Immemorial Sword Venerable

Chapter 1212: Belly Chinese food

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The extreme state is a way of being a peerless powerhouse.

Any warrior who can break the extreme is destined to become the most top-notch existence in this world.

The huge Guhua Islands are not enough to break the extreme genius.

And a small island with scars actually came out.

You know, there are 36 islands on Guhua Archipelago like Liujian Island.

This is just the Guhua Islands.

If it is a vast universe, I do not know how many islands are similar to the Guhua Islands.

There are trillions of warriors, and few can break the extreme.

It can be said that a genius who breaks the extreme can really be called a genius.

They are recognized by the world and protected by rules. They are the real people.

The gatekeeper's body was shaking, and he witnessed Fang Chen's process of breaking the extreme.

Seeing this process, the gatekeeper's scalp is numb.

Even if he is replaced by him, he may not be able to persevere.

"Really succeeded."

The gatekeeper shook his heart.

The so-called indestructible void ancient battlefield was shocked by this person's punch.

Princess Xin, who had been waiting, saw Fang Chen's figure and her face was full of excited smiles.

In the void, Fang Chen stood in the air, and there was a trace of enlightenment on his face.

Just now, he suddenly felt a touch of world rules.

It is really not easy for him to feel like this.

"Is this the fighting power of the extreme genius?"

Fang Chen said slightly.

Strongly enduring the joy in his heart, Fang Chen's body landed on the ground.

Now, he is reborn, and his perfect sword body has truly reached the most perfect point.

Upon seeing this, Princess Xin rushed directly into Fang Chen's arms.

"For so long, I worry about dying."

Princess Xin whispered.

Fang Chen gently touched Princess Xin's long hair and smiled, "Isn't this coming out?"

A few years into the Meteorite Valley, Fang Chen has undergone earth-shaking changes.

Although it has never reached the Star Realm, but in a way, it surpasses the Star Realm Powerhouse.

With his punch, he can easily kill the low-level martial arts stars.

Of course, because the power of the Gang is in the Qihai, not the power of the stars.

Therefore, it is still unable to exert the most powerful power of the extreme powerhouse.

If you step into the stars, everyone will be shocked.

"Congratulations, little friend."

The gatekeeper smiled and congratulated Fang Chen.

"Senior, have I passed the ninth level?" Fang Chen asked.

The gatekeeper nodded quickly. If this is not passed, who else can pass?

"Of course passed, ha ha ha." The gatekeeper laughed ha ha.

Fang Chen is also the first genius to break the extreme situation in these years.

"How are you, little friends? How do you feel about breaking the extreme?" The gatekeeper asked.

For the warrior who broke the extreme, he just listened to it and never saw it with his own eyes.

At this moment, of course I have to ask.

"It feels cool."

Fang Chen only said four words.

In fact, the feeling of breaking the extreme can't be described in words at all.

Unconsciously, Fang Chen has already embarked on a path that no one before him could get through.

His future is destined to become a peerless powerhouse.

"Xingyue, mother, you wait, I will find you soon." Fang Chen said secretly in his heart.

After talking with Princess Xin for a while, Fang Chen looked at the gatekeeper.

"Senior, can I leave the Meteorite Valley now?" Fang Chen asked.

The gatekeeper nodded, waved his big hand, and suddenly the ninth hall opened.

The main hall had just opened, and the sound of roaring suddenly came out.

Fang Chen frowned, immediately stunned.

He knew where the roar came from.

He glanced at the gatekeeper, who nodded to him.

"The deity of Lord Tianjian?" Fang Chen asked.

"Yes, the deity of the Lord of the Sky Sword House is suppressed here." Said the gatekeeper.

Fang Chen heard the words and moved her heart slightly.

Heaven Sword House Lord has enmity with him. It would be great if he could slay and kill his deity.

Although it was suppressed by the will of the will, when was it not allowed to escape?

Seemingly seeing Fang Chen's thoughts, the gatekeeper smiled and said: "You, you broke the extreme, sheltered by the rules of the world, even if you shot, the power of will will not treat you.

"Huh? Is there such a good thing?" Fang Chen grinned.

"But little friend, I would like to remind you that this person is a strong man beyond the realm of creation, almost immortal. With your current strength, it is too difficult to completely destroy him.

Fang Chen heard the dilemma.

At this moment, the little mouse appeared.

"Boss, let me swallow him." The little mouse said.

Hearing the words, Fang Chen struck his face, and then said: "You try?"

The little mouse took the lead and entered the hall.

At this time, in the middle of the hall, the body of the Lord of the Heavenly Sword House sat cross-legged on the ground, and his surroundings were filled with invisible rules, suppressing him.

"Fang Chen, let me go." Tianjian Mansion said.

Fang Chen sneered and did not speak.

The little mouse stepped forward and exhibited a talented supernatural power to devour.

Upon seeing this, the Master of the Sword Mansion hurriedly shouted: "Fang Chen, if you let me go, I will be your servant forever."

"I don't dare to take you as a slave," Fang Chen said.

Lord Tianjian also knew that he had broken the extreme and wanted him to help.

But how could he help him?

Not to mention others, once let him go, he will definitely be robbed by him, Fang Chen will not dare such a thing.

Seeing that Fang Chen was unwilling to let himself go, the Master of the Tianjian House hurriedly said: "Fang Chen, if you help me, I can give you an army."

After hearing the words, Fang Chen's heart moved slightly.

Immediately, he waved his hand to stop the mouse from attacking.

"You only have one minute." Fang Chen said indifferently.

Although it is a strong man who transcends the realm of creation, at this moment the Lord of the Sword Sovereign does not dare to pose in front of Fang Chen.

"I have an army in my hand. They used to be fighters, but I was suppressed. With the passage of time, their practice gradually dissipated. But even so, their practice is also Reached the Star Realm. "Tian Jianfu main road.

"Oh? Star Realm Army?"

Hearing the words of Lord Tianjian's house, Fang Chen's heart produced a trace of curiosity.

"How many people are there in your army?" Fang Chen asked.

The Master of the Sword Master shook his head and said: "One hundred people."

Fang Chen was shocked in his heart. If a hundred star powerhouses could get it by themselves, wouldn't they be able to directly sweep the Leijian Island?

What's the matter, Oujia?

Thinking of this, Fang Chen smiled brightly on his face.

"Take your army out and let me see, maybe I can help you." Fang Chen said.

The gatekeeper was on the side, looking at it all with a smile.

If you break the extreme, you will be protected by the world and the rules of the world.

If he is determined to save the Lord of the Heavenly Sword House, leaving the island's will power will not stop it.

Wow ...

The Lord Tianjian moved his mind, and a hundred figures appeared in the hall.

However, what surprised Fang Chen was.

These hundred people have no vitality.

"Is this ... a puppet?"

The Master of the Sword Mansion shook his head and said, "This is not a puppet, but I use special means to let the dead warrior take orders, but they cannot fight for a long time. Once the battle reaches a certain level, they will disappear.

Fang Chen's eyes lit up.

Sure enough, there is nothing strange in the universe.

The puppets of the puppet clan are already subtle enough. Unexpectedly, the master of the Tianjian House actually had such a method.

"How to control them?" Fang Chen asked.

"You have to save me first, I will tell you." Tianjian Mansion said.

"You are not qualified to discuss with me." Fang Chen's attitude is very tough.

The Lord of the Sword Palace was furious, but he finally succumbed.

It has been suppressed here for many years.

It was so long that he couldn't even remember.

He really wanted to go out too much.

With such strength as him, looking at the Guhua Islands is also a pinnacle.

With an order, Mo dare not follow.

Now, pigs and dogs are inferior here.

He really hated the life now, he was very eager to go out.

Therefore, we only want Fang Chen to help.

In the mind of Lord Tianjian, he regretted the original decision very much.

In order to enhance his own strength, it is ridiculous to try to refine the power of will.

With a wave of his palm, Master Tianjianfu's method of controlling these hundred people suddenly came into Fang Chen's mind.

Fang Chen closed his eyes, his body flickering.

After a while, he mastered the method.

Then he tried it.

Really can control.

"I was suppressed by the power of will, and these 100 people were also suppressed. Now, although they can still maintain the fighting power of the Star Realm, they will disperse at most once, and they will dissipate."

Fang Chen nodded and smiled: "Thank you for your gift."

After speaking, Fang Chen beckoned, and the little mouse would smile and walked to the front of the Master of Tianjian Mansion.

Afterwards, she exhibited a talented supernatural power to devour.

"Fang Chen, you deceived this seat."

Seeing this, the Lord of the Sky Sword House shouted in anger.

"It's a fool." Fang Chen chuckled.

"I am going to kill you."

The Master of the Heavenly Sword House learned that he had been deceived and wished to break Fang Chen's body into pieces, but he could not do it.

Suppressed by the power of will, his body could not move at all.

Despite the swallowing power of the little mouse, envelope itself.

"Boss, the power of will suppresses him, my strength is not enough." Little Mouse said.

Fang Chen closed his eyes and tried to communicate the power of will.

After a while, the power of will weakened, and the body of the Lord of the Heavenly Sword House was inhaled by Fang Chen.

"I'm not convinced."

There was a roaring roar from the Lord Tianjian.

A generation of strong men became the Chinese food of little mice.

"Xiaoyou, have you seen the stone door behind the main hall? Push it away and you can leave." The gatekeeper smiled.

"Thank you senior."

Fang Chen took Princess Xin, as well as the little mouse, the devil beetle, and the Queen Mother of the Night, gently pushed open the stone door and left the Meteorite Valley.

I am afraid that the head of the Ou family would never dream that he personally forced Fang Chen into the Meteorite Valley, but he did not expect to give Fang Chen a great fortune.

After Fang Chen left, the meteorite valley shook.

Since the endless years, there has finally appeared a genius on the island of leaving marks.

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