Of course Jing Yang didn't really kill this woman.

It's not that he's merciful, it's mainly because his heart has been in a bad condition recently and he's afraid it's going to explode.

This is an unfamiliar place, with endless oceans in front and behind, and the length of the "runway island" is unknown. If this woman is killed, she may not have anywhere to run. If she is attacked by death energy, it will really not be pleasant...

Try the star again.

Jing Yang took off a strand of hair and blew a breath.

The air wrapped around the swaying hair, twisted it into a five-pointed star shape, turned into a flying star bubble, and fell to the skin on the side of the woman's neck - the bubble burst and the hair slipped quietly. Failed again.

Jing Yang thought to himself: "It seems to be a mental ability similar to mine! Once you control yourself, even if you pass out, the control will not be cancelled."

Judging from the opponent's tactics during the battle just now, the sticker was probably the medium that triggered his telekinesis ability. This was indeed similar to his own star mark.

Suddenly Jing Yang found that Yue Biao's telepathy was still connected, and remembered what he had told Xiao Di to wait.

[Okay, done. ] He said, [It's a stranger, probably similar to us, who came to this island through the teleportation array. Xiaodi, you have to be careful over there too. 】

【Um. 】 Xiaodi said via voice transmission, 【I found something strange...】

Jing Yang was searching the body of the unconscious woman and found tactical daggers, composite ropes and the like, which made his suspicion that she was from Cajin even more intense.

Gangster Bratt confessed that he had a treasure map, but no Buddha statue.

Borrowing the characteristics of the star, the interrogation with ordinary line of sight is already the limit. Asking the other party to answer short answer questions according to the requirements is really beyond the control of the star. In other words, Bulat may have found the Zhenwu Ksitigarbha. Like, but lost again.

It was taken away by the Kajin people, or he did not dare to swallow it and actively traded it to the Kajin side. The latter is more likely.

After the Kajin people got the Zhenwu Ksitigarbha Buddha statue, they found some clues inside the statue, so they also found this ghost place... Jing Yang thought about it, and suddenly realized Xiaodi's voice transmission, and asked: "What's weird? thing? 】

He turned his head and looked at the sea. The other side of the fog in the "Central Lake" was the direction from which the drop of a star came.

Xiaodi on the other side did not walk along the shore anymore, but sat down and looked at the fog.

[If this is really a runway-like terrain as you guessed, Jing Yang, it should be like this, right? 】

She drew a circle on the ground and clicked a dot on each side of the circle to indicate her and Jing Yang's positions.

Jing Yang pulled out a composite rope and tied the hands and feet of the unconscious woman. He thought about Xiaodi's description and nodded, [Yes. 】

【So if Jing Yang and I are both walking up the "runway",】

Xiaodi's left and right index fingers pressed the points on both sides of the circle respectively, and moved upward along the arc, "Then Jingyang's direction will deflect to the right, and I will go to the left, and they will meet at a certain point without any accident." 】

[If nothing else happens, there should be an accident here. 】

While Jing Yang was telepathically communicating with Xiao Di, he grabbed one end of the rope and dragged the tied woman on the spot along the bank.

Not far away, Jing Yang looked up and saw a tall, long-haired figure standing in the fog on the beach.

Another woman?

Dude, what kind of luck is this... Jing Yang cursed, the other party seemed to have noticed him a long time ago and looked at him.

As he got closer, Jing Yang could clearly see the other person's appearance. What kind of woman was this?

He has long, silver-white shawl hair, wears a brown felt hat, has a thin figure, and hangs a long sheathed knife on his waist. He is unsmiling... Wai Ri looks more and more familiar the more he looks at her.

The silver-haired man said to Jing Yang, "Very powerful skills."

Jing Yang looked back at the unconscious woman he had dragged over.

"These people are very strong and hostile to outsiders." The silver-haired man said, "I originally wanted to help, but I didn't expect you to solve it yourself."

"Can you stop nagging so coldly?" Jing Yang raised his hands, "Who are you? Who is she? What are these people and what are they called outsiders? What is going on here?"

"My name is Kate, and I'm a new hunter."

The silver-haired man introduced himself, "As for the situation here, maybe it will be more convincing if you confirm it with your own eyes."

He made a brief gesture, and Jing Yang followed his line of sight and saw a raft floating in the sea on the shore.

Did you float to this island on a small raft? Jing Yang’s eyes are empty.


Of course Kate Jingyang knows that to Xiaojie, this person is similar to the red-haired Shanks to the Five Emperors Luffy, the protagonist's inspirer and leader!

Moreover, they are all the "second generation" of very talented guys. Shanks is a crew member of Roger the Pirate King, Kate is Gon's father, and one of the top five telekinesis masters in the world, chosen by Nitro, is a disciple of Golden Fulis!

I didn't expect to bump into Kate here suddenly.

Judging intuitively, Kate, who looks thin and frail in front of her... his thoughts are stronger than mine!


Jing Yang jumped onto the small raft and looked back at Kate on the shore.

"Pull out a little and look again." Kate reminded.

Jing Yang did as he was told, raised his feet and pushed on the shore, pushing the raft backwards.

He is not worried about Kate cheating him.

In addition to the fact that the other party is an important character in the plot and the protagonist's camp, so his character can be trusted, and because even if something happens at this distance, Jing Yangyou can swim back, so there is nothing to worry about. Kate's telekinesis ability is also known to herself. It is a combination of special weapons that are embodied, so there is no possibility of designing telekinesis conditions to make herself fall prey to...


As the raft floated out from the shore, a shocking scene happened. The land Kate was standing on quickly disappeared from Jing Yang's sight.

The fog surged, and where there was land just now, there was only a calm and undulating sea surface.

On the raft, Jing Yang looked back suddenly. It was originally the central lake that he regarded as the "runway island".

Opposite the mist of the "Central Lake", Xiaodi sat on the ground and looked back at the coastline when she came. She telepathically said: "I walked all the way and found that I was not going left, but to the right." 】

Jing Yang reached into his arms and held the jade pendant hanging in his neck.

There were many gibberings hidden in the mist, sometimes loud and sometimes small, sometimes near and sometimes far away, like a ghost, bewitching him and urging him.

[Similar to yours, Jing Yang, the coastline here is also deflected to the right. 】

The two arcs that were supposed to be connected at the vertex were suddenly disconnected, and one of the arcs was mirrored and turned completely parallel to the other arc, never intersecting.

Jing Yang inspired the divine characters on the jade pendant and condensed his energy in his eyes.

The fog on the "Central Lake" seems to be dissipating, and the land appears in it. Similar ring-shaped coasts are covered with a thin layer of fog.

The location of the droplet's star mark is not on the island in front of it at all, but farther behind.

Jing Yang turned around and looked at where he came from. The fog dissipated in his sight like a "cone", and the false scene of a calm sea disappeared. The land just now appeared, and Kate still stood on the shore looking at him without moving.

"I want to leave these completely hidden islands..." Kate said, suddenly realizing something was wrong. She met Jing Yang's eyes on the offshore raft and asked in surprise, "Have you already made an oath?"

"Huh? Louder, you can't hear me!"

Jing Yang, who was on the raft, waved his hand and simply threw a telekinesis bomb backwards, causing waves to explode on the sea surface and push the raft back.

He returned to the shore in twos and twos. With the blessing of the divine word, his vision greatly improved. Looking far into the distance, he could see that there was another almost identical ring farther away in the ring of land revealed after the fog on the "Central Lake" dissipated. shaped island...and Xiaodi should be on a ring-shaped island in the back.

[So, this ghost place is not Runway Island, but Mosquito Repellent Island? 】

Jing Yang thought for a moment and was a little speechless. He thought that the shape of the whale island in Xiaojie's hometown was already weird enough, but he didn't expect that there was something weird in the weird. This is roughly an archipelago, but it just happens that the archipelago is arranged into a structure that looks like a coil of mosquito coils...

Jing Yang looked at the sea behind him, and there was no other ring-shaped land outside the mist.

It seems that my side is the outermost circle of the "mosquito-repellent island".

[If the mosquito coils are really in good shape, the lines of the vortex are drawn in one stroke, and the ring-shaped island under our feet is one. But if it’s not mosquito-repellent incense but concentric circles, then you have to cross the sea directly...] Jing Yang said, feeling doubtful emotions coming from Xiaodi’s end, and then he remembered that Xiaodi had not been reminded to use a "cone" Break the hidden.

He simply used the moon sign to contact Kurapika.

Kurapika seemed to be still hiking in the fog. Like Xiaodi, after being reminded by Jing Yang, he immediately activated the divine word and condensed the "cone" to see through the truth hidden in the fog. He saw circles of land and the distance between them. sea ​​area.

Xiao Didi said: [If you can see through the divine characters, these fogs are probably the work of King Zhenwu. There may really be divine characters scattered on the island. 】

[He should be fined for scribbling everywhere. 】Jing Yang drips.

After a brief silence, Kurapika said doubtfully: [We should have thought of using the "cone" a long time ago, but it seems that we have inadvertently ignored it...]

We have the ability to enhance visual detection. In such a foggy environment, we should have thought of using it immediately, but it was only now that we were reminded by Jing Yang that Kurapika didn't think of it. You know, Jing Yang only woke up after discovering the huge anomaly that the island would disappear because of Kate.

[It’s the noise in the fog. There’s something dirty in this fog! Jing Yang affirmed, "It's not just dirty mist, it's simply black mist." I'm afraid this black mist wants to trap us and trap everyone to death...]

He was using the moon sign and noticed that Kate was observing him, so he asked: "By the way, what did you say to me on the shore just now? What oath?"

Kate glanced at him twice. Anyone who found that the target of communication was always distracted would also look at him twice.

"These fogs contain certain thoughts that will interfere with the judgment of those in them." Kate said with certainty, "The only way to get rid of the fog is to swear an oath."

"What is this and what?" Jing Yang was confused. "Is there any connection between the two? Why can you get rid of it by swearing, and what kind of oath is it?"

"Oath of oath." Kate looked at him calmly, "With your strength, you should be able to understand what I am saying."

It's not that because he is powerful, he will naturally comprehend certain knowledge, but since Jing Yang has such strength, he has probably mastered a lot of experience related to Nian.

"It's still the same question, what oath?" Jing Yang asked him sincerely.

But at the same time, Jing Yang gathered his thoughts in his ears and triggered the jade pendant with the divine word in his neck.

It happened that a voice came from Kurapika's moon sign: [Use the divine word to strengthen your hearing, and you can hear more sounds in the black mist...]

"The First Cause of All Realms"

Xiao Drop concentrated his energy with his ears and listened carefully to the thin mist around him.

[I should have thought of it a long time ago. Since it can strengthen eyesight, it can also strengthen ears. 】 Jing Yang’s heartbeat came, “Since the concentration in the eyes is called “cone”, then the concentration in the ears is strengthened and it’s called... let’s call it “listening”! I wonder how the hearing sensitivity of "Listen" compares to the melody? 】

The effect was immediate. After Jing Yang's ears were blessed with "listening", the sound of three heartbeats became clearer and clearer in his ears.

Kate looked at him, and the slight friction of clothes when her body made slight movements was very clear.

The woman in the back showed signs of waking up.

Jing Yang listened intently to the black mist, and those indistinct murmurs gradually condensed into a whimper, as if someone was lamenting and heartbroken. What can I do about this oath in this life? There was no clear language, but various complex emotions related to the oath poured into Jing Yang's heart, making him feel sad and shaken from the bottom of his heart.

Can the oath really be kept?

How can we be firm in our vows?

Breaking the oath...

"It seems you heard it too." Kate looked at Jing Yang, whose expression became complicated, "What is the voice in the mist saying?"

Jing Yang sighed three times and waved his hands in a vicissitude, "It hurts, it hurts too much! Anyway, I can't say."

"Huh?" Jing Yang suddenly realized something was wrong and looked at Kate suspiciously, "You ask me? Don't you look like you are familiar with the situation? Didn't you hear the sound in the black fog?"

Kate said: "I heard it, but I couldn't hear it clearly."

He didn't explain, just said: "Anyway, now that you heard it, you should be able to understand the key to leaving here."

"Yes." Jing Yang sighed, "Yes, I swear!"

In fact, Jing Yang doubted this. With the blessing of the divine characters, I can already see through the darkness of the fog. Even if I don't do anything else, I can theoretically paddle out of here on a raft.

"If you make an oath, you can leave." Jing Yang said slowly, "This is an island of oaths, an island of trials. Make an oath, abide by the oath, and prove yourself. I think if you break the oath, the result will be... ..." He recalled the unlucky guy he saw jumping off the building in the sky arena. "He will be like Alpha Edward, who was driven insane by the murmuring and finally committed suicide."

Kate's expression remained unchanged. It seemed that he also knew that Alpha = Edward, so he most likely knew that this place was related to King Zhenwu.


Jing Yang became more and more certain that the person who also heard the voice clearly in the black mist, whom Kate had not revealed just now, was Kate's teacher - Jin Fulis.

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