Immemorial Paragon

Chapter 3409: Leverage strength

"It turned out to be that kid. He was hunted down by reincarnation war spirits."

"Is he crazy? He bombarded the reincarnation war spirit into the air, wouldn't it provoke the ancestor war spirit?"

"This guy is really a lunatic. If he is pinched by the reincarnation war spirit and the ancestor war spirit, he will surely die."


Seeing Mo Qingyun's move, everyone around Dingxun was shocked.

A strong man from the early days of the Emperor came to Dingxun and asked, "Brother Dingxun, no matter what, last time he also helped us. Should we help him?"

Hearing this young man's words, before waiting for Ding Xun to answer, Yan Chao was dissatisfied and said, "Brother Ding Yu, the kid helped us last time, but we ransomed us a lot of the Holy Light. Kindness. "

Seeing Yan Chao say this, others beside him nodded, feeling that Yan Chao's words made sense.

Yan Chao was opposed by her own proposal. Ding Yu originally tried to persuade her, but in the end she didn't speak.

He suggested that he had already proposed it. As for how Dingxun decided, it was up to Mo Qingyun's fortune.

Ding Xun hesitated for a moment before he made a decision, saying: "The reincarnation war spirit and the ancestor war spirit are extremely powerful, and they have reached the level of the late emperor. You have little use for it."

"You all stay here. I'll take a look and see if I can help you and leave here with Brother Mo."

Ding Xun's words fell, and before everyone spoke, he flew towards Mo Qingyun.

Soon, Dingxun reached the top of the mountain and came to Mo Qingyun's side and said, "Brother Mo, we have met again, and I will help you."

Ding Xun's words fell, he shot at the ancestor war spirit, ready to share for Mo Qingyun.

Seeing Ding Xun's move, Mo Qingyun's expression was startled, and he was busy: "Brother Ding, go away quickly, don't do anything to the ancestor war spirit."

Ding Xun's sudden shot gave Mo Qingyun a big head and his plans were disrupted.

He awakened the ancestor war spirits to help deal with the reincarnation war spirits.

If Dingxun is entangled with the ancestor war spirit, he is not in vain.


Hearing Mo Qingyun's words, Dingxun was puzzled and felt that his brain was not enough.

However, after thinking about it, he retreated quickly.

He vaguely felt that Mo Qingyun made him do it, with some intention.

Immediately, Dingxun quickly withdrew from the attack of the ancestor war spirit.

Bloodlight Gate!

Seeing Dingxun withdraw from the war, Mo Qingyun no longer hesitated and immediately attacked the reincarnation war spirit.

Soon, a blood-glowing light gate blasted out of Mo Qingyun's palm.


Facing the attack of the Bloodlight Gate, the reincarnation war spirit also did not resist, and let the Bloodlight Gate strike it.

After being attacked by the bloodlight disaster gate, the breath emanating from the reincarnation war spirit, a change occurred.

The spooky and violent atmosphere now seemed to be gloomy and weakened, and even its combat effectiveness was weakened.

"So weird."

Seeing Mo Qingyun's shot, Dingxun's expression was startled, and some doubts were raised, saying: "The magical powers that Brother Mo has just displayed don't seem to be the Dark Heavenly Clans. He is really more and more mysterious."

In the curious eyes of Dingxun, Mo Qingyun's figure flickered, and he came to midair with the reincarnation spirit.


Mo Qingyun and the reincarnation war spirit approached, and the ancestor war spirit roared and killed the reincarnation war spirit.

Seeing the performance of the first ancestors, Mo Qingyun smiled with surprise, and said, "Successful. In this way, it will be easier to deal with reincarnation war spirits."

Mo Qingyun rejoiced in his heart, he no longer delayed, and immediately killed the reincarnation war spirit.

Then the strength of the ancestor war spirit, Mo Qingyun easily crushed the reincarnation war spirit, and it was injured in a flash.

Seeing this side, Dingxun stayed in place and felt something untrue.

"Is this all right?"

Dingxun's heart collapsed, and he felt that his worldview was greatly impacted.

The ancestor war spirits they could not avoid, when they were in front of Mo Qingyun, actually became a powerful helper.

"No wonder he came here with reincarnation war spirits and deliberately awakened the ancestor war spirits."

At this moment, Dingxun had a clear understanding of Mo Qingyun's thoughts.

At the same time, he also admired Mo Qingyun to the extreme, and even this method was conceivable.

"It looks like I don't need any help from me."

Seeing Mo Qingyun's situation, Dingxun couldn't help sighing and slowly flew to Dingyu and others.

At this moment, Ding Yu and others under the mountain were all shocked to see Mo Qingyun's actions.

Ding Yu marveled: "The son of Mo Qingyun is really a talent of heaven, and he can think of such a method to solve his samurai war spirit."

Listening to Dingyu's words, everyone else beside him nodded, thinking the same way.

Seeing everyone admiring Mo Qingyun, Yan Chao had some hesitation, saying: "This is his luck. If the calculation fails, the result will be the same."

Ding Yu didn't agree with Yan Chao's idea, saying: "Regardless of success or failure, his courage and this wonderful idea are also incomparable to us."

Looking at the quarreling two, Dingxun waved helplessly and said, "Don't quarrel anymore. Since Brother Mo is fine, I will leave here later."

"go away?"

Hearing Dingxun's thought, Yan Chao showed a surprised expression, resulting in a strong reluctance, saying, "Brother Dingxun, this tribe mountain peak is well preserved, and there may be treasures left on it. We leave like this That kid is cheaper. "

Seeing Yan Chao saying so, Ding Xun showed an unhappy expression, saying: "Yan Chao, this tribe was first found by Brother Mo, and now he is fighting with the ancestors. How can I wait for the danger?"

"Further, if you dare go up now, you will not even know how to die."

"The ancestors and reincarnation warriors above all existed in the late period of the Emperor, and they could easily kill you a few seconds."

Let Dingxun scold him, Yan Chao didn't dare to speak anymore, and some fear in his heart also developed.

He had forgotten it.

"Don't think too much. It turned out that Brother Mo arrived first, and he owned it here."

Words scolded Yan Chao, and Dingxun walked down the mountain and continued to look for new opportunities.

Seeing Ding Xun's move, Ding Yu and others quickly followed and left from the mountain.

Ding Xun and others left, and Mo Qingyun immediately noticed that he had some good impressions on Ding Xun and said, "This Ding Xun person is not only good, but also very principled, and maybe I can make some friends."

With a slight thought in Mo Qingyun's mind, he regained his attention and took full control of the situation in front of him.

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