Immemorial Sword Venerable

Chapter 1553: Words of Yuan Yao Sword

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Hearing Fang Chen's words, Yuan Gu was also a bit stunned.

Fang Chen came to ask for something. He sneered secretly in his heart, but on the surface, he pretended to be casual, saying, "Seeking something?"

"I heard that the Yuan tribe has a sword Yuan tree, and the younger generation dared to ask the Yuan patriarch for a sword Yuan fruit." Fang Chen said.

Wen Yan, Yuan Gu's complexion instantly gloomed.

Jianyuanguo matures only once every 30,000 years, and each time it matures, there are only nine.

Blood Sword Saint actually wants to ask for one? It's ridiculous.

"Do you know what Jianyuanguo means to my Yuan tribe?" Yuan Gu said in a deep voice, between the eyebrows, there was a touch of displeasure.

Jian Yuan Guo is of great significance to the Yuan tribe.

Each time the sword Yuanguo matures, it means that the Yuan clan will have several martial artists rising.

It represents the hope of the rise of the Yuan nationality, and it is also an important reason for the enduring of the Yuan nationality.

And now, a martial arts fighter who came to ask him for sword yuan fruit?

Not to mention others, Yuan Gu won't give him only if he killed Yuan Ming.

"Of course I know that Jianyuanshu will bloom in 10,000 years, and it will bear fruit in 10,000 years. It will mature in 10,000 years. There are only nine at a time." Fang Chen paused and continued, "But the younger generation really needs it Patriarch Wangyuangu can give one. I can pay any price. "

"Take your life to change it, otherwise, don't talk." Yuan Gu didn't want to talk to Fang Chen.

If it weren't for the Lord of Demons, he had already shot down Fang Chen.


Fang Chen's face showed a bitter smile.

He knew that it would not be so easy.

At this moment, Lord Voldemort opened his mouth.

"Yuan Gu, I know that Jian Yuan Guo is of great significance to your Yuan clan. However, I won't beg you, I just hope you give him a chance." Fu Mo Realm pondered: "I know the rules of your Yuan clan, Every time Jian Yuanguo matures, a comparison will be made, and the nine winners will get Jian Yuanguo. "

"How about giving me a face?" Lord Voldemort said.

Suddenly, Yuan Gu fell silent.

His face was constantly changing, and the Black Bladed Emperor behind him spoke.

"This Daoist, since you know the importance of Jian Yuanguo, why is this so?" Said Black Blade Emperor.

There are only nine Jian Yuan Guo in total. He has worked hard to obtain a fair competition quota for his apprentices. How can he let others compete?

"Blood Sword Saint's cultivation is only the Nine Heavy Cultivation Realm. Is it that you Yuan Gu is afraid that Blood Sword Saint will enter the list of the last nine people? Get the Sword Yuan Fruit?" Lord Fu Mo continued.

There is some sarcasm in his words.

"Huh, my Yuan clan genius is born, even if you give him a quota, it is impossible to get the sword Yuan Guo." Yuan Gu said: "However, he is the enemy of my Yuan clan, I don't kill him enough to give you face, quota It is absolutely impossible for him. "

Yuan Gu showed his attitude that he could not give Fang Chen a place.

This made Fang Chen anxious.

Healing the three fruits of the old **** stick, the other two are clueless, but there is one of them, but it is not available.

"Is it really impossible to get it?" Fang Chen said secretly in his heart, somewhat lost.

"Yuan Gu, you really don't give me a face?" Lord Voldemort was slightly angry, shouting.

Yuan Gu looked at the Lord of the Demon Realm with some embarrassment. At this time, the Black Blade Emperor stepped forward and stood side by side with him.

Suddenly, Yuan Gu's courage was full.

"Daoyou, although you are powerful, but here is my Yuan clan. I joined forces with Brother Heibla. I'm afraid you won't get anything right?" Yuan Gu said in a deep voice.

He is naturally unwilling to play against the Lord of Demons.

But if the opponent really shot, he is not afraid.

He teamed up with the Black Bladed Emperor, unless it is a strong player in the ancient world, otherwise, it is impossible.

"Daoyou, if I guess it is good, you should force God Realm Treasure to force it, should it also consume power?" Black Blade Emperor smiled and said: "Although God Realm Treasure is strong, it cannot be urged without restraint. You do n’t have to scare Yuan Gu here. The quota is absolutely impossible for you, go back. "


The body of Lord Voldemort suddenly appeared a terrifying breath.

"Daoyou, do you really want to shoot?" Yuan Gu Shen Sheng asked.


Fang Chen secretly voiced himself, and the real master was injured. Once he shot, he would definitely not get any benefits.

In fact, Lord Voldemort is also frightening Yuan Gu.

"It's ridiculous, the Yuan tribes dare not even give a chance of fair competition. Is the Yuan tribe no one?"

The Lord of Demon Realm laughed and brought out the Divine Realm Treasure.

Suddenly, the sledgehammer escaped a terrifying breath.

Yuan Gu and Black Blade Emperor's face changed greatly.

God Realm Treasure has a strong deterrent effect, even Yuangu and Black Blade Emperor are not willing to fight hard.

"Huh, is it true that my Yuan tribe is bullying?"

Yuan Gu is also a little angry, here is the Yuan tribe.

The other party came to the Yuan tribe and asked for the quota without attempting to indulge, and took out God Realm Treasure to intimidate.

If this matter spreads, how will the Yuan tribe gain a foothold in the lower realm?

Therefore, it cannot be withdrawn.

Yuan Gu's whole body was agitated, and the Black Blade Emperor beside him was also ready to shoot.

For a time, the breath of the three strong men was disordered and confronted together.

Fang Chen screamed badly, but there was no way to intervene.

Just as Lord Voldemort was about to shoot, suddenly a sigh came from the void.

Immediately afterwards, a heart-throbbing sword rose into the sky, tearing the void directly.

There was a great shock throughout the holy place of Yuan nationality.


The sound of Jianming resounded through the sky.

In the Yuan clan forbidden area, the Yuan Yao sword had a great shock.

"Huh? What's going on?"

In the holy land of the Yuan tribe, all the warriors widened their eyes and looked inside the forbidden land.

A monstrous sword spirit emerged and enveloped the holy land of the Yuan race.

The shock of Yuanyao's sword made Yuangu and Black Blade Emperor's face change at the same time.

call out……

Yuan Demon Sword turned into a huge sword shadow, from the depths of Yuan clan's forbidden land, shuttled through the void and came to the garden where Yuan Gu was.

At the same time, Fang Chen's body shook.

"Yuan Yao Jian?"

Fang Chen smiled.

"Yuan demon sword."

Below, Yuan Gu exclaimed.


The giant shadow transformed by Yuan Yao Jian gradually collapsed, and the body of Yuan Yao Jian appeared in front of everyone.


Yuan Yao Jian dived down from the sky, and inserted fiercely into the dirt.

The sword shook, giving a shocking breath.

"Yuan Gu." Inside the Yuan Yao sword, there was a voice.

"Senior." Yuan Gu said respectfully.

Yuan Yao Jian is the supreme **** soldier who followed Yuan ancestors.

The status of the Yuan tribe is very high, and it is also the treasure of the Yuan tribe.

Even Yuan Gu, as the patriarch, faced the Yuan Yao sword, but also called a senior.

Because, Yuan Yao Jian has that qualification.

"Give this kid a chance to compete." Yuan Yaojian said.

Wen Yan, Yuan Gu's face with a stunned expression, he is very puzzled, why would Yuan Yaojian speak for Fang Chen?

"Senior, you ..."

Before Yuan Gu finished speaking, Yuan Yao Jian continued to speak.

"I had lost my memory for a while and followed this kid. This time it was considered to be his favor."

At this time, even the Black Blade Emperor was a little shocked.

Is this kid too lucky?

Yuan Yaojian disappeared for endless years, and the Yuan clan has been looking for it and cannot find it.

And how many years did this kid practice? Will you be able to find Yuan Yao Jian?

The most important thing is that Yuan Yao Jian actually followed him?

what does this mean?

It means that Yuan Yao Jian recognizes the potential of Blood Sword Saint.

Thinking of this, Yuan Gu's face was very dignified, staring straight at the Blood Sword Saint.

All along, he thought that Blood Juggernaut was a lucky guy.

It's just better luck than Yuan Ming and others, otherwise, there can be no such achievements.

But now, after listening to Yuan Yaojian's words.

Yuan Gu's view of Fang Chen has changed a lot.

Until now, he began to face Fang Chen squarely.

This guy who has been ignored by him before, the potential is really against the sky.

Yuan Gu could not help but listen to the words of Yuan Yao Jian.

He fell into silence, and even hated Fang Chen in his heart, why did he go **** every time?

Even the Zhenyuan Zhibao Yuanjian Sword of the Yuan tribe came out to speak for him?

"Damn it."

Yuan Gu clenched his fists and secretly cursed.

"Boy, work hard."

Yuan Yaojian spoke with Fang Chen, and then disappeared.

The horror sword spirit that shrouded the holy land of Yuan nationality disappeared instantly.

Yuan Yao Jian has returned to the Yuan clan forbidden area.

Fang Chen's face was full of smiles, and he thought he couldn't get Jian Yuanguo.

Who would have thought that such a thing would happen when the peak turns around.

Even he did not expect that Yuan Yao Jian would come out and speak for him.

The Lord of the Demon Realm on the side looked at Yuan Gu with a smile.

After a long time, Yuan Gu snorted coldly, and looked at Fang Chen icyly, saying: "Fortunately, Yuan Yao Jian speaks for you. I Yuan Gu will give you a quota, I hope you will be able to get what you want.

If you want to get four words, say your teeth.

"Then thank the Yuangu Patriarch." Fang Chen thanked with a fist.

Yuan Gu shook his sleeves and turned around, "Three months later, come to my Yuan tribe and it will not expire."

Fang Chen nodded, and then left the holy land of Yuan clan with Lord of Demons.

"Brother Yuan Gu, this ..." The Black Blade Emperor was puzzled.

"I don't want this, but I can't help but listen to Yuan Yaojian." Yuan Gu sighed.

"This kid is really **** luck, actually let Yuan Yao Jian follow him." Black Blade Emperor Shen said.

Yuan Gu shook his head and looked indifferently at the blue sky.

"Maybe, from the beginning, we underestimated the Blood Sword Saint."

No one knows the situation of Yuan Yao Sword better than Yuan Gu.

People who can be recognized by Yuan Yao Jian are definitely the most outstanding warriors of this era. △ ≧. * (. *) △ ≧,

He hadn't imagined that Yuan Yao Jian had followed the Blood Sword Saint before.

This is his mistake.

"Strangling genius, I like it the most."

Yuan Gu thought to himself.

In his mind, the way to deal with the blood sword saint has emerged.

The blood sword saint threat is getting bigger and bigger, it must be strangled before its wings are full.

And this competition for the sword Yuanguo is an excellent opportunity.

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