Immemorial Sword Venerable

Chapter 1514: Lord Voldemort ’s purpose

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No matter how big the **** emperor and Qianyuan ruled the courage, they would not dare to come here to commit murder.


Nile found Fang Chen.

Fang Chen found that Nile's realm of battle increased a lot.

"Good." Fang Chen highly praised Nile.

When I first saw Nero, I thought that his future achievements would not be too low.

"Islander, I am a bit puzzled with the game, I hope you can help solve the puzzle." Nile said sincerely.

"no problem."

Immediately, Fang Chen and Nile came to a garden, and the former explained him carefully.

Fang Chen's explanation is unique, and it is easy to wake up the dreamer with a single word.

He first asked Nile to talk about his feelings against the Fa, and then talk about the troubles he encountered.

He will not directly name the problem, but will gradually guide Nile to think for himself.

"It turns out so."

After listening to Fang Chen's guidance, Nile suddenly realized.

Just as Nile was about to ask the next question, Fang Chen suddenly stood up.

"I still have something to do, take a step first."

After all, Fang Chen disappeared out of thin air.



The master of Fumo Realm sent a voice to Fang Chen, let him quickly return to Fumo Realm.

Fang Chen did not say anything, and returned to the Demon Realm.

At the highest point of Voldemort, there is a quaint garden.

Lord Voldemort sat in the garden fishing and saw Fang Chen coming, hehe smiled.

"how about it?"

Fang Chen knows that the Lord of Demon Realm is asking himself what he has learned.

"Alright." Fang Chen said.

The Lord of the Demon Realm carefully observed Fang Chen and found that his cultivation practice had been promoted to the eighth level of creation.

"Yes, Xiuwei has improved a lot."

Based on Fang Chen's current cultivation practice, he can already be regarded as a disciple of Liuzhongtian.

However, according to his true strength, he can enter the seventh layer.

"There are many powerful inheritances in the ancestral land of the human race. Whose inheritance do you get?" Lord Fumo asked.

Fang Chen pondered for a moment, and then said: "Inheritance of Gu Zu."

Hearing the words, Lord Voldemort took a stand and stood up.

His face was covered with surprise.

"You mean, you got the ancestral heritage?"

Obviously, Lord Voldemort also heard of Guzu.

Fang Chen nodded, "Yes, I get the inheritance of Guzu."

Lord Voldemort laughed, and it took a long time to control his inner excitement.

Immediately, he looked at Fang Chen and nodded in satisfaction.

"In this cosmic era, Gu Zu is the most powerful person in the universe of mortals. With its own self-cultivation system, countless warriors dream of it. I didn't expect it to be obtained by you." Lord Fu Mo exclaimed.

"The Master also knows the Guzu?" Fang Chen asked.

Lord Voldemort nodded and said, "Of course I know, in the universe of mortals, I am afraid that no one does not know the legend of Guzu."

"The ancestor of the ancestor rises in the end of the micro, from the weakest bottom warrior, step by step to the peak of martial arts. When the ancestor of that year, when he stepped into the eternal realm, the self-cultivation system became a hegemon in the universe of earth. "

Fang Chen listened to each other, but did not expect that the Lord of Demons knew so much.

"You know, in the age of the ancestor of the bones, the emperor of life and death in the earthly universe can only be regarded as the top strongman. It can not be regarded as the overlord. In that era, there are just a few powerful people in the ancient world."

"Bone ancestors entered the eternal realm at the beginning, and were suppressed by several other powerful people in the eternal realm. However, after he created a unique cultivation system, his strength leaped forward and suppressed his enemies."

"Later, the ancestors unified the universal universe, and the human race became the absolute master of the universal universe. Later, he created the inheritance ancestral land and entered the **** realm."

Fang Chen's heart shook.

What kind of era was Guzu's era?

Hundreds of schools contend, and hundreds of schools contend for hegemony.

Fang Chen felt very shocked at the thought of the present world of dust, where there is no strong man in the ancient realm.

The times have created heroes, and the Guzu era can be said to be a golden age.

There are several strong people in the ancient world, and the Guzu is among them, and it is really too strong.

Worthy of being the ancestor.

"Can I see the inheritance of the Gu Zu?" The Lord of the Demon Realm looked at Fang Chen and said sincerely.

Fang Chen nodded, and the whole body instantly filled with a rich sense of time and space.

Then he got into the void.


The consciousness of Lord Voldemort spread and his face was full of shock.

His consciousness could not find Fang Chen's hiding place.


Fang Chen came out of the void.

"The ancestor's cultivation system is called the space-time cultivation system. Cultivating to the extreme can allow the warrior to integrate with space-time." Fang Chen simply said.

"The time-space practice system is too domineering."

Thinking of the legend about the Guzu, Lord Voldemort could not help but sigh.

When he put away the air, Fang Chen looked at the Lord of Demons.

"Master, you asked me to come, is there anything?"

"I'm calling you to come. One is to see how your gains are. Second, there is indeed something that needs you to do." Lord Voldemort said.

"The Lord, please say."

"The sky is about to change," Lord Voldemort said suddenly.

Fang Chen was a little puzzled, but he could guess some.

"The Lord of the Realm said that the emperor Xuesha and Qianyuan dominate the human race?" Fang Chen asked.

"The human race has a deep heritage, and the aliens and the sea monsters do not dare to attack. But this pattern is very likely to be broken." Fu Dejie said: "I have collected some reliable information, and the blood evil emperor has taken that step. , It is possible to step into the eternal world at any time. "

Hearing the words, Fang Chen's heart shook.

He knows what the ancient world means.

"Although Master Qianyuan is not as good as Emperor Xuesha, he has obtained a treasure that surpasses the dark magic wheel. So the two of them joined forces to force the human race to retreat." Lord Fu Mo continued.

"What I said needs you to do is related to the holy Lord of the human race."

"Related to the Holy Lord?" Fang Chen wondered, "Listening to the elders, the Holy Lord disappeared, and I don't know where to go."

Lord Voldemort nodded, "If I guess well, the Lord should have gone to a certain time and space. He closed his life and wanted to break through the eternal realm, but I feel that he will be in danger and need your help."

Fang Chen stunned, the strongest in life and death need their own help?

What can I do for myself?

It seems to guess what Fang Chen thought, the Lord of Demons Realm smiled and said: "You will know when you go."

"Jiezhu, I always have one thing that I don't understand." Fang Chen asked, looking directly at Fumo Jiezhu.


"What is the significance of the existence of Fumo Realm? It seems that the five giants do not know the existence of Fumo Realm at all." Fang Chen asked.

For a long time, this has been a problem that plagued Fang Chen.

"I thought you would have been patient without asking." Lord Voldemort laughed.

With his hands on his back, he walked into the gazebo.

With a sigh, it seemed to fall into memory.

After a long time, he said.

"Actually, what you see is only one of my avatars." Fang Chen's words shook Fang Chen's heart.


"Yes, this is just my avatar. My deity is in God Realm."

Fang Chen is completely messed up, the deity is in God Realm, how did the avatar come to the lower realm?

"At that time, I offended a certain big man in God Realm. The latter chased me at all costs, and finally I paid a heavy price, and the deity was suppressed. Fortunately, a friend came out, which made the big men stop, only to suppress my deity "The Lord of the Demon Realm said slowly:" That's when my avatar was hit by a big man. By chance, I found a very unstable cosmic channel. Once I gritted my teeth, I entered the channel, and finally came Here."

Upon hearing this, Fang Chen was very surprised.

Unexpectedly, the Lord of Demon Realm was actually a man of God Realm.

No wonder, he finally felt unpredictable.

"Although my doppelganger was hit hard, it was considered a top powerhouse in the lower realm. I am not willing to continue this way. I want to return to God Realm and rescue my deity. So I created the Demon Realm."

"The purpose of the creation of Voldemort Realm is to screen the evil geniuses of the lower realm and cultivate it with all our strength. One day, I will return to God Realm with me." "Although this is an extremely long process, I will not give up."

Until this moment, Fang Chen finally understood.

Why the Demon Realm has never been seen in the world, even the five giants have no idea.

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