Immemorial Sword Venerable

Chapter 1548: Rootless grass

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The big white dog is familiar with this place, and its sense of smell is very sensitive.

In a blink of an eye, I could smell the rootless grass.


Fang Chen asked hurriedly.

Under the guidance of the big white dog, after a few breathing time, came to a slightly dark hideout.

Here is full of evil breath, Fang Chen looked around and frowned.

"This is the hiding place of the golden lion." Said the big white dog.

It was too familiar with the golden lion, but just glanced at it to be sure.

"The rootless grass is planted here by the golden lion."

The big white dog's claws pointed in front of him, and Fang Chen looked down his eyes, and suddenly found that there was a herbal medicine on a small hill.

"Is this rootless grass?"

Although Fang Chen obtained the branches and leaves of rootless grass before, he has not seen rootless grass.

This herb, without roots, is suspended above the soil.

There are nine branches and leaves on the herbal medicine, and there is a thick breath around it.

"The rootless grass is not yet mature." The big white dog said: "But you can get it back and plant it yourself."

Fang Chen nodded, took a deep breath, and walked to the hill.

Follow the instructions of the big white dog and easily pull up the rootless grass.

Looking at the rootless grass in his hand, Fang Chen was secretly happy.

Finally, I got rootless grass, remembering my mother's face, Fang Chen's heart was warm.

"Let's go."

Putting up the rootless grass, Fang Chen took the sword three and the little mouse, and the big white dog left Pterosaur Jedi.

The pterosaur Jedi, which used to be frightening, became a place for ordinary cultivation.

No one would have thought that the alien and sea monsters of the pterosaur Jedi had continued to breathe and fell because of one person.

What happened inside the Pterosaur Jedi was naturally unclear to outsiders.

Wow ...

After passing through the ban, feeling the rich aura in heaven and earth, Fang Chen took a breath.

Still feel comfortable outside.

Take out the Starland Dragon Boat and take the sword three to Green Bamboo Island.

Five days later.

Xingyu Dragon Boat stopped over Luzhu Island, and Fang Chen and Dao San stepped out of it.

"Big white dog, this is Green Bamboo Island, is my boss's site. I will take you around for a while."

As soon as he walked out of the Dragon Boat, the little mouse left with the big white dog.

Fang Chen didn't pay any attention to it. Looking at the whole lower realm, he didn't dare to deal with little mice.

He knows all the strong men in the universe's combat power list, and he will not shoot at will.

"This is Green Bamboo Island?"

Dao San's consciousness enveloped Green Bamboo Island, a smile appeared on his face.

This is indeed a holy place for cultivation, far away from other islands, almost at the edge of the void ocean.

The most important thing is that almost no one here bothers himself, after all, Fang Chen is the island owner of Green Bamboo Island.

Moreover, Dao San soon discovered the magic of the green pillar array method.

"This method is really wonderful." Dao San couldn't help sighing.

"How are you, Brother Three?" Fang Chen asked.

Dao San nodded with satisfaction. He had decided that he would continue to practice here in the future.

"If there is any need, just contact me." Fang Chen said.

Just then, Dao San found the old **** stick.

"That is……"

Dao San is also an insightful person, and at a glance he can see the extraordinaryness of the old **** stick.

The old **** stick stood on the green bamboo island as if it had lived forever.

If it were not because the main body of the main body was cut off, its breath was stronger and stronger.

Now it is recovering on Lvzhu Island.

"This is my partner, a quasi-god tree, but a pity ..."

When talking about the old **** stick, Fang Chen's expression was bleak.

The old **** stick became like this to save the heaven, although the old **** stick said okay.

But how can Fang Chen not know?

Truncating half of the main torso is equivalent to breaking off the path of becoming a god.

How is this a major blow to a plant?

You know, in the last few tens of thousands of years, there have been no plants in the lower realm to become gods.

Lao Shen stick was able to do this step, but also after a lot of effort, got countless opportunities.

"Emperor Xuesha."

Fang Chen's heart burned with anger.

If it weren't for the despicable villain of Blood Emperor, the old **** stick would not fall to this point.

But now, it is useless to say that.

Fang Chen can only pray that the old **** stick can be restored. Of course, he will also find a way to help the old **** stick search for some treasures and treasures to help it recover.

"The main body of the main body was cut off? This is the way to cut off his practice. Who is this, so vicious?" Dao San asked in surprise.

Fang Chen fully informed of his grievances with Emperor Xuesha.

After hearing the latter, he shook his head and sighed.

He has some sympathy for Fang Chen, who is a person who values ​​love and justice.

"Brother Fang, I believe it will rise again." Dao San comforted.

Fang Chen nodded, no longer thinking about it, and returned to the island's main palace with the sword three.

Now the Green Bamboo Island, after a period of development, not only restored its former prosperity, but also more prosperous.

Immediately after entering the island's main palace, Yin Fang came to greet him.

"Island Master, come back?" Yin Fang laughed.

Fang Chen nodded, introduced Dao San, and then said: "Find a closed place for Dao San Brothers, and remember not to be disturbed."

After speaking, Fang Chen was not at ease and urged: "What did the three brothers say, they must be satisfied as much as possible."

Yin Fang followed Fang Chen for a short time and knew the latter well.

He told me so much that he wanted to come to this sword three, and he had no relationship with the island owner.

Moreover, Yin Fang, as the strongest man in the realm of creation, can naturally feel the terror in the sword.

"Emperor of life and death."

Yin Fang secretly said in his heart.

Moreover, this person should not be an ordinary emperor of life and death.

Thinking of this, Yin Fang secretly hid.

Their Green Bamboo Island, finally had the emperor of life and death sitting down.

"Brother Fang Chen, I have to leave Luzhu Island first." The latter said when Yin Fang was about to leave with Dao San.

"Huh? Is there anything wrong with Brother Dao?" Fang Chen asked.

Dao San was silent for a moment, and then said: "I received a call from Liu Xiong."

"Liu Xiong?"

Fang Chen was a little surprised, but soon relieved.

The Martial Artist can practice avatars and condense avatars.

How can the emperor of life and death have no avatars?

Want to come, stay in the outside world, it should be Liu Xiong's avatar.

Sure enough, as Fang Chen guessed, it was Liu Xiong's deity that was destroyed.

"Liu Xiong has been with me for a long time, and the relationship between the two of us is very good. It was said at the beginning, no matter who gets the inheritance, they should help each other." Dao Sanshen said: "I know Liu Xiong's character, if it is a general matter , He must be embarrassed to speak. But this time he sent a voice to me, it seems that he is in danger. "

"Liu Xiong is in danger?"

Doppelganger is definitely not as good as the deity.

"I'm going to save Liu Xiong. If it goes well, I will take him back to Lvzhu Island." Dao San said.

"I will go with you."

In terms of how to say, the three of them are also partners in the practice palace.

Liu Xiong fell midway, and Fang Chen and Dao San were somewhat sad.

Now Liu Xian's doppelganger is in danger and will naturally go to rescue.

Dao San looked directly at Fang Chen, focusing on his head.

"Did he tell you where?" Fang Chen asked.


The two rode into the Star Dragon Boat and quickly got on the road.

According to the address provided by Liu Xiong, shuttle in the void.


Qingluo Islands.

Among the many archipelago in the lower bound, the archipelago with stronger strength.

According to the detailed information of the holy land of the human race, it is prepared to say that the comprehensive strength of the Qingluo Islands ranks among the top five of many islands.

From this point, we can see the strength of the Qingluo Islands.

In the Qingluo Islands, geniuses come forth.

The genius of each generation is extremely dazzling.

However, since the Blood Sword Saint turned out, the geniuses of the Qingluo Islands became dim and dull.

Since then, the younger geniuses of the Qingluo Islands no longer go out, all closed, hoping to make a breakthrough.

There are many emperors in the Qingluo Islands.

Moreover, the legendary ancestor of the Qingluo Islands is a high-level strongman in life and death.

Because of the existence of the ancestors, the Qingluo Islands shocked the surrounding islands.

There are many islands in the territory of Qingluo Islands.

One of the little-known islands is called Balong Island.

On this island, there are not many people, and the strength of the warriors is not too strong.

Liu Xiong's avatar has been hidden on this island.

However, Liu Xiong's recent doppelganger encountered some troubles.

Huh ...

The emperor of life and death is chasing and killing Liu Xiong.

Liu Xiong's doppelganger's strength is equivalent to triple the emperor of life and death.

The emperor who chased and killed him is the quartet of life and death.

"Be obedient and stop, otherwise, I'll let you die better than life."

Behind Liu Xiong, an old man said coldly.

He is extremely fast, and no matter how Liu Xiong escapes, he cannot escape his control.

"Why chase me down?"

Liu Xiong was very puzzled and shouted angrily while fleeing.

"Submit to me, you can spare you not to die." The old man said.

Liu Xiong was very anxious. His deity died in the palace of spiritual practice. He had only one such avatar.

Once the doppelganger also died, it really died.

He is not reconciled, he has a bloodline cultivation system, absorb the power of bloodline to enhance his strength.

His future is boundless, and he can even set foot in God Realm.

He didn't want to die.

"So many life and death emperors, why did you choose me?" Liu Xiong asked.

The old man grinned, no longer talking, his figure flashed, and he came after him.

"This guy can actually absorb the power of the bloodline of the monster to improve his cultivation. The secret method he practiced must be extraordinary. Even the difficulty is a divine art. In any case, you must get it." ,

The old man thought to himself.

In fact, the old man also inadvertently passed Balong Island. It happened that Liu Xiong absorbed the power of the monster blood.

Immediately, he became greedy for Liu Xiong.

After a period of tracing, Liu Xiong's whereabouts were found out, and then he was swiftly caught to capture Liu Xiong.

However, the result was beyond his expectations.

Liu Xiong is much stronger than he had imagined, otherwise, it would not be so troublesome, and he had already captured it.

"You can't escape, just grab your hand and catch it."

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