Immemorial Sword Venerable

Chapter 1507: Ice skull

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Dark void.

Fang Chen's face showed a tired look.

He was relieved and slumped on the ground.

For four months, the nerves were tight, and now I can finally relax.

The test set by Gu Zu was still a bit human.

After being approved, there are three days to prepare. When everything is ready, his test will come.

Huh ...

Fang Chen is struggling to restore his strength, striving to adjust to the best state after three days.

The outside body calmed down completely.

Jianzu and Leizu laughed at each other, thinking that Fangchen should be recognized by Guzu.

Recognized, at least took the first step.

"Hope this little guy can succeed." Leizu whispered.

"Yeah, he has great potential, it is the future of my human race. If it fails ..."

Nothing was said behind Jianzu, but Leizu was also very clear.

Fang Chen now has no room to retreat, and can only rush forward.

And once it fails, the deity's avatars will be wiped out.

The two ancestors were very worried and walked around in the hall.

Three days, fleeting.

At the moment of time, Fang Chen opened his eyes.

"Through the test, you can be inherited. If you fail, the deity will be destroyed."

In the dark sky, the voice left by the Guzu came.

"What is the test?" Fang Chen said to himself.

Suddenly, the dark void has changed a lot.

The temperature of the hot air dropped sharply in an instant.

In a blink of an eye, Fang Chen felt a touch of coldness.

"what is this?"

Fang Chen's eyes widened and he felt the changes in the surrounding air carefully.

He was shocked to find that the previous warmth had completely disappeared, replaced by extreme coldness.

Rumble ...

As Fang Chen pondered, suddenly, innumerable ice skulls appeared in all directions.

These skeletons are completely made of ice, which gives a very shocking feeling.

"A total of ten waves of attack, one wave is stronger than one wave. Within three years, resisting the ten waves of attack, it is considered to pass, otherwise it is a failure. In the dark void, there is a voice." During this period, if you can't resist the attack, you Stop directly. "

After hearing the words, Fang Chen's heart moved slightly.

Is it only three years?

Fortunately, within the time limit, you can stop at will, otherwise, it is really too dangerous.

Huh ...

As soon as the voice fell, the first attack came.

A cursory glance at this wave of attacks has a total of hundreds of ice skulls.


Fang Chen took the lead and attacked with a punch.

The ice skull near him was directly blown away by his punch.


Seeing this, Fang Chen's face was even worse.

The first wave of attack was obviously not powerful.

In the following time, Fang Chen struck the Ice Skull with great strength.

In half a quarter of an hour, the first wave of ice skeletons were all destroyed by Fang Chen.

"The strength of the first wave of ice skeletons is probably the most important in the chemical environment." Looking around, the ice skeletons scattered on the ground gradually melted, and the ice cold breath returned to the dark void.

However, at this moment, Fang Chen's face changed suddenly.

He suddenly thought of something.

"The first wave is the first of the environment, then the tenth wave?"

Thinking of this, Fang Chen's heartbeat accelerated.

If your guess is true, then the next attack will be more terrifying than the wave.

If the tenth wave of attack is really a life-and-death level attack, how can you resist it?

"Three years ..."

Fang Chen felt the time was tight for the first time.

He also finally knew why Lei Zu and Jian Zu did not let themselves choose Gu Zu to inherit.

If you want to come, the problem is here.

However, he has no turning back.

If it is impossible to resist ten waves of attack within three years, the deity will be destroyed.

This is not the result that Fang Chen wants, so he must work hard.

"carry on."

Thinking about it, the second wave hit.

Just like Fang Chen's guess, the second wave of ice skeletons' cultivation is roughly double in the creation environment.

Although there are hundreds of them, the other party will not have any influence.

Rumble ...

You can resist it with almost no effort.

The third, fourth, and fifth attacks are the same as the previous two attacks.

Their combat effectiveness is not strong, Fang Chen can easily resist.

However, by the time of the sixth wave of attacks, Fang Chen clearly felt something was wrong.

There are eighty-one waves in the sixth wave of ice skulls.

Their position is very strange, vaguely forming a combined attack array.

Fang Chen finally felt a trace of pressure.

"Heaven and earth burial sword tactics."

Finally, he brought out the red glass sword and displayed the tactics of burying the sword in the world to fight against the attack of the ice skull.

Eighty-one ice skeletons, both raised the palms of the skulls, the breath of extreme ice, instantly filled.

"It's so cold."

For a moment, Fang Chen felt that his Yuanshen would be frozen.

"This is the sixth wave."

Fang Chen's face became more dignified.

The sixth wave of attacks only gave myself such a great pressure.

"call out……"

Scary red sword light, flying all over the sky, carrying a powerful force, stab at the ice skull.

Thump ...

One ice skull after another was defeated by Fang Chen.

After an hour, the sixth wave of ice skeletons finally collapsed.


Fang Chen breathed a sigh of relief, but he did not relax his guard and looked carefully around.

Soon, the seventh wave of attacks arrived.

The seventh wave of attack is more powerful.

Heaven and earth burial sword tactics can no longer resist the attack of the ice skeleton, and finally Fang Chen exhibited the Five Thunders big robbery method, only to completely destroy the ice skeleton.

When the eighth wave attacked, Fang Chen had already killed his eyes.

After fighting for seven days and seven nights, he barely passed.

However, when the ninth wave of attacks arrived, Fang Chen admitted directly.

Although he fights alone, he has no fear of creating the Ninth Martial Artist.

However, so many Nine Heavy Ice Skeletons teamed up, and the extreme cold breath from them extinguished Fang Chen's Yuanshen.

After the ice skull retreated, Fang Chen sat cross-legged on the ground.

Recalling the previous battle.

"The ninth wave of attacks is too strong. Unless I make a breakthrough, it will be difficult to resist." Fang Chen said secretly.

Immediately, he closed his eyes and began to practice.

This was the ninth wave, and it bothered him.

Time is not waiting for anyone, he has only three years.

Therefore, it is necessary to withstand the ninth wave of attacks at the fastest speed. Then he devoted himself to studying the tenth wave of attacks.

By this moment, Fang Chen had expected that the tenth wave of attacks should be comparable to those of life and death.

The chemical environment challenges the life and death, that is to find death.


In Fang Chen's mind, there are only two words of cultivation.

In the hall, Lei Zu and Jian Zu have been watching Fang Chen.

Seeing that he had remained calm, the two relaxed a lot.

"I don't know what this kid is doing now?" Lei Zu asked.

"According to the truth, he should have been recognized by Gu Zu, presumably now being tested." Jian Zu said.

"I hope it can pass." Lei Zu said.

In the inheritance ancestral land, the warriors of the four holy places are all seizing the time to find inheritance and enhance their own strength.

And outside, under the calm appearance, the danger is gradually approaching.

Void ocean, somewhere on the edge.

There is a very hidden island here, which is no longer within the territory of the human race.

On the island, there are countless aliens.

This is the home base for aliens, isolated from the human race.

Around the island, there is a peerless formation left by alien ancestors, which can isolate everything.

Even the emperor of life and death, it is impossible to perceive the existence of formation.

Therefore, interracial is very safe.

Since the endless years, the alien race and the human race have fought because of this peerless formation.

Today, this island is very lively.

Because, the master of the alien race is out.

Qianyuan is the absolute leader of aliens.

The vast alien race is full of people.

The strength dominated by Qianyuan has been recognized by all aliens.

Before the retreat, the strength of Qianyuan dominated the five giants.

However, he has been tolerant, the human race is too strong.

Foreigners want to turn over, they must seize the opportunity, not blindly attack.

After the customs clearance, Qianyuan ruled and his strength soared.

After learning that the Blood Emperor and the five giants were fighting, he immediately set off and went to the Blood Evil Mansion deep in the Void Ocean.

Void ocean, blood evil palace.

"Master Qianyuan, what are you doing here in my house?"

The giant-level powerhouse can know the existence of the other party with a little induction.

The moment the Qianyuan ruler stepped into the void ocean, the Emperor Xuesha already knew.

"Emperor Xuesha, I have something important to discuss with you." Qian Yuan master said with a smile.

"come in."

Suddenly, the gate of Xuesha House opened, and Qianyuan ruled into it.

In the garden, the emperor Xuesha in the blood-red robe sat quietly.

Qian Yuan, who was somewhat **** in his body, walked in and arched his hand at the emperor Xuesha, and then said: "Xuesha, your strength has improved a lot."

"Say something." Emperor Xuesha said in a deep voice.

"Bloody blood, you are still such an impatient." Qian Yuan ruler chuckled with a smile: "Ninety percent of the vast universe of mortal dust is a void ocean, and it belongs to the land of your blood shame. Do you never think of hegemony to rule The universe? "

Hearing the words, Emperor Xuesha's face changed a bit, and he looked directly at the ruler of Qianyuan.

"What do you want to say?" △ ≧. * (. *) △ ≧,

"The siren family should not shrink in the void ocean. The universe of dust is your end point." Qianyuan ruled.

"The human race has a deep heritage and should not be underestimated. Moreover, my Kraken family has an agreement with the human race. They do not invade each other." Emperor Xuesha shook his head.

Qianyuan dominates his mind, and seems to have expected this.

"Bloody, I know your ambitions. What's the use of agreement for us and other powerful people? When you dominate the universe, the agreement is just a blank piece of paper." Qianyuan ruled.

"And, if we add our aliens, should it be easy to fight against the human race?" Qianyuan ruler continued.

"What do you want?" Emperor Xuesha did not directly refuse, but asked.

Qianyuan ruled to look at the emperor Xuesha, and then said: "I want to give a living space to all ethnic groups."

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