Immemorial Sword Venerable

Chapter 1190: Gossip

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Powerful Star Realm!

The star-hidden sword in Fang Chen's hand is still a distance away from Ou Ruochen, no matter how hard he tries, he can't move forward.

"Boy, die."

The strong family of stars in the Ou family shot, and a big star appeared out of thin air, suddenly suppressed towards Fang Chen.

Fang Chen felt palpitations, he had to give up Ou Ruochen, and turned against Ou Jiaxing Chen Jingqiang.

Xuan Tianfeng magic second layer.

Fang Chen did not hesitate to show the strongest swordsmanship.

In the sky, there appeared a sword net, Fang Chen controlled the sword net, and slammed into the star hands of Ou Jiaxing's star powerhouse.

Click ...

The sword net shattered instantly, and Fang Chen's body suddenly retreated.

"Dare to start with the people of my Oujia family, you are dead." Oujia Xingchen powerful person sneered.

Fang Chen's face was very dignified, this time it was his miscalculation.

Who would have thought that when Ou Ruochen went out to carry out his mission, there were actually strong stars in the realm of protection.

Damn ...

Fang Chen couldn't help cursing.

The little mouse and the devil beetle wanted to help, but they were rejected by Fang Chen.

He couldn't expose himself, he needed to leave the place quickly.

Rumble ...

Fang Chenshi exhibited Xingchen Tongtianshu.

After the integration of the master plan, this is the first time Fang Chen has fully exerted himself.

In the sky, there are nine big stars, although it is not as big as the strong stars of the Oujia Star Realm, it is not easy.

"court death."

The Ou Jiaxing Star Powerful, shouted, and the big hand suppressed it.

Fighting with Fang Chen together.

Thump ...

Too strong. This star powerhouse is a triple powerhouse. Fang Chen couldn't resist the opponent's attack.

Click ...

Xingchentongtianshu was broken, and Fangchen's body flew out directly.

He has a big wound on his chest, and he is constantly bleeding.

His face was pale.

"Five Thunder Catastrophes."

Fang Chen suddenly rushed to the starry realm, suddenly caught off guard, and exhibited the five thunders.

Suddenly, a thunderbolt was condensed in the sky and shot at the powerful stars.

Then, with the help of the anti-seismic force, it urged the real meaning of time and space and quickly disappeared into the void.


The Star Realm Powerful smashed the Thunderbolt, and then darted out, grabbing hard at the void.

The blood spattered into the sky.

But Fang Chen has long disappeared.


Ou Ruochen watched from the side, his face was somber.

"This person is very powerful, and is most likely a killer sent by the hostile forces." Ou Jiaxing Chen Jing old man said in a deep voice.

"However, although he escaped, he was struck, and he would shed his skin if he was not dead."

This old man in the Star Realm is very clear that if he has a weak defense, he will surely die.

The ancestor of the Ou family took Ou Ruochen back to Liuhenfu.

Fang Chen showed time and space, and quietly returned to the House of Leaving Marks.

He did not go to the other courtyard of Tianlei Sanren, and did not want to involve Tianlei Sanren.

At this time, Tianjianzong is the safest place.

He came outside Tianzong Sect, and then found a hidden place to hide, until the night came, he did not enter Tianzhen Sect.

He hurried back to his courtyard and slammed it directly onto the ground, unconscious.

However, at this moment, Princess Xin came to find Fang Chen.

"I wonder if he is back?"

Princess Xin said to herself.

When Fang Chen was leaving, she told Princess Xin, so Princess Xin came and took a look.

Crunch ...

The door opened, and under the moonlight, Princess Xin saw the blood on the ground.

Immediately, her whole body exuded a chill and quickly walked into the courtyard.

"Fang Chen?"

When she saw Fang Chen lying in the courtyard, she shouted in silence.

Immediately, she quickly squatted beside Fang Chen and checked, the latter still breathing.

"How could it be hurt like this?" Princess Xin's face was full of worry.

Finally, she lifted up Fang Chen and brought her home.

Put Fang Chen on the bed, and then personally send the power of Gang Yuan into Fang Chen's body to heal the latter.

It lasted for three hours, and even Princess Xin felt a little collapsed, and this stopped.

Later, Princess Xin took out some medicine from her arms and put it into Fang Chen's mouth.

Only then did I relax.

"There is no danger to life." Princess Xin said to herself.

During the healing process, Princess Xin was shocked.

What is going on, why is his injury so serious.

The internal organs were injured by a tremor, but the heart was intact.

It is a miracle to be able to survive.

If you change to an ordinary person, you must have died long ago.

The person who shot must be a strong Star Realm, and it is not an ordinary ordinary Star Realm Warrior.

Seeing that Fang Chen's face was better, Princess Xin withdrew from the room, returned to Fang Chen's courtyard, and quickly cleaned the blood from the ground.

Then, return to his courtyard and sit on a stone bench to rest.

The next day, Fang Chen woke up.

"This is where?"

Sensing an unfamiliar place above, Fang Chen instantly raised his alertness.

Crunch ...

The door opened and Princess Xin came in.

"This is my room." Princess Xin said with a happy face.

After hearing that, Fang Chen was a little embarrassed, how could he come to Princess Xin's room?


"You were seriously injured and comatose in the other courtyard, I just went to find you, and I brought you." Princess Xin said.

Fang Chen said with a sigh of relief.

"No one saw it?" Fang Chen asked.

"Relax, I have dealt with the blood stains in your courtyard, nobody knows except me." Princess Xin said.

Fang Chen nodded and looked at Princess Xin gratefully.

"What the **** happened?" Princess Xin asked.

"I went to kill Ou Ruochen, Ou's family, but I didn't expect that Ou's star power might secretly protect him. I was hit hard by the star power." Fang Chen said slowly.


Princess Xin heard the words, helpless.

Actually ran to assassinate Ou Ruochen, really a brave person.

However, she seems to have guessed.

Killing Ou Ruochen should be the request of the Master.

"Pay attention in the future, the Oujia forces are not small, if they are aware of your existence, they will definitely cut the grass." Princess Xin said.

Fang Chen nodded.

Princess Xin told Fang Chen a few words and turned to leave.

Even she did not know that when Fang Chen was seriously injured, she showed a different look.


Ou Ruochen was assassinated by someone in the family. Fortunately, a strong player in the Star Realm shot, otherwise Ou Ruochen would die.

Oujia headquarters, in the meeting hall.

The head of the Ou family was very angry, and the elders were also very angry.

"I'm guessing that this thing is ten thousand ** is done by the Lei family."

"It is very likely that the Lei family and our Ou family will not deal with it. It must be them, and they want to exterminate our Ou family's hope."

"In addition to the Lei family, Tianjianzong is also possible."

A group of elders, full of tongues and tongues, randomly guessed who the shot was.

Ou Ruochen's face was gloomy, sitting in the corner, the battle of the day appeared in his mind.

The opponent is clearly a young warrior, why is he so strong?

I am one of the five great arrogances of Liujian Island. I think that there are few who can outperform myself in the younger generation.

You can suppress yourself in an instant, so that you have no resistance, even more.

Who is that warrior? Why behead yourself?

"Ruochen, what do you think?"

The head of the Ou family waved, and the meeting hall suddenly became quiet.

Everyone's eyes focused on Ou Ruochen.

Ou Ruochen said: "Father, the person who shot me is a young warrior."

"Its strength should also be a heavenly environment." The old man who protected Ou Ruochen nodded.

"The genius of Leijian Island is nothing more than the five great arrogances. It can really suppress Ruochen in no time," he said.

"Anyway, this is a provocation to our Ou family."

"Our European family will not let go."

In the end, the Oujia family did not discuss anything famous.

The head of the European family ordered a thorough investigation of the matter.



After Fang Chen was injured, Princess Xin stopped playing against him.

For several days, Princess Xin and Fang Chen did not appear.

This caught everyone's attention.

One day, the wind discovered one thing, and then informed Yu Feilong.

"Senior Dragon, Fang Chen has been in Princess Xin's other courtyard for a few days now, and he will not go back at night.

Hearing this news, Yu Feilong's violent temper broke out directly.

"He's looking for death."

Yu Feilong is also one of Princess Xin's pursuits.

Fang Chen stayed in Princess Xin's other courtyard all night and could think of what she was doing.

Yu Feilong couldn't resist his anger and rushed directly into Princess Xin's other courtyard.

Fang Chen cultivated in the room, and Princess Xin learned boxing in the courtyard.

"Yu Feilong, why are you here?"

Seeing Yu Feilong break in, Princess Xin asked with a bad face.

"Fang Chen? Let him get out." Yu Feilong growled loudly.

After hearing this, Princess Xin's face was even more embarrassing.


"Princess Xin, are you determined to protect Fang Chen?" Yu Fei said.

Princess Xin no longer speaks, her face is somber and her attitude is determined.

"good very good."

Yu Feilong was blown away by Princess Xin's attitude.

After throwing off his sleeve, he turned and left.

On the afternoon of the same day, there was a rumor spread among the Tianzong Sect.

"What? Fang Chen stayed in Princess Xin's courtyard for a few days and didn't return all night?"

"No wonder Princess Xin hasn't appeared in recent days?"

"What are they doing? Does Princess Xin fall in love with Fang Chen?"

"Cheng Hetong, princess, so unchecked?"

For a time, gossip about Princess Xin spread continuously.

Some senior elders also noticed this matter.

Hearing these rumors, Fang Chen clenched his fists and immediately rushed out to find Yu Feilong.

But was blocked by Princess Xin.

"You are seriously injured and have not recovered, don't go out." Princess Xin said.

Fang Chen looked at Princess Xin up close and lost her voice in an instant.

"But it's about your innocence, I can't bear it." Fang Chen said in a deep voice.

Princess Xin shook her head and said indifferently: "No need to ignore these gossips and let them tell, I don't care."

After talking, Princess Xin smiled and walked out of the courtyard.

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