Immemorial Sword Venerable

Chapter 1528: Pterosaur Jedi

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Pterosaur Jedi is one of the Nether Jedi.

Located on the extreme edge of the void ocean, it is similar to the remote island of Green Bamboo Island.

However, the Pterosaur Jedi is on the other side of Green Bamboo Island, and spans the entire void ocean with Green Bamboo Island.

At the beginning, when the Qianyuan ruler was still there, the alien base was here.

After a great war, the holy lord of the human race strongly suppressed the emperor Xuesha and the ruler of Qianyuan, and the two of them exhibited the mystery of the sky and escaped into the turbulence of the space beyond the void.

So far, life and death are uncertain.

Of course, in the eyes of the human race, these two people are almost dead.

After the two giants escaped, the rest of the aliens and the Kraken were not a concern.

The holy lord of the human race made a strong shot and killed all the high-level emperors in life and death.

The remaining emperors of life and death all hid in Pterosaur Jedi and were imprisoned.

Fang Chen's goal this time was Pterosaur Jedi.

Early the next morning, Fang Chen said goodbye to his mother and secretly found the Lord of the Luo tribe.

The latter took him personally to the Pterosaur Jedi.

Not long after the Lord of the Luo tribe left, a voice came from the mind of the second elder.

Immediately, his face became dignified.

Soon he summoned a man.

"In the Pterosaur Jedi, is there a life-and-death emperor of our Luo tribe?" The second elder asked.

"Second Elder, Elder Luo Zhu entered the Pterosaur Jedi shortly before and has not returned yet."

"Find a way to contact Elder Luo Zhu and let him spread the news that Blood Sword Saint entered Pterosaur Jedi." The second elder said darkly.

After a moment of hesitation, he immediately said: "Second Elder, this ... this is a betrayal of the human race."

The elder of the second elder body breathed out.

He snorted coldly and said coldly: "Who told you that I'm betraying the human race? I just found some motivation for the Blood Sword Saint. Do what I mean, otherwise, you know the consequences."

Hearing the words, nodded and left quickly.


Sparkling in the vast empty ocean.

Ripples appeared in the void.

Lord Luo and Fang Chen are rushing forward.

The speed of the Emperor of Life and Death Realm is so fast that it can span thousands of miles in a single thought.

However, even so, it took several days before approaching the Pterosaur Jedi.

The closer to Pterosaur Jedi, the worse the environment.

The aura of heaven and earth here is very thin, even less than one percent of the holy land of the human race.

Fang Chen sighed, no wonder the aliens wanted to rebel against the human race.

If it were him, he would do his best to resist.

However, in Fang Chen's heart, there is no sense of pity.

He is a descendant of the human race, and the inter-ethnic fighting has disturbed the peace of the human race.

In his heart, he still hated interracial.

Huh ...

Within a few breathing hours, the Lord of the Luo tribe and Fang Chen arrived before an island.

This island is very large and larger than an archipelago.

"A big island." Fang Chen sighed.

"This island is the Pterosaur Jedi, the home base of aliens." The Lord of the Luo explained: "Everything you see now is an illusion. Around the Pterosaur Jedi, there is a strong illusion ban, look What you get is false, you will know when you enter it. "

"Pterosaur Jedi, the environment is very bad. The alien life and death are here, and even the life and death of some Krakens are also inhabited here. Once they are discovered, the human race will enter it and they will definitely pursue it."

The Lord of the Luo people told Fang Chen to be careful.

"As for the rootless grass, you need to ask yourself."

"I know." Fang Chen nodded.

The Lord of the Luo tribe waved his palm, and a small gap appeared over the pterosaur Jedi.


Fang Chen flashed into Pterosaur Jedi.

The gap above disappears.

At the same time, in the Pterosaur Jedi, there was a news that made the aliens crazy.

The Lord of the Blood Bamboo Sword Saint entered the Pterosaur Jedi.

This news, like a virus, spread quickly.

The owner of the Green Bamboo Island is very well-known among aliens.

According to legends of different races, the holy lord of the human race can break through the eternal realm and has a great relationship with the lord of the Green Bamboo Island.

Many alien emperors live and die, and regard the Blood Sword Saint as a genocide enemy.

At this moment, I heard that Blood Sword Saint entered Pterosaur Jedi and hated him.

"Fight around the blood sword saint."

The emperor of the alien life and death realm issued the order coincidentally.

The huge Pterosaur Jedi, the emperor of life and death everywhere, swept frantically, looking for the Blood Sword Saint.


Pterosaur Jedi, somewhere on a dilapidated plain.

The plain is full of potholes, without any weeds, and it was destroyed by war at first glance.

There was a hint of smoke drifting over the plain.

The whole sky is extremely dark and isolated from the outside world.

The aura contained in heaven and earth is extremely thin.


Fang Chen was dumbfounded. How does the alien race survive in such a harsh environment?

The cultivation environment here is slightly better than the ancient sword continent.

For the emperor of life and death, it is too garbage.

Under such circumstances, it is very difficult to increase the strength.


Fang Chen's body fell fiercely from the sky and hit the plain.

Suddenly, a lot of dirt splashed.

Fang Chen patted his clothes gently, the soil fell, and after finishing his clothes, Fang Chen looked around.

When you come to an unfamiliar place, the first thing to do is to look around and ensure safety.

"In the Pterosaur Jedi, there are many emperors of different races in life and death. Let me hide my breath." Fang Chen said secretly.

Immediately, he exhibited hidden methods taught to him by Lord Voldemort.

Huh ...

After a while, Fang Chen concealed his breath.

Immediately, he walked on the plain.

"Huh? Someone in front?"

Fang Chen saw a person, looking carefully towards this side.

Wow ...

Time and space unfolded with real intention, and the figure instantly shuttled into the void, and came to the person.


It was too late for this man to escape, and Fang Chen slapped it on the ground.


This man is a multi-armed tribe. He was frightened when he saw Fang Chen.

"Who are you?" The Dobby asked.

"From now on, I will ask you what you will answer, otherwise, I will slap your head in the face?" Fang Chen said.

The Dobbians were frightened and nodded quickly.

"Do you know where there is no root grass?" Fang Chen asked.

Dobby shakes his head, "I don't know."

Next, Fang Chen asked a few questions, and the Dobbians knew nothing.

Finally, Fang Chen conducted a soul search.

His soul repair realm reached the Grand Master's realm, Yuanshen is very powerful.

Against a fortune-telling warrior, it is completely easy to search for souls.

Fang Chen was surprised by the results of Soul Search.

"Who the **** is the wind?"

Fang Chen's face was completely gloomy, and his whole body was murderous.

His heart was burning with anger.

He got some information from the primordial gods of the Dobby.

What surprised him most was that the aliens in the Pterosaur Jedi actually knew that he had entered the Pterosaur Jedi.

Searching him extensively.

"Damn ..."

Fang Chen clenched his fists and cursed.

Is it the Lord of the Luo people?

Fang Chen quickly denied his idea, if the Lord of the Luo tribe wanted to behead himself, it was just an idea.

It is impossible to do such shameful scandals.

So, who knows that he has entered Pterosaur Jedi?

I have been in the Luo people's holy place, and only the Lord of the Luo people knows his whereabouts.


Suddenly, Fang Chen's mind flashed, thinking of the second elder.

"Is it the second elder?"

Fang Chen's face was cold, and he said in a deep voice.

The more you think about it, the more you feel the second elder is the most suspicious.

"But how did Elder 2 know my whereabouts?"

After thinking about it for a moment, I don't understand, and finally I don't want to.

"These wait to go out and say, who dare to stab the knife in the back, I will not let him go." Fang Chen said coldly.

Immediately, he pressed the palm of his hand and shattered the Dobian's head. 8 ☆ 8 ☆ (. *) 8 ☆. $.

Then, absorbed a trace of essence blood of the Dobby.

Suddenly, the whole body exhaled the breath of the Dobby.

Fang Chen is confident that even if the emperor of the alien life and death situation again, I am afraid he will not find him.

"I want to see, how did you find me?"

Fang Chen's eyes showed a dark smile.

Since the strong interracial people want to play, then he will play with them.

Moreover, you can use the identity of aliens to obtain the whereabouts of rootless grass.

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