Immemorial Paragon

Chapter 3407: Reincarnation War Spirit


Mo Qingyun's figure flashed. When he came to Yao Xin, he was punched out.

In the face of Mo Qingyun's shot, Yao Xin had almost no resistance and was exploded.

The body was blasted by a powerful force, Yao Xin was scared to death, Yuan Shen escaped in a panic.

However, just after Yao Xin's Yuanshen escaped, Mo Qingyun's fist was approaching.


In a boxing, Yao Xin's Yuan Shen, Mo Qingyun's fist tightened, and a terrorist force broke out.

Then, Yao Xin's Yuan Shen burst into flames and quickly dissipated in mid-air.

Seeing such a situation, Yao Yan took a moment to think, and felt something incredible.

Unexpectedly, with all his efforts, he not only failed to take Mo Qingyun, but also killed several ethnic groups in succession.

He would not believe such a result unless he saw it with his own eyes.

"Mo Qingyun, you are looking for death!"

Yao Yan sighed angrily, and he killed Mo Qingyun, sending out a strong intention to kill.

In the face of Yao Yan's attack, Mo Qingyun was not afraid, and said coldly: "They are dead and flee, and you are left alone, indeed it is your turn."

Sealed Door!

As Mo Qingyun's words fell, he displayed the gate of the seal and bombarded Yao Yao.

The door of the seal was blasted out, and a smirk emerged from the corner of Mo Qingyun's mouth, saying: "Everyone is polished now, I'd like to see if anyone can resist the seal door for you."

Hearing Mo Qingyun's words, Yao Yan's expression changed, and a look of shock flashed in his eyes.

Under intense anger, he had forgotten this.


At the moment of Yao Yishen, the gate of the seal turned into a streamer, and the arrogant bombarded into his body.

After being bombarded by the Seal Gate, Yao Yan shrank his pupils and clearly sensed his condition.

His primordial spirit, blood, fine lines of law, and divine power are all under a seal of power, which is greatly weakened.

"What magical power is this, it is so overbearing."

Really bombarded by the gate of the seal, Yao Kun clearly found out how terrible the gate of the seal was.

When Yao Yan was shocked, his practice began to fall at a rapid speed, and in a blink of an eye, he fell to the beginning of the Emperor.

"In the early days of the Emperor, it was vulnerable!"

Feeling Yao Xun's practice, Mo Qingyun laughed a little, and abusive drama appeared in his eyes, saying: "Yao Xun, if you have no other cards, don't leave today."

Shenlei Hualongbo!

When Mo Qingyun's words fell, he displayed his magical powers and attacked Yao Kun.

A majestic divine power blasted out of Mo Qingyun's palm and merged with the fine line of 50,000 rules.

Soon, a huge black thunder dragon condensed and completed in the sky above Mo Qingyun.


When the black dragon growled, it turned into a black shadow and flew towards Yao Kun.

In the face of Mo Qingyun's attack, Yao Yan did not dare to carelessly and immediately exerted his supernatural power to resist.

Holy Yutian Holy Gate!

Faced with the onslaught of the Thunder Black Dragon, Yao Kun did not dare to carelessly and immediately exhibited his destiny.

Soon, a white light door was condensed in his palm and flew into his body.

After casting the guardian of the destiny, Yao Yan no longer hesitated, and met the black dragon.

Great light **** sentenced!

Yao Ying greeted the black thunder dragon, and he stroked his hand as a knife, blasting frantically.

Facing Yao's full shot, the Thunder Black Dragon was continuously blasted back, and the attack let him block.

However, Yao Ye paid a huge price for blocking the Thunder Black Dragon's attack.

I saw Yao Yan's body, leaving Thunderous wounds under the attack of Thunder Black Dragon.

Looking at him like this, I'm afraid it won't last long.

"It looks like you are already poor, so I have to send you on the road."

Mo Qingyun was worried about the situation of Qian Linglong's second daughter, so he didn't want to spend it with Yao Yan, and then he killed Yao Yao.

Seeing Mo Qingyun's move, Yao Yan's face darkened, and he had a strong sense of ruthlessness, saying, "Mo Qingyun, you want to kill me, but it is not so easy."

Yao Yan's words fell, he just closed his eyes and entered a state of prayer.

Soon a breath of holiness and vicissitudes burst out of his body.

At the outbreak of this power, Yao Yan's breath was also rapidly aging.

After a while, a huge vortex light gate was condensed in front of Yao Yan.

"Well! His miraculous power seems a little like the gate of reincarnation."

Seeing the vortex light gate in front of Yao Min, Mo Qingyun's eyes flashed with a shock, and he was surprised at the situation.

With the surprised eyes of Mo Qingyun, the corpses of all the Sanmen people in the surrounding light were absorbed quickly.

Immediately afterwards, a strong and cautious breath erupted from within the Vortex Light Gate.

As soon as that breath erupted, Mo Qingyun saw a tall figure coming out of the swirling light door.

"Last Emperor!"

Feeling that powerful breath, Mo Qingyun's heart was slightly startled, and her expression became dignified.

He did not expect that the guy Yao Yao summoned had such a strength.

When Mo Qingyun was surprised, he also had some rejoicing, saying: "Fortunately Yao Yao has shown this supernatural power, he paid a lot of money. Otherwise, in the face of the joint attack of the two of them, my situation is in Some trouble. "

"Reincarnation, kill him!"

Summoning Lin Hui's war spirit, Yao Ming ordered it and ordered it to attack Mo Qingyun.

After giving an order to the reincarnation war spirit, Yao Kun turned to escape, and did not dare to stay any longer.

His strength is now greatly damaged, and if he stays on, he will be in great danger.

"Yes, master!"

Hearing Yao Yao's order, the reincarnation war spirit answered, and he killed Mo Qingyun.

Seeing the reincarnation of the reincarnation, Mo Qingyun did not dare to hesitate, and quickly gathered a light gate in his hand.


Condensing the gate of the seal, Mo Qingyun blasted to the reincarnation war spirit to weaken its strength.

Regarding the coming of the Sealed Door, the reincarnation war spirit did not hide at all, and let the Door of Reincarnation bombard him.

Just to Mo Qingyun's surprise, the Seal Gate blasted into the body of the reincarnation warrior, and its power was not weakened.

"It's troublesome now. We can't fight him hard."

Seeing that the seal door had little effect, Mo Qingyun's brows frowned, and he did not want to fight him anymore.

He also has to go to Qian Linglong's second daughter, and can't waste too much time here.

Immediately, Mo Qingyun turned around, preparing to escape from the reincarnation war spirit.

When Mo Qingyun was about to leave, the reincarnation war spirits quickly followed, an endless posture.

For the reincarnation war spirit to catch up, Mo Qingyun was not surprised, and tried his best to get rid of it.

Then, Mo Qingyun and the reincarnation war spirits chased and fled, traveling through the jihad continent.

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