordinary person, but what I got in exchange was alienation."

As soon as he spoke, the three people behind him all became alert.

The chief butler's warning is to dodge immediately and not to cause trouble for the professionals - after all, no one's butler is as outrageous as beating up an enemy Hakka. A 10-year-old trainee butler can kill a hundred or so veteran bounty hunters. Kill them all.

Invers clenched his fists, muscles piled up, and the Qi on his body suddenly increased. It was estimated that this was an enhancement system, which was similar to what Jing Yang expected.

Ruili looked at "Jack Jing" coldly, "What exactly do you want to say?"

This person had already been affected by her telekinesis, and was basically a piece of meat on the chopping board, so she didn't panic at all, and suggested that everyone present could give her some face and not make a fuss?

"What do I want to say? I want to say..."

"Jack Jing" was politely about to recite the Bible, but Ruili suddenly got angry, opened her hand and shouted: "Stop talking nonsense, I'll take you down first."


In an instant, "Jing Jieke"'s whole body exploded with energy - the burst of energy did not form "practice", but poured out like a berserk, completely out of his control.

"The guy who was infuriated by me, your anger is already mine." Ruili sneered, "Stop struggling, since it is already mine, no matter how hard you struggle, it's useless!"

The Qi in "Jing Jieke"'s body continued to surge out, gradually leaving his body surface.

Melody had been listening carefully, and then suddenly said: "No! There are other heartbeats in the villa! One, two, three! There are three intruders!"

"But what if this was originally mine?"

Under the clothes on "Jing Jieke's" chest, the rose gold five-pointed star mark printed on his skin shimmered, and the air that was about to fly away from the body was forcibly caught back and returned to the body.

"What? This is impossible!" Ruili was shocked.

Invers did not hesitate to hit "Jack Jing" with a fist as big as a casserole.



failed again

Do it all over again tomorrow

dong dong dong

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