Immemorial Sword Venerable

Chapter 1513: return

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The space-time cultivation system makes Fang Chen different from ordinary martial artists.

In the environment of creation, it is truly invincible.

After beheading the demon ancestors, Fang Chen left the picking hall.

On this day, the inheritance of the ancestral place shook, as if the end of the world had come.

All the warriors who practiced in secret came out one after another.

They looked up at the sky, their faces dignified.

"what's going on?"

Many warriors are puzzled and unclear what happened.

But soon, the warriors of the four holy sites knew that the inheritance ancestral land would be closed.

"it's finally over."

Most of the warriors will survive for the rest of their lives.

They have been passed down in the battle of life and death, and have been practicing in hidden places.

Fear of being discovered by a mighty warrior, once found, he will definitely die.

Such a day finally came to an end.

Now, the ancestral homeland is closed and it is safe to leave here.

Over the holy land of human race.

Ripples of the void appeared, followed by a vague aura, emerging.

The gate of the void appeared, one martial art after another came out of it.

"It's my spirit."

In the inheritance of the ancestral land, the four giants knew the first time and came to the holy land of the human race with the fastest speed.

Seeing the appearance of the Spirit Warrior, the Lord of the Spirit Race was covered with a smile.

Lingxian, Lingyue, Linglizhu, Lingming, Lingqihu and other sacred places of the Spirit clan appeared one after another.

This made the Lord of the Spirit Race relieved.

His consciousness enveloped everyone, and at a glance he discovered that there were a lot fewer disciples of the Ling clan.

However, most of them are ordinary disciples. Lingming and others are fine, and he feels relieved.


The Lord of the Spirit Clan looked at Lingming and others and laughed.

Lingming and others had a strong breath around them, and at a glance they knew that the harvest was great.

With a big wave, the master of the spirit clan summoned Lingming and others to his side, carefully inquiring about the process.

Immediately afterwards, it was the Luo people.

Luo Feng'er, Luo Chen, Luo Qinghan and others were there, and the Lord of the Luo tribe was relieved.

The Black Blade Emperor has been waiting for his apprentice Zidao.

However, the two great sage warriors punched out, and the Purple Sword had not yet appeared.

"Zi Dao's strength, must have inherited something." Black Blade Emperor believes that Zi Dao should appear at the end.

Next came the warrior of the holy land of the human race.

Except for the death of a small number of weak warriors, the genius warriors have almost no losses.

Among them, Jiang Kuang and Tu Tianjian's strength has been steadily improved.

"Okay, great, come here."

An elder of the human race said happily.

The saint lord of human race disappeared, no one knows where to go.

So far, no one has appeared.

After that, it was the warrior of the holy place of Yuan tribe.

One after another, the warriors came out and Yuan Jiaojiao, Yuan Liao, Yuan Hongyun, and Yuan Liang all appeared.


Yuan Gu frowned slightly and said to himself.

He shook his head, throwing away the thoughts in his mind.

"Yuan Liang and others can come out, Yuan Ming must be unharmed, maybe he has been passed on, and it is a delay."

Yuan Gu has been waiting.

However, he was disappointed.

After Yuan Liang, all the people of Yuan tribe have come out.

"Purple Knife."

Seeing the appearance of the Purple Sword, the Black Blade Emperor laughed, and with a big grasp, took away the Purple Sword.


After the Purple Sword appeared, the Void Gate gradually disappeared.

This scene made Yuan Gu's complexion gloomy.

Yuan Mingnai is the strongest among the younger generation of the Yuan tribe, and has a wicked talent.

It is also his most favorite descendant. In order to prepare for the inheritance of the ancestral land, he even gave Yuan Ming a ninth-order rung.

"Yuan Ming fell."

Yuan Gu couldn't believe it.

Stay in the ancestors of the Yuan tribe, and immediately check the fate of the ancestral hall.

Suddenly, Yuan Gu's deity shuddered.

In Yuan's ancestral hall, Yuan Gu's fate was broken.

This means that Yuan Gu fell into the ancestral land.

He clenched his fists, and his heart was full of anger.

Because the ancestral ancestral land is isolated from the outside world, death in the ancestral ancestral land will not break the life of the outside world.

Only when the inheritance ancestral land is closed will the life Jane change.

"Purple Sword, tell me who exactly killed Yuan Ming." The Void Gate has disappeared, and the inherited ancestral land is completely closed.

Yuan Ming did not appear, meaning he had fallen.

No wonder Yuangu will be furious.

Everyone's eyes fell on Yuan Gu.

"Zi Dao, tell what you know." Black Blade Emperor said.

Zi Dao nodded, then said: "Yuan Ming was slain by the Blood Sword Saint."

"Impossible, how could the Blood Sword Saint kill Yuan Ming?"

Yuan Ming is pregnant with the ninth-order rung, and Blood Sword Saint is not his opponent at all.

"This is the fact. After entering the ancestral land, the strength of the Blood Sword Saint advances rapidly. Under single combat, Yuan Ming is not the opponent of the Blood Sword Saint. At the last moment, Yuan Ming activated the ninth-order rune, but was blocked by the Blood Sword Saint. . "

"I wanted to help, but ..."

The words behind Zidao didn't say anything, but it was no longer important.

"Damn blood sword saint." Yuan Gu shouted angrily.

He looked around and found no trace of Blood Sword Saint.

"Blood Sword Saint? Has he fallen into the ancestral land?"

At this time, all the talents discovered that Blood Sword Saint really did not come out.

Purple Sword was also a little puzzled, but said nothing.


Unable to find the object of venting, Yuan Gu grabbed his empty hand, and the void collapsed directly.

Yuan Gu left, and Black Blade Emperor left with a purple sword.


In the void, when everyone disappeared, Fang Chen's figure gradually appeared.

He guessed that he beheaded Yuan Ming, which would surely cause Yuan Gu's anger, so he displayed the space-time book and hid in the void.


Fang Chen couldn't help but praise.

The time and space book is so powerful that it can't even be found by the four giants.

Quietly came to a place.

This is the residence of the elders of the human race. Fang Chen swept through the holy land of the human race, and did not find the holy Lord, so he found the elder.


The elder, sitting in the courtyard, suddenly looked at somewhere in the void and asked coldly.

Wow ...

Fang Chen appeared.

"Blood Sword Saint, you?" The elder elder was shocked.

The inheritance ancestral land has been closed, how did the Blood Sword Saint come out?

He had carefully checked the Void Gate before, and he was 100% sure that the Blood Sword Saint had never appeared.

"Great Elder, I beheaded Yuan Ming, fearing Yuan Gu would be angry with me. So when I came out, I was invisible in the void."

Fang Chen explained briefly.

Although the elders were full of doubts, they still suppressed it.

"Great Elder, what about the Lord?" Fang Chen asked.

"Holy Lord disappeared, and I don't know where he went." Speaking of the holy Lord Human, the elder's face dimmed.

"What happened?" Fang Chen asked.

The elder elder pondered: "Shortly after you entered the ancestral ancestral lands, the emperor Xuesha sent a family of sea monsters to harass Lvzhu Island every day. First of all, your apprentice was forced into the void ocean. Then the quasi-god tree shot The breath was sensed by the emperor Xuesha, and was forcibly taken away by the blockade of the five giants. "

Fang Chen clenched his fists, his heart full of anger.

"Soon, the alien Qianyuan ruled out, and his strength was elevated to a very high level. He united the blood emperor and put pressure on my human race. Eventually my human race was defeated. Some territory was ceded to the sea monster and the alien race. "The Great Elder."

This is a shame for the human race.

When it comes to this, he can't wait to find a hole in the ground.

"How is Green Bamboo Island?"

Fang Chen asked anxiously.

"Lvzhu Island has been occupied by the Emperor Xuesha. But you can rest assured that all the warriors on Lvzhu Island have received the holy land of the human race." Da Elder said.

After hearing this, Fang Chen was relieved.

However, he was very angry.

The old **** stick was forcibly taken away by the emperor Xuesha, while the disciple Tianxin was alive and dead.

"Emperor Xuesha."

Fang Chen roared inside.


Deep in the void ocean, Xuesha House.

Today, Emperor Xuesha is very angry.

The entire Kraken family tremble.

Never seen Emperor Xuesha so angry, they were wondering what happened.

In the meeting hall, the emperor Xuesha clenched his fists, and the air was filled with cold murderous intention.

"The most outstanding genius of the Kraken family I personally selected, so the whole army was destroyed." Emperor Xuesha's eyes were cold.

The inheritance ancestral land is closed, and the Emperor Xuesha is also known.

However, due to the cold war with the human race, he did not go.

The lives of the nine people were all broken.

Including Su Xinyue and Mu Hanfu, these two great arrogances have all fallen into the ancestral land.

"My Kraken's talent has been beheaded by you, and the genius of your human race also wants to live."

Emperor Xuesha issued an order.

At all costs, assassinate human geniuses.

Kill one, and reward.

If he can kill the top genius of the four holy places, he can become his apprentice.

When the news came out, the entire void ocean boiled completely.

Numerous dreams of the sea monsters who became disciples of the emperor Xuesha disguised themselves as disguise, left the void ocean, and mixed into the territory of the human race.

"Master Qianyuan, I agreed with what you discussed with me before."

Emperor Xuesha passed the ocean of endless voids and transmitted the sound to Qianyuan.

The latter responded immediately.

"Well, since that's the case, then I will start implementing the plan." Qian Yuan ruled.

"I have sent the tribes of the Kraken to sneak into the territory of the Terran and wait for the opportunity to assassinate the Terran Pride. Is your plan sure to succeed?" Emperor Xuesha asked.

"Relax, sure it's okay, this is the hard work I have studied for countless years." Qian Yuan ruler is full of confidence.

Hearing the words, Emperor Xuesha nodded.

Cut off the communication, and the scarlet eyes of Emperor Xuesha looked through the void ocean to the distant sky.

Xuesha House was surrounded by blood-red waves, and its killing intentions permeated.

The entire Kraken was shocked.

"In this epoch of the universe, my blood evil emperor is destined to become the overlord of the earthly universe." The blood evil emperor said in a deep voice.

A **** storm is about to start.

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