Immemorial Paragon

Chapter 3408: This is too much fun!

Although the reincarnation of the reincarnation war spirit is high, Mo Qingyun's speed is faster, so it can't catch up with Mo Qingyun.

Of course, the reincarnation war spirit can always hang behind, which is also the door of Mo Qingyun who did not cast.

If Mo Qingyun casts the portal, he will be able to shake off the reincarnation war spirit easily.

The reason why Mo Qingyun didn't say so was that he was worried about using the teleportation door and teleported him too far.

At that time, he will no doubt become more troublesome if he wants to summon Qian Linglong's second daughter.

In addition, Mo Qingyun was also worried. He displayed the portal of teleportation to shake off the reincarnation war spirit, and what to do if the two exquisite daughters met.

Not surprisingly, Qian Linglong left the top of the tribe and was hurt a little.

Even if they were not injured, with the strength of the two of them, it would be difficult to fight the reincarnation war spirit of the late Emperor.

"Linglong, are you there anyway?"

Mo Qingyun ran down at a rapid speed, and his brain was turning quickly, guessing where the second daughter would go.

Not long after, Mo Qingyun traveled more than ten thousand miles, but still did not find the trace of the second daughter.

Exactly, except for the reincarnation war spirit behind him, Mo Qingyun had not even encountered a figure.

After a search without success, Mo Qingyun changed his mind and said, "Yes, I know to come to Linglong, will they go to me?"

"In this way, their direction of flight should be southwest of the jihad continent."

Mo Qingyun thought so, he no longer hesitated, and immediately turned around and hurried to the southwest.

As for the reincarnation war spirits chasing behind, they turned around and followed closely, and they followed Mo Qingyun nonstop.

Next, Mo Qingyun was chased by reincarnation war spirits, and hurried on his way to the southwest.

As Mo Qingyun kept on his way, he finally met some people, I do not know who the strength is.

"Look, that's the reincarnation war spirit. Someone was hunted down by the reincarnation war spirit."

"The people of the Holy Gates tomorrow have to pay a huge price to cast the door of reincarnation. He actually pushed the Holy Gates to this point."

"It can summon the reincarnation war spirit of the late Emperor. It seems that the person this person found is not simple in the status of the Holy Gates in tomorrow."

"They're coming towards us, hurry up!"


When they saw Mo Qingyun approaching, the people who were talking were scared.

In their view, Mo Qingyun's share of this move is to let them share the pressure of being chased by reincarnation war spirits.

"Some, please wait, I have something to ask you."

Seeing those people ran away, Mo Qingyun also smiled bitterly, but did not expect this to be the case.

Hearing Mo Qingyun's words, one of them said indifferently: "Ask questions, but you must distance yourself from us, otherwise we will never tell you, even if we know."

Seeing the other person saying so, Mo Qingyun stepped back without hesitation and distanced them.

As Mo Qingyun pulled away, the expressions of those people relaxed, and one of them impatiently said, "Say, what do you want to ask?"

"I want to ask, have you seen the two girls, they are probably like this ..."

As soon as Mo Qingyun's words came out, a few people were stunned, making Mo Qingyun's problem rectified.

They did not expect that Mo Qingyun would ask such a question.

After a few moments, Mo Qingyun finished describing the appearance of the women, and found that the responses were not correct. They said, "Some of them, did you meet them? Are they in danger?"

In Mo Qingyun's view, the reaction of these people was too wrong. The second daughter, Qian Linglong, was in danger.

Seeing Mo Qingyun say so, several people knew that Mo Qingyun had misunderstood.

Immediately, one of them smiled bitterly and said, "Brother, it is not clear at all whether the girls you said are in danger, but whether you are in danger, we are very clear."

"You've reached this point, and you still have a thought girl, and your heart is too big."

Listening to the words of several people, Mo Qingyun was speechless for a while, and no longer asked them more.

From their performance, Mo Qingyun guessed that they did not see Qian Linglong's daughters.

Mo Qingyun's questioning was fruitless, and he quickened his pace and hurried forward.

As for the reincarnation war spirit in the rear, it is not unhurried, and he is behind Mo Qingyun.

Seeing this, the people stopped and looked at Mo Qingyun in shock.

This moment was in their hearts, admiring Mo Qingyun to the extreme.

Mo Qingyun was very calm to let the reincarnation war spirits hunt like this, which is really amazing.

A few days passed quickly.

In these days, Mo Qingyun has been chased and killed by reincarnation war spirits, not even taking a break.

Of course, Qian Linglong's second daughter has not been found, and Mo Qingyun dare not stop to rest.

After fleeing for a few days, Mo Qingyun realized a problem and said, "It's not a way to keep running like this."

"Although the reincarnation warrior can't help me, but the light of my holy glory is consumed, we must find a way to supplement the light of the holy glory."

If it is the usual situation, Mo Qingyun is not worried in his heart, and the light of Sheng Yao can be found slowly.

But the situation is not the same now, followed by a reincarnation war spirit, he wanted to rest assured to find the light of the Holy Glory, but it is not an easy task.

"You have to fix the guy behind!"

With a decision in mind, Mo Qingyun began searching for tribal territory and choosing a place to deal with reincarnation war spirits.

In this way, Mo Qingyun ran for another day, and finally found a tribal territory.

This is a fully preserved tribal territory.

"That's it!"

Having determined the place to start, Mo Qingyun flew towards the top of the tribe without hesitation.

Seeing Mo Qingyun go to the top of the tribe, the reincarnation war spirit quickly followed, and quickly flew to the top of the mountain.

"Sure enough, insane."

Seeing the action of the reincarnation war spirit, Mo Qingyun's mouth slightly tilted, revealing a touch of smile.

Immediately, he flickered and landed on the ground at a rapid speed.

Shenlei Hualongbo!

Mo Qingyun landed to the point where he displayed his magical power and blasted towards the reincarnation war spirit.

Soon, a huge Thunder Black Dragon condensed and completed in the sky above Mo Qingyun, and flew towards the reincarnation war spirit.

At this moment, when Mo Qingyun shot, a group of familiar figures rushed to the mountain.

"Brother Mo!"

The head of the group saw Mo Qingyun at the top of the mountain and immediately smiled with surprise.

This person is naturally the best news of the human race.

Dingxun did not expect that he would meet Mo Qingyun here.

However, when Ding Xun greeted him, he mainly reached the reincarnation war spirit in mid-air.

What made him even more shocked was that Mo Qingyun actually bombarded the reincarnation war spirits, arousing the tribe's ancestor war spirits.

"This is too much fun!"

Seeing Mo Qingyun's move, Dingxun was stunned and quickly stopped.

The situation at the top of the mountain was too dangerous for them to go up, and they couldn't afford it.

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