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Fumo Realm, Jiuzhongtian. Baidu search: kanshu58 please search () to see the most complete! The fastest updating novel

Every day is mutual.

Moreover, every heavy day, there is a person in charge.

This person in charge is also a disciple. In the world of Voldemort, there are few elders except the Lord of Voldemort.

There are only a few extremely high status.

When Fang Chen heard that the third heaven disciple was finding fault, his heart was also a meal.

Not to mention that he was afraid of the third heaven disciple.

To be honest, with Fang Chen's current strength, only a very few can fight him in the third day, and other disciples have no fear.

"Go, take me to see." Fang Chen said.

The Man Long nodded, and then quickly took Fang Chen to the square.

At this time, in the square, surrounded by many disciples.

In the center of the square, there is a man and a woman.

The man is naturally the third heavenly disciple, and the woman is Murong Bing.

The disciples around were all talking and pointing, but no one dared to speak out.

After all, people are the third heavenly disciple, and once angered, the consequences are unimaginable.

"Murong Bing, let you be my maid, to give you a face. I don't know how many people want to be my maid and they are rejected by me." The person said coldly, domineering.

Murong Bing lowered his head, could not see his face clearly, and did not know what he was thinking.

Long hair fluttered, covering the face.

Hearing this disciple's words, Murong Bing frowned slightly and was a little displeased, but she was patient.

Respect for strength, if she is strong, this disciple will not be so afraid.

"This Murong Bing is in danger. Brother Quhe wants to accept her as a maid, and she has to agree if she doesn't agree."

"Yes, I heard that Brother Quhe is on the third day, and his reputation is not good."

"Ah, who made us the second heaven disciple?"

A Quhe can despise all the disciples of the Second Heaven.

Therefore, he would be so unscrupulous.

Although in the demon world, the disciples help each other.

However, where there are people, there are rivers and lakes, and where there are rivers and lakes, there is fighting.

There will be individual scum everywhere, and Quhe is one of them.

When Fang Chen came to the square, he happened to see Quhe pressing Murong Bing.


The barbarian shouted in his throat.

Suddenly, everyone around gave way.

Manlong and Fang Chen came to Murong Bing.

Seeing Fang Chen coming, Murong Bing's pretty face clearly showed a smile.

However, she still discouraged Fang Chen.

"Brother Fang, this matter has nothing to do with you."

In fact, Murong's meaning is very obvious, just don't want Fang Chen to intervene recently.

Although Fang Chen is very strong, Qu He is after all a disciple of Santian.

Moreover, his cultivation base has reached the Ninefold Realm of the Star Realm.

In three days, it is considered to be the upper middle level.

"pass it to me."

Fang Chen patted Murong Bing's fragrant shoulder gently, then stood in front of her, raised her eyes, and stared at Quhe.

"Boy, who are you?" Quhe asked unpleasantly when he saw someone dare to stop him from acting.

"Fang Chen."

"I don't care who you are, apologize to me. Otherwise, I will teach you severely." Qu He grinned in disbelief.

"You snatched my line." Fang Chen grinned, showing his white teeth.

Not knowing what happened, Qu He was very angry when she saw Fang Chen's bright smile.

"Boy, do you know that you are playing with fire?" Quhe said coldly, his face completely gloomy.

Murong Bing was very worried about Fang Chen, but was stopped by the barbarian dragon.

"Relax, trust Brother Fang."

In the mind of the barbaric dragon, there is nothing that Fang Chen cannot solve.

At this moment, in the sky clouds.

The person in charge of the third day stands side by side with the person in charge of the second day.

"Hey, this little guy is here."

On the second day, the person in charge saw Fang Chen and grinned.

Although he doesn't know what Fang Chen's strength is, he knows that Fang Chen is the person that the demon world master looks at.

"Why, do you think this guy can beat Quhe?" The person in charge of the third heavy day laughed.

He didn't even think that someone could stop Quhe's attack within two days.

The person in charge on the second day heard the words, smiled slightly, and said nothing.

Below, above the square.

Fang Chen confronted Quhe.

The latter exudes a terrifying breath, trying to suppress Fang Chen and make him intimidated.

If someone else, he might succeed, but unfortunately he met Fang Chen.

"Don't the brothers from the third heaven only bully the brothers from the second heaven?" Fang Chen mocked.

"Boy, don't want to say this. If you don't teach you today, what other face will I have in Quhe Realm?" Quhe said coldly.

Fang Chen glanced at Qu He, then shook his head and said, "If you do it today, I promise you will have no more face in the demon world."

Fang Chen's words caused an uproar.

Is he declaring war with Quhe?

Since they joined the Voldemort Realm, there have been very few disciples of Low Weight Heaven who challenged the disciples of High Weight Heaven.

Because there is a big gap between them.


The breath of terror emanated from Quhe's body and immediately wrapped Fang Chen.

"What do you embarrass me?" Qu Hehan said.

"Are you sure you want to shoot?"

Fang Chen asked again.

He is also a brother of the Demon Realm Master, and he did not want to shoot.

However, Quhe bullied Murong Bing, he could not just sit back and ignore.

"Boy, less nonsense." Qu He roared, ready to shoot.


Suddenly, an afterimage appeared on the square, and a deafening voice rang through the sky next moment.

At this moment, all the warriors were completely out of control.

Because it was not Fang Chen who flew out, but Quhe.

"God, what's going on?"

Among the electro-optical flint, Quhe was flew by Fang Chen?

All the warriors, with wide eyes, looked at this scene in disbelief.

Fang Chen still stood on the square as if he hadn't moved, and Quhekou vomited blood, obviously injured.

"Impossible, absolutely impossible."

Quhe shook his head hard, shouting hysterically.

At the moment, the two of them in the sky clouds opened their eyes.

"This kid ..."

The person in charge on the third day looked at the following in disbelief.

Others did not see clearly, but he did see clearly.

Fang Chen's accomplishments in space have reached an unbelievable level.

Just before the electric light flint, just use the space shuttle, suddenly appeared beside the Quhe, and then Quhe flew.

Although it was a coincidence, he already knew that Fang Chen's strength was no longer under Quhe.

"I can not be reconciled."

Below, Quhe stood up and shouted in anger.


At this moment, the person in charge of the third day appeared.

He stopped the craziness of Quhe.

"Brother ..." Qu He saw his head, his head.

The person in charge of the third day looked at Fang Chen, his eyes widened and he smiled and asked: "Sister Fang Chen, would you like to join us in the third day?"


There was an uproar around.

The person in charge of the third day is inviting Fang Chen to join? Is this too crazy?

Quhe's face was very gloomy and angry.

Everyone's eyes were all focused on Fang Chen.

The latter thought for a moment and then said: "I will."

The third-tier cultivation environment is much stronger than the second-tier heaven, and Fang Chen is naturally willing.

A crisis is so easily relieved.

Murong Bing is very grateful to Fang Chen, and Man Long also admires him.

Fang Chen's name resounded through the second heaven.


Panyuexian cave, copper lion body.

After a period of practice, Fang Chen has gradually mastered the soul art on the wall.

Now, he has memorized the essentials of Soul Spells, and it will not take long before he can successfully practice this Soul Spell.


Fang Chen has already felt that his Yuanshen is transforming.

It won't take long for the soul repair level to enter the realm of the master.

Within the mansion.

Jianwuhong three people, scattered, have their own heritage.

Among them, the most benefited is the dead tree.

Because the owner of this mansion is an ancient soul repairer.

His attainments in Soul Road are very powerful.

The dead tree got one of the soul Taoist traditions and was very excited. He accepted the heritage with all his heart.

Over time.

Most of the seven houses in Panyuexian Cave were opened by the public.

In the end, only the mansion where Fang Chen was located was not found by other warriors.

Relatively speaking, this mansion is relatively safe.

In a certain open space, a warrior appeared suddenly.

He was wearing a black robe and his face was somber.

If Fang Chen is here, he will be shocked.

Because this person is evil song, evil soul islands evil soul list second strongest.

Evil music has a doppelganger, and no one knows but him.

Before being persecuted by Fang Chen, the avatar exploded.

He was very angry and wanted revenge, so he entered the Panyue Cave.

After searching for a long time, Fang Chen was not found.

Finally, he entered the inner circle.

Just as the evil music looked around, there was suddenly a broken sound in the distance.

The evil tune looked up and suddenly discovered that it was a strong man in the realm of creation.

It's just that this strong man in the forged environment was seriously injured and seemed to be chased and killed.

"help me……"

This strong man in the chemical environment can no longer walk.

He stretched out his palm with difficulty, and wanted evil music to help.

Evil music is unmoved.

Upon seeing this, the strong man in the chemical environment took out a rag from his arms.

"help me."

Seeing the evil song, his eyes widened.

Because, he saw the extraordinary of this rag, if guessed well, it should be a treasure map.

Wow ...

Evil tunes seized the rags from the hands of the Martial Artists.

Then, punched out.

Click ...

The Martial Artist was killed instantly, and then he quickly left the place. △ ≧ △ ≧ △ ≧ △ ≧

After finding a safe place, Xiequ opened the map and took a closer look, instantly rejoicing.

"Map of the last house of the Seven Houses."

Evil music clenched rags in the palm of his hand, exulting in his heart.

He did not expect that this last house would be discovered by him first.

"This is God's will."

The evil song laughed, remembered the map in his mind, and then burned it completely.

"Be sure to hurry up before everyone and find this last house." (.)

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