Immemorial Sword Venerable

Chapter 1501: Ninth Runes

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Purple Knife chose Jiang Kuang for another reason, that is, Jiang Kuang's doppelganger was hurt and his strength was greatly reduced.

He could easily defeat it, in that case, only one step away from the end.

"Okay, let's fight."

Jiang Kuang's whole body showed a wild breath.

Although it was not as good as the Purple Sword, it did not show any weakness.

To treat Jiang Kuang, Zi Dao attaches great importance to it, holding a purple sword, staring at Jiang Kuang.

A master duel, in a moment.

The two did not act lightly, but looked at each other.

They are looking for the opponent's loopholes. Once they find the right opportunity, they will defeat the opponent by thunder.

Jiang Kuang summoned his own avatar.

The broken arm avatar has stopped bleeding, but the breath is a bit weak.

Promise Holy Light Knife.

Purple Sword finally started, and the purple robe on his body automatically moved without wind.

In an instant, within the Qihai, the nine-pointed star castor turned and thundered.

Immediately afterwards, the wild purple breath spread out instantly.

The purple war knife in his hand made a strange knife light in the sky.

The blade of light was like rain, pouring down instantly.

Above each blade of light, there is a magnificent purple halo that shocks the heart and lungs.

"Promise Holy Light Knife?"

Fang Chen couldn't help sighing when she saw the purple sword exhibiting this secret method.

Promise Holy Light Blade is very powerful, but it is the wise master of the Black Bladed Emperor. If he can cultivate to the peak and raise his hands and feet, he can destroy his opponent.

The Purple Sword accepted the inheritance of the Black Blade Emperor, but this mysterious method was profound and profound, and he had not yet reached the peak of his cultivation.

However, even so, the power is very strong.

"There is a powerful force of corrosion in the sword light. If you are a general nine-layer martial artist, you can't resist it." Fang Chen shook his head slightly.

Zi Dao's strength is too strong, Jiang Kuang wants to lose.

"Tiantong Magic Fist."

The sky was full of purple knives, pouring down and locking Jiang Kuang's body.

The latter's face changed drastically, and a roar was heard, and his whole body quickly gathered on the fists.


He stomped his feet, and the whole person leaped in depth, and then his fists carried a terrifying power and burst out instantly.

The whole sky was shaking, and Jiang Kuang's double fists were very awe-inspiring.

Click ...

Some of the purple sword lights near his fists were instantly shattered.

However, whenever a purple knife light shattered, the power of his double fists would be weakened.

In a blink of an eye, hundreds of sword lights were shattered, and at this time, Jiang Kuang's fist strength was also weakened by more than half.

"Tiantong Magic Fist, nothing more."

Seeing this, Zidao snorted coldly, jumped forward, and came to Jiang Kuang.

The purple sword in his hand marked a strange trajectory.

call out……

The purple war knife bypasses Jiang Kuang's double fists at an extremely tricky angle and pierces Jiang Kuang's throat.

Being forced to help, Jiang Kuang can only give up the offense and defend with all his strength.


His fists hit the side of the purple sword with a violent blow.

Suddenly disturbed the direction of the purple war knife, and the back shape flashed, quickly backed away.

Buzz ...

In the air, there was a breath of terror.

The battle for the pinnacle of fortune is extremely destructive.

Raise your hand and raise your feet, you can destroy a city.

Fortunately, there was a reception hall, otherwise, this space was also broken by the two.

Zi Dao holds a purple battle knife in his dark eyes, with a hint of humor, staring at Jiang Kuang in the distance.

"With the Eightfold Realm of Creation, it can exert such power. Jiang Kuang, you deserve my respect." Zi Dao said in a deep voice.

Hearing the words, Jiang Kuang's face showed a helpless look.

He didn't do it because he knew that even if he showed off his killer skills, he couldn't be the opponent of Zidao.

Rather than doing this, it is better to admit defeat directly.

To his level, victory or defeat is really not so important to him.

"The disciples of Black Blade Emperor are well-deserved."

The most outstanding disciple of the holy land of the human race was defeated by the apprentice of the Black Blade Emperor.

Jiang Kuang spread his hand, condensed his breath, and became relieved.

"You won, but I will redouble my efforts, and one day, I will surpass you." Jiang Kuang's face, full of confidence, "Under life and death, everything is a ants, we will compare, who will step in Life and death. "

Having said that, Jiang Kuang jumped forward and disappeared before leading the hall.

Hearing the three words of life and death, Zi Dao's face is also extremely dignified.

Even if he is so shocked that he is absolutely gorgeous, and he presses all the younger generations in the universe, he dare not say that he can step into life and death.

The realm of life and death is a hurdle. Ninety-nine percent of the martial arts can't set foot on this realm after their entire lives.

"I will definitely step into the realm of life and death." Zi Dao clenched his fists, Shen Sheng said.

At the same time, he stared hotly at the access hall.

If you can get the strongest inheritance in the hall, maybe you can use this to break through to the realm of death.

"The strongest inheritance is my Purple Sword." Purple Sword shouted.

"Congratulations to Brother Zidao." Yuan Ming smiled.

Zi Dao nodded slightly, and then said: "Then you two will come next."

Zidao stood aside, waiting for the final result.

Whether it is Yuan Ming or Blood Sword Saint, it is impossible to pose a threat to him.

The strongest inheritance is almost already in the pocket of his purple sword.

"Blood Sword Saint, do you still remember the crimson jellyfish veins under the green bamboo island?" Yuan Ming stared at Fang Chen and asked.

"Of course I remember that your avatar was destroyed by me there." Fang Chen said easily.

"Hum, I Yuanming swear at the beginning, I will cut you blood sword saint. And now, is the best opportunity." Yuan Ming snorted coldly: "If you have any last words, please speak up quickly, if I'm in a good mood, Maybe it will help you. Otherwise, there is no chance. "

Yuan Ming's words were full of killing intent.

He didn't even plan to let go of Blood Sword Saint at all.

"Are you sure you can kill me?" Fang Chen replied: "If I urge the dark magic wheel, you have no room for resistance."

Hearing the four words of the Dark Magic Wheel, Yuan Ming's face changed.

But soon he calmed down.

"I bet you won't urge the dark magic wheel." Yuan Ming smiled humorously: "That treasure is an extraordinary thing. With your strength, it is impossible to urge it for a long time. If you use it once, I am afraid it will Hurt the Yuanshen, fall into a coma? "

"Even if you are not in a coma, hurting the Yuanshen, your combat effectiveness will be greatly reduced. Be aware that behind me, there are the purple sword brothers staring at me, I believe you will never use the dark magic wheel, at least not now. "Yuan Ming analyzed."

Fang Chen spread his hand.

"Although you can try it."

If there is no life, what else to talk about.

Everything is built on the premise of having life.

"Of course, even without using the dark magic wheel, I can still defeat you." Fang Chen deliberately attacked Yuan Ming.

"Boy, are you really the younger generation of the three Protoss people who are vegetarian?" Yuan Ming said coldly, and his whole body filled with breath, locking Fang Chen's body.

"Today, let you know that I am offended."

Wow ...

When Yuan Ming's voice fell, he shot suddenly.

He punched out with a punch, and the rumbling sound rang.

Immediately afterwards, he took out his mace and exhibited his strongest skill, banging it towards Fang Chen.

"Blood Sword Saint, go die."

Yuan Ming sipped, his eyes filled with excitement.

"People are self-knowledgeable, and as a child of the Protoss, you can't even see where you are, and you can't blame others when you die." Fang Chen said softly.

At the next moment, the five-pointed star burst in Qihai burst out instantly.

A terrifying breath filled the whole world.

Time and space really show, Fang Chen's body is looming, and he travels through the void.

The red glass sword is in hand, and the heaven and earth burial sword tactics are displayed.

At the same time, the avatar, who had never appeared before, appeared on one side instantly, exhibiting the fourth floor of the Five Thunder Trials.


Yuan Ming shouted, and his mace shattered the red sword light, hitting the red glass sword fiercely.

Suddenly, the sound of the intertwined metal echoed through the sky, sparks splattered.

At this moment, Yuan Ming's head was hit by a thundering thunder down the sky.


The miserable cry came from Yuan Ming's mouth.

Wow ...

The mace was out of control and was blown away by the red glass sword.

Yuan Ming's body flew out directly.

His skull was smashed and his head was filled with smoke.

In his mind, Yuanshen oscillated and was hit by a huge bed.

The fourth layer of the Five Thunder Tribulation Act has super attack power.

And it was impossible to resist even under the rush.

"Huh? Doppelganger?"

Seeing Fang Chen's doppelganger, Zi Dao's face also changed.

"Blood Sword Saint, this is what you forced me to do, the deity's avatars are there, and I happened to be together."

At this time, Yuan Ming still did not give up.


Yuan Ming quickly took out a symbol from his arms.

Then, Fu Lu will be activated instantly.

Rumble ...

The aura of terror spread from within Fu Lu.

The monstrous sea of ​​flames instantly enveloped Fang Chen's body.

"this is……"

Fang Chen's heart shook.

This Fulu, the power that erupted is too powerful.

"Nine order rung."

Aside from the purple knife, Shen Sheng said.

Ninth order fulu, that is the legendary fulu.

Looking at the entire universe of mortals, there are many eighth-order rungs, but very few ninth-order rungs.

Because, the nine-star Divine Rune Master is one of the few.

"The Yuan tribe seems to have a nine-star magician."

Nine-Star Divine Rune Master has the same status as Nine-Star Refining Divine Master, Nine-Star Alchemy Divine Master, and Nine-Star Divine Master.

The status of these strong men among the emperors of life and death is also among the best.

Such a strong man, even the five giants, must be treated politely.

According to rumors, the Nine Star Rune Master of the Yuan clan, who is the Yuan clan's master, Yuan Gu, laid down his identity and invited him in person.

Moreover, more than ten times were invited before the Yuan tribe was invited.

"The Yuan tribe really gave birth to the blood, and actually granted Yuan Ming's ninth-order rung."

In the sea of ​​fire, the perfect sword body urges, and the sword-shaped runes run.

Fang Chen is working hard to resist the attack of the ninth order Fulu.

"Blood Sword Saint, I want to see how you can resist this time."

Yuan Ming laughed wildly. He seemed to have seen that the blood sage saint's deity was all dead.

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