Immemorial Sword Venerable

Chapter 1189: Assassination of Ou Ruochen

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In order to express his generosity, Yu Feilong only had three covenants.

However, after the two moves, he found that Fang Chen was much stronger than he thought.

Deep in his eyes, a hint of cunning light flashed.

At this moment, Fang Chen's face also gradually gloomy.

Since you are mad at me, don't blame me.

Fang Chen held the Xingyin sword in his hand, and the sound of Jianming came out.

To deal with Yu Feilong, you don't need to use Xuantianfeng magic, you just need the sky magic sword.

"The last move." Fang Chen said.

Yu Feilong's face was full of confident smiles, his fists clenched tightly, and he punched again.

This punch is very powerful, and the people around are a little surprised.

"Brother Yu Feilong exhibited the strongest attack."

"Fang Chen is in danger."

On the square, Fang Chen also exhibited the Demon Sword Technique.

A dazzling sword light punctured like a blame.

call out……

In the stunned crowd, Jianguang pierced Yu Feilong's fist.

Click ...

A crack appeared in Jianguang, and Yu Feilong's fist was too domineering.

Just when everyone thought Yu Feilong was going to defeat Fang Chen, the battlefield suddenly changed.

Yu Feilong's body suddenly retreated, and his face was pale.

Yu Feilong stabilized his body, his soul oscillated in his mind, his heart was crying, the pain of tearing soul, staring at Fang Chen scarlet eyes.

Fang Chen just smiled lightly.

"Three strokes have passed."

After talking, Fang Chen no longer ignored Yu Feilong and turned to leave.

Everyone looked at each other, who won this battle? It was still a tie between the two.

Looking at Fang Chen's back, Yu Feilong's eyes flashed a killing intent.

Only he knows best, strictly speaking, he lost.

Because, in the final battle, Fang Chen's attack was interspersed with soul attacks, which almost caused his soul to be hit hard.

"Damn, I will make you regret it."

In front of many warriors, Yu Feilong vowed to make three covenants.

However, it was calculated by Fang Chen and almost lost his majesty.


Yu Feilong snorted coldly, flicked his sleeves, and turned to leave.

Even the first ten geniuses who watched secretly did not find Yu Feilong's anomaly.

They just lamented that Fang Chen's strength is too strong.

Not long after, the Tianchen Sect spread the news.

Princess Xin's sparring actually tied Yu Feilong.

For a time, the top ten were paying attention to Fang Chen, and even Tianchenzong's younger second-generation strongman noticed Fang Chen.

Only the strongest one doesn't care about it at all.

Princess Xin is very strong, as everyone knows.

However, she did not make it into the list of the younger generation of Tianjianzong.

According to her, it was disdainful.


In the following time, Princess Xin's daily battle with Fang Chen increased a lot.

Over time, Princess Xin found that her original understanding of boxing was too superficial.

With the help of Fang Chen, she can attack unscrupulously without worrying about hurting the other party.

As a result, her progress is obvious.

If she could not guarantee that she could defeat the first genius of Tianhenzong before she met Fang Chen, then now she is confident enough.

In a flash, half a month passed.

In the past half a month, Fang Chen has been with Princess Xin almost every day.

With the passage of time, Fang Chen also gradually understood the character of Princess Xin.

He found that Princess Xin was not as overbearing as rumored.

Among them, there must be some hidden feelings.

After insisting for half a month in a row, many of the warriors who made bets went bankrupt and were very unwilling.

However, there are some that are still looking forward to.

Those who open the market are also a bit worried.

On this day, Fang Chen and Princess Xin finished the battle.

Princess Xin just wanted to leave, Fang Chen stopped her.

"Princess Xin."

"what's up?"

Princess Xin ’s attitude towards Chen Chen was much better.

"Go away?" Fang Chen pointed to the front and smiled.

Princess Xin looked at Fang Chen and nodded.

Princess Xin walked side by side with Fang Chen, walking on the tree-lined path of Tianjianzong, surrounded by countless disciples, who cast envious eyes.

"What's the matter?" Princess Xin asked.

"It has been in contact with you for a long time, and I feel that you are not as rumored by the outside world." Fang Chen said bluntly.

Upon hearing this, Princess Xin's face changed slightly, and immediately said, "Is it?"

Fang Chen nodded.

A smile appeared on Princess Xin's pretty face.

"The outside world is rumored that I'm being overbearing. Someone who blocks my luxury carriage will be punished, isn't it?" Princess Xin asked.

Fang Chen looked at Princess Xin, wondering what she meant?

Sure enough, Princess Xin's next words made Fang Chen a little surprised.

"Actually, I deliberately show the world a stubborn and overbearing side." Princess Xin said slightly.

Speaking of which, Princess Xin's face was covered with sorrow.

"Can you tell me something?"

Fang Chen said.

Princess Xin walked a few steps, then stopped and nodded gently, falling into memory.

"Because my father is the owner of Leizhen Island, since I was born, it has been shining brightly, and everyone is paying attention to me." Princess Xin said: "Later I grew up, and countless young and handsome people are pursuing me without tireting. . Some younger generations have strong backgrounds and even my father is not willing to provoke them. I am forced to show my arrogant and overbearing side, giving them a bad impression and letting them give up pursuing me. "

Wen Yan, Fang Chen nodded, but he could understand Princess Xin's intentions.

"Actually, every time someone blocks my carriage, I will be punished by me. This is the wind I deliberately let out, and those who block the carriage are also the people I arranged."

"I'm afraid I can't hide those people like this." Fang Chen said.

"However, there will always be bad rumors flowing into their ears, so as long as they feel a little unhappy, my purpose is achieved." Princess Xin was ashamed.

Fang Chen looked at Princess Xin without speaking.

"Then why are you helping me?"

"Because, I was fortunate to have met the Emperor Sword Emperor and got the guidance of the Emperor Sword Emperor." Princess Xin said.

Hearing the words, Fang Chen's heart shook.

Has Princess Xin seen the Devil Sword Emperor?

Could it be that the Devil Sword Emperor is still alive?

"Have you seen the Emperor Sword Emperor?" Fang Chen asked.

Princess Xin's beautiful eyes flickered and looked at Fang Chen up close, suddenly losing her voice.

Was awakened by Fang Chen's voice, embarrassed, pushed a few steps away, bowed his head and said: "Yes, I have seen it. But listening to him, it seems that he came back to do something, and then left."

"Where did the Devil Sword Emperor go?" Fang Chen asked.

Princess Xin shook her head and said she didn't know.

The strength of Celestial Sword Emperor is much stronger than his father.

Where is he going to know how he knows.

Fang Chen's inner shock, I don't know if I have a chance to see Senior Demon Sword Emperor in this life?

Speaking of itself, he is also considered to be half a disciple of Heavenly Demon Sword Emperor.

"The same day, when you blocked the carriage, I noticed that you had the breath of Heavenly Demon Sword Emperor." Princess Xin said.

Fang Chen nodded, relieved instantly.

No wonder Princess Xin will help herself for no reason. Now the truth is clear.

And thanks to Princess Xin, I am afraid that if the medicine returns to the priest, I might not be able to help me to refine the elixir.


I talked a lot with Princess Xin, and I feel that Princess Xin is quite cute.

Back in the other courtyard, Fang Chen received a voice from the little mouse.

"Boss, come here quickly and let the people go."

After Fang Chen got the news, he immediately left Tianjian Sect and came to the Tianleisan People's Hospital.

"how about it?"

Entering the other courtyard, the little mouse has recovered from the human form to the monster form.

When I saw the boss coming in, I said directly: "Boss, I have detected the news of Ou Ruochen."

"Ou Ruochen got out of the customs three days ago, he took a task, and it is said that he will leave today and leave the house."

After hearing the words, Fang Chen secretly thought.

This is an opportunity, as long as Ou Ruochen left the Leihen Mansion, he will have the opportunity to kill it, and he will not be known by the Ou family.

"What about Ou Ruochen's whereabouts?" Fang Chen asked.

The little mouse smiled and said: "Relax, I have let the Devil Beetle stare."

Devil beetles are a great choice for tracking, and there is no need to worry about being discovered.

Afterwards, Fang Chen waited quietly in Tian Lei's private courtyard.

Qinghou is still closed. It is estimated that there will be no breakthrough this time.

The people of Tianlei San are out, and they are in charge of the industry of Tianlei Zong.

At noon, the hot sun hung high.

At this time, Fang Chen and the mouse acted.

The Devil Beetle sent back news that Ou Ruochen was alone, and had left the House of Leaving Marks.

Fang Chen and the mouse quickly left Leaving House, and merged with the Demon Beetle.

"What about people?" Fang Chen asked.

The Devil Beetle pointed to the front, and suddenly found that there was a figure in the front, which was Ou Ruochen.

"Ou Ruochen, don't blame me." Fang Chen said secretly.

He used the real meaning of time and space and followed behind Ou Ruochen for an hour.

Ou Ruochen has completely left Leihen Mansion, at this time Fang Chen is ready to start.

Before starting, Fang Chen changed his appearance, not afraid of anything but 10,000.

Wow ...

Ou Ruochen was walking, and suddenly there was ripples in the space ahead, followed by a figure.


Ou Ruochen's complexion changed slightly, and his eyes looked directly at Fang Chen.

"Who are you?" Ou Ruochen coldly said.

Being the five most arrogant people in Leijian Island, they were followed and found nothing.

This made Ou Ruochen vigilant.

"The one who killed you."

Fang Chen said nothing, just shot.

"court death."

Seeing this, Ou Ruochen shouted, and a powerful fighting force broke out.

As soon as he played, Ou Ruochen discovered Fang Chen's tyranny.

Bang Bang Bang ...

Fang Chenshi exhibited Tianmo swordsmanship and Xuantianfeng magic.

Instantly suppress Ou Ruochen.


Fang Chen snorted, Xing Yin sword stab at Ou Ruochen.

"You're dead."

Ou Ruochen shouted wildly.

At the same time, a figure in the void came hurriedly.

Suddenly, the power of the stars surged wildly.

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