Immemorial Sword Venerable

Chapter 1541: Cultivation Palace

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The battle under the void ocean is very tragic.

Blood Eye's strength is too strong, and the five giants cannot help him.

Fortunately, the master of Fumo Realm shot at a critical moment, the power of God Realm Treasure is unimaginable.

That is, the Lord of Demon Realm, if you change to other people, even if you have the Divine Realm Treasure, you can't exert its power.


Every time a hammer is exploded, the face of Lord Voldemort is pale.

His doppelganger is not as powerful as the eternal realm, and forcibly urges God Realm Treasure to pay a price.

However, for this universe, he still resolutely shot.

Under the restraint of the Lord of Demons, the Sacred Lord of the Human Race finally broke through the line of defense of the Blood Eye.


The saint lord of the human race is very self-blaming. His attack power is very powerful.

The strength of the ancient world has completely exploded.

The fighting power of one human holy master is comparable to the sum of the four giants.

Eternal world, very terrible.


The saint lord of the human race was injured, fighting with the blood eyes.

Click ...

The blood eye was beaten by a holy master of human race, and blood appeared.

"Damn ..."

The blood eye was furious and fought back.

However, he was greeted with another hammer.

However, this hammer is different.

This is the hammer that the Lord of the Demon Realm is doing his best. At the same time when the hammer is blasted, a force of rules escapes above the hammer.

"The power of the rules?"

Blood Eye exclaimed, trying to dodge.

However, the power of the rules is too strong.

The breath of destruction instantly envelops the blood eye and peels the blood eye directly.

Suddenly, the combat effectiveness of the blood eye was reduced to a minimum.


The holy lord of the human race once again reached the blood eyes.

Blood eyes are weak.

"court death."

The blood eyes were incredibly angry, and he slammed together with the holy Lord of the human race in a semi-residual way.


In the void ocean, the sea of ​​blood rolled and the sound of deafening sound resounded through the sky.

Click ...

In the collision with the holy Lord of the human race, a crack appeared in the blood eye.

"Even if you die, you will be killed."

Intercepting the power of the original intention to destroy the human race is a death sentence.

The saint lord of the human race abandons his own flesh and directly smashes the blood.


The huge **** eyes turned into pieces of flesh and blood scattered in the void ocean.

"To die together."

There was a malicious voice in the broken blood eye.

"The Lord is careful."

Spirit Lord reminded loudly.

However, it was too late, and the broken blood eyes swept through the holy Lord of the human race in a self-destructive way with the power of terror.

The flesh of the Lord was instantly destroyed.

Yuanshen Light Group also suffered heavy damage to varying degrees, very weak floating in the sea water.


Heaven and earth returned to calm, and the blood eyes shattered completely.

The four giants jointly banned this place completely, and took the primordial **** of the human race sage, and withdrew from the void ocean.

The palpitations in the air have disappeared.

But people can obviously feel that the lower realm seems to have changed, and the aura is thinner.

Only what happened to the human race is known to the people.

In this battle, the Terran suffered heavy damage.

Especially the Holy Lord, the flesh was destroyed, leaving only the Yuanshen.

At this time, the void ocean has returned to calm.

The blood-red spray has long faded.

"What about the strong man just now?"

Suddenly, Yuan Gu asked aloud.

At this time, the other three talents noticed.

"Who is this person and why he has never seen it before."

"Yes, this person can urge God Realm Treasure, it must not be a mortal, but why does the universe's combat power list have no name?"

"He shouldn't want to be seen by us, so he left early."

The three were very curious about Lord Voldemort.

If this is not his appearance, I am afraid that a **** battle will be unavoidable.

"I hope to see him in the future." Emperor Black Blade said.


Lord Voldemort returned here with blood all over his body.

His face was pale and his breath was weak.

"Master, what happened?" The disciples of Jiuzhong asked.

"I want to retreat." Without saying a word, Jiezhu retired directly.

At the same time, pass the order.

All the disciples in the outside world returned to the world.

In the near future, don't go out.

Although I didn't understand what this meant, the news spread.

Successive disciples returned to Voldemort.


On the plain before the practice palace.

After countless drills, the three of Fang Chen cooperated more and more.

The power of Hunyuan Killing Array is greatly increased.

They were very happy, and seemed to be close to opening the gate of the spiritual palace.

Little mouse and big white dog, back here.

The big white dog was a little surprised to see the recessed part of the gate of the spiritual palace.

"what happened?"

When the big white dog learned the specific situation, it was the other party who looked at each other.

"Boy, I'm optimistic about you. But sometimes, brute force alone is not enough." Big white dog said casually.

The speaker has no intention, the listener has heart.

Fang Chen twitched in his heart, thinking back to what the big white dog said.

"The meaning of the big white dog, is there another way to open the spiritual palace?"

Immediately, Fang Chen fell into contemplation.


The golden heart beat suddenly.

Fang Chen's body was wrapped in a golden halo.

Seeing this scene, Liu Xiong and Dao San's eyes widened, and the big white dog also exclaimed.

"This is ... the breath of God Realm?"

The big white dog looked at Fang Chen's eyes more and more dignified.

Being able to exhale the spirit of God Realm is enough to show that this child has been inherited by the mighty God Realm.

Or, he is cherished by the treasures of God Realm.

"Maybe he really has a chance to open the spiritual palace." The big white dog muttered to himself.

Fang Chen's idea entered the golden heart.

He wanted to use the power of the golden heart to open the gate of the spiritual palace.


A thought came from the golden heart.

Fang Chen was completely immersed in the golden heart, ignoring the other two.

Seeing Fang Chen's body, Liu Xiong continued to have golden veins turning.

"Brother Santo, did Brother Fang Chen have an epiphany?" Liu Xiong asked.

"It should be." Dao Sandao said.

The potential of the two people to each other is really an admirable five-body investment.

After about three hours, Fang Chen's eyes shot golden light.

The golden heart fluctuates more and more.

Fang Chen walked quietly to the front of the spiritual practice palace, and then his palms touched the gate.


The golden veins converged on his palms from his whole body, and then he got into the gate of the cultivation palace.


The gate of the practice palace actually made a sound of vibration.

Fang Chen closed his eyes and let the golden heart control his body.

Click ...

The vast sea-like power rushed out.

Fang Chen was shocked. He knew that the root of all this was in the golden heart.

Rumble ...

The gate of the practice palace was slowly opened in the eyes of Liu Xiong and Dao San.

The two were completely shocked, and the practice palace was really opened.

"Brother Santo, am I dreaming?"

"Hahaha, Brother Fang Chen did it. He really did it. The Cultivation Palace opened." Dao San laughed wildly.

At this time, the face of the big white dog changed greatly, and the look of Fang Chen changed greatly.

In his mind, the words once left by his master echoed vaguely.

"If one day, the spiritual practice palace is opened. You respect him and follow him to protect him."

The big white dog looked happy, staying here for too long, and finally had the opportunity to leave.

Crunch ...

Open the gate of the practice palace slowly.

Fang Chen sat on the ground, almost exhausted prostration.

Huh ...

Fang Chen gasped, grinning his white teeth.

"Brother Fang Chen, you are so powerful." Liu Xiong said excitedly.

"If it weren't for you, we don't know when to open the cultivation house." Dao Sandao said.

The two did not rush into the spiritual palace, but were waiting for Fang Chen.

The cultivation house can be opened completely because of Fang Chen.

How can they take advantage of the danger and enter it first.

After a long rest, Fang Chen recovered his strength.

"Go, go in and see." Fang Chen said eagerly.


Pterosaur Jedi, somewhere dark and bloody.

Suddenly, a sleepy golden lion opened his eyes.

It felt a familiar breath.

"Has the Cultivation Palace opened?"

The golden lion spit out words.

Its big paws scratched towards the void, and suddenly caught a strange breath.

Immediately, it stood up and left the place.

The doormen who were controlling the Kraken and the aliens in Pterodactyl Jedi received the call from the doorkeeper one after another.

The gatekeeper went out and everyone was very excited.

The enchanting woman led the two kings and controlled many emperors in life and death.

"Huh? The doorkeeper went out."

Immediately, the voluptuous woman's figure flashed and left Pterosaur Jedi and returned to Zongmen.

Just one day.

All the doormen, all gathered outside the passage.

Sister Ding and others also came out.

The golden lion exudes horrible majesty all over its eyes, sweeping all its female disciples.

"You are doing very well, but this is not enough." Golden Lion said: "Next, let me hand over here, you can control as many Krakens and aliens as possible. It is time for us to rise.

"The door owner is assured that the pterosaur Jedi aliens and sea monsters will surely surrender to our feet."

Behind the people of the Lion Gate, Wanjiao King and other aliens shook their hearts.

Feeling the terrifying breath from the golden lion, it was extremely trembling.

They never dreamed that they thought they were the controller of the Pterosaur Jedi.

As everyone knows, there is such a monster in the dark.

"who is it?"

Wang Jiao was puzzled.

"I hope you will not let me down."

After the Golden Lion finished, all the doormen left.

Finally, the big eyes of the golden lion's gong looked towards the passage.

"Great white dog, I haven't seen you for years, I don't know how you are now." 8 ± (. *) 8 ± 8 ±, o

After all, the golden lion got into the passage.

After a while, came to the magma shore.

Looking at the hot magma river, the golden lion smiled and said: "Still familiar."

The whole body shone with golden light, stepped out in one step, and drilled directly into the hot magma river.

The three of Fang Chen just entered the spiritual palace, and suddenly the big white dog's face changed dramatically.

Immediately afterwards, it said in a deep voice.

"Can't help it finally?"

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