Immemorial Sword Venerable

Chapter 1529: Black Lin King

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Fang Chen also had to admire that the master of the demon world gave himself a hidden method, which is too deep.

Until now, Fang Chen didn't feel that this hidden method was like a secret law in the lower realm at all.

Inverted image is the means of God Realm.

Hidden breath, disguised as a multi-armed tribe, Fang Chen strolled on the broken plain.

It is known from the primitive gods of the multi-armed tribes that the Pterosaur Jedi is divided into five areas, each of which is controlled by the five strongest players in the life and death environment.

The broken plain where Fang Chen is located belongs to the Seven Tiger Land.

There are seven tigers in this area.

Of course, these seven tigers are self-styled.

The so-called Seven Tigers are the seven most powerful people in this area, and are called Seven Tigers.

The man he beheaded was the arm of one of the seven tigers.

"It's ridiculous."

Fang Chen wanted to laugh a little, and his family was ruined, and the genocide was about to be annihilated. These aliens actually thought about these titles. Was it interesting?

Just as Fang Chen thought, a voice sounded.

"Duo Bei, did you find any clues?"

Hearing this voice, Fang Chen turned his head to look and found that several Dobbians were watching him.

He said quietly: "Nothing was found."

"Let's go, Blood Sword Saint will definitely no longer be in this area. Let's go find other places." Then, the head of the group led the people and left the place.

A group of people walked on the broken plain, and Fang Chen found an opportunity to set out the whereabouts of the rootless grass.

"Buy more, have you heard of rootless grass?"

Fang Chen said casually.

Wen Yan, a multi-armed tribe known as a multi-entrant, stopped and looked at Fang Chen with a frown. "What are you asking about this?"

"I just asked casually." Fang Chen smiled awkwardly.

Seeing this, the more advanced face eased a little.

"Don't mention the rootless grass in the future, it will cause you to kill yourself." Duo Jin reminded.

"Huh? Come on, big brother, what's going on?"

Fang Chen asked curiously.

"Recently there has been news of rootless grass in the Pterosaur Jedi. The five giants are robbing rootless grass." Duo Jin whispered.

Fang Chen moved slightly, it seemed that the rootless grass was really in the Pterosaur Jedi.

"The five giants are robbing rootless grass? I don't know who can get it in the end." Fang Chen said to himself.

"Who else? It must be the horrible existence of Sanshendi." Duo Jin said with a lip. "In the five regions, there are a total of five strong men, with extraordinary strength. Although we have seven strong men in the Seven Tiger Land, the strongest is the boss of the seven tigers. Our multi-armed leader, barely able to be among the seven tigers But it's only at the bottom. "

"The seven joint forces of the Seven Tigers are probably not the opponents of the Three Gods."

Fang Chen is very unfamiliar with Pterosaur Jedi.

However, listening to the more aggressive tone, it seems that the three strong men of Sanshendi are very strong.

"Let me say that our four regions should join forces and say the three gods." Another said.

"Yes, why do the Krakens occupy the Three Gods and rob most of their resources?"

"I don't know what the leader of the Wan tribe is thinking. At first, the Kraken family was let in."

A few Dobbys are rarely dissatisfied with the Krakens.

"It turns out that Sanshendi is the site of the Kraken." Fang Chen secretly wrote down this information.

"Let's go, our task is to find the blood sword saint, the rootless grass and other treasures, and we have no chance."

Waving more and waving, no more.

Fang Chen was walking at the end of the team, thinking about the rootless grass in his mind.

I don't know how much time has passed, so I roared more.

"Some people are approaching, be careful."

The sound of over-entry just fell, and a strong humanoid appeared in the void.

Fang Chen secretly observed that he was a human warrior with a heavy life and death situation.

"Huh? Yuan tribe warriors?" Fang Chen recognized the clothes of Yuan tribe warriors.

"All of you ants, **** it."

Yuan warriors exhibited thunder means and launched a full-scale attack.


The miserable cry came from the mouth of the Dobby.

In an instant, several Dobbians died.

Looking at the corpse that had fallen to the ground, Yuan tribe warriors frowned.

"Where is the other one?"

The consciousness of the warriors of the Yuan tribe spread and wanted to find Fang Chen, but found nothing.


The Yuan warriors jumped and left here.

After a long time, Fang Chen's figure appeared from the void.

"Hurry to Sanshen Land as soon as possible."

Fang Chen made a decision and immediately went all out.

Qihudi is a little distant from Sanshendi.

A few days later, Fang Chen came to the edge of Qihudi, and Sanshendi was near.

Huh ...

At this moment, Fang Chen felt a ray of light, rushed out of the soil, and immediately swept beside him.

"what is that?"

Fang Chen unconsciously reached out his palm and held the light.


After Fang Chen saw the light in his hand, he was very excited.

"Rootless grass and leaves?"

In Fang Chen's mind, a lot of information about rootless grass appeared.

This information exactly matches the branches and leaves in the hand, and the breath that comes out is the same as the description.

"So easy to get?"

Fang Chen laughed silly.

Although it is only the branches and leaves of rootless grass, as long as you have the branches and leaves, you can find the complete rootless grass.

Just entering the Pterosaur Jedi, you can get rootless branches and leaves, and Fang Chen's luck is too bad.

"Boy, hand it over."

Just as Fang Chen was happy, a roar came out.

Fang Chen turned his head to see that an alien in black appeared in the void.

"Who are you?" Fang Chen asked.

"Looking that you are a descendant of many kings, I have no blame for the mistakes you made. Obediently give me the branches and leaves in your hands, otherwise, I will break you up."

After hearing the words, Fang Chen had a little understanding in his heart.

In the memory of the Doubi tribe, the Duowang is one of the Seven Tigers in the Seven Tigers and the leader of the Doubi tribe.

And dare to call Duowang's name directly, or speak in this tone.

The person who wants to come here should be one of the seven tigers, but I don't know which tiger it is.

"This is what I got, why should I give you?"

Finally, it is difficult to get branches and leaves of rootless grass.

"Dare to provoke me, you can die."

The black man with a big hand waved, and suddenly the overwhelming atmosphere of terror spread out.

Fang Chen felt a little suffocated.


The space-time cultivation system is in operation, and the space-time book is urged to integrate directly with space-time.


The big hands of the black interracial are lost, and a look of surprise appears on his face.

"It's gone?"

The black interracial was shocked, and a garbage in the chemical environment was able to escape his inspection.

"It must not go far."

The black alien figure flashed and disappeared to the ground.

A moment later, Fang Chen appeared from the void.

His eyes fell on the rootless grass and leaves in his hands.

"It really is the Sanshen Land, and the branches and leaves of the rootless grass point to the Sanshen Land. It seems that the rootless grass should be born in the Sanshen Land."

"Boy, do you think you can escape my tracking?"

The black alien went back and returned, staring at Fang Chen with cold eyes.

His breath broke out, locking Fang Chen.

"Hand over."

The black alien walked out in one step, approaching Fang Chen.

"Dare to tease me Black Lin King, you are looking for death."

Enticed by the branches and leaves of the rootless grass, whether he is the descendant of the king or not.

Interracial shot in black.

"It turned out to be the fifth Black King among the Seven Tigers."

Fang Chen understood the identity of this person.

The Helin family is quite peculiar and has a very strong defense. After being transformed, the whole body is covered with scale armor.

Heilin Wang punched Fang Chen with a punch, and the latter displayed the space-time book and merged with space-time.

"I don't believe that you can hide in the void all the time."

The Black Lin King attacked the void frantically.

Fang Chen laughed bitterly, he was unable to attack and could only avoid it.

Huh ...

The physique is looming, evading again and again.

"In front of this king, you can't escape." Black Lin King roared.

However, just as Fang Chen fled quickly, there was a strong breath in front of him.

"Not good." △ ≧ △ ≧ △ ≧ △ ≧

As Fang Chen was preparing to turn around, a voice came from his mind.

"Hurry up behind me."

"Multiple kings?"

Fang Chen was stunned for a moment, secretly stealing joy.

Duowang must regard himself as a clan, and since he wants to protect himself, then let their alien dog bite the dog.

Thinking of this, Fang Chen traveled through time and space and came behind the king.

"Many kings, you want to stop me?" Heilin Wang roared.

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