Immemorial Sword Venerable

Chapter 1512: Desperate Demon Daoist

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Emperor Xuesha selected the most outstanding young generation of ten people from the Kraken family.

Now, there is only one demon ancestor left.

Of course, he did not know that Su Xinyue and Mu Hanfu fell.

With the strength of the two, even if it is not a genius of the enemy clan, running away is not a problem.

A few days later, the demon ancestor came to the front hall.

The access hall still stands on the ground, surrounded by a strong ban.

"Did Xinyue enter the Hall of Retrieval?" Demon Dao Zuo thought to himself.

He walked quickly to the leading hall.

Suddenly, he saw an amazing scene, immediately above his face, covered with gloomy colors.

"Heart Moon."

The demon ancestor saw Su Xinyue's body.

Three years later, Su Xinyue's body was still lying on the ground intact.

The inner spirit of the demon ancestor raged into the sky.

Su Xinyue is a young generation of pride of the sea monsters and the sister of his demon ancestor.

I remember from the beginning that when I was young, Su Xinyue had been helping himself.

Su Xinyue is very kind to himself, just like his brother.

Although the demon ancestor said nothing in his mouth, he regarded Su Xinyue as his sister.

In the mind of the demon ancestor, various past pictures emerged.

These pictures are all good memories of him and Su Xinyue together.

"Xinyue, I will definitely avenge you."

The demon ancestor filled the whole body with a strong and extreme evil breath, and immediately walked step by step to lead the hall.

After just two steps, he saw another body.

This body is Mu's body.

"Damn ..."

The demon ancestor eyes were scarlet, falling into a state of madness.

The deaths of Su Xinyue and Mu Hanfu had a great impact on the demon ancestors.

"No matter who it is, I want him to shatter his body."

The demon ancestor tried hard to suppress his inner anger, and came to the front hall.


Accumulating strength, he punched suddenly on the access hall.


The terrifying fist made a deafening sound when it touched the access hall.

A ray of bright light escaped, swallowing the fist.

The main hall was restored to calm.

Just kidding, if the connecting hall created by the ancestor of the strongest cosmic era, if it was defeated by a fortune-telling warrior, wouldn't it be a joke?


The demon ancestor fell into a frenzy, punching one punch after another, constantly bombarding the access hall.

However, it does not help.

The prohibition around the access hall is very strong, with his strength, it is impossible to break through.

Connected to the main hall.

Leizu and Jianzu frowned as they felt someone attacking the main hall.

Immediately, they spread their consciousness and found that the attackers were actually members of the Kraken family.

"The Krakens are too rampant." Lei Zu said in a deep voice. "Do you want to drive this annoying guy away?"

Jianzu stopped, "During the duel between the younger generation, we two old guys don't want to interfere. Fang Chen's practice is almost over, so I can practice with him."

Hearing Jianzu's words, Leizu nodded with a smile.

In the middle of the hall, Fang Chen sat cross-legged and was practicing the divine space-time book.

His breath around him gradually improved, giving a shocking feeling.

At a certain moment, Fang Chen opened his eyes.

"It is worthy of the practice system of time and space." Fang Chen sighed.

Although he practiced two systems of spiritual practice, his body did not reject it. This was the credit of the golden heart.

Ordinary warriors can only choose the existing practice system.

Once other cultivation systems are practiced, it can cause serious injuries and death.

After becoming a member of the space-time practice system, it is easier to practice the divine space-time book.

Unconsciously, Fang Chen's real meaning of time and space has reached the peak of the eighth grade, and only one step can enter the realm of the nineth grade.

The space-time book was also cultivated to the second level by Fang Chen.

As for the third floor, it is temporarily impossible to practice.

Fang Chen stuck in the bottleneck, gave up practicing, and stood up.

"how about it?"

Lei Zu and Jian Zu hurriedly asked.

"Slight gains." Fang Chen simply replied.

The space-time practice system is a system created by the ancestors.

Even Lei Zu and Jian Zu are such powerful people that they hardly understand it.

Therefore, it is better not to say.

Moreover, the system of time and space practice involves very deep things.

It is better to keep it secret, once it is known to the outside world.

Many people will stare at themselves, but Fang Chen is unwilling to put himself in the vortex.

"I didn't expect that we could actually see the ancestors of Gu Zu. This is the moment we expect your kid to set foot in God Realm." Lei Zu laughed.

The sword ancestor on the side nodded slightly.

Guzu is the strongest human race in this cosmic era, the earthly universe.

The strength of his talent makes countless warriors despair.

After entering the God Realm, it is also a step forward.

Has already become a party overlord of God Realm.

Fang Chen accepted the inheritance of the Guzu, and he was also regarded as a disciple of the Guzu.

If you enter God Realm in the future, the future is limitless.

"God Realm, I will definitely go." Fang Chen whispered.

"Fang Chen, you have accepted the inheritance of the Guzu. In principle, I shouldn't do something. But I can't help seeing you being so good." Leizu said. "I watch you practice Thunder's mysterious mystery. I am best at Thunder, and I can give you a pointer."

In fact, the feelings of Leizu and Jianzu can be understood.

They are also for the sake of the human race.

Their deity, being in God Realm, cannot take care of their hometown.

Can only pin hope on Fang Chen.

"Thank you Senior Leizu."

Fang Chen was a little happy and said with a fist.

"You tell me the secret method of the soul path you cultivated, tell me." Lei Zu said.

Fang Chen nodded, and then informed Lei Zu of the details of the Five Thunder Trials.

Unexpectedly, Lei Zu had actually heard of this secret method.

"Your secret method, if you want to practice to the extreme, you need to skillfully merge Thunder and Soul Dao."

Lei Zu began to instruct Fang Chen.

Although Lei Zu is not a soul repairer, his control of Lei Dao has exceeded all martial artists.

The Thunder Law mastered by Lei Zu has been cultivated to the extreme.

You can do it all.

"When you provoke the Nether Thunder, you have to be indifferent ..."

Lei Zu seriously pointed out Fang Chen, some information about Thunder.

Later, he informed the latter of the method of ingenious fusion of Thunder and Soul Dao.

After half an hour, Fang Chen benefited greatly.

"Thank you Senior Leizu for your guidance."

Fang Chen thanked with a fist.

He vaguely felt that his five thunders were to break through.

Need an opportunity, once it appears, it will break through.

"Okay, you have a good feeling."

Lei Zu nodded, and his counterpart Chen was very satisfied.

After half an hour, Fang Chen fully understood Leizu's teaching.

At this time, Jianzu came over.

"I don't have much to say. This is a little bit of my experience in sword repairing. You can take a look at it." Jianzu pointed a finger, silver light, and got into Fang Chen's forehead.

Suddenly, a lot of information appeared in my mind.

"Thank you Jianzu."

The two ancestors looked at Fang Chen with reluctance.

"Little fellow, our thoughts are about to collapse. The next time we meet, it's in God Realm." Lei Zu said.

"I hope you can come to God Realm as soon as possible." Jianzu said.

"The two ancestors, I will not live up to your expectations." Fang Chen said, paused, Fang Chen continued: "Ancestor, I have something to ask for."


"If you encounter a woman named Xingyue in God Realm, I hope the two ancestors can help each other in secret." Fang Chendao said.

"No problem." This kind of trivial matter was nothing to the two ancestors.

Between the speeches, the two people's phantom was about to dissipate.

"Practice well."

The ideas of Leizu and Jianzu eventually collapsed.

Fang Chen bowed deeply into the void, and then stepped out, and came outside the hall of introduction.

Rumble ...

After Fang Chen left, the ban on the main hall was closed and completely closed.

"It's finally out."

For three years, I have gained a lot in the access hall.

It is worth ten years of hard work.

Although Cultivation didn't reach the Ninth Level of Creation Realm, it was really fighting power, which forced the Emperor of Life and Death Realm.

With such methods, almost no one can achieve this by looking at the universe.

Fang Chen walked in the void and saw the demon ancestor sitting cross-legged below.

Beside him, there are two bodies.

Wow ...

The demon ancestor opened his eyes and shot two substantial lights.

Intently and aggressively, Teng stood up and stared at Fang Chen.

"Blood Sword Saint."

The demon ancestor said gritted his teeth.

"I thought you died long ago in the ancestral land." Fang Chen smiled lightly.

"You are not dead, how can I die before you step?" Yao Daozu said in a deep voice: "Today, I will take your dog's life and avenge them."

"I'm afraid I can't make you do it." Fang Chen's body landed on the ground and walked to the demon ancestor.


The whole body of the demon ancestor burst into a terrifying atmosphere in an instant.

The power of the Ninefold of the Forged Realm is fully displayed.

"How? Are you scared? Late."

The demon ancestor looked at Fang Chen with a sneer. He wanted to see the terrified look on Fang Chen's face.

However, he was disappointed.

From beginning to end, Fang Chen did not take him seriously.

Buzz ...

Fang Chen's heart moved, comparable to the breath of the emperor of life and death, and suddenly spewed out of his body.

Instantly swallowed the breath of the demon ancestor, and then suppressed it.

"Your strength is really not enough." Fang Chen sneered.


The demon Taoist ancestor with a wild smile on his face suddenly felt a strong depression.

"No, impossible, you can't be so strong."

The demon ancestor did not believe that Fang Chen would be so strong.

"Pretend to see how I kill you."

The demon ancestors tried their best to show off their killer skills.


Facing the attack of the demon ancestor, Fang Chen sneered.


The light fluttering punch directly disintegrated the killer skill that Yaodao Zu was proud of.

Thump ...

The body of the demon ancestor sags in, and blood spills over the ground.

His eyes were full of despair.

"God is going to die me."

The strength of Blood Sword Saint completely exceeded his expectations.

In front of Blood Sword Saint, he didn't even have any power to fight back.

Thump ...

The desperate Demon Daoist, Fang Chen crushed his head and fell.

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