Immemorial Sword Venerable

Chapter 1213: Mass murder

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Liujian Island, Liujian State, Liujian House.

Now the Manju House is completely the site of the Ou family.

This is the home base of the European family.

Recently, the Oujia family has gradually strengthened cooperation with the Demon Blood Clan, constantly clearing obstacles.

The warriors who dare to speak bad things about the Ou family will be beheaded, no matter what state you are, they will be suppressed.

The Star Realm Powerhouse of the Demon Blood Clan has been busy building a certain formation.

It is said that this formation, once established, will cover the entire Leijian Island, leaving the Leihen Island isolated from the vast universe, and completely becoming the back garden of the Demon Blood Clan.

At that time, even if the Guhua Islands reinforcements arrived, it would not help.

This kind of formation method, the forged characters can not be broken.

This is a unique formation of the Demon Blood Clan. It has been passed down from generation to generation and has infinite power.

Unrest under violence.

Under the strong suppression of the Oujia family, the island still remains unrest.

In the recent past, many powerful stars, including the European family, have died tragically.

This scene successfully attracted the attention of the European family.

On this day, the European home base.

Demon Blood Clan's starry peak powerhouse has a gloomy face.

"Ou patriarch, I don't see a bit of sincerity from the Ou family."

"My Ou family is already doing all it can to suppress the rebels." The Ou family whispered.

The power of the Demon Blood Clan is very strong, and his European family cannot afford to offend.

To put it bluntly, the current Ou family is just a puppet of the Demon Blood Clan.

A puppet that confuses everyone.

The demon blood clan's strong man heard his face, and his face was still dignified, he said with a deep voice: "Ou patriarch, I don't care what you do in Europe, I must clean up the hidden rebels within half a month. The European family cannot bear the consequences. "

After that, the strong man of the Demon Blood Clan turned and left.

The head of the Ou family was quite complicated, and finally he waved his hand and quickly ran in.

"Give me an order and say that three days later, I will go to Dulongfeng to kill the viper."


Leaving the island owner, the medicine returns to the priest, the viper.

After the three people gathered together, they continued to secretly assassinate the strong family of stars in the Ou Family and the Demon Blood Clan.

On this day, after the three of them completed their tasks, they got together.

In a mountain range.

"I beheaded three Ou Family Martial Artists." The Snake grinned.

His poison Dao exercises are becoming more and more overbearing, and the Star Warrior is worth mentioning in front of him.

If he was n’t worried about being discovered by the Demon Blood Clan, he would definitely kill him.

"I beheaded two demon blood tribes." Yao Gui said.

Compared with the poisonous snake, the attack of the medicine to the priest is softer.

Not as aggressive as the viper.

In the end, the owner of Liuhen Island said with a deep voice: "I beheaded one and was found by the Ou family."

The three looked at each other.

In the near future, the three men were able to kill the enemy almost every day, and they were very happy.

As the three of them spoke, suddenly the medicine returned to the master, slightly startled, and a smile appeared on his face.

"What's the matter with the medicine back?" The viper hurriedly asked.

"I stayed in the eyeliner of Leihen Mansion, and a message came." Yao Gui said.

"What's the news?" Liujiandao said.

"The old family of the European family will go to Dulongfeng in three days to kill the traitor viper."

Hearing the words, the poisonous snake's complexion grew darker.

And the owner of the scarred island is bright.

"Has your eye liner inquired about the specific situation?" The owner of Liuhen Island asked hurriedly.

"The Demon Blood Clan does not know what the reason is, and has already left the state of leaving marks." Yao Gui said.

The three looked at each other with smiles on their faces.

"If this is the case, the three of us will completely solve the old man on Dulong Peak three days later." The poisonous snake said in a deep voice.

"Will there be a trap?" The medicine returned to the priest more cautiously.

"How about getting stuck? Without the help of the Demon Blood Clan, the European family, the three of us are enough to deal with it."

Soon, the three clapped.


On the plain in front of Meteorite Valley.

White light flashed, and Fang Chen and Princess Xin appeared out of thin air.

Huh ...

Fang Chen took a breath of fresh air fiercely, with a broad smile on his face.

"It's finally out." Princess Xin smiled.

Fang Chen looked at Princess Xin's pretty face and remembered the situation when she was forced into Meteorite Valley.

"Oujia, I don't share the sky with you." Fang Chen said in a deep voice.

I just came out of Meteorite Valley and I don't know anything about the outside world.

Fang Chen took Princess Xin away from Meteorite Valley, and on the way to Liuhen Mansion, he met a warrior in Tiangang Realm.

From the mouth of this warrior, I learned what happened to Liujian Island in recent years.


Princess Xin cried and cried.

According to reports circulating on Liujian Island, the owner of Liujian Island, the medicine returning to the priest, and the poisonous snake have not been found so far.

"Damn ..."

Fang Chen clenched his fists, his face full of resentment.

The Ou family was too much, and actually colluded with the demon blood clan.

"Boss, what should I do?" The little mouse asked.

Fang Chen lifted his eyes, and killed himself.

"Three days later, Dulong Dragon Peak understood the grievances."


Three days, fleeting.

On this day, all the strong members of the European family were dispatched.

The mighty team left Leihen Mansion and went to Dulong Peak.

Walking on the road, the head of the Ou family secretly thought: "I don't know if they will come."

Dulong Peak, not far from Liujian Mansion.

Soon, it was here.

The head of the Ou family led many powerful men to climb the Dulongfeng and destroy the buildings of Dulonglong.

In a blink of an eye, Dulongfeng is in ruins.

"Patriarch, the viper is no longer." Many martial arts said one after another.

The head of the Ou family stood on the top of the peak, his eyes flashing, looking down, he was waiting.

At this time, the venomous snake hidden in the dark was already angry.

"Old man." The viper cursed.

The owner of Leizhen Island insisted on staying around for a while, and there seemed to be no hidden demon blood clan powerful.

After making sure that only the Ou family members, finally started.

"Old man, today is your death."

Suddenly, a sound of anger resounded through Dulong Peak.

The viper took the lead, and the aggressive and overbearing attack instantly roared.

"I'm afraid you won't come."

The head of the European family punched out and resisted the attack of the viper.

At the same time, the poisonous snake circulated, emitting a terrifying poisonous gas.

Some weak and weak people instantly spit foam.

Uh ...

Master Yaogui and Liuzhen Island Master also appeared.

The three stood side by side, staring at the head of the Ou family with their murderous intentions.

To the surprise of the three of them, the head of the Ou family did not panic, but there was a trace of excitement.

"Old man, you have betrayed the human race, take it for granted." Yao Gui said.

"Today, the three of us will take your dog's head." Said the owner of Liuhen Island.

The head of the Ou family chuckled: "Since I dare to come here, I am not afraid that you will shoot me. Originally, I was only going to lead one of them to kill it. Right. "

The long voice of the Ou family just fell, and the entire Dulong Peak was instantly wrapped in a **** formation.

"Hahaha, three old men, die."

Having said that, the head of the European family got into the formation and launched a brutal attack on the three.

Behind him, Devil Cloud Ancestor also shot.

"No, this method is absorbing the power of my stars."

Master Yaogui discovered the anomaly, and his face changed suddenly.

"What kind of formation is this?" The serpent panicked.

This formation is unheard of.

"Devil Blood Clan."

The owner of Leizhen Island's face was somber and cold.

This formation can trap the three of them. It is definitely not from the European family. There is only one explanation.

"Don't panic, the three of us joined forces to bombard the formation."

Under the command of the island owner, the three teamed up to bombard the formation.

However, the arrogance of this formation exceeded the expectations of the three.

The power of the stars in them is constantly passing by.

"Hahaha, you are dead."

On the other hand, they also have to resist the attacks of Moyun Patriarch and Ou Family Chief.


The poisonous snake punched Mo Yun's ancestor, and his body stepped back a few steps.

On the other side, the elders of the Ou family haunted the ghost and attacked the medicine to the master.

"Don't separate, back to back." The owner of the scar marks shouted.

The backs of the three men leaned against each other, staring around with vigilance.

The head of the European family was confident. Before he came up with this solution, he had envisioned countless countermeasures.

Today, three people will die.

And at this time.

On the plain not far from Dulong Peak, Fang Chen and Princess Xin went all out.

"Dragon Peak is ahead." Said the little mouse.

Princess Xin's beautiful eyes looked at Dulongfeng, very worried.

"The war has begun."

Fang Chen has discovered the situation on Dulong Peak, the time and space are really displayed, and the speed has increased dramatically.

After a while, Fang Chen and Princess Xin came to Dulongfeng.


Ascending the mountain, Fang Chen said nothing, and started the killing.


Kill one person with one punch.

Fang Chen is like a life harvester, no one can get close.

"Humanoid monster?"

In a blink of an eye, Ou Xingxing is a warrior with heavy casualties.

Everyone was full of panic and shouted.

With the isolation of the formation, the head of the European family did not know what was happening outside.

Fang Chen's strength is limited, facing the mid-level and high-level warriors in the Star Realm, unable to fight.

Can only rely on the Lord Tianjian House Lord to give his own army.

Wow ...

The army appeared, and a hundred high-level powerful stars in the Star Realm, under the control of Fang Chen, launched a massacre of the European family.


The miserable cry kept coming out.

The Ou Jiaqiang do not die.

Half an hour later, Dulong Dragon was dead and wounded.

Except for the head of the Ou family and the ancestor of Moyun, the strong men brought by the Ou family all died.

Among them, there are 30 high-level warriors in the Star Realm, 70 mid-level warriors, and countless low-level warriors.

This is almost the home of two-thirds of the European family.

After the army beheaded and killed these warriors, the body shone brightly, and it seemed that it would collapse at any time.


Fang Chen glanced at the little mouse, and then said: "I can still persist."

Fang Chen speculates that military warriors will dissipate at most once in a battle.

However, this is enough.

Destroy the Ou's family, close at hand.

Looking at the formation he had never seen before, Fang Chen took a deep breath and began to break through.

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