Immemorial Sword Venerable

Chapter 1385: Destroyed

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Panyue Xiandong, so far, the outer thirteen temples have been discovered by many warriors.

The tokens of the Thirteen Palaces all fell into the hands of many martial artists.

After this period of sweeping, there is almost no treasure in the periphery.

Many Star Martial Artists have left Panyue Xiandong.

Of course, there are also some courageous star warriors who have entered the inner circle.

Such as evil music deity, and sword star and others.

Of course, there are still a lot of warriors hidden in the dark, but everyone does not know it.

As we all know, there are 13 temples in a hole in 7 palaces.

The most precious place in Panyuexian Cave is the so-called hole.

And this hole is also the core of Panyuexian Cave.

If you want to open the "one hole", you must collect all the tokens from the Seven Palaces and Thirteen Palaces. If you lack any of them, you can't open them.

Therefore, the tokens of the thirteen palaces of the seven palaces are especially precious.

There are thirteen halls on the periphery and seven palaces on the inside.

Among the seven houses, the last one is called Tianhun House.

Just looking at the name also knows that this last mansion is related to Soul Tao.

In fact, it does.

However, many Martial Artists have searched all the places in Neiwei, and still cannot find the place where the Soul Mansion is located.

The devil music deity, by chance, got a rag, and found the place of Tianhun Mansion.

He was very excited.

If you can get a token, in the end, you also have the right to negotiate with the powerful environmentalists.

Therefore, the evil song is doing its best to rush to the Heavenly Soul Mansion.

Of course, the evil music along the way is also very careful.

After all, his avatar has been destroyed, leaving only the deity.

If the deity is destroyed, it will completely disappear in this world.

Although inheritance is important, obviously life is more important.


In front of Tianhun Mansion.

The copper lion stood quietly, Fang Chen was trapped inside the copper lion, and was practicing soul art.

Soul surgery, for soul cultivation, is the best way to promote the spirit of the soul.

Yuanshen is the root of soul cultivation. If you can bring Yuanshen to a certain degree, a qualitative leap will take place in Soul cultivation level, enter the hall and enter the realm of the master.

This is by far the most urgent thought in Fang Chen's heart.

In fact, it is not difficult for Fang Chen to cultivate Soul Art.

Because, he has the true meaning of the peerless.

The real meaning of time and space in Qipin Realm has let him completely master the time acceleration.

As the strength increases, the multiple of time acceleration will also increase.

However, Rao is so, a hundred times more time is enough to let him get rid of any martial arts of the young generation.

In the past half a month, Fang Chen has used time to accelerate and has been practicing for almost four years.

At this moment, Fang Chen's whole body was filled with a strong soul breath.

If the dead tree and others were here, they would be shocked to discover.

Fang Chen is now much stronger than half a month ago.

Geniuses are called geniuses because they have comprehension that ordinary people cannot reach.

In this regard, Fang Chen has been far ahead.

Of course, this cut off the golden heart, and his own efforts can not be separated.

As a famous saying circulated on the earth, genius is 99% sweat, plus 1% talent.


When Fang Chen opened his eyes, some cracks appeared on the inner wall of the copper lion.

All the small writing on the wall in front of him fell off.


A subtle voice passed into Fang Chen's ear.

Immediately, he found that the copper lion seemed to burst apart.

His heart moved, a strong soul breath filled his mind, and he wrapped his body in an instant.

At the next moment, with a bang, the copper lion exploded directly.

Heaven Soul Mansion is in the eyes.

"Good spirits."

Fang Chen converged his breath and could not help sighing.

Although this soul technique is just an entry-level soul technique that enters the guru realm.

But for Fang Chen, it is already very strong.

He stood up, looked around, and then looked inside his mind.

He Ran discovered that the little gold man in his mind had more than doubled the original figure.

This scene, let Fang Chen stunned.

How could he not know that the Yuanshen became bigger, which meant that he became stronger and stronger.

"Unfortunately, Yuanshen is transforming and it takes time to transition into the guru realm." Fang Chen said to himself.

Introductory Soul Technique has been cultivated to the realm.

Just give him some time, the soul repair level will automatically step into the guru.

Therefore, Fang Chen is not worried about this aspect.

Converging mood, his eyes fell on the gate of Tianshen Mansion.

"I don't know what happened to the three of Jianwuhong." Fang Chen whispered.

However, just when he was about to enter Tianhun Mansion.

Suddenly, a broken voice came.

Immediately afterwards, the evil song quickly shot.


Seeing Fang Chen, evil music is also a bit unexpected.

At first, he thought that someone had the first chance.

However, when he saw Fang Chen's face clearly, his face was covered with sneers.

It really takes no effort to break through iron shoes and find nowhere.

The purpose of the deity to enter Panyuexian Cave is to avenge the avatar.

"Fang Chen, your death is here."

Evil tunes don't care, Fang Chen finds that he has a doppelganger.

Directly landed not far behind Fang Chen, the whole body was filled with breath, killing intently.

"Huh? Evil song?"

Fang Chen turned his head to look at the evil song, his eyes full of shock.

However, in a moment he guessed.

Before the explosion, it should be the avatar of evil music.

"I didn't expect you to have a doppelganger." Waking up from the shock, Fang Chen whispered.

"Forcing me to rupture myself, if this hatred is not reported, I swear not to be a man." Xiequ coldly said.

The strength of the deity is stronger than that of the doppelganger.

He thought that there was no suspense in beating Fang Chen.

"Unfortunately, you can't get your wish." Fang Chen shook his head.

Although the strength of the evil song is strong, he is not afraid.

"go to hell."

Seeing Fang Chen's arrogant appearance, the evil song roared, and immediately clenched his fists, slamming a punch.


Fang Chen saw this, and then punched a punch.

The two fists collided and suddenly a deafening voice erupted.

Fang Chenqing couldn't help but stepped back a few steps, the perfect sword body exploded in an instant, the sword-shaped rune was running, and the streamer was shining, forming the strongest defense.

"Today, I want to see who can save you."

The evil song is full of war, and the atmosphere of the whole body erupts, conquering the world, looking down at Fang Chen and laughing coldly.

Wow ...

Fang Chen displayed the true meaning of time and space, and his figure was hidden into the void.

Seeing the evil song, sneered.

A folding fan appeared in his hand, and then he waved hard, and the folding fan opened.

Suddenly, there were sky-dark weapons, shooting from the folding fan, hitting in the void.

Bang Bang Bang ...

Fang Chen, hiding in the void, was forced out by the hidden device in the folding fan.

Space-time strangulation.

Fang Chen's feet kicked violently, his figure immediately appeared in front of Xiequ, and then formed a strangling gesture.

"court death."

The evil song was furious, and it was so hard that the folding fan in his hand was dismantled, turned into five parts, and shot towards Fangchen in different directions.

Each part contains the power of tyranny.

噔 噔 噔!

Fang Chen ignored the attack of the evil song, and his feet suddenly killed the neck of the evil song.

The five attacks turned into a fan, all hit Fang Chen.

However, these attacks did not break Fang Chen's defense, and all fell to the ground.

Seeing the evil song, a turbulent wave was set in my heart.

Immediately, there was a fear in his heart.

Unfortunately, it is too late.

Time and space strangulation hit the evil song.

Suddenly, the evil music blasted away, and his skull almost exploded.

The evil music flying upside down was covered with blood on the head, the bones shattered, and the face collapsed.

He was terrible, roaring angrily, venting his dissatisfaction.

"Damn ..."

The evil song fell into a madness completely, and his whole body showed an evil breath.

He is forcibly performing a forbidden technique.

This forbidden technique was his killer skill, hurting others first.

In general, it is definitely not easy to use.

But now, he has no choice.

"Fang Chen, you will definitely die."

The evil song laughed visibly, and the collapsed face was constantly bleeding.

Evil tunes can no longer be taken care of so much, forbidden technique is exhibited, and his whole body has changed.


Fang Chen saw it, frowned slightly.

Immediately, he took out the red glass sword.

call out……

The red glass sword waved out, and the sword gas was vertical and horizontal.

Qinglei instant kills the sword.

A dazzling sword light suddenly shot out from the blade of the red glass sword, and finally in the sky, continued to illusion.

Containing horror to the extreme sword energy, with a thunderous thunder, he pierced into the head of evil music.


The head of evil music exploded in an instant.

The escaped Yuanshen was also directly stabbed by Jian Guang.

Hissing ...

Yuanshen is constantly struggling and wants to escape.

But the injury was too serious to break free.

Eventually, he was swallowed by Jianguang.


The body of the evil music fell to the ground.

A generation of strong people, this fell.

At this point, the deity's avatars are all destroyed.

With the potential of evil tunes, over time, it will definitely surpass the first strong man in the evil soul list, and the future achievements are unlimited.

But he chose to fight against Fang Chen.

He thought that he had cultivated a doppelganger in the Star Realm and had already stood at the top of the Star Realm.

However, what he did not know was that Fang Chen also cultivated a doppelganger.

The size of the universe is nothing strange.

Although Star Realm wants to practice doppelganger, it is very difficult, even impossible.

However, there are also a few warriors with potential that can do it.

"Wu Dao journeyed, the evil spirits really gathered."

Fang Chen glanced at the body of Xiequ and exclaimed.

Subsequently, he stepped out and entered Tianhun Mansion.

All the avatars are destroyed, even the emperor of life and death can not be resurrected.

Not to mention that he is just a star warrior.

Soon after, a man came in front of Tianhun Mansion.

The first genius sword star in the Jiantian Islands Jiantian list.

Sword star frowned at the corpse of evil music.

Immediately, he suddenly realized.

"The avatar was repaired, even I concealed it."

Sword star narrowed his eyes and stared at the body of evil music on the ground.

Immediately, he reached out with his big hands, and the rich evil breath in the body of evil music was absorbed by him.

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