Immemorial Sword Venerable

Chapter 1540: Divine World Treasure Battle Blood Eye

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The blood eye absorbed the other eye, and the breath became stronger.

Its high-speed rotation directly affects the entire void ocean.

The vast lower bound, more than 90%, is a void ocean.

Only a very small part is human territory, that is, land territory.

And now, the entire void ocean is red with blood.

The blood waves rolled and the **** breath of terror spread out and enveloped the entire lower realm.

At the same time, all the warriors stopped the things in their hands, widened their eyes, and raised their heads to the sky.

They felt palpitations, palpitations deep in their souls.

"So what happened?"

"Why do I feel palpitations and the aura in the air starts to become thinner?"

"Oh my god, is there a strong man from the ages?"

Many warriors exclaimed. The sudden change made them shake their hearts.

Many strong men in the universe's combat power list also appeared one after another.

They came into the void and stood behind the four giants, their eyes flashing, staring at the sea of ​​blood rolling in the west.

Somewhere on a mountain peak.

In the dark day, two old men sat cross-legged and played chess on bluestone.

In addition to cultivation, the two old men cultivate their own disciples.

Over the years, the disciples have made rapid progress.

"Lao Hei, our good guys don't know what's going on now." Lao Bai played chess again and again.

"I think after this tempering, she should make a breakthrough." Old underworld.

They are very confident in their apprentices.

Its potential is high, and it has a special physique, which is most suitable for the inheritance of black and white Tianzun.


Just as the two old men played chess, there was a sudden palpitation in the void.

"what happened?"

At the same time, Hei Tianzun put down the chess pieces in his hand and stood up with a little toe. His body was suspended directly in the sky.

When they looked down into the distance, they saw the sea of ​​blood rolling.

"Who is it? In the extraction of the power of the universe?" Lao Hei said in a deep voice.

"It seems that there is a problem in the void ocean. Let's take a look at it in the past."

Immediately, the black and white Tianzun disappeared.

At the same time, in a remote place, Yinyue Island.

The inhabitants of Yinyue Island, without dispute, have always lived on the island.

Moreover, since the appearance of the saint, the strength of the martial arts in Yinyue Island has obviously been greatly improved.

The residents are working hard to practice as usual.

Suddenly, there was a throbbing breath in the sky.

The residents of Yinyue Island looked up at the sky one after another, their faces filled with horror.

At this moment, the saint appeared.

She wandered, her dark eyes, penetrating the clouds and looking towards the distant sky.

After a long time, she said: "Temporarily stop practicing."

Subsequently, she dismissed the residents, whispering secretly in her heart, the sky is about to change.


What happened in the Void Ocean triggered a shock to the entire lower realm.

Until now, the four giants have finally understood the seriousness of the matter.

"Damn, who is it, extracting the power of the universe's origin?" Black Blade Emperor shouted.

The power of the source is the core foundation of the universe.

Once the source power is intercepted, the universe will also face the phenomenon of collapse.

Even if only a small part of the original power is intercepted, the universe will be damaged and the speed of the great destruction will be accelerated.

Hearing the Black Blade Emperor, the other three giants glanced at each other.

In their eyes, helplessness emerged.

"At least, we can't do it," the Lord Luo said in a low voice.

What he meant was obvious. Perhaps the only person who can accomplish this step is the holy Lord of the human race in the ancient world.

"Is it the Holy Lord?" The Spirit Lord did not believe it.

"Go, go in and see."

The four giants decided to go deep into the ocean of the void to see what happened.

Wow ...

Void ocean, blood sea rolls.

The power of the source is intercepted, and the aura in the entire universe becomes thinner and thinner.

At this moment, deep in the void ocean.

The rotation speed of the blood eye has exceeded the limit.

The holy saint of the human race forcibly tried to block the rotation of the blood eye, but to no avail.

"Ji Jie ... You can rest assured that I will not let the universe collapse, just absorb some of the original power to recover."

The strength of the blood eye is terrible.

After being suppressed under the polar iceberg for so many years, he did not die.

Now, he has absorbed the power of another eye and is about to return to the peak fighting power.

As a holy lord of the human race in the ancient world, there was a sense of helplessness in his heart.

"You have been cheating me all the time."

The holy Lord of the Human Race roared, waved his hands, and the power of the ancient world burst out completely.

Every attack of the Human Lord will trigger the vibration of the void ocean.

Wow ...

The dense water surrounding the blood eyes formed a strong defense.

"No need to do anything in vain, wait for you to break my defense, then I have absorbed enough of the original source of strength." Blood Eyes said disdainfully, "I said, when I fully recover, I will enter God Realm, It will not destroy the human race. "

The holy Lord of the Human Race has scarlet eyes and has fallen into a state of madness.

"Can't destroy the human race? What you do now is more hateful than the destruction of the human race." The holy master of the human race roared angrily. "Intercepting the power of the source will speed up the coming of the universe. What is the difference between this behavior and the destruction of the human race?

As a saint of contemporary humanity, he naturally would not allow this to happen.

Moreover, all the causes are because of him.

"Even if you die, it won't let you succeed."

The holy master of the human race looked up to the sky and thundered.

Huh ...

The four giants came to the depths of the void ocean and saw their blood eyes changed their faces.

"Shoot together and stop him."

Before waiting for them to speak, the holy Lord of the human race shouted directly.

Suddenly, the five giants joined forces to attack Blood Eye.


Lord Demon Realm stood on the ground with his hands on his back.

His eyes are full of complexity.

"It has been a long time since I started, I don't know if my body is flexible."

Lord Voldemort said to himself.

After a moment, he made a decision.

Immediately, his figure flashed, leaving the Voldemort Realm and entering the deep ocean.


The five giants have **** battles, and the battle is fierce.

Their prevention also played a role. The speed at which the blood eye absorbs the source power is greatly reduced.

This made the blood eyes irritated.

"You are looking for death."

An angry roar came from within the blood eye, and a breath of terror immediately emanated.

Blood Eye launched a fierce counterattack.

Rumble ...

The fighting continued, and the holy lord of the human race took the lead, resisting all the attacks of the blood eyes.

"You **** guy."

Blood Eye hated the holy Lord of the human race most.

This is part of the transaction, but the holy saint of the human race has blocked it.

"I want you to die."

Inside the blood eye, a sea of ​​tumbling blood emerged, pouring out, directly wrapping the holy Lord of the human race.


The holy lord of the human race seems to kill the gods, fist breaking the void, and the combat power has skyrocketed.

After drawing some of the original power, the blood eye is also very powerful.

Fight the five giants on a par.

The battle continued until the appearance of Lord Voldemort.

"You can't stop me."

While fighting, absorb the power of the source.

Blood Eye sneered.

The five giants stared at each other and immediately struck a blow.

However, at this moment, a horrible vortex appeared in the rolling sea of ​​blood.

Immediately afterwards, Lord Voldemort walked in.

In his hand, there is a broken hammer.


Lord Voldemort urged all his strength to hit the blood eye with a hard hammer.

Thump ...

The defense of Blood Eye was instantly broken.

"this is……"

Blood Eyes panicked, "God Realm Treasure?"

Not only the **** eyes, but the five giants are also shocked.

Who is this person? Why have God Realm Treasure.

Moreover, he can actually urge God Realm Treasure.

"What did you do?"

Lord Voldemort forcibly urges God Realm Treasure, which consumes power very quickly.

With his roar, the five giants joined the battle again.

The God Realm Treasure with the Lord of the Demon Realm obstructed, and the blood eyes struggled to fight. 8 ☆ 8 ☆ (. *) 8 ☆. $.

The source power is blocked and the universe is gradually recovering.

"Damn ..."

Blood Eyes screamed in anger.

He needs the power of the source, these **** guys, dare to stop him, all die.

"kill him."

Under the hammer of Lord Voldemort, his face became very pale, and the palm of his hand trembling.

Seeing this, the holy lord of the human race took the lead and rushed towards the blood.

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