Immemorial Sword Venerable

Chapter 1544: Sumiya

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The place where the aliens and the sea monsters continued to breathe was completely occupied by the Lion Gate.

I'm afraid they didn't even think of themselves. It was not the human race that destroyed them in the end, but this mysterious lion gate.

The female disciple of the Lion Gate, although not very strong in cultivation, but the Gu and Xu techniques are too powerful.

In poison surgery, the most powerful is the enchanting female Xue Sister.

Of course, Gu Gu is also tolerant.

The controlled emperor of life and death is full of unwillingness, but there is no other way.

Unless he finds his own way, he can only obey.

Under the leadership of Sister Ding, everyone came to the bronze gate again.

"You few, work together to attack the bronze gate."

Sister Ding ordered the middle-level emperor in the life and death realm to shoot together and attack the bronze gate.

Although several people were unwilling, there was no way.

They stepped forward, facing the bronze gate, and immediately began a crazy attack.

The defense of the bronze gate is too strong, and it is not a matter of a moment and a half to want to break through.

Simply, Sister Ding and others are not in a hurry.


Cultivation Palace.

Big white dog and little mouse are waiting for Fang Chen.

The latter and Dao San are practicing in the palace.

In the heritage left by Long Ming, the time-space practice system was mentioned.

Even Longming had to admit that Gu Zu was a shocked and brilliant person.

The time and space practice system he created has reached the extreme, and he can even touch the threshold of rules.

Moreover, what shocked Fang Chen the most is that he has been practicing the system of time and space practice, and has the opportunity to skip the rules and master the rules directly.

This amazing discovery even moved Fang Chen's heart.

Seeing the heritage left by Longming has gained a lot.

In just three days, the space-time book reached the fourth level.

After the time and space book reaches the fourth floor, Fang Chen is more able to integrate into space and time as he pleases.

If the time and space book is displayed, even the high-ranking emperor of life and death can't find it?

Of course, the top five giants should be able to feel it.

Half a month later, the space-time book reached the fifth floor.

Finally reached the bottleneck, Fang Chen stopped practicing.

His face was covered with a smile.

Fortunately, there is the inheritance left by Longming, otherwise, the space-time book cannot reach the fifth floor at all.

Xiuwei reached the pinnacle of creation and was stuck in a bottleneck.

Wanting to step into life and death is temporarily impossible.

Simply, Fang Chen simply gave up practicing.

He had firmly remembered Long Ming's life and effort in his mind. He turned his head to glance, and Dao San was still practicing.

He stood up and his eyes fell on the altar.

I didn't notice it before, but now I finally see it.

Here is a space ring.

Seeing this, Fang Chen was secretly happy.

Want to come, this space ring should be left by Long Ming.

"Don't know what's in the ring?"

Fang Chen was very excited, and quickly walked towards the ring.

Bend over to pick up the ring and check it. The ring is unowned.

The idea entered the ring and suddenly found that the ring was very large.

"so big."

Fang Chen was completely shocked. The space in this ring was almost an island.

"How come there is such a large space ring?"

Fang Chen was puzzled.

With the improvement of his strength, his vision naturally became much higher.

So far, the biggest space ring he has ever seen is the ultimate space ring.

It is said that the best space ring, the inner space is very large, comparable to the size of a holy place.

The space ring in front of me is actually an island.

While Fang Chen was shaking, his eyes saw the three words on the ring.

"Xu Mijie."

He murmured softly in his mouth.

Is this Xumi ring different from the space ring?

After thinking about it for a while, I couldn't understand it, and finally didn't want to.

His thoughts penetrated into the Sumiya ring and found that there were a lot of resources.

"This ... Crimson Jellyfish Mine, Amethyst Soulstone, Ice Dragon Grass ..."

Fang Chen was completely shocked.

There are too many cultivation resources in Xumi.

So many cultivation resources are comparable to the heritage of a holy place.

How many resources did Long Ming leave.

"Fate, when you open the ring, it means that you have obtained the life-long effort that I left behind and passed my test."

Suddenly, a melodious voice came.

Fang Chen listened, this should be the voice left by Senior Long Ming.

"This ring is a treasure of God Realm, called Xumi Ring. Its function is the same as the space ring in our lower realm, and it is regarded as a storage ring."

"However, the Xumi Ring is not comparable to the space ring. The Xumi Ring you see is placed in God Realm and is the most garbage ring. But in the lower realm, it is already the ring with the largest space and can contain everything. I have left some resources in the Sumiya ring, and I think you should be able to use it. "

"These outermost resources are the most rubbish. You, as my heritage, naturally want the best resources. At the deepest part of Xumi, there are three things that are the best for you so far. There is only this for you, I hope that one day, you and our God Realm will meet. "

After all, the voice broke.

The shock in Fang Chen's heart could not be dispersed for a long time.

Xumi Ring is actually a storage ring for God Realm.

He shook his head to keep himself awake.

However, whenever he saw the cultivation resources at the forefront of Xumi, he couldn't help shaking.

Crimson jellyfish mine, ice dragon grass, amethyst soul stone. These are the cultivation resources most needed by the warriors. In Longmingkou, it was actually garbage.

"I don't know what are the three things left by Senior Longming?" Fang Chen was a little excited.

Here, there is a small hill.

Above the hill, there are three light groups.

The light cluster on the far left is wrapped in red light. The light cluster in the middle is wrapped in black light, and the light cluster on the right is wrapped in purple light.

Within the three light groups, there was a repressed breath.

The golden heart was beating rapidly, and the intuition told him that the things in these three light groups must be extraordinary.

He slowly walked to the red light cluster on the left, palms gently holding the light cluster.

Wow ...

The red light instantly converged, and what appeared in Fang Chen's palm was a fiery red iron block.

"what is this?"

Fang Chen was puzzled, but soon he widened his eyes and stared at the fiery red iron block.

His heartbeat accelerated.

"Blood crystal iron, actually blood crystal iron."

Fang Chen was completely shocked.

Looking at the entire lower realm, there are ores naturally bred from countless days.

Every kind of ore is extraordinary.

Moreover, each kind of ore has a primitive ancestor stone, as well as pseudo-ancestry stone.

For example, the Liujin ancestor stone devoured by little mice before.

The ores bred in these worlds have a fatal temptation for the warriors.

Of course, there is also a ranking among each type of ore.

Liujinshi can only be regarded as medium ore, and Chihong jellyfish ore can be regarded as higher ore.

However, the blood Luojing iron ore in front of him is a unique top grade ore in the legendary lower realm.

The universe has survived forever and is constantly changing.

However, there is an ore that exists permanently.

That is blood Luojing iron ore.

All along, blood Luojing iron ore has only existed in legend.

The reason why Fang Chen knows it is because he has seen it in the history books of the human race.

Of course, the above record is not perfect, just mentioned a little bit.

"Blood crystal iron."

Fang Chen rubbed his eyes hard, couldn't believe everything in front of him.

However, no matter how he observes, Blood Luo Jingtie has been lying quietly in his palm.

The fiery breath came out of the blood Luojing iron.

Fang Chen's heart could not be calm for a long time.

Unexpectedly, he actually can get blood Luo Jing iron.

"If you use the blood Luojing iron to refine your red glass sword and star hidden sword, there will be unexpected gains.

Immediately, Fang Chen put down the blood Luo Jing iron.

His eyes fell on the black light mass in the middle.

The black light group exudes terrifying killing power.

"I don't know what's in this black light group?"

Fang Chen was a little puzzled, and finally put his palm on the black light mass.

Wow ...

The black light disappeared, and a yellowed book appeared in Fang Chen's palm.

The books contain detailed information about the laws and rules.

"Laws and rules."

The first page of the book has only these five words.

However, Fang Chen was very happy.

Laws and rules are the most basic order that makes up the universe.

If you want to step into life and death, you must clarify these basic things before you can understand your future direction.

"Senior Longming is really careful."

Fang Chen grinned.

This book is more practical for Fang Chen now.

Opening the book, the content of the first page attracted Fang Chen.

"This book contains some of my views on the laws and rules. Although it is very simple, it is enough for the latecomers to refer to." What Long Ming left behind, "It's a matter of great importance, don't leak it out."

Next, Fang Chen carefully looked at the books.

With more and more excitement in my heart, this book describes how the warrior should choose his own path and how to understand the rules. It is a textbook-like experience.

Fang Chen laughed brightly when he closed the book.

"After you go out, watch it."

After all, Fang Chen's eyes fell on the third light group.

This is a purple light group when Fang Chen's palm touches it.

All the purple rays disappeared, and a long slap bone fell into Fang Chen's palm. 8 ± (. *) 8 ± 8 ±, o


Fang Chen felt very familiar with the purple breath on his bones.

"This is the bones of a **** who is a powerful person in the family of Devouring Rats." A piece of branding penetrated into Fang Chen's mind.

"Tenjin bone?"

Fang Chen was puzzled.

"I accidentally entered a space turbulence and got this bone. After tens of thousands of years of research, I found that it is a bone from the body of the Devouring Rat. At the same time, there is an amazing discovery that this bone is not ordinary. Bone, but the most top-notch bone in the legendary Devouring Rats family. "

"The Sky Devouring Rat, with its bones, is the King of Nature. As long as it does not die halfway through, it will definitely set foot on the top of the universe in the future.

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