Immemorial Sword Venerable

Chapter 1549: Liu Xiong

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Liu Xiong is very helpless. In his current state, it is impossible to escape the pursuit of this emperor.

"You can't go on like this, you have to find a way."

Liu Xiong pondered secretly as he ran away.

After a while, he thought of a way.

Taking a deep breath, his face was covered with determination.

This is a very extreme method. Once it fails, the avatar will be completely destroyed.

Even if it is successful, the avatar will suffer a lot of damage, and it can't be recovered in a short time.

"There is still a chance to fight, if you don't fight, there will be no chance."

Immediately, Liu Xiong made a decision.


Liu Xiong, who had been running away quickly, suddenly stopped, his face gloomy and suspended in the sky quietly.

"How? Don't you run? Know that you can't run away?"

Seeing this, the old man smiled and stared at Liu Xiong.

"I said, as long as you obediently catch your hand, I won't kill you." The old man looked at Liu Xiong greedily. "If my guess is good, should you practice legendary magic?"

"Be able to absorb the power of the bloodline to enhance your own strength. This kind of loss is unheard of. I can spare you forever as long as you hand over this magic.

Hearing what the old man said, Liu Xiong knew why the old man chased himself.

Feelings he regards his blood system as a magic technique.

"I really have the magic."

Liu Xiong's eyes flickered and said immediately, "However, how can I believe what you said?"

"How do you believe me? Do you think you still have room for bargaining?" The old man sneered.

In his eyes, Liu Xiong was just a prisoner.

The prisoners of the order are not qualified to bargain.

"It doesn't matter if you don't pay, I can get it after I kill you." The old man said: "However, if you are willing to hand it over, the old man will be in a good mood, maybe you will be accepted as a servant, so let you go A way of life. "

Deep in Liu Xie's eyes, there was a cold killing intention.

"Okay, I promise you."

After all, Liu Xiong stepped out and stepped closer to the old man.

The old master is bold and not afraid of Liu Xiong's tricks.

"Isn't that right?"

The old man looked at Liu Xiong and smiled.

Liu Xiong approached the old man, put his palms in his arms, and beat them.

The old man's gaze has always been on Liu Xiong's palm.

"Give you."

Suddenly, the palm that reached into his arms suddenly pulled out, and a small green snake suddenly shot out of his palm.

As soon as the old man grasped the blue snake, it clicked and the snake's body exploded.


The power of terror swept away instantly, flooding the old man's body.

Huh ...

Liu Xiong seized the opportunity, his figure flickered and disappeared into the void.

"Damn ..."

The old hair roared with rage, and his clothes were ragged.

Although the explosive force of Cyan Snake did not hurt him, it also caused him some Shanghai.

"court death."

The old man's eyes were killing, and chased away.

Huh ...

The speed of the old man has risen to the extreme.

Soon after, he caught up with Liu Xiong.

"go to hell."

He has been given a chance, but he did not cherish it.

The old man's punches on the mountain hit Liu Xiong's body.


Liu Xiong's body flew out and vomited blood.

"Am I going to die?"

Liu Xiong's face was covered with despair.

His eyes were a little confused, and he was ready to die.

The killer's failure is destined to be a dead end.

However, just as he was about to close his eyes, he suddenly saw a void tear in front of him, and a huge star-shaped dragon boat was born.

"That is……"

Liu Xiong's eyes widened, looking at the two people who had come out of the Dragon Boat in the Star Field.

"It's you."

Suddenly, Liu Xiong, who was in despair, rekindled the idea of ​​survival in his heart.

He turned suddenly, exhausted all his strength, and punched a punch, trying to resist the old man's attack.


No surprise, the body flew out again.

This time, his body did not fall, but was caught by Dao San.

"how about it?"

Dao San asked.

"I'm fine." Liu Xiong's heart dared to move, but he didn't expect that Dao San and Fang Chen could come over so quickly.

"Brother Liu Xiong, leave it to us next." Fang Chen said.

"Today you will die, even if someone saves you, it will not help." The old man sneered and continued to attack.

Fang Chen's figure flickered and disappeared into the void.

At the next moment, there was a terrible busy in the void, hitting the old man.

The old man's attack was resolved and his body was forced to retreat.

"who are you?"

The Ninth Heavy Realm can resist his attack, unless it is the younger generation of the four holy places.

"Blood Sword Saint."

Fang Chen said his name.

"What? Are you the owner of Green Bamboo Island?"

The old man was obviously panicked, but he didn't expect this person to be the owner of Green Bamboo Island.

The surprised color on his face gradually suppressed. He smiled and said: "It turns out to be the owner of Green Bamboo Island. This person has hatred against the old man. I believe that the owner of Green Bamboo Island will not do the same with the old man?

"He is my brother. If you want his life, you want my life." Fang Chen showed his attitude.

The old man didn't want to be the enemy of the owner of Green Bamboo Island.

But anyway, the owner of Green Bamboo Island is so ignorant.

"Lvzhu Island Master, don't you know what to do. It's not that the old man looks down on you. Although your strength is strong, but in front of the old man, it's not worth mentioning like a local dog." The old man said in a deep voice.

How to say, he is also a fourfold emperor of life and death.

The owner of Green Bamboo Island is so provocative, even if it is beheaded, no one will say anything.

"Huh, it's ridiculous. While you are talking about others, in fact you are like garbage in the eyes of others." Dao San said aside.

"Old man talking, how can you intervene?"

The old man was angry, and being said by Dao San was even more furious.


Dao San no longer spoke much, and directly released a tyrannical breath.

"In my eyes, you are so vulnerable."

The breath released by Dao San at this moment, even if he is a high-level emperor of life and death, will also be palpitation.


In an instant, the old man felt palpitations.

His body trembled involuntarily.

This kind of power is really too powerful.

"This brother, I think there are some misunderstandings. How does this matter end? I will leave immediately?" Said the old man in a hurry.

"I want to leave now? Why didn't you just say that?" Dao San sneered.

If he didn't release a tyrannical breath, would the old man compromise?

This is a world of weak meat and strong food. If they are weak today, they are already dead.

Therefore, he never thought of letting this old man make a living.

"What do you want?" The old man asked.

"I want to ... kill you."

The voice was left behind, and a ten-foot-sized knifeman appeared in the void, carrying a vast force, smashing the old man's attack and splitting on the old man's body.


The old man's body was split in half.

Between the Lightning Fire Stones, the battle is over.

Upon seeing this, Liu Xiong couldn't help smiling.

If the deity was not destroyed, he was as strong as Dao San.

"Thank you Dao San and Fang Chen this time."

Liu Xiong said fists at the two.

"Brother Liu Xiong, this need not be the case." Fang Chen waved his hand and said.

"Brother Liu Xiong, your deity is destroyed. It's not safe to be here. Do you want to go to Lvzhu Island with me?" Dao Sandao said, "Lvzhu Island is the site of Brother Fang Chen, I'll be there Retreat. If you go, we can have a response. "

"Okay." Liu Xiong immediately agreed.

Fang Chen and Dao San, from the Sumiya ring, took out a lot of cultivation resources and gave them to Liu Xiong.

"These were all obtained in the practice palace, and your avatar strength is weak right now, very much needed," said Dao San.

Liu Xiong did not pretend to accept it directly.

But my heart was very moved.

"Brother Liu Xiong, the core inheritance we have is limited and cannot be passed on to you, but if I see the content of the bloodline cultivation system in it, I will definitely tell you." Dao San said.

"Thank you." Liu Xiong was very happy.

Although the deity was destroyed in the practice palace, nothing was gained.

But he was very happy to have such a good brother.

After beheading the old man, the three men walked together and left the island.

When I went back, I was not in a hurry, so I did not use the Star Dragon Boat, but prepared to go back through the teleportation array.

It happened that Fang Chen was going to the Luo people's holy place, and let Dao San take Liu Xiong back.


Sword Demon Island is an island not far from Balong Island.

In fact, this island was not originally called Sword Devil Island.

However, since the rise of a fierce man, he occupied the king and dominated the island, and then renamed it the sword demon island.

On the sword demon island, there is only one force, only one person is king.

The core of the sword demon island, the island's main house.

A middle-aged warrior in black, just finished training, suddenly felt fresh.

"Huh? Even my men dare to kill?"

The middle-aged warrior in black had a gloomy face, and his whole body was murderous.

He dominated the Sword Devil Island and collected a lot of strong men, some of whom were some emperors of life and death.

The real person of the Moshu is his capable man.

For a long time, he has always trusted the real person.

This time, the real person of Moshu went out to grind, and soon after he left, he fell.

"Falled on Balong Island?"

The middle-aged man in black said to himself, his body was full of extreme and terrifying power. 8 ± (. *) 8 ± 8 ±, o

He waved his palm, and his mind spread.

In front of him, a picture was formed.

In this picture, it is a scene where Dao San beheaded and killed a real person.

Before the death of Moshu, he passed this picture to the middle-aged man in black, hoping he would avenge himself.

"The Doppelganger's doppelganger fell while exploring the relics not long ago. A new doppelganger is in the process of being brewed. Now the deity is being beheaded, it's really damn."

After all, the middle-aged man in black stood up and was murderous inside the hall.

"Pass my order and search for these three at all costs."

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