Immemorial Sword Venerable

Chapter 1534: Into the magma

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You know, looking at the lower realm, you can recognize the gods that eat the gods.

In the whole world, there is only one mouse, the Devouring Rats.

There used to be one, who followed the Burial Sword Emperor, but had already fallen.

"Big white dog, do you know that we devour the gods?"

The little mouse widened his eyes and asked the big white dog.

The big white dog stood lazily, spit out his tongue and smiled, "Isn't it just the Devourer? I used to eat it."

After hearing the words, Fang Chen was speechless.

If the big white dog is true, it is terrible.

Devouring the **** rat, the talent is supernatural, and the white big dog is almost eaten.

"Big white dog, you bragging." The little mouse said disdainfully.

No one knows the horror of the Tianshen Rats better than it. He thinks the words of the big white dog are just talking nonsense.

However, the big white dog didn't care much about it.

"Boy, can't you come out?"

The big white dog said impatiently.

Immediately, the big paw of the big white dog hugged Panyuexian Cave and threw it into the fiery magma.

"not good."

Before approaching the magma, Fang Chen felt a scorching breath and threw himself in the face.

Fang Chen gave a bad press of his foot, and immediately moved his mind. He put away Panyue Xiandong, and then he jumped and jumped to the magma shore.

At the same time, the little mouse stared at the big white dog.

"Are you willing to come out?"

The big white dog smiled and looked at Fang Chen.

Wow ...

Fang Chen operated the space-time practice system, and the air of time emerged.

His figure merged into the void.


Seeing the big white dog, there is a color of joy in the eyes that is hard to detect.

"This kid is interesting."

The big white dog didn't look at it, his big paws grabbed the void.

Suddenly, Fang Chen hiding in the void felt something awkward.

The subconscious moved the body out of thin air and was forced to appear.

"You ... how did you find me?"

In Fang Chen's heart, a turbulent wave was set off.

The method of the big white dog is too powerful, right?

You know, when you run the time and space book, even if you are the emperor of life and death, you can't find your trace.

Right now, the big white dog doesn't look at it, so he can force himself to appear at will.

Whether it was a coincidence or a big white dog could see himself at all.

At this moment, Fang Chen's heart was rolling.

He tried to suppress the vibration of his heart and looked at the big white dog with his eyes straight.

"Boy, you are too shallow."

The big white dog laughed.

Its figure came to Fang Chen's side.

Big grab spread out, grab Fang Chen, plunged into the magma.

Rumble ...

At the same time, the whole space shook as if it was about to collapse.

The magma is above the channel.

The enchanting woman and others were attracted by the sound of vibration.

"Sister Xue, you came first, what did you find?"

"Yeah Sister Xue, shaking here, is there a treasure born?"

"Look, the channel seems to have changed."

Seven or eight beautiful women, as they came to the passage, were filled with surprise.

"what happened?"

Sister Xue's face was full of doubts.

A few moments later, the life and death emperors of several Kraken families controlled by her came to the passage.

"Master, what did you tell me?"

"Three of you, one channel per person, go down and see."

The three channels are terrible. For a long time, the enchanting women and the forces behind them are exploring the mysteries of these three channels.

The dispatched people suffered heavy casualties.

In the end, they dared not act rashly.


The three Krakens stared at each other and dared not resist.

Can only endure inner fear, jumped into the channel.

"Sister Xue, how are you?"

After the three of them entered the passage, several other women hurriedly asked.

"No response yet," the enchanting woman said.

"The doorkeeper hasn't closed the door. What should I do if such a thing happens?" The woman in a yellow goose whispered.

Just as a few women thought, suddenly a voluptuous woman's face showed a trace of excitement.

"Sisters, the three of them successfully entered."

"What? Success?"

"I know, all these changes must be related to the previous shock."

"What are you waiting for, hurry in and see."

There is a treasure under the channel, which everyone has been coveting for a long time and has been unable to enter.

Now that I can finally get in, how can I miss this opportunity.

"Do you want to notify the sisters in the door first?" The enchanting woman asked.

"It matters a lot. Let's take a look at it first. What if the treasure is obtained by others?"

"Yeah, let's go first. With the strength of our sisters, even the emperor of life and death is not afraid."

After deliberation by several people, it was finally decided to enter the channel to explore.

"You can go in all three lanes. Where do we go in?"

The voluptuous woman's gaze fell on the middle passage.

In her mind, a picture of Fang Chen appeared.


After all, the voluptuous woman took the lead and stepped into the channel, followed by several other women.


Fang Chen was caught off guard and was brought into the magma by the big white dog.

Suddenly, the fiery breath spread out.

"So hot."

Fang Chen felt extremely depressed.

However, at this moment, a big white breath spit out of the big white dog's mouth, wrapping Fang Chen.

Suddenly, the fiery breath disappeared.

"Where are you taking me?" Fang Chen asked.

"You will know when you go," said the big white dog.

At this stage, Fang Chen is no longer struggling.

The big white dog is very strong, and he can be discovered by integrating himself into time and space.

Even struggling has no effect.

Simply, let the big white dog bring himself into the magma.

Huh ...

I don't know how long after that, Fang Chen was brought deep into the magma.

The fiery breath here will pose a threat to the emperor of life and death.

The mouse's body was finally unable to carry it.

"Your strength is too weak, and has the name of a destructive rat."

The big white dog glanced at the little mouse and said.

Immediately, his mouth spit out a white breath and wrapped the little mouse.

"How long have I practiced? Can I compare with my ancestors?" The little mouse said with a sneer. "If I practice for ten thousand years, no, it will only take thousands of years to surpass the ancestors and become the most outstanding deity in history mouse."

Hearing the brave words of the little mouse, the big white dog smiled and stopped talking.

Magma shore.

Enchanting woman and others, after entering the passage.

Landed on the shore of lava, their faces were covered with sweat beads.

"Where is it, it's so hot."

"This magma is too terrible? Even if the emperor of life and death falls into it, he will definitely die."

"Be careful, weirdness is everywhere here," the enchanting woman whispered.

She looked around and found nothing.

"Go, bypass the magma and look elsewhere."

The enchanting woman said that the other women nodded.

They bypassed the magma and found a bronze gate.

"Are there treasures behind this bronze gate?"

"If you open it, you will know."

After all, the woman in the goose yellow shirt shot, the power of terror bombarded the bronze gate fiercely.


A deafening voice was heard from the bronze gate, and the body of the woman in the yellow-goose shirt was flicked by terror force.

"Master, this bronze gate is very weird and cannot be opened at all."

At this moment, the three Krakens controlled by the voluptuous woman came out from behind the rock beside them.

"Have you tried it?"

The voluptuous woman found that one of the Krakens, with a weak breath, seemed to be injured.

"The stronger the attack on the bronze gate, the stronger the backlash." The injured Kraken whispered.

For a time, everyone fell into contemplation.

They are thinking of ways to open the bronze gate.

Trapped outside the bronze gate, this is not always a way.

"Sister Xue, what can you do?"

Among these people, the voluptuous woman's seniority is the smallest, but she has a high prestige.

Many people are asking her opinion.

"Since the bronze gate is left, there must be a way to open it. Look carefully at other places to see if there is a control hub like an organ." The enchanting woman said.

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