Immemorial Sword Venerable

Chapter 1554: Return

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The shock caused by Yuan Yao sword spread in the holy land of Yuan tribe.

Many people are discussing, what is going on?

Why does Yuan Yao Jian shake for no reason?

However, no one knows what happened except the Black Blade Emperor and Yuan Gu.

In just a short time, the shock storm of the Yuan Yao sword swept across the holy land of the Yuan tribe.

However, this vibration has not dissipated, and another news has once again triggered the vibration of the holy land of the Yuan tribe.

This time, it was not just shock, but public outrage.

"There is only one chance in 30,000 years. Why should you give Blood Sword Saint?"

"Yes, Blood Sword Saint is an enemy of our Yuan tribe, and he must never be given a quota."

"I am the first to disagree. Blood Juggernaut, this rubbish, and want to get Jian Yuanguo, is really dreaming."

Many warriors roared and expressed their dissatisfaction.

The younger generation, headed by Yuan Liang and Yuan Jiaojiao, are also full of puzzles.

"How could the patriarch agree to give the Blood Sword Saint a quota?" Yuan Liang said in a deep voice.

"Is it the holy master of the human race that put pressure on the patriarch? It is impossible." Yuan Jiao Jiao said.

Yuan Liao, leaning on the bluestone, frowned, "You can't give the Blood Sword Saint anyway."

"No, I don't think it's ok to give the Blood Sword Saint quota." Yuan Qian said.

As soon as his words fell, he felt a few hot eyes falling on his body.

"I mean, if Blood Sword Saint also competes with Jian Yuanguo, wouldn't it be competing with us?" Yuan Liao said: "Blood Sword Saint is the enemy of my Yuan clan's holy land, we usually have no chance to deal with him. Is it the best opportunity? "

After hearing the words, Yuan Liang and others nodded as soon as their eyes lit up.

"Yuan Liao's words are good, as long as the Blood Sword Saint dares to compete, it will definitely die." Yuan Liang said with a sullen face.

In the temple of Yuan nationality.

The elders came to see the patriarch together.

"Patriarch, why should we give the Blood Sword Saint quota?"

"Yes, patriarch, the Blood Sword Saint killed Yuan Ming, this hatred was not reported, and absolutely no place for him."

"Is the holy Lord of the human race pressure? If so, my Yuan clan clan resistance."

The elders were very determined and did not give blood sword saints quota.

Yuan Gu waved his hand, beckoning everyone to be quiet.

"I can understand your feelings." Yuan Gu looked down and continued: "However, I have no way to make such a choice."

"It's not what you imagined. If the human race Saint Lord persecuted, would I Yuan Gu bow my head?" Yuan Gu said.

"What the **** is that?"

Some elders asked curiously.

Yuan Gu pondered for a moment and said, "Yuan Demon Sword."

"Yuan Yao Jian?"

"Is it because of the previous shock of the Yuan Yao sword?"

Many elders were shaking.

Yuan Gu informed the elders of the incident.

After they heard it, they were quite helpless and could understand the patriarch's method.

"I didn't expect Yuan Yao Jian to have followed this kid. In this case, we have no way."

"No, we can do hands and feet in the game, so that he will come and go."

"Yes, the existence of the Blood Sword Saint is the greatest shame of our Yuan tribe. We must take this opportunity to kill it."

Elders, you say it to me.

Yuan Gu, on the throne above, has a murderous intention in his eyes.


Lord Voldemort has returned to Voldemort.

He himself was injured, unable to stay outside for a long time, and needed to retreat to heal.

Fang Chen was very grateful that he could go to the Yuan clan for himself.

After Lord Voldemort left, Fang Chen took the teleportation array and returned to the Guhua Islands.

In three months, Fang Chen did not rush back to Lvzhu Island.

Sitting in a dragon boat in the star field, floating in the void ocean, carefully feeling the infinite happiness brought by nature.

There is a fight in the void ocean not far from Fang Chen.

A warrior wearing a blood-red robe, he fought in blood and was fighting a group of people.

"You can't escape."

Opposite, the headed person is a warrior with five ancestors. He has a fierce look and is armed with a long sword.

"The bloodthirsty palace master, you can't escape, you Xuan Tianzong's people will die."

The blood-red robe warrior was the bloodthirsty palace owner of Xuan Tianzong who once belonged to Fang Chen.

At the beginning, the bloodthirsty palace owner was very optimistic about Fang Chen and wanted to draw him to the bloodthirsty palace.

Fortunately, Fang Chen never agreed.

At that time, Bi Qingqing was the vice-lord of the Bloodthirsty Palace.

"The Sect Master will not let you go." The Bloodthirsty Palace Lord growled loudly.

Since Xuantian Sect Lord became the owner of Tongtian Island, Xuan Tianzong's family became the overlord and became the overlord of Tongtian Island.

No one dares to call Xuan Tianzong's attention.

However, Qing Lingzong has been resurgent in recent years and has been secretly fighting against Xuan Tianzong.

Recently, it is a blatant challenge to Xuan Tianzong martial arts.

This time, the Lord of Bloodthirsty Palace went out to do the task, but did not expect to be calculated by the people of Qinglingzong.

Severely injured, he fled while fighting.

Unconsciously, it is close to the core of the Guhua Islands.

On the Void Ocean, the Lord of Bloodthirsty Palace rides a starship.

Behind him, a very fast starship flying boat, chasing after.

"The Bloodthirsty Palace Master, you can't escape."

Wow ...

During the speech, the people of Qinglingzong surrounded the main group of the bloodthirsty palace.

"Even if you die, your strategy will not succeed."

The bloodthirsty palace master let go of his hands and feet and died.

Rumble ...

A strong breath escaped from the bloodthirsty palace master.

The bloodthirsty palace's main character is savage, roaring in anger, fierce attack, and waving constantly.

However, there are many other people, and he is injured.

Soon, the bloodthirsty palace master was completely suppressed.

Thump ...

The warrior headed, with a long knife in his hand, slashed fiercely on the bloodthirsty palace master.

The main body of the bloodthirsty palace flashed, trying to avoid, but did not.

A large opening was cut in the chest, and blood flowed out quickly.

"go to hell."

At the same time, other warriors attacked together.

Thump ...

More than a dozen holes appeared in the blink of an eye on the bloodthirsty palace master's body.

Blood was spilling over the Dragon Boat in the Star Field, and the bloodthirsty palace master kneeled on the ground on one knee.

His face was grim, and his eyes were scarlet, staring at the man who dealt with him.

"Sect Master, I won't let you go."

There was blood in his mouth and his breath was weak.

If it is not treated, it will definitely die.

"The Bloodthirsty Palace Master, when he is about to die, is he still so hard-mouthed? Are you very patient? Let grandpa and I take you today."

Holding a long knife for the first martial artist, he walked towards the bloodthirsty palace master step by step.

Star field dragon boat drifts on the void ocean.

Fang Chen lay in the dragon boat, carefully sensing the power of the law between heaven and earth.

At his level, if he can sense the power of the law, it will be of great help to step into life and death.

Suddenly, he heard a loud noise.

"Are there pirates?"

Fang Chen stood up and looked away.

I thought it was a pirate fighting an adventurer.

However, when his eyes fell on the warrior who was kneeling on one knee and covered with blood, his eyes suddenly widened.

"The Bloodthirsty Palace Master?"

Fang Chen exclaimed.

I did not expect to meet the bloodthirsty palace master here.

I didn't even think about it, I displayed the book of time and space, and my figure merged into time and space.

The next moment, he appeared in front of the bloodthirsty palace master.


The sudden figure makes the headed person a bit stunned.

Immediately, he roared loudly.

"Boy, get out of here."

The battle in his hands was fiercely split into Fang Chen.

Click ...

Fang Chen did not understand, letting his long sword hit.

However, an unexpected scene appeared.

The long knife in his hand snapped directly.

At the same time, the power of terror swept through his body instantly.


The head of the person's body exploded in an instant, and blood mist spewed.


Upon seeing this, several other people exclaimed.

They looked at Fang Chen as if they were watching the devil and kept retreating.

"None of you, don't want to go."

Fang Chen was really angry.

The situation of the bloodthirsty palace master is very dangerous. If he comes one step later, the former must die.

Seeing the bloodthirsty palace master in a coma, Fang Chen turned to look at several others.


An angry punch blasted out, suddenly the void exploded, and the terror wave wrapped several people.


When the power of the explosion dissipated, all the warriors who chased the Lord of the Bloodthirsty Palace fell.

Fang Chen gave the bloodthirsty palace master some healing remedies, and then injected his aura into the bloodthirsty palace master's body.

After a moment, the bloodthirsty palace owner opened his eyes.

His injury has stabilized.

After seeing Fang Chen, he was very surprised.

"It's you?" Said the Bloodthirsty Palace Master weakly.

"Master Gong, how could you be chased by them?" Fang Chen asked.

The bloodthirsty palace master briefly talked about Xuan Tianzong's situation. The latter heard the words and frowned slightly.

"Qinglingzong is doing death." Fang Chenhan said.

"Thank you this time, otherwise, I will definitely die." The bloodthirsty palace thanked.

Fang Chen waved his hand.

"When I was in the bloodthirsty palace, I still owe you a favor."

Suddenly, the bloodthirsty palace master remembered it.

When Fang Chen needed illusory mercury, he provided it to him, and the latter owed him a favor.

It's just that the time is too long, he has long forgotten.

Now I want to think that the investment in Fang Chen was worth it.

"I didn't expect that you have grown to this point." The bloodthirsty palace sighed.

"Princess, you'll get injured first. I'm just fine. By the way, I will go back to Tongtian Island to help Xuan Tianzong solve the trouble." Fang Chen said.

The bloodthirsty palace nodded and closed his eyes to recuperate.

Xingyu Dragon Boat sprinted in the void ocean, heading towards Tongtian Island.


Tongtian Island, the island's main house.

Sovereign Xuantian was very anxious. ℃ ≡ ℃ ≡ ℃ ≡Ge ℃ ≡

"Has the Bloodthirsty Palace Master returned yet?"

"The owner of the island, the owner of the bloodthirsty palace, seems to be in danger. We can't reach him." The elder said.


Sovereign Xuantian slapped on the table with some palms, a little angry.

"If something happens to the bloodthirsty palace master, I will calm down the Qing Lingzong."

"Island Master, I have sent a large number of disciples to find the Lord of Bloodthirsty Palace. However, I have never been able to find it. I suspect Lord of Bloodthirsty Palace has left Tongtian Island."

If you are in Tongtian Island, it is okay to say that once you leave, life and death are hard to calculate.

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