Immemorial Sword Venerable

Chapter 1500: The last four

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Fang Chen didn't have the heart to pity Xiangxiyu, but in the face of the Kraken, there was endless anger in his heart.

The human race and the sea monster live together peacefully and do not violate each other.

This balance has lasted forever.

But now, the Emperor Xuesha actually forcibly shot and grabbed the old **** stick.

Fang Chen couldn't swallow this breath. He was in the inheritance ancestral land, and he didn't know the situation outside.

Therefore, I do not understand the attitude of the five giants.

All he knew was that he wanted to vent his evil spirits for the old **** stick.

Kill all the siren in the ancestral land.

This is just the beginning.

"Sister Xinyue."

Below, Mu Hanfu saw Su Xinyue's body, fell to the ground, and wept bitterly.

However, it was Fang Chen's shocking sword that responded to her.

call out……

The red sword light, passing through the void, appeared in front of Mu Hanfu with a thunderous thunder.


Without any obstruction, the red sword light penetrated Mu Hanfu's body and beheaded.


Jiang Kuang's heart was full of shock.

Not only was he shocked by others.

The strength shown by Fang Chen has surpassed all of them.

"How could he progress so fast?"

Yuan Ming was a little unbelievable. For the first time, he played against Blood Sword Saint, who was not his opponent at all.

If not relying on the dark magic wheel, he would have died in his own hands.

Next, every time you fight, you can obviously feel that the Blood Sword Saint is improving.

Especially when entering the ancestral ancestral land, I wanted to find time to kill it.

Now it seems that whether they can beat the blood sword saint is a question.

Thinking of this, Yuan Ming took a deep breath and strongly suppressed the inner vibration.

"The strongest inheritance matters." Yuan Ming secretly said.

The crowd awoke from the shock and immediately looked at each other.

After two rounds of battle, Purple Sword and Blood Sword Saint, with absolute advantage, won the game.

Next, Yuan Ming, Jiang Kuang, Luo Qinghan, and Lingming will have two matchups.

"Jiang Kuang, I will fight you."

In fact, Luo Qinghan chose Jiang Kuang for a reason.

His avatar was destroyed, and Jiang Kuang's avatar broke his arm.

Relatively speaking, Jiang Kuang's strength is lower.

After seeing the strange means of Lingming, he felt unfathomable.

"Okay, I will fight you."

Jiang Kuang laughed happily and immediately fought with Luo Qinghan.

Luo Qinghan is the strongest among the younger generation of Luo nationality. Although his strength is strong, there is still a certain gap with Jiang Kuang.

After half an hour of fighting, Jiang Kuang finally found an opportunity to counterattack, and Luo Qinghan was suppressed soon.

In fact, Luo Qinghan could play the killer skill, but he gave up.

He has killer skills, as does Jiang Kuang.

"Brother Jiang Kuang is very strong, and I am willing to worship the wind." Luo Qinghan smiled.

Although he is not qualified to win the strongest inheritance, he inherited his ancestral land and gained a lot.

Jiang Kuang nodded gently.

"Ling Ming, admit defeat, you are not my opponent." Yuan Ming said in a deep voice.

"Who can defeat me without fighting?" Ling Ming laughed.

"Since that is the case, it is a battle."

Bang Bang Bang ...

Yuan Ming and Lingming fought together.

Yuan Ming's body was full of breath and his strength was strong.

Moreover, he also cultivated the Yuan school's stern learning. As soon as he came up, he showed super attack power.

Lingming had known this for a long time, and did not confront Yuan Ming at all.

He uses his real sense of space to constantly move through time and space.

Yuan Ming couldn't even capture Lingming's body.

"What kind of genius is blindly running away?"

Yuan Ming shouted angrily.

"The warriors are fighting, the fate is the final victory, the process is not important." In the void, the sound of the sound came.

"Damn, I don't believe it. When can you hide?"

As soon as the words fell, Yuan Ming's big hands spread out, and a strange black breath came from Qihai.

After this black breath appeared, the space around him suddenly appeared distorted.

"this is……"

Fang Chen's face changed greatly.

Yuan Ming's method is very strange.

"It seems that this is Yuan Ming's killer." Fang Chen said secretly.

The space is distorted, and the black breath continues to penetrate into the void.


Lingming's body was forced to appear.

"Are you still running?"

Yuan Ming saw this and continued to exhibit a thunderous attack.

Rumble ...

The fighting continues, but the result seems destined.

Click ...

Yuan Ming punched on Lingming's body, and an armor appeared on the latter's chest.

"Body armor?"

Seeing this, Yuan Ming's face was gloomy.

"It's worthy of being the three protoss people, each with a hole card." Fang Chen sighed secretly.


In front of the main hall, the battle was fierce.

In other places where the ancestral heritage is passed, there have also been many battles.

Somewhere on the wasteland.

Demon Dao ancestors appeared, blocking several Tianjiao in Luo Holy Land.

"Sister Feng'er, go quickly."

Luo Chen pushed with a big hand to withdraw Luo Feng'er and let him escape.

And he himself is fighting with the demon ancestor.

Luo Chen is very young. He is a recently born Luo genius.

Although he is strong, he is not a rival to Yao Dao Zu.

"You will all die."

After the demon ancestor gave up the test, he walked in the inheritance ancestral land, looking for human warriors, and beheaded and killed when he saw it.

Before this, he had beheaded more than 20 human warriors.

His hands were covered with blood.


The demon ancestor hit Luochen's body with a punch, and walked towards Luochen step by step.


At a critical moment, Luo Feng'er blocked Luo Chen's side.

"To kill Luochen, step on my body first." Luo Fenger said coldly.

"Relax, you will all die."

The demon ancestor looked at Luo Feng'er playfully, his whole body strength gathered on his fist, and he burst out with a punch.

Wow ...

A person sprang out of the void and ran across Luo Feng'er.

With a bang, the demon ancestor struck the person with all his strength.

"Hurry up."

The coming spit blood and shouted loudly.


Luo Feng'er exclaimed, seeing Luo Rui injured, she wanted to help.

"Go quickly, don't let me die in vain, revenge me."

Luo Rui shouted hysterically, then turned his head and rushed to the demon ancestor.

Luo Rui hugged the demon ancestors, and bought time for Luo Feng'er and Luo Chen.

"court death."

The demon ancestor grabbed Luo Rui's head with a big hand and clicked, crushing Luo Rui's head.

Then he shot a bright light in his palm, shooting at Luo Feng'er and Luo Chen who had fled.

Thump ...

Luo Chen was running away, his arm was pierced.


Luo Feng'er held Luo Chen and fled quickly.

"Sister Feng'er, let me down, it will drag you down." Luo Chen said injured.

"I won't give up on you." Luo Feng'er's face was covered with tears.

Huh ...

One fled and one chase, and soon the demon Daozu caught up with Luo Feng'er.

"You will all die."

Luo Feng'er had already fallen into despair, but suddenly saw some human warriors in front of him.

"Save me." Luo Feng'er tried his best and rushed into the direction of the human warrior.

The coming person is the spiritual idleness, spirit, spirit and spirit of the spirit clan.

They talked and laughed. They just got a legacy and were very happy.

"Brother Ling Xian, the Luo people were chased and killed."

"It is the demon ancestor of the Kraken family."

"Do you want to shoot?"

"When are the Krakens so rampant? Together?"

Under the leadership of Ling Xian, the four great geniuses of the spirit clan battled with the demon ancestor.

The battle was terrifying.

Luo Feng'er didn't think about it, and fled here with the injured Luo Chen.

This battle lasted three days and three nights.

In the end, both losses ended.

The strength of the demon ancestor is very strong. At the critical moment, he displayed a killer skill, which almost made the four major geniuses of the spirit race destroyed.

Fortunately, the genius of the spirit clan also had killer skills.

After this war, within the ancestral land, the four sacred warriors jointly issued a statement against the demon ancestors.

Luo Huakai, Luo Xia's two geniuses were even more furious, vowing to kill the demon ancestor.

The crisis is spreading, and the demon ancestors are secretly waiting for the opportunity to kill human warriors.

The human warrior has no choice but to do so.


Take over the main hall.

The battle between Yuan Ming and Lingming was beyond everyone's expectations.

The spirit of the space is kind of true meaning, very against the sky.

Unfortunately, the Yuan tribe was very fond of Yuan Ming, and gave Yuan Ming a sword of war transformed by the idea of ​​a Yuan demon sword.

When Yuan Ming took out this treasure, he immediately defeated Ling Ming.

Although the latter also broke out with killer skills, the idea of ​​Yuan Yao Jian is too strong.

The final result was that Yuan Yao's sword idea collapsed and Yuan Ming was injured.

The Lingming defeated directly.

Huh ...

Leading to the ground in front of the hall, Ling Ming held his hands on his knees, panting, and sweat left his forehead.

He has tried his best.

"The Yuan tribe is really mean enough."

Some of Fang Chen looked down on Yuan Ming.

Fang Chen knows what the Yuan Yao Jian is.

Although it is just a war sword transformed by a hint of thought, it is beyond the scope of the Martial Artist.

He felt unworthy of Lingming, who lost some injustice.

If you don't encounter the war sword transformed by the idea of ​​Yuan Yao sword, you won't lose.

However, the ending is fixed and there is no way to change it.

Luo Qinghan, Lingming were successively eliminated and issued.

Only four people were left above the main hall.

Purple Sword, Yuan Ming, Jiang Kuang, Blood Sword Saint.

The four of them represent the pinnacle of the youngest generation in the universe of Fanchen.

Before entering the inheritance ancestral land, no one would think that there will be a blood sword saint standing in the end. "≠" ≠ "≠" ≠,

After a brutal test, the four stood on top of the access hall.

However, the next battle will be even more brutal.

Only one person is destined to get the strongest inheritance.

Therefore, no one would want the four people.

"Jiang Kuang, I will fight you."

Purple Sword took the initiative to choose Jiang Kuang instead of Blood Sword Saint.

Deep in his heart, there was a fear of blood sword saints.

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