Immemorial Sword Venerable

Chapter 1535: Other practice systems

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There was a terrifying breath in their body.


Fang Chen's eyes widened, a little unbelievable.

Where is this place and why are there two people sitting in front of the palace.

Fang Chen's appearance attracted the attention of the two.


The two opened their eyes and looked at Fang Chen with deep eyes.

"Another guy with another practice system?" One of the men in common clothes smiled.

"This guy looks very young, I don't know which practice system I have practiced." Another said.

When Fang Chen was shocked, the big white dog spoke.

"Boy, you are not curious, why did I bring you here?" Said the big white dog: "I can tell you now."

"Did you see the palace in front of you? This palace is called the Cultivation Palace." The big white dog said: "Anyone who can be brought here by me is a peerless genius who also cultivates other practice systems.

"My master, with his lifelong strength, is studying the relationship between the major cultivation systems, and wants to create a system of cultivation against the sky." When the white big dog said to the owner, he was very proud.

"In the universe, are there other spiritual systems?"

Fang Chen was shocked in his heart. Gu Zu Nai was the cosmic epoch, the most powerful existence of human race.

He created a system of time and space practice that shocked the entire universe.

For a long time, Fang Chen thought that apart from the existing practice system, only the time-space practice system left by the ancestors.

However, when I came here, I discovered that there are other spiritual systems in the universe.

What exactly is going on? Why didn't Gu Zu say?

Do n’t even Gu Gu know?

Being able to create a unique spiritual system is certainly not an ordinary person. Guzu must definitely know it.

But why?

"The universe is big, there are no exceptions, and there are not many powerful people who have created other practice systems. Some warriors, their own strength is not strong, but they have been studying other practice systems. For example, the two guys in front of them are practicing. The other spiritual systems, the warriors who created these two spiritual systems, are not strong, and they do n’t even have names in the universe. "


Fang Chen could not understand.

"Actually, it is very difficult to create a unique spiritual system. Many people cannot succeed in their lifetime. The two world lords, after creating the spiritual system, fell away, leaving only After the inheritance, by chance, they got it by both of them. "White big dog said.

Fang Chen set off a stormy wave in his heart.

I originally thought that I already knew the lower bound.

It now appears that the water in the lower bound is too deep.

"However, their practice system is not as strong as yours." The white big dog continued: "Gu Zu Nai is the strongest person recognized by the human race in this cosmic era, the totem of the human race, the space-time practice system he created, It is even more mysterious, which is unmatched by others. Speaking of which, your kid is really lucky enough to be able to get the inheritance of the Guzu. "

Fang Chen listened quietly to the big white dog.

Hearing the ancestor's time and space practice system, the two sitting cross-eyed, their faces changed greatly, and their dark eyes stared at Fang Chen.

"What kind of existence is your master?" Fang Chen couldn't help asking.

The big white dog shook his head and said: "My master, the track name is Dragon Nether. Since the birth of the universe, it has always existed. The reason why there is no fame in the universe is because he is devoted to the practice system."

"The ancestor of that year also came to visit my master. He got the guidance of my master, and he realized the time and space practice system. Also because my master's mind is not in the way of martial arts, his strength is not strong." Dog said.

"My master has left his feelings here, and only other martial arts practitioners can qualify."

"The two of them have been here for a century, and they have been unable to open the gate of the palace. What you have to do is also to open the gate of the palace." The big white dog pointed to the practice palace in front of it.

Fang Chen was a little excited.

The owner of the big white dog, the inheritance left behind is bound to be extraordinary.

Using his whole life to study other spiritual systems.

"Boy, work hard." The big white dog said, and he looked at the mouse, "I'll take you to a good place."

Not to be refused by the little mouse, the big white dog's big paws directly caught the little mouse and took him away.

Fang Chen looked at each other.

The big white dog just introduces his master, as well as the spiritual palace.

However, the white big dog didn't say anything in the practice palace.

This made Fang Chen speechless, but there was no way.

It's also good luck to be here.

"Little brother, your luck is really good, actually got the ancestor's time and space practice system." Bu Yi man said with a smile.

"Yeah, I didn't expect another member of our team, and the three of us will work together in the future." Another said.

Fang Chen knew what he said was his efforts.

"Two elder brothers, is it difficult to open the gate of this spiritual practice palace?" Fang Chen looked at them and asked.

"You will know if you try?"

The commoner looked at Fang Chen with interest.

Fang Chen came to the gate of the practice palace, his body strength gathered on his palms, and then he put force on the gate of the practice palace.


On the gate of the Xiu Xing Palace, an incredible power was heard, which penetrated into Fang Chen's body, and the shocked Fang Chen vomited blood.


Fang Chen was terrified and wanted to retreat, but he found that his palms were stuck to the gate of the Xiu Xing Palace and could not be pulled out.

"what happened?"

The incredible power penetrated into the body, destroying his internal organs.

The space-time practice system started working on its own.

Suddenly, Fang Chen fell into a daze.


Fang Chen's face was covered with shock.

When the empty practice system was in operation at that time, it actually absorbed the power to destroy its own body.

Moreover, Fang Chen clearly felt that the air breathed into the practice palace.

"what happened?"


In my mind, I was struck by lightning.

An obscure voice came into Fang Chen's mind.

Immediately afterwards, Fang Chen felt a sense of tiredness in his body, and then he closed his eyes and fell into a coma.

The two warriors talked and laughed.

"Do you think this kid can enter the dream to practice?"

"I don't think so. When you and I first came here, we were directly blown away by the gate of the Cultivation Palace." The man in common doesn't like Fang Chen.

However, just when his voice fell, there was a vibration in the practice palace.

Immediately afterwards, they stared dumbfounded at Fang Chen in a coma.

"How difficult is this?" The man in common yelled out in silence.

The other man was relatively calm.

"He can get the ancestor's time and space practice system, the potential is already against the sky, this is nothing."


On the shore of the magma, enchanting women and others have been looking for institutions and want to open the bronze gate.

However, it is futile to search anyway.

"Sister Xue, you can't find the organization at all."

"Yeah, I think this bronze gate can only be opened with absolute strength."

"Shall we inform our sisters from the same door?"

Finally, after the deliberation of everyone, it was finally decided to inform the fellow students.

Pterosaur Jedi, somewhere under the ground, it was dark.

Suddenly, a woman in black appeared.

She picked up Yupei, and after hearing the words from inside, her face changed suddenly.

Immediately, her white jade hand snapped a palm.

Suddenly, the sound of bells ringing in the dark ground.

"The sound of the bell, what's going on?"

"Who is calling us?"

The sound of the bells will not sound easily unless there is an urgent matter.

After a while, the crowd came to the woman in black.

"Sister Ding, what happened?" △ ≧. * (. *) △ ≧,

"Sister Ding, did the alien and Siren family find our stronghold?"

"Afraid of what they do? If they dare to come, it will be destroyed directly."

Several women said aloud.

The woman in black looked around the crowd and then said in a deep voice: "Sister Xue, they entered the channel."


There was a cry of exclamation from the crowd. They were hiding here just to explore the passage and get the treasure inside.

After so many years, has the channel finally opened?

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