Immemorial Sword Venerable

Chapter 1539: Blood Eye

Biquge, the fastest update of the latest chapter of Swire Swordsman!

Together, the formation is extremely vast.

Although he has reached the realm of the eight-star array magician, he just entered the room.

It is extremely difficult to enter the realm of nine stars.

Fang Chen also knew this, so he did not force it.

In the third month of entering the bottom of the magma, Fang Chen's cultivation practice entered the ninth layer of the chemical environment.

In Qihai, the nine-pointed star casts a terrifying light.


Opening his eyes, a smile appeared on his face.

However, he knew that it was not enough to open the spiritual palace.

Think for a moment and continue to practice.


The exploration of the outside world, the human race, has never ceased.

Especially after destroying the Kraken and the aliens, the entire lower realm is under the control of the human race.

After the ancestor of the bones, there is another strong human race who unified the lower realm.

Under the command of the holy saint of the human race, the human race began to explore the unknown sea.

Over the ages, the void ocean has been occupied by sea monsters, and more than 90% of the entire lower bound is the void ocean.

In fact, the territories before were small, but there were many resources.

Explore the void ocean without any obstruction.

The exploration of human race is also proceeding quickly.

On this day, the Martial Martial Arts made an amazing discovery.

In one of the deepest parts of the void ocean, a blood-red eye was found.

This eye is extremely huge, lying quietly in the depths of the void ocean, but when there is a martial arts person approaching, it will be enveloped by the blood-red light in an instant, and the dust will disappear.

This amazing discovery was immediately summoned to the holy land of the human race.

After hearing the holy Lord of the Terran, he immediately arrived here.

"All people, all evacuated from the void ocean."

The saint lord of the human race issued an order.

"Holy Lord, those blood-red eyes, what is it?" Asked the elder.

"Will it be left over by an ancient strongman?" Er elder said.

The holy saint of the human race shook his head and said nothing.

After a while, all the warriors withdrew from the void ocean.

The elder elder and the second elder wanted to stay with the Lord, but the latter refused.


At the bottom of the void ocean, huge blood eyes, lying there, are very strange.

The saint lord of the human race walked towards the blood eye step by step. It is strange that when the blood red breath from the blood eye escape wrapped around him, there was no harm.

The blood-red light felt a familiar taste on the holy lord of the human race.

At this moment, the right eye of the holy saint of human race is separated from the body.

Immediately after, the blood eye was separated from his eye.

"This is your other eye?" Asked the Human Lord.

Around the blood eye, weird fluctuations appeared, and it seemed to be trying to wake up another blood eye.

"Yes, he is the other eye that I lost." Blood Eye said, "Relax, promise you things, I will certainly obey. As long as you help me get the blood eye, I will leave the Nether and go Spirit world."

At first, the blood eye had an agreement with the holy Lord of the human race.

As for the agreement, no one knows.

The saint lord of the human race thought for a moment and nodded in agreement.

"Okay, what do I need to do?" The human saint asked.

"My eye fell into a deep sleep, and wanted to wake up, it needed the blood of human warriors to commemorate." Blood Eye said: "You find some emperors of life and death.


It is said that the holy Lord of Human Race refused directly.

The emperor of life and death is very rare, and it is the mainstay of the human race.

One fell, and there was a great loss for the human race.

The holy lord of the human race is impossible to promise the request of blood eyes.

"Don't you want to break the shackles of the universe?" Blood eyes sneered, seeing this.

The holy lord of the human race changed his face, thinking of what the blood eyes said, Shen said: "How many people do you need?"

"Not many, nine are enough." The holy Lord of the human race agreed, and the blood eyes were very happy. "It is better to find a stronger warrior."

"Three days later, I will bring nine emperors of life and death to come." Sacred Lord of Human Race said with a sullen face.


The holy place of the human race, inside the temple.

The Holy Lord sits high on the throne, and there are nine emperors in life and death below.

Most of their cultivation practices are one of life and death.

A few have even just broken through to life and death.

Suddenly summoned by the Lord, several people were a little bored.

However, I was very happy.

"I don't know what the Lord called me to wait, what's the matter?"

"Does Saint mainly cultivate us vigorously?"

"I heard that all the warriors summoned by the Holy Lord will have unlimited achievements in the future."

"Yes, the Blood Sword Master of the Green Bamboo Island was called by the Holy Master during the Star Sutra. In just a few years, he has grown to this point."

The Lord's palm waved and the temple door closed.

Immediately after that, he stood up.

"Everyone, you are the hope of the human race, and also the pillar of the human race. Are you willing to work for the human race?" The Holy Master of the Human Race asked.

"Holy Lord, we as human races, even if we die in battle, we must serve human races."

"Yes, as long as the human race needs, my life can be taken at any time."

"Holy Lord, if you need anything, just speak."

The nine emperors of life and death have the same attitude and can give everything for the human race.

"If you say this, I'll be relieved." The face of the holy Lord of the Human Race showed a strange smile.

It is said that the nine people below thought that Sheng mainly arranged their important tasks.

However, in their happy waiting, it was a nightmare to wait.

Rumble ...

Suddenly, a horrible atmosphere emerged from the Holy Lord.

The nine people below were instantly locked and unable to move.

"Holy Lord?"

Nine people were shocked and could n’t understand what the Lord was doing?


The Holy Lord reached out with a big hand and grasped the bodies of nine people.

"Holy Lord, what are you doing?"

At this moment, nine people panicked.

Why did the Lord take action against them.

"Holy Lord, we have not betrayed the human race."

"Holy Lord, we are wholehearted about the human race, why do you want to shoot us?"

However, their cry did not get a response from the Lord.

The Lord's face was dull, without any expression.

Put the nine people in uniform, put them in the cave mansion, and then disappeared into the temple.

Deep in the void ocean.

The Holy Lord came with nine emperors of life and death.

"how about it?"

Asked Blood Eye.

With a wave of the Lord's palm, nine people appeared instantly.

"What is this place?"

Nine people exclaimed and looked around.

"Yes, these nine people are very strong in blood."

Bloody eyes grumbled.

After hearing that, the nine talents thoroughly understood.

"Holy Lord, why? Why is this?"

One of them shouted hysterically.

He was wholeheartedly a human race, but in the end he changed, but he was not reconciled.

"Everything is for the human race."

The Lord sighed, turned his head, and stopped looking at the roar of the nine.

Bloody eyes smiled, spurting blood red light, and wrapped the nine.

Nine people could not resist at all and allowed their own blood to be drained.

"I can not be reconciled."

Before the nine died, they let out unwilling roars.

At the same time, nine people hide their avatars everywhere and die bizarrely.

After getting the blood of nine people, the blood eye began to summon the other eye.

Throughout the process, the holy Lord of the human race has been paying attention.

It lasted about three days and three nights, and all nine people's blood was consumed.

The eye that fell into sleep was finally awake.

"Come back, my eyes."

Blood Eye whispered softly.

Under its control, the eye blended with it.


The breath of terror spread.

At this moment, the entire void ocean was infiltrated by blood and water.

This change shocked the entire lower realm, and the four giants were shocked.

"what's going on?"

The four giants converged above the void ocean, looking down at the torrential blood below.

"Before the human warrior explored the unknown waters and found a blood-red eye, is it related to this?"

"Being able to turn the entire void ocean into this is not something ordinary people can do."

The four giants each expressed their own views.

In the void ocean, blood rises tremendously, giving a very shocking feeling.

At this time, in the depths of the void ocean, the holy lord of the human race panicked. ℃ ≡ ℃ ≡ ℃ ≡Ge ℃ ≡

"what are you doing?"

The holy Lord of the human race shouted.

There was a dark laughter in the blood eye, ignoring the holy Lord of the human race.

Seeing the spinning blood eyes, the holy saint of the human race made a decisive decision and shot directly.

"Stop me."

However, the full blow of the Holy Lord of the Human Race could not stop the operation of the blood eye.

The blood eye is turning faster and faster, and the nature of the void ocean is changing.

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