Immemorial Sword Venerable

Chapter 1562: Yuan Longfeng

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Cheer for my brother?

If this sentence was said by others, Yuan wouldn't even control it, but the person who said it right now is Tie Lieyuan, the number one in the refining list.

What kind of identity is he, the master of the Yuan family, and one of the five giants.

However, when faced with Tie Lieyuan, they must be respected.

Although Tie Lieyuan is only a refining cleric, but his means are universal, and the terrifying contacts make people feel terrible when they think about it.

Many years ago, Yuan Gu personally launched the horse, trying to win Tie Lie Yuan, but failed in the end.

Unexpectedly, now, Tie Lieyuan took the initiative to come to his Yuan tribe, but also to cheer for his brother?

What exactly is going on?

Yuan Gu and the Black Blade Emperor were bored directly.

However, Yuan Gu still endured the curiosity in his heart and asked, "I don't know who can do what, how can he become your brother of Tie Lie Yuan?"

In fact, when this sentence was asked, Yuan Gu still had some expectations. The brothers in Tie Lie's mouth were the members of his Yuan clan.

If this is the case, he would be great.

"it's him."

Tie Lieyuan's eyes swept across the crowd and finally fell on Fang Chen.

Then he pointed his finger.

Suddenly, all the eyes of the whole square were concentrated on Fang Chen.

"How can it be?"

Yuan Gu and Black Blade Emperor's complexion changed greatly, shouting in silence.

There was also an uproar in the square below.

All the children of the Yuan clan opened their eyes and looked at Fang Chen inconceivably.

"He was actually Tie Lieyuan's brother?"

"What the **** is going on, how can he get in touch with Tie Lieyuan?"

"This **** guy, why is luck so good?"

After being shocked, many warriors were filled with jealousy.

Turned into hate.

Why can he be a brother to Tie Lieyuan? This is unfair.

However, in this world, there is no absolute fairness for the strong.

Being watched by everyone, Fang Chen pouted his lips. He didn't want to be too high-profile, but Tie Lieyuan's finger pushed him directly to the tip of the storm.

In the public attention, Fang Chen got up and gestured to Tie Lieyuan.

"I'm optimistic about you and work hard." Tie Lieyuan nodded in response.

Yuan Gu and the Black Blade Emperor looked at each other, their faces full of frustration.

Before that, they also planned to kill Fang Chen in the game.

It now seems almost impossible.

Thousands of calculations, did not count Tie Lie Yuan meeting, and he also called Fang Chen brother.

Strongly enduring the surprise in his heart, Yuan Gu smiled embarrassingly, broke the deadlock, and then said: "It turns out that this owner of Green Bamboo Island is your brother of Tie Lie Yuan."

"Who I said, it turned out to be the owner of Green Bamboo Island." Black Blade Emperor said.

Tie Lieyuan sat down in the center seat of the rostrum.

"Yuan Gu, don't you mind if I come to watch?" Tie Lieyuan asked.

"Of course not, it's impossible." Yuan Gu smiled.

Tie Lieyuan nodded, and then said: "Since your Yuan clan has given my brother a place to compete for, then we must compete fairly. I don't want my brother to be treated unfairly."

Tie Lieyuan's words have some warning meaning.

Hearing the words, Yuan Gu's eyes flickered, and then said: "Come on, my Yuan clan, as one of the three great protoss, wouldn't do such a thing as stealing chickens and dogs."

Having said that, he and the Black Blade Emperor glanced at each other, and then sat on the podium.

In the square below, the nine people in the front row are deep in the eyes, full of cold killing intent, and turned to look at Fang Chen.

"Boss, what should I do now?" One of them asked.

"Yes, boss, Tie Lieyuan is staring at it. Once we start, we will definitely be found."

Several people are asking what the boss means.

The latter pondered for a moment, and then said: "Don't act lightly and wait for me to direct everything."

In half an hour, it was fleeting.

Thousands of participating martial artists have already rested.

At this time, Yuan Gu stood up to announce the second round of the game.

"The second round of the game is about to start, I announce here. The place of the second round of the game is at Yuanlongfeng."

The word Yuan Longfeng made everyone in an uproar.

You know, Yuan Longfeng is one of the forbidden places of the Yuan tribe.

Under normal circumstances, the younger generation of warriors are almost not eligible to enter.

Even the elder warriors, only the emperor of life and death can barely enter.

Now, the location of the second round of the game is actually in Yuanlongfeng.

Everyone looked at Yuan Gu with fiery eyes.

The latter nodded and continued, "Yuan Longfeng is the holy land of cultivation for my Yuan tribe. On Yuan Longfeng, there are a total of nine layers of floating ladders. As long as you can step on the fifth layer of floating ladders, you will be considered for promotion. If you can reach the top, you will be directly promoted to the fifth round of the final. "

Rumble ...

At the same time, Yuan Longfeng was officially opened to the outside world.

Under Yuan Gu's leadership, a thousand martial artists came to Yuan Longfeng.

From a distance, Yuanlong Peak looks like a giant dragon hovering over a mountain peak.

It is said that the origin of Yuan Longfeng is very mysterious, and even the Yuan tribe is not too clear.

However, there is no doubt that if you want to set foot on Yuanlong Peak, the resistance is very great.

If you are careless, you will be seriously injured or even die.

Standing under Yuan Longfeng, Fang Chen felt a terrifying breath and spread it.

"So depressed."

Fang Chen secretly said.

The breath on Yuanlong Peak gives a very strange feeling.

Fang Chen stared at Yuan Longfeng carefully.

The disciples of the Yuan tribe also looked at Yuan Longfeng curiously.

"Yuan Gu, you are such a big man. For the sake of a competition, Yuan Longfeng was actually opened."

Obviously, Tie Lieyuan knows Yuanlongfeng better.

"Jian Yuanguo ultimately belongs, must be the strongest nine people, so we must comprehensively test." Yuan Gu said in a deep voice.

Among the thousand people, the Purple Sword and Blood Sword Saint came out, and the others were all from the Yuan tribe.

Therefore, even if it is open, it is equivalent to being open within the Yuan clan, with no loss.

Moreover, the reason for choosing Yuan Longfeng in the second round was to target the Blood Sword Saint.

People who are not from the Yuan tribe, and want to climb to Yuanlong Peak are even more whimsical.

At this time, the Black Blade Emperor's complexion was also somewhat changed.

However, he still chose to believe his apprentice.

"Purple Sword, Yuan Longfeng is extraordinary, don't brave yourself, just climb the fifth floating ladder." The Black Blade Emperor secretly transmitted a sound to Zi Sword.

The latter nodded in response.

"Okay, the game begins."

Yuan Gu waved his hand and lit a joss stick in the void.

"After Yixiangxiang time, those who did not reach the fifth floating ladder will be eliminated." Yuan Gu said in a deep voice.

Suddenly, a thousand warriors scrambled to Yuan Longfeng.

"Is this Yuanlong Peak?"

When Fang Chen set foot on Yuan Longfeng, he suddenly felt a shock in his mind.

Immediately afterwards, a sound of a dragon sound resounding through the sky came.

A breath of terror emerged from all directions, squeezing Fang Chen.

"Is it really like the legend, there have been real dragons here?"

Fang Chen's heart shook. What happened to the sound of the dragon just now?

From a distance, Yuan Longfeng seemed to be surrounded by a real dragon.

Is this all true.

The breath of terror blocked the path of Fang Chen.

"Perfect Simplified Chinese simply cannot resist, this force can penetrate into your body."

Fang Chen's face changed greatly, and the sword-shaped runes on the surface of the skin dissipated quickly.

He wanted to display the space-time book, but he was shocked to find that the space here was different from the outside world, and even the space-time book could not be displayed.


Fang Chen cursed and watched the Yuan tribe's children, crossing the second floating ladder one by one. Fang Chen realized that Yuan Longfeng rejected outsiders.

He turned his head and glanced. Zidao, like him, was struggling to resist the terror force.


Fang Chen took a deep breath, he was trying to resist the breath of terror.

The sound of Longming echoed in his mind.

However, when Fang Chen was caught in a dilemma, suddenly within the sea of ​​air, eruption of immortality.

Immediately after that, the blood of the undead bird immediately appeared.

In a blink of an eye, the breath of undead birds spread all over Fang Chen's body.

Suddenly, the terrorist forces from all directions disappeared without a trace.

"This ... isn't that breath just really a real dragon breath?"

In ancient times, real dragons and undead birds belonged to the category of gods and beasts.

Now, even perfect Simplified Chinese can't resist that force, but the breath of immortal birds can resist it.

"Did it sense it too?"

Fang Chen looked inside, surrounded by the breath of undead birds, protecting him.

Seeing this scene, Fang Chen grinned.

Immediately, he stepped out.

Yuan Gu looked at the warrior on Yuan Longfeng, a slight smile appeared on his face.

"Despite the strong potential of Blood Sword Saint, I am afraid that it is impossible to climb Shangyuan Dragon Peak." Black Blade Emperor said.

Yuan Gu nodded gently, smiling.

"Don't get to the end, don't make conclusive conclusions."

"Tie Lieyuan, although Blood Sword Saint is your brother. But what is Yuan Longfeng, you know better than me?" Black Blade Emperor smiled.

Tie Lieyuan looked dignified and stopped talking.

However, at this moment, Fang Chen, who had not moved, moved.

In the eyes of everyone, he stepped on the second floating ladder.

"I knew my brother would not be trapped by Yuan Longfeng." Tie Lieyuan was very happy.

"Just stepped on the second floating ladder." Black Blade Emperor said.

"Huh, your apprentice didn't even step on the second floating ladder." Tie Lie Yuan said.

Black Blade Emperor's face changed a bit, and he just wanted to speak, but was stopped by Yuan Gu.

"Brother Black Blade, why dispute this? We can't wait for the result?" Yuan Gu said.

The Black Blade Emperor laughed loudly and said, "Yes, we wait for the result. Climbing the Yuanlong Peak, the process is not important, if you take it, you speak."

The Black Blade Emperor had just finished speaking, and the Purple Sword stepped on the second floating ladder.

He was very happy, and Zidao gave himself a long face.

Some children of the Yuan tribe have already stepped on the fifth floating ladder.

However, after stepping on the fifth floating ladder, the speed of many disciples gradually decreased.

Some even stayed directly on the fifth floating ladder and gave up climbing.

The nine people at the forefront, all struggling, are climbing with all their strength. Their goal is the top of Yuanlong Peak.

As long as you climb to the top, you can directly advance to the fifth round and save a lot of things.

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