I'm very interested in the ability to read

Chapter 151: Weapon Strengthening

Limited by the strength of Killer Jack's carrier, "Jack Jing" estimated that he would not be able to avoid the punch from the strong man Invers.

If he resisted forcefully, Jack would probably be crippled by a punch given his small body.

So, when Invers was filled with white thoughts and blasted in front of him, "Jing Jieke" activated the star mark hidden in the opponent's clenched palm - only controlling the opponent's fist to withdraw when it touched his body, and stiffened. For a moment, and then with a "bang", "Jing Jieke" was hit and flew out.

It seemed like there was a lot of movement, but in fact it was mostly "Jing Jieke" who jumped away on his own - leaping towards the rich man Si Marco on the lazy sofa on the side of the coffee table.


Invers' heart was beating violently, and his face was full of shock. Why did he just... He was a little confused and even more unbelievable.

And the sudden change of rhythm of his heart clearly fell into the ears of the melody.

Equally clear was the heartbeat of "Jack Jing".

This man seemed to have been hit hard by Invers, but the rhythm of his heartbeat did not change much.

In addition, what is even more suspicious is the sound of the punch.

In the ears of Melody, a master who can detect psychological changes by listening to his heartbeat, this sound of percussion couldn't be more fake.

There was no real hit at all!

"Jing Jieke's" heartbeat was steady and strong. It was obvious that he had expected this "fake punch" and knew it well!

On the other hand, Invers himself was punching, but his heartbeat was erratic and he looked surprised...

Could it be that this man interfered with Invers' attack in some way?

All the thoughts flashed through his mind like lightning. At the same time, Melody took out his flute and put it to his lips to play.

The melodious melody is calm and peaceful, like the spring wilderness, with the warm breeze blowing on the face, dispelling all the anger and impulse in people's hearts...

Melody, the one who releases the ability to connect with others.

By releasing her energy, she can elevate the appeal of her music to an unparalleled level.

Because of this, Melody will not participate in activities or competitions such as concerts at the Xianshuishan Art Exhibition. Her music is inseparable from her ability to read, and the melody does not want to overshadow those talented performers and musicians and make their hard work go to waste.

"Jing Jie Ke", who was flying towards the melody's opposite Mark, gradually stopped after hearing this peaceful music.

The song "Spring in the Wilderness" makes all the listeners become Buddhist at this moment, immersed in the music, and the restlessness in their hearts is soothed.

To be honest, the music is good and beautiful.

When I am soothed by this beautiful music and my heart is extremely peaceful, I feel a faint sense of happiness.

Perhaps for this reason, the music played by the melody that emits telekinesis ability is obviously not a strong control of the operation ability, but it has such a strong field control effect - because the listener cannot resist this beautiful melody and will actively listen to it. , and immersed in it, unable to extricate itself.

Music is an ancient language that cannot be explained clearly, and it touches the most emotional corner of the human heart.

Not only "Jack Jing", everyone present was captured by this calm flute performance of "Spring in the Wilderness" and stood quietly in place.

"Are the other three infiltrators your companions?" Melody's flute was still on her lips and she asked softly, "They did not come close to here, but were moving around the villa. What is your purpose? ?”

Mark Si also came to his senses and remained calm. His other two bodyguards should have discovered the other three infiltrators by now.

"Holy shit."

Jingyang, who was walking around the villa with Xiaodi and Xikuan, cursed secretly, Melody's ability is really well-deserved. I want to call you the king of music!

The performance of the melody has such a strong effect of empathy and resonance that it can be described as hypnotic.

However, this bug has the same telekinesis ability and its weaknesses are also obvious.

Just plug up your ears so you can't hear her music...

You don’t even need to completely close your hearing, you just need to destroy the integrity of the music and make it dull in your ears through a layer of earplugs – making it unpleasant to listen to!

Music that no longer sounds good naturally loses its immersive magic.

Taking advantage of "Jack Jing" to attract the attention of the owner of the villa, Jing Yang and the other three quietly sneaked into the villa and searched every room with red eyes.

Everywhere it goes, Droplet appears as a fish with bulging eyes and sets conditions for the vacuum cleaner to suck in the container with the flaming eyes.

Basically, the range of the suction force of the protruding fish is equivalent to the range that the droplet can see.

And Xiaodi wears glasses. If "condensation" is not used, normal vision is not very good.

Xiaodi and Jingyang searched room after room, while Xiankuan stood guard outside.

In fact, all their activities were captured by the surveillance cameras in the corridors on each floor, but... the housekeeper's assistant who was staying in the housekeeper's room and looking at the monitor screen at this moment had stars printed on his palms and had been given forced orders. Finally, he lay down on his desk and fell asleep, completely ignoring the three guys on the screen who were strutting between the various surveillance screens.

"Buzz, buzz..."

In a room on the second floor, the bulging-eyed fish sucked the air for a while, but found nothing.

Xiao Di turned off the vacuum cleaner and listened to Jing Yang's introduction about Melody's ability. Xiao Di felt that the problem was not big, as long as she tried not to speak in front of that person.

Jing Yang left the room with her. As soon as he walked out of the door, he saw five black guns pointed at him.

Second from the left, second from the right, and one opposite the door, there are a total of five bodyguards in black suits, holding pistols.

Xikuan was confronting these people, but before he could remind Jing Yang and the others, they walked out calmly and were pointed at by five guns.

Jing Yang glanced at the muzzles and quickly looked away. He and Xiao Di continued to talk in a low voice while walking towards the next room.


Don't act like nothing's wrong!

Xikuan simply convinced these two people. Especially this woman, carrying a vacuum cleaner, as if the nanny has just finished cleaning the room. Do you want to be so casual?

The leader of the five bodyguards in black suits turned his gun and pointed it at the backs of Jing Yang and Xiao Di, who were ignoring them as if they were nothing, and shouted: "Stop!"

Jing Yang continued walking, turned around and asked curiously: "What will happen if I don't stop?"

Xiaodi had been holding the vacuum cleaner, and now she was holding it calmly, ready to launch the sharp-toothed chainsaw at any time. At this distance, she could turn around and kill those heads in black suits in an instant... …Uh, cut off both hands and feet. You can't kill him. If he kills him, he will be dead and will cause trouble to Jing Yang.


Xikuan sighed, "It seems that the conversation doesn't make sense, so we have to take action."

He really didn't want to do anything.

After all, the owner of the villa here is also a very famous entrepreneur and rich man, not an unknown person. In this world, if you have money and resources, even if you are an ordinary person without cognitive ability, you should not be looked down upon - won't people spend money to hire hunters? Most hunters, once they accept a hiring mission, are very conscientious. This is no different from the fact that the hirer himself spends money to have telekinesis abilities.

Although Xikuan was quite confident in his own strength, he really didn't want to face off against such an energetic big boss like Si Marco Meter unless he had to.

Speaking of which, why did he follow these two people and sneak in here?

The Qi in Xikuan's body began to surge and became stronger, and his eyes became firm. Probably...after seeing Jing Yang and Xiao Di's leisurely skills, he also wanted to continue to experience higher-level battles!

"Bang!" "Bang!" "Bang!" "Bang!"

After Xikuan showed physical hostility, the four bodyguards immediately opened fire without hesitation.

The muzzle of the gun sprayed flames, and the bullets flew out in the smoke.

Since becoming a professional hunter, it seems that he has never pushed himself into an overly dangerous situation... Xikuan thought so, parried with both arms, and formed a defense with his energy, blocking two bullets without even damaging his clothes.

Such small-caliber pistol bullets, with his enhanced skills, can certainly be resisted head-on.

The other two bullets were fired at Jing Yang and the other two.

Jing Yang didn't look back, he just pulled Xiao Di to change his steps, and the bullets just passed by their bodies.

"Bang!" "Bang!" "Bang!" "Bang!" "Bang!" "Bang!" "Bang!" "Bang!"...

Upon seeing this, the bodyguards immediately opened fire a second time.

A hail of bullets came, and Jing Yang and Xiao Di finally turned around. Swish, swish, swish, the two of them sometimes dodged and sometimes waved their hands, catching each bullet with their bare hands.

Over there, Xikuan also built up the energy to protect his body. He faced the rotating bullets all over his body and took a decisive shot, knocking down the two bodyguards who were firing.

Bang bang bang bang...

Jing Yang let go of his hands, and the bullets fell to the ground. Finally, he grabbed two of them and flicked them back with his fingers, hitting two blood spatters on the thighs of the other two bodyguards in black suits.

"Don't be annoying, okay?" Jing Yang said angrily, "Just pretend you didn't see us and leave as soon as we finish our work. Isn't that okay?"

He acted as if he was the one making trouble unreasonably, which made the bodyguard, who was sweating in pain, grit his teeth in anger.

Wait, why are there only four bodyguards?

Xikuan was startled when he heard the voice of the leading bodyguard from the beginning: "So you are all hunters."

He added an accent to hunter, obviously because he was worried about the presence of other bodyguards, so he used this word to refer to people with telekinesis.

In other words, unlike the other four colleagues who were easily eliminated, he himself is also a psychopath.

This man was holding a pistol, aiming it at Xian Kuan.

Xikuan carefully observed that the Qi on this person's body was indeed higher than that of ordinary people!

But in this case, you should know what effect a small pistol of this caliber can have on telekinesis users like you?


Just as Xikuan was thinking this, the man pulled the trigger. An astonishing flame erupted from the muzzle of the pistol, and a low roar sounded like a cannonball. A warhead spun out rapidly, and the momentum was so violent that it was as if a missile was coming... Xiaokuan didn't even have time to be stunned. , in order to save his life, he hastily activated "Practice" to release all his energy to protect his whole body.


Xikuan was hit hard by a "bullet", and he flew backwards like a bullet, passing by Jing Yang and the other two.

boom! boom!

The man fired two more shots at Jing Yang and the others.

The two bullets flew out almost indiscriminately, like two artillery shells disguised as pistol bullets flying side by side... Bang! boom!

Jing Yang and Xiao Di were hit by the "cannonball" and slid down the corridor for more than ten meters at the same time. Green smoke was rising from their bodies, and blood continued to drip to the ground.

If they want to resist this level of "bombardment" head-on, it seems that the skills of the two of them are still far from being unscathed.

Looking at the miserable state of each other's arms, Jing Yang said seriously: "'Strong' is not strong enough, classmate Dora, it seems we have to continue practicing."

Xiaodi said fairly: "Because we are not reinforcement types, we shouldn't fight head-on."

While they were talking, the injuries on their arms had healed at a speed visible to the naked eye. Both of them have stars on their bodies, one on the back of their neck and one on the base of their legs. Their resilience is extraordinary, which is why they have the confidence to resist the shells head-on, otherwise they would have to do this if they were full.

Seeing that the two people were chatting and laughing, their injuries were gone, and the shooter could no longer be calm.

"Hey, what's your department?" The young man opposite asked loudly, "The materialization department? Or the enhancement department?"

"Why should I tell you!" The man raised his pistol and fired four rounds of "boom, boom, boom, boom" without hesitation.

"Bull-eyed fish, suck the bullets in." Xiaodi immediately pushed the switch of the vacuum cleaner. In an instant, a suction force surged out from the big mouth of the vacuum cleaner, distorting the trajectory of the four incoming cannonballs, and the big tongue rolled up. He swallowed it all in his mouth, looking like he still had something to say. Xiao Didi said: "It doesn't seem to be the materialization system."

If that gun is materialized, then the bulging fish will definitely not be able to absorb the bullets condensed by Qi.

For flying props made of actual materials, Xiaodi's ability can be said to be their nemesis.

Stand still and let you attack from all directions. Push the vacuum cleaner with your little hand and clean it for you without any blind spots.

In the field of expertise, Nian ability is so domineering.

"It looks like it's an enhancement type." Jing Yang rubbed his fists.

At the same time, he possessed Killer Jack's side, and the situation also changed.

Jing Yang thought for a while and did not leave with Xiaodi. Instead, he walked over and said with a smile: "What is the ability? Strengthen the power of bullets? You are quite powerful. How about you? Do you want to try a few moves?"

Jing Yang also wanted to know how much his kung fu had improved after attending old man Nitro's tutoring class in Xianshui Mountain.

If the comparison object was always that Nitro, Jing Yang would not be able to feel the changes in his own strength - it would be as if he had remained unchanged, which would be too shocking.

"My name is Pa Wa, and my ability is to enhance the power of weapons, not just bullets!" The bodyguard headed by Pa Wa threw his pistol.

As Jing Yang walked, a strong Qi surged out of his body, forming a fortress like "Jian". He smiled and said: "Strengthening weapons, isn't this a 'Zhou'? It's very common, everyone can do it."

Pa Wa clenched her fists, the Qi in her fists suddenly increased, and said seriously: "My fists and feet are also weapons. You can feel it for yourself whether it is just a 'zhou' or not."

The two came close to confront each other.

The Qi of both sides is rising and condensing, and they both judge that the other party is definitely a veteran in fighting and has rich experience.

With a flick of his eyes, he took action at the same time!


Pa Wa's fist collided with Jing Yang's fist. The weapon fist with enhanced telekinesis collided heavily with the strong fist that had condensed a large amount of Qi, causing a turbulent flow of Qi.

Xiaodi watched the battle between Jing Yang and the man from a distance, when suddenly a wisp of murderous intent struck her from the side.


Xiaodi's expression remained unchanged, he picked up the roaring chainsaw and whipped the vacuum cleaner backhand.

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