Immemorial Sword Venerable

Chapter 1508: Tenth wave

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Dark void.

Fang Chen sat cross-legged, he closed his eyes to practice.

The strength of the ninth wave of ice skulls is too strong, with his current strength, it is simply no match.

First of all, Fang Chen chose the real meaning of time and space.

The true meaning of time and space is the true meaning of peerlessness, and in the true meaning of peerlessness, it is also one of the top real intentions.

A long time ago, the real meaning of time and space reached the realm of Seven Grades.

Of course, that time was trapped on the island of time and space within the ruins of the stars.

Being forced to frustrate, constantly attacking the time and space demon spirits, the realm of ascension.

As time went by, Fang Chen's perception of time and space became more and more profound.

The true meaning of time and space can be separated.

Time and space are one of the foundations of the universe.

From the ancient times to the present, the Quartet is up and down.

Fang Chen's whole body is filled with rich real meaning of time and space, and the golden heart is beating rapidly.

Maintaining this kind of practice lasted for half a year, and finally broke through to the eight-grade realm in one fell swoop.

half year later.

Fang Chen opened his eyes violently, and his body was filled with rich air of time.


Fang Chen was very pleased that time and space truly reached the eighth grade, and his strength has improved a lot.


When Fang Chen was happy, he suddenly discovered that his cultivation practice, in this half-year period, unknowingly broke through to the sixth level of creation.

"Strength has improved a lot."

Fang Chen was full of war.

He stepped out and reached the center of the dark void.

Rumble ...

The extreme cold breath spread out instantly, and the powerful ice skeleton roared.

Dozens of Ice Skulls in the Forge of Nine Heavys, jointly attack, the strength is powerful, people are frightened.

However, Fang Chen at this time was no longer him six months ago.

The strength has skyrocketed, and there is no fear in the face of the ninth wave of ice skeletons.

"Come on, let me see how strong you are."

As soon as Fang Chen's voice fell, he suddenly burst out with a punch.


Fists burst out, the void collapses directly, and ripples appear.

The ice skull closest to Fang Chen was directly smashed by a punch.

One blow punched an ice skull with a nine-fold forged environment. If such fighting power is known to the outside world, it will be shocked.

"Sure enough."

Strength has increased, and physical strength has also been greatly improved.

Wow ...

The next battle was almost one-sided.

Fang Chen showed the true meaning of time and space, his figure flashed in the void, looming.

Despite the large number of ice skulls and strong attack power, they couldn't capture Fang Chen's figure.

In this way, they cannot attack Fang Chen, and the latter can easily defeat them.

The trade-offs are long and short.

In just half a quarter of an hour, the last ice skull in the ninth wave was bombed by Fang Chen.


Resisting the ninth wave of attacks, Fang Chen was relieved.

However, he did not relax at all, and his face became more dignified.

Because, next will encounter the most terrifying wave, and the last wave.

If this wave cannot be resisted, there is only one way to go.

Buzz ...

Just between Fang Chen's thoughts, a vast breath came.

"It's so cold."

Fang Chen's Yuanshen shocked, and the temperature in the air was too low.

Let his primordial spirit feel like freezing.

"Is the ice skull in the level of life and death?"

Fang Chen's heart shook, and his eyes flicked somewhere in the dark void.


The earth was trembling, a snow white, huge ice skeleton, walking from the dark void.

Around its body, there was a grayish breath.

These breaths isolate it from the world, as if it could block the air flow from the world.

"what is that?"

Feeling a dangerous breath approaching, Fang Chen shouted silently.

The tenth wave of attacks, there is only one ice skull.

And the strength of this ice skull exceeds the sum of the previous nine waves of ice skulls.

"too strong."

Fang Chen's body was a little trembling, and there was immortal inflammation all over his body.

Fortunately, there is an undead body protector, otherwise, the extreme cold air in the air alone will be able to freeze one's soul.

"Is this the power of the emperor of life and death?"

Fang Chen stared hotly at the snow-white ice skull in the distance.

The ice skull stood quietly, and the breath from the whole body had made Fang Chen feel palpitations.

Life and death, endless life, surrounded by life.

The ice skull in front of him was full of anger, but there was no trace of death.

It can be seen that this ice skeleton should be a low-level strength in life and death.

The gray breath around it should be the power of the legendary law, right?

Stepping into the realm of life and death, one can perceive the power of the laws bred in the nature of heaven and earth.

So as to successfully cultivate the law.

The rule of ice skeletons is the rule of ice.

There are countless laws in the universe.

Each rule is unique and is part of the universe.

Above the rules are the rules.

Rules and rules are part of the order of the universe.

However, the rule is the supreme existence, such as the rule of destruction, the rule of life, the rule of death, etc.

There are more laws, such as the laws of ice, the laws of water, and the laws of fire.

In order to reach the peak, the warriors in life and death must have a rule to the extreme.

Only by thoroughly mastering a certain rule can we achieve the strongest combat effectiveness.

The same is the state of the warrior, strength is strong or weak, is also the reason.

Some strong men have mastered more than one rule.

The more the rules are mastered, the stronger the strength.

Of course, the more difficult it is to practice.

The law of ice can command all the forces of ice in the world.

Facing the snow-white ice skeleton, Fang Chen's body kept receding.


Suddenly, the snow-white ice skeleton opened its mouth wide and spouted a breath of ice.

Seeing this, Fang Chen was terrified. Time and space unfolded, and fled quickly.

However, Rao is so, but also swept by the breath of ice.

"So strong."

In an instant, the body seemed to freeze into ice.

Undead inflammation erupted with all its strength, and it took a long time to dissipate the cold breath in the body.

"This snow-white ice skeleton is only a preliminary grasp of the law of ice." Fang Chen secretly guessed.

If you fully master the law of ice, you will certainly die.

"I surrender."

Immediately, Fang Chen immediately conceded defeat.

The time limit is three years, and now only one year has passed, and there are still two years.

The present self is not an opponent of Xue Baibing skeleton at all.

Can only continue to practice.

"It would be nice if I could master a law."

The snow-white ice skeleton disappeared, Fang Chen sat cross-legged, and once again entered cultivation.

Connected to the main hall.

Jianzu and Leizu saw the movement of Fang Chen's body, and their faces changed slightly.

For a while, Jianzu and Leizu felt an extremely cold breath in the air leading to the hall.

"The Law of Ice?"

Leizu shouted silently.

He was well-informed and naturally recognized the law of ice at a glance.

"It seems that Fang Chen is in danger." There was a hint of worry on Jianzu's face, and he spread his hand.

Facing the ruler of life and death, the fortune-telling warrior has almost no power to fight back.

"Alas, the inheritance left by the Guzu is too difficult for the warriors of the universe," Leizu said.

Jianzu nodded, "The ancestor of the bones reached the top, and the inheritance must be incredible. He did not want his descendants to be mediocre."

The two ancestors looked at each other, eyes full of helplessness.

Ever since Fang Chen chose the inheritance of Gu Zu, it has been doomed.

This way, he can only go on alone.

Lei Zu and Jian Zu had no choice but to help.

Gu Zu Nai is the cosmic epoch, the pinnacle of the human race.

The means to the sky are unbelievable.

Even if it is only the inheritance he left behind, it is not that Leizu and Jianzu can reverse the situation.

Therefore, the two can only wait.


The outside world, holy land of human race.

In the temple, the holy saints of the human race gathered with the other four giants.

The atmosphere was very solemn, and the faces of the five giants were gloomy.

"Everyone, tell me your opinion."

Sacred Lord of Human Race said.

The five giants rarely assemble together. The last time they gathered together was because the Lord of the Evil Soul Islands was killed.

This time, it was a matter related to the safety of the human race.

The matter is of great importance, and the five giants dare not ignore it.

"The Siren family is too much." Shen Chong, the master of the Spirit family, said, "Our human family and the Siren family have signed an agreement, and they do not violate each other. The Emperor Xuesha, relying on his own strength, actually united Qianyuan to rule with our human race. Ask for territory. "

The main line of the Luo people: "Our human race cannot compromise. The last battle of the Lvzhu Island. We just let the blood evil emperor leave because we didn't want to provoke the battle of the ethnic groups. He is worth it."

Two consecutive giants have shown extreme dissatisfaction with the emperor Xuesha.

"It is said that Master Qian Yuan also took that step. The two of them joined forces and the fighting power was amazing. Unless some of us can reach the eternal realm."

The Black Blade Emperor on the side said nothing.

But the meaning is obvious, that is fighting.

"Since they dare to do so, they must rely on it. We can't carelessly, be cautious as well." Sacred Sacred Human Race: "However, this time we will never give in."

Last time, Emperor Xuesha came to Lvzhu Island.

Forcibly taking away the old **** stick, angered the five giants.

The five giants had a terrifying battle with them.

No one knows how the battle ended.

They only knew that the emperor Xuesha had retreated.

Although there are many giants in the human race, there is no one particularly strong.

The emperor Xuesha and the ruler of Qianyuan took that step one after another, which was a great deterrent.


Green Bamboo Island.

On weekdays, the Krakens are attacking and destroying.

But today is different.

When the Krakens arrived, Deputy Master Yin Fang and others disagreed. 8 ± (. *) 8 ± 8 ±, o

However, when the Krakens really fought, Yin Fang knew.

"Start the Green Bamboo Formation."

Yinfang deputy island master shouted.

Three hundred formation magicians, led by Nile and Qiu Xin, urged the green bamboo formation together.

Suddenly, the magnificent green breath diffused.

Green bamboo everywhere, the branches and leaves fluttered, trapping the attacking siren family.


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