Immemorial Sword Venerable

Chapter 1543: Floating ladder

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Cultivation Palace.

Long Ming deserves to be a human race ghost, and the spiritual palace he created is also quite magical.

It looks like a palace, but there is no cave.

Opening the gate of the spiritual practice palace only passed the first test of Longming.

After entering the palace, Fang Chen and three people saw three floating ladders.

Opposite the floating ladder, there was dense fog, and it was difficult to see the true content.

Below the floating ladder, there is fiery magma.

Once dropped into the magma, with the physical strength of the three of them, they will be seriously injured without dying.

"Do you want to pass the floating ladder?" Liu Xiong stared at the floating ladder.

"It should be like this. There are only three floating ladders in front of us. How should we choose?" Dao San asked, puzzled.

Before Fang Chen walked to the floating ladder, he carefully observed the floating ladder.

Without any hints or explanations, it is difficult to make a choice.

At this time, Fang Chen was also helpless.

I thought that by opening the gate of the spiritual practice palace, you can see the treasures left by Longming.

Unexpectedly, this is just the beginning.

"I feel that there must be danger on this floating ladder and I can't set foot easily." Liu Xiong said.

Fang Chen and Dao San nodded, and they understood the truth.

However, how to choose?

The three of them are in a tangled state. Can't they wait like this forever?

After all, it is necessary to find a solution.

Just as the three thought, three bowls appeared on each floating ladder.

Seeing this, Fang Chen hurried to see.

He found that nine bowls contained some water.

"What does this mean?" Fang Chen said.

"Could it be said that only after drinking the water in the bowl can we pass the floating ladder?" Liu Xiong said excitedly.

"But there are three bowls of water in each floating ladder. Which bowl do we drink? Can't we drink it all?" Dao San asked.

Fang Chen shook his head, "This should be a test for us. Of the three bowls of water, only one bowl is real."

"I can only rely on luck."

The three Liu Xiu each chose a floating ladder, and then came to three bowls of water.

Fang Chen carefully sensed, the golden heart beat.


In the golden heart, faintly vaguely guide Fang Chen.

If there is a golden yellow breath, it is drilled into Fang Chen's palm and hovered over three bowls of water.

After hovering for a few breaths, he landed on the third bowl of water.

Fang Chen pondered for a moment, and a third bowl of water started from the back end, and he drank it in one sip.

When he finished drinking the third bowl of water, a strange scene appeared.

The remaining two bowls of water, including the empty bowl in his hand, disappeared out of thin air.

"Has it passed?"

Fang Chen was overjoyed, stepped out, and came to the floating ladder.

Without any obstruction, Fang Chen reached the end of the floating ladder and was wrapped in thick fog.

"Brother Fang Chen is really lucky."

Having said that, Liu Xiong also picked up the bowl and drank it in one bite.


When he finished drinking, his face suddenly changed.

In his body, he turned the river and the sea, and his blood veins spread.


Realizing something was wrong, Liu Xiong hurriedly sat cross-legged and urged his internal strength to suppress this evil breath.

Thump ...

Liu Xiong vomited blood, and his face was pale.

His body showed signs of cracking.

"What is the water in the bowl?"

Liu Xiong said in a deep voice.

"Liu Xiong, how is it?" Dao San asked, worried.

"leave me alone."

Liu Xiong hysterically shouted, but in the end did not resist.


His body exploded and died directly.

"Liu Xiong."

Dao San's eyes widened and shouted.

However, nothing helped, Liu Xiong was dead.

After all, it was a warrior who fought side by side for so many years. The death of Liu Xiong was a great blow to Dao San.

"Damn spiritual practice palace."

Dao San cursed incessantly.

After a long time, he converged.

"I don't believe it, how can you treat me?"

Knife three picked up a bowl of water at will and drank it in one bite.

Strangely, his body did not appear to cause any major problems.

Immediately, he climbed the floating ladder and glanced at the place where Liu Xiong fell. He whispered: "Liu Xiong, you can rest assured that if I can be inherited, I will definitely bring you a copy."

After all, Dao San went to the depth of the floating ladder.

The floating ladder is very long, and at the speed of Fang Chen, it took a full hour to walk to this end of the floating ladder.

On the side of the floating ladder, there is an altar.

The altar is full of complicated patterns.

These patterns give a mysterious feeling.

Huh ...

Just then, Dao San also came.

"Brother Dao, are you okay?"

Seeing that Dao San had a bad complexion, Fang Chen hurriedly asked.

"Liu is dead."

Hearing the words, Fang Chen rarely stunned.

Liu murdered? How can it be?

Did you encounter difficulties on the floating ladder?

Or did you drink the water in the wrong bowl?

"After Liu Xiong drank the water, he exploded and died." Dao Sanshen said.

Fang Chen fell into silence, Liu Xiong's luck was too bad.

He and Dao San passed smoothly, but Liu Xiong died.

"First find a way to get the heritage before you talk."

Fang Chen condensed his thoughts and whispered.

The knife nodded three times, looking at the altar.

"What's on this altar?"

During the talk of Dao San, a void appeared on the altar, and a ghost appeared.

"When you see my ghost image, it proves that you have passed the test of the floating ladder." Shadow image is a fat old man, not very big, but it feels very insignificant.

"He wouldn't be Dragon Nether?"

Fang Chen is a little speechless, the legendary dragon nether, the master of the practice palace. Gu Zu called it a human race ghost, but did not expect it to be a frivolous fat man.

"Being able to open the gate of the spiritual practice palace at least shows your strength, has been recognized by me, and is qualified for my life's hard work. As for the test of the floating ladder, it is the test of luck." Xu Ying said indifferently: "Three bowls of water, two of them , You must die of drinking. Only a bowl of water can pass through the floating ladder. "

To test luck, Fang Chen and Dao San are rarely speechless.

This human race ghost talent, too amazing?

At this moment, Dao San and Fang Chen are really worthless to Liu Xiong.

"Luck, sometimes it's part of the strength." Xu Ying suddenly turned around and said with a sigh.

Fang Chen vaguely heard a little story from the words of the ghost.

However, Phantom did not delve into this matter.

Moreover, this phantom is different from the idea, it is left in advance.

These words were also said before Long Ming left the Nether.

"I don't know how many people came here in the end, maybe one person, maybe two people, maybe none. However, I really don't want my lifelong research to sink into the dust of history." Xing Ying said.

Fang Chen nodded with the knife.

Studying other spiritual systems is definitely the most amazing method ever.

What a pity if it disappears.

"Did you see this altar? My life's hard work is in these flashing lines, can you feel it, depends on your creation." Xing Ying said, "Hopefully, we can meet God Realm."

After talking, the ghost disappeared.

Fang Chen and Dao San glanced at each other.

"Brother Fang Chen, since he devoted his life to the altar, then let's go up and try?" Dao Sanyue was about to try.

"it is good."

The two climbed onto the altar at the same time, and the breath of their respective practice systems was instantly released.

Suddenly, the running pattern stopped abruptly.

Immediately afterwards, the bright light was released from the veins.

Fang Chen sat cross-legged and his heart shook.

At the same time, a lot of information appeared in his mind.

"The integration of different spiritual systems?"

Fang Chen was completely shocked.

Seeing the life-long effort left by Long Ming in his mind, his inner tremor.

Looking at the information, Long Ming has been studying different spiritual systems.

In the end, his research direction has changed a lot.

He wanted different systems of practice to merge with each other and learn from each other.

Take its essence and remove its dross.

Most of this information is about how Long Ming studied different systems of practice.

Only a small part is about the integration of different spiritual systems.

At the end of the message, Long Ming's handwriting revealed a trace of helplessness.

He assembled several spiritual practice systems and researched Xeon's unique tricks, but in the end it was not perfect.

Because of its limited strength and insufficient research, this Xeon trick is only a model.

However, Long Ming firmly believes that if this Xeon Trick can be studied, the life and death realm can compete with the ancient realm.

Seeing this sentence, Fang Chen moved.

The life-long effort left by Long Ming is absolutely very important for the other party and Dao San.

Both are using these to enhance the strength of their spiritual system.

Of course, Longming also left other means.

Waiting for the exploration of Fang Chen and Dao San.


Pterosaur Jedi.

The battle for rootless grass finally came to an end.

The Sanshen of Sanshen land shot and snatched it.

I thought that the matter was over.

Who would have expected that one of the three gods suddenly attacked the other two.

Without any precautions, one of them was hit hard by him, and the other was forced to retreat by him.

He got rootless grass.

At the same time, many disciples of the Lion Gate appeared, using incredible means to forcibly control the two gods.

At this point, all the aliens and sea monsters in the whole Pterosaur Jedi life and death are controlled by the Lion Gate.

"Master, this is rootless grass."

The first of the three gods to be controlled, respectfully dedicated the rootless grass to Sister Ding.

Sister Ding was playing with rootless grass, and a smile appeared on Qiao's face.

"Go, we should go back to life."

Sister Ding and others returned, carrying many emperors of life and death.

The Golden Lion was very satisfied with this, but when it saw the rootless grass, it said: "The rootless grass has not yet fully matured, planted here first, waiting for maturity to take."

"Yes, the doorkeeper."

Immediately, the rootless grass was planted here.

The Golden Lion ordered Sister Ding and others to enter the magma shore and attack the bronze gate.

As for himself, he suffered some injuries and needed healing.

"The door owner rest assured that this time we will definitely open the bronze gate." Sister Ding said.

After Sister Ding and others left.

The golden lion stared at the distant place with anger and hatred in his heart.

"Big white dog, you actually colluded with the deity rat to deal with me. Wait, I won't let you go."

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