Immemorial Sword Venerable

Chapter 1506: Dark void

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The ancestral heritage is extraordinary.

Since ancient times, no one has been able to accept the inheritance of the ancestor.

Moreover, there is a great crisis in accepting the inheritance of the ancestors.

If you fail, you will die. And the deity is destroyed.

This is very terrible for the warrior.

The doppelganger is destroyed, and there is a deity. As long as you conceive for a while, you may conceive a doppelganger.

The deity is destroyed, and the avatar is still there.

Therefore, as long as the deity is not destroyed, the warrior can hardly die.

However, some extremely powerful warriors can directly slay their avatars through the warrior's deity.

This strong man is terrible.

Right now, Fang Chen is making a choice, whether he should choose the ancestral inheritance.

Jianzu and Leizu are unwilling to let Fang Chen take risks.

After all, Fang Chen's potential is obvious to all.

Fortune-telling warriors can force the fortune-telling warriors, even Zizu's ideas are forced out.

Such means are not something that ordinary warriors can possess.

Jianzu and Leizu have already concluded that if they do not die halfway through, Fang Chen will surely be able to step into life and death in the future.

Even, the eternal world is not impossible.

He is the hope of the human race.

Since the endless years, the genius with the most potential against the sky.

Suddenly, Fang Chen's mind shook.

Immediately afterwards, the complex look on his face disappeared and replaced with a smile.

Just now, he has made a decision.

Putting it to death, and then giving birth, this is what the golden heart tells itself.

Along the way, martial arts should meet the difficulties.

If even such a setback is unacceptable, how can one step into life and death?

"Two seniors, I have made a choice." Fang Chen said.

"give up?"

Lei Zu laughed.

Jianzu also looked at Fang Chen, waiting for Fang Chen to make a decision.

"I decided to give it a try."

Hearing Fang Chen's words, Jianzu and Leizu fell silent.

After a long time, the two looked up.

"I have already told you how dangerous the Guzu inheritance is. But if you insist on this, I have nothing to say." Leizu said.

"Boy, since you have chosen, you must bravely go on. I hope you can succeed." Jianzu nodded. "We also want to know how strong Guzu's heritage is.

Guzu is the strongest human race ever.

The heritage he left behind is naturally very powerful.

However, since the endless years, no one can get it.

"How do I do it?" Fang Chen asked.

He is ready.

"Your idea, if you can get Guzu's approval, you will naturally know what to do next," Jianzu reminded.

Fang Chen nodded, his heart moved, and a trace of his thoughts floated out, swept towards the ancestral tablet.

"Be careful," Leizu urged.

Immediately, the ghost image of Leizu and Jianzu walked aside to protect Fang Chen.

All of a sudden, Fang Chen's ideas penetrated into the bones of the ancestor.


Fang Chen felt that his thoughts seemed to have entered the endless darkness.

The endless darkness is full, and there is empty space everywhere.

His thoughts were floating in the dark space of the void.

"Senior Guzu, how can you get your approval?" Fang Chen said.


Dark and empty, very quiet.

Fang Chen's ideas are advancing, and he wants to find the inheritance left by Gu Zu.

However, no matter how he walked, there was exactly the same darkness around him.

Fang Chen did not give up, he moved forward in the dark.

Perhaps this is the test of Gu Zu to himself.


Green Bamboo Island.

The Krakens are still harassing Green Bamboo Island.

However, after this period of operation, Lvzhu Island has formed a strong defense under the leadership of Yin Fang.

They make full use of the green bamboo array to resist the destruction of the Kraken.

Especially the two formation geniuses that Fang Chen was optimistic about before.

In the recent battle, a dazzling light erupted.

Qiu Xin completely stabilized his position and reached the peak of five stars.

Raising your hand and throwing it into the room, you can arrange a fifth-order top formation, even when in good condition, you can arrange a formation comparable to the sixth-order formation.

Compared with Qiu Xin, Nile's progress is greater.

Soon after reaching the two-star array magician, he broke through to Samsung.

Recently, in the continuous actual combat experience, beyond everyone's expectations, it has broken through to the realm of the Four Star Array.

The more breakthrough, the more the Nile's potential is revealed.

Even the deputy island master Yin Fang couldn't help but sigh, the island owner's vision was too toxic.

At the beginning, Nile was only a very common formation wizard among the 300 formation wizards.

This is how long it has passed since Nile has reached the level of a four-star array magician.

Even Qiu Xin admired it.

On the Green Bamboo Island, there is the Green Bamboo Formation, and there are a large number of warriors to guard, there is no worries.

Below the Green Bamboo Island, deep in the void ocean.

This is the residence of Emperor Xuesha.

Xuesha House.

At the same time, it is also the core place of the entire Kraken family.

After the Lord of Blood Fiend grabbed the old **** stick back, he planted it in the back garden of the Blood Fiend Mansion.

The old **** stick is a quasi-god tree, and touched the threshold of **** level.

As long as it is not completely destroyed, almost nothing will happen.

There is a very narrow cave in the main body of the old **** stick.

Inside, there is a figure, which was a heavenly heart that was forced into the void ocean by the sea monsters.

The original Tianxin fell into the void ocean.

The old **** stick wanted to shoot, it was too late.

I thought Tianxin fell.

But who would have thought that not only did Tianxin not die, but it appeared miraculously in the Xuesha Mansion.

After seeing Tianxin, the old **** stick naturally collected it into the body for the first time.

"Uncle Shi, is there a way to escape?" Tianxin asked.

The old **** stick sighed and put away the old hip-hop.

"This is the base camp of the Kraken family, and the Blood Emperor Monarch sits in town personally. As long as I have a change, the Blood Emperor Monarch will know it for the first time." The Old God Stick said sadly.

"I don't know what is happening to Master," Tianxin said to himself.

Hidden in the body of the old **** stick, there is no danger to life.

However, it limits their freedom.

"Don't think too much, practice it well. Your master will come out of the ancestral land and he will definitely find a way to save us." Old God sticked.

It's in Xuesha House, but the days are moisturizing.

As long as some branches and leaves are handed over regularly, Xuesha Emperor will not shoot him.

"I will work hard to practice." Tianxin clenched his fists and closed his eyes to practice.


Fang Chen didn't even know what happened outside.

Unconsciously, his thoughts have been walking in the dark void for half a month.

Too quiet, too boring.

Even a living warrior will be tortured abnormally.

Fang Chen's ideas were ups and downs.

"Senior Guzu, is this your test for me?"

Fang Chen looked up, looking at the dark void, and said in a deep voice.

There is no trace of echo, only darkness and silence.

"I don't believe it will continue this way."

Fang Chen went on.

This walk is three months.

For three months, Fang Chen's idea has been walking in the dark sky.

With the silence, now he is completely numb.

If this continues, he doesn't know if he can keep his heart.


Fang Chen sat on the ground lazily.

Just about to rest, suddenly a little warmth came under the ground.


Fang Chen was shocked, and immediately looked closely.

At this time, the golden heart also beating quickly.

"It's a weird breath."

Under the earth, the warmth came into his body.

Over the river and the sea, severe pain came from within him.

"It hurts."

Fang Chen looked up to the sky, but fortunately there was a golden heart to help him suppress this warmth.

From not adapting at the beginning, to adapting later.

Gradually, Fang Chen began to actively absorb the warmth under the earth.


Finally, Fang Chen noticed something was wrong.

The warm breath from the ground contains a very pure power.

"The power of Guzu?"

Fang Chen's face was overjoyed, madly absorbing pure power.

This state lasted another month.

Finally, there was an illusory voice in the dark void.

"Four months is not too late."

Hearing this voice, Fang Chen was relieved.

For four months, the tense nerves can finally relax.

"Senior Guzu, have I passed your test?"

Fang Chen looked up at the sky and asked.

"You just got my approval. If you want to get my heritage, you need to pass the test I left behind." Gu Zu said. "My heritage, I would rather disappear in the long river of history than to teach mediocrity."

Hearing the words, Fang Chen's heart shook.

Worthy of being the ancestor, he is very fond of his inheritance.

Guzu is an arrogant person, and the mediocrity is not qualified for his inheritance.

"I feel the bone strength under the earth in three months, and absorb and saturate it in a month. Your potential is much stronger than the little guys who came here before. I hope you can succeed.

The voice of Gu Zu, the inheritance of nothingness.

"Senior Guzu, juniors will not let you down." Fang Chen said solemnly.

It took only four months before it was recognized by Gu Zu.

"The pure power contained in the warmth from the ground is called bone strength?"

However, Fang Chen was also puzzled in his heart.

Fang Chen didn't understand what bone strength is, I heard it for the first time.

He guessed that this bone strength may be the strength created by the ancestors.

Connected to the main hall.

Seeing Fang Chen's body twitch, Jianzu and Leizu changed their faces, and they were very worried.

"Will he fail?" Lei Zu walked around, very unsteady. △ ≧ △ ≧ △ ≧ △ ≧

"Anyway, you are also an ancestor of the human race. What big storms and waves haven't been experienced, so not calm?" Jianzu glanced at Leizu.

"It's different." Leizu retorted.

Suddenly, Fang Chen's twitching body came to a halt.


Jianzu and Leizu hurriedly came to him and observed carefully.

"The breath is even, and there seems to be no life threatening." Jianzu said.

"Does it mean that he has been recognized by Gu Zu?" Lei Zu exulted.

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