I'm very interested in the ability to read

Chapter 192 The lingering ghost

Jing Yang literally sighed in despair.

Aren't you just thinking a little about the many Buddha statues left by you, Old Wei, and the various treasures from the Dark Continent that may be hidden in them? As for being dumped like this at every turn... Where is this? Out of the blue!

Jing Yang looked back and was even more speechless.

There is the sea in front, and you can actually see the sea not far behind.

He walked about three hundred steps towards the sea behind him and reached the seaside on the other side again.

What the hell is this place?

Are you going to be thrown into a deserted island at sea by your buddy again to survive?

Don't you just miss your treasure? Is it necessary to show off your ability to move quickly?

It’s so weird!

Jing Yang groaned secretly and couldn't help but frown.

For some reason, the environment here made him feel uneasy, as if something was whispering in the environment.

The sound of the waves hitting the shore, the wind blowing the rocks on the ground, the chirping of seabirds passing by in the air, and even the whimpering of the surrounding mist... It seems that all the sounds have become extremely clear in my ears. , every detail was magnified, but when he listened carefully, he didn't feel anything strange.

Jing Yang took a deep breath, calmed down, and calmed down the restless thoughts in his body, condensing them into a perfect "tangle", like a still body of water wrapping around his body.

He was about to trigger the moon mark on the A-shaped ring when he sensed signals coming from the moon mark - the moon marks on the other two rings were also calling him.

[I must have been teleported to another place, what about you? 】

Through telepathy, Jing Yang spoke first.

Following the guidance of the treasure map, what they found in an inaccessible valley was something like a talisman written in divine characters.

In the previous battle with the Phantom Troupe, in order to deepen his own consciousness, Kurapika voluntarily gave up the star mark that gave him the effect of almost semi-immortality. Therefore, out of caution, Kurapika wanted to try to contact this star. The talisman array was eliminated first.

Xiaodi still had the star mark, but was also excluded by Jing Yang. So Jing Yang, as the boss, did his duty and took the lead.

[After you touch the talisman array with your Qi, it turns into a ball of Qi and flies away. 】 Xiaodi's heartbeat came.

【Fly away? 】Jing Yang was surprised.

Kurapika also said: [So, we should be sent to a real island in the world by the divine symbol array now, rather than the different space like the one I was imprisoned in before. 】

[I guess so. ] Jing Yang stood on this side of the seaside, feeling the real salty and humid sea breeze, [Wait a minute, are you being sent here too? 】

【of course. ] Xiaodi said.

[After you flew away, Xiaodi immediately touched the divine word and flew away. ] Kurapika said, [I had no choice but to follow. 】

[All I need is a hammer! 】Jing Yang criticized, "At least one of you should stay where you are to see the situation. If all three of us fail, won't our Xiao organization collapse in the middle of the road to start a business?" 】

[Sorry, I can't be that calm yet. ] Kurapika just said, [But considering that you and Xiaodi both have operating system stars, this kind of teleportation should not be very invasive or lethal, otherwise I'm afraid we can't send you away by force. That’s why I...]

[What you said does make some sense. ] Jing Yang pretended to nod.

Kurapika added: [Before leaving, I asked the rock bird to peck its own skin every time it gets dawn, triggering the star mark on its body, so as to leave us a final escape route. 】

Jing Yang's star is like a source of infection. As long as the carrier's energy is enough, it can be transmitted from person to person without restriction. Kurapika still knows this feature after staying with Jing Yang for so long. In other words, as long as the rock bird activates the star mark on it at least once a day, Jing Yang will have the opportunity to "ask for help outside the field" once a day.

If the divine character array teleports them to an unknown and dangerous place, and something unexpected happens, at least Jing Yang can possess the rock bird from a distance - and then find a way to shake people!

In this world, the simplest and crudest way to shake people is, of course, to directly hire hunters to help.

Just do things for money, hunters have a very high level of professionalism.

【very good. ] Jing Yang expressed his appreciation for the dog-headed military advisor's approach, [Then, let's exchange information first. Where are you all? What's it like around here? 】

While conveying his heartbeat, he turned and walked along the coastline to the left.

[There is the sea on both sides, and the width of the land does not exceed 300 meters. As for the length...because of the fog, the visual distance is no more than one thousand meters in front and back, and it is difficult to see clearly any further away. 】

Kurapika quickly responded.

【Same here. It seems we were indeed transported to the same place. ] Jing Yang looked back and forth, and the mist never dissipated, as if it was also following him away and following closely. [I'm walking along the coastline, and I can't tell the direction for the time being, but if you guys are walking or running along the coastline now, you might be able to meet each other soon... Where's Xiaodi? 】

Xiaodi's answer was simple. After a second, Jing Yang sensed the existence of the star, which was not far or near.

He turned his head to look at the sea, and the feeling of small drops of stars came from behind the fog on the sea.

There is no doubt that Xiaodi directly caused wounds on himself, activated the star mark, and told Jing Yang his location simply and directly.

She also added: [As for the environment, it’s pretty much what he said. 】

[In other words...]

Jing Yang simulated a map in his mind: a land with a width of about 300 meters, floating on the boundless sea, shrouded in mist, and extending to both sides. Judging from the relative position of Xiaodi and himself...the extended land is an arc. After a circle on the sea, it connects to Xiaodi on the opposite side of the fog and then returns to Jingyang's feet.

[Why does it look like a super-large runway? 】

Jing Yang sighed a little and said, "Anyway, let's walk first and we'll talk about it later." 】

【good. 】Kurapika is offline.

Jing Yang did not go offline.

Not even a drop.

[Which way are you walking along the coast now? ] Jing Yang asked as he walked.

Xiaodi said honestly: [I don’t know either. 】

There is the sea in front and behind, and on the left and right is a runway-like land extending into the mist. The blue sky and white clouds are all blurry, and it takes a lot of effort to distinguish between east, west, north and south.

[This way, look at me. 】Jing Yang stood on the beach, looking in the direction where the star mark on Xiaodi's body was detected just now, "I'm walking to my left now..."

[Jing Yang, I don’t know which direction you are...]

Oh, that's right, Xiaodi can't sense the star mark.

Just when Jing Yang was thinking this, from the direction behind the fog that seemed to be diffuse on the lake in the center of the "Giant Runway Island", the star sign was clearly sensed again.

[Jing Yang, come on. 】Xiao Diyan said concisely and comprehensively.

Jing Yang understood, and with a thought, he activated the star mark on Xiao Di's body to perform the strongest control from the first-person perspective. It was as if his consciousness was projected into Xiao Didi's body. Through her eyes, he saw the same land, the same sea, and the same mist. Looking down again, he saw that the blood flowing from Xiaodi's arm had not yet solidified, but the wound had healed and disappeared at a speed visible to the naked eye.

"Jingdi" sensed his direction, turned around and jogged for three hundred meters. He reached the seaside behind him and pointed to the opposite side of the fog on the "Central Lake" and said with a smile: "I'm on the other side. I'm walking to the left. , so Xiaodi, you have to go to your right. If we keep walking, we will meet each other!"

【I see. 】 Xiaodi's own voice came from his mind. Her consciousness was pushed into a corner by Jing Yang.

In order to maintain contact with Xiaodi's star mark, before removing control, Jing Yang casually left an instruction to her, "Don't destroy your own star mark", so that the star mark on Xiaodi's body always remained in a low-active state, and then he left with peace of mind. , changing the first operation to the third operation.

Xiaodi regained control of her body. Although she was given a layer of instructions, it basically did not affect her freedom of movement. She walked towards the coast to her right, looking at the fog on the sea on her left from time to time.

Because the connection between the two has not been severed. She and Jing Yang were still chatting.

Of course, chatting was chatting, and the two of them did not relax their vigilance.

After all, they were teleported here because they triggered some kind of divine character array left by King Zhenwu. I'm afraid this place is not really just an ordinary desolate island.

The mysterious space that Kurapika was imprisoned in last time tortured him until he became neither a human nor a ghost. Who knows what will happen on this "runway island"?

【correct! 】

Jing Yang suddenly remembered, "The environment here seems a bit weird. I always feel like something is whispering in my ears... I'm not talking about you!" 】

【I know. 】 Xiaodi said, 【I feel the same way. 】

【right? 】 Jing Yang muttered, "It's like the ravings of a madman are deceiving people... I suspect there's something wrong with the fog here." 】

【Are you thinking in the fog? 】

[Maybe the mist itself is created by some kind of thought. And 80% of them are the ghosts of Lao Wei! 】

Jing Yang cursed his half-brother ancestor, [Although he himself is dead, he always likes to scribble and litter everywhere. Xiaodi, pay attention to whether there are any weird divine characters in the places you pass by...]

【Jing Yang...】

【Hold on! ] Xiaodi's reply was interrupted by Jing Yang, [I have something going on here. 】

As expected, Xiaodi stopped and ran along the coast while listening quietly.

Over there, Jing Yang slowed down and stared at the rolling fog in the distance ahead. A person slowly walked out.

I'm afraid it's not that the other party is walking out of the fog, but that he is walking forward, and the visual range in the fog is moving farther away, allowing the other party to appear in front of him.

In other words, just like the other person, I looked around as if the air was clear and the visibility was high, but in fact I was also in the fog!

Sure enough, there is something wrong with these fogs! That guy Zhenwu King has never held back his good intentions!

Jing Yang slowly approached the other person. The person was pacing in place, pressing his ear with one hand. His movements seemed like he was wearing a headset and he was communicating with someone.

This person also has companions.

And like the three of them, they were also scattered.

So, it is very possible that they triggered another divine character array and were randomly thrown here?

At this moment, the other party also noticed Jing Yang, suddenly turned his head and looked over, and almost instinctively reached into his arms - was he going to pull out a gun? Jing Yang thought to himself.

"Hello? How are you?"

Jing Yang raised his hands and shouted from a distance, indicating that he was not in danger.

The other party seemed a little surprised, and quickly took out the hand that was in his arms. He raised his two free hands and nodded to Jing Yang. He said nothing but walked slowly towards Jing Yang.

Jing Yang shouted: "What happened here, sister, do you know?"

Although the other person has short, sleek hair and a stern face, you can tell that she is a woman.

The woman shook her head, "I don't know what happened. I woke up and suddenly appeared on this island. What about you? How did you get here?"

The two came closer. Jing Yang asked: "Why did I come here? Didn't you suddenly appear and don't know what happened?"

The woman reached into her arms, took out her pistol like lightning, and shot Jing Yang three times in the forehead, neck, and heart.

I knew there was something wrong with pinching numbness!

Jing Yang raised an arm, and the mental energy protecting his body was like a solid wall. The three rotating bullets were embedded in it and spinning rapidly, but they could not hurt Jing Yang at all and could not go deeper.


A strong wind blew towards Jing Yang.

The woman didn't seem surprised by the results of the three shots. After firing, she immediately threw down the pistol and clapped her hands.


Jing Yang's arm staggered away from the opponent's, flew up in the middle, and pointed at the skin under the opponent's collarbone - under his finger, there was a hair twisted into a five-pointed star.

A strange sticker was slapped on Jing Yang's body and slowly fell down.

The woman's eyes were astonished.

The five-pointed star hair was covered by Jing Yang's thought energy, touched the other person's skin, and slowly fell down.

Jing Yang was a little surprised and looked at the woman.

He/she is also an operating system!

They both realized this at the same time.

The woman immediately changed her moves, wrapped a ball of thought energy in her palm, turned it into a hand knife, and slashed towards Jing Yang's neck.

"Meeting stars like the wind"!

Jing Yang activated the star mark on the back of his neck. His reaction speed and intuition were integrated into one. He made evasive movements and counterattacks almost without thinking. He ducked down to dodge the sword strike and then hit it with his body. After knocking the opponent back, he followed closely. The flow of Qi flowed freely through his body. If even a passerby who appears out of nowhere can crack the battle mode that Nitro praised, then Jing Yang shouldn't mess with it.

Nothing to say, take it!

The woman's nose was bruised and her face was swollen. She huddled up and lay on the ground. Jing Yang sat on her, licked the blood on the corner of his mouth and spit out, "It's quite ruthless. This 'hard''s offensive and defensive strength is a little weaker than mine, but not by much. Tell me, who are you?" Don't tell me that a random passerby has this level of skill."

Not surprisingly, the woman said nothing and had no intention of answering his question.

"This outfit looks like some kind of soldier combat uniform!" Jing Yang suddenly sneered, "Tell me, which prince sent you here?"

He was lying casually, and the woman under his butt remained silent, but when she heard the words, she couldn't help but glance at him.

Did you really guess it right?

Jing Yang didn't know whether to be happy or worried, so he continued to sneer and ask, "First Prince?"

The other party didn't respond.

"Second prince?"

The other party still didn't respond.

"The third prince? The fourth prince?" Jing Yang himself felt that it was a bit ridiculous to list like this, "Forget it, it doesn't matter to anyone. Anyway, your Cajin affairs are none of my business. I'd better kill you and bring you down!"

The back of her neck was suddenly hit hard, and the woman's vision went dark and she lost consciousness.

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