Biquge, the fastest update of the latest chapter of Swire Swordsman!

The nine people climbed to the front.

Their strength is undoubtedly exposed at this moment.

Even the Black Bladed Emperor couldn't help but sigh, it is indeed the Yuan clan, and the deep heritage made him marveled.

At the same time, he looked at Zidao. I am afraid that his apprentice's biggest competitor this time should be these nine people.

At this time, the Purple Sword was insisting on the first floating ladder.

There was a touch of pain on his face.

However, the Black Blade Emperor knew that his apprentice would certainly reach the fifth floating ladder.

Unconsciously, the nine people in front had already arrived on the seventh floating ladder, and finally their speed gradually slowed down.

"Boss, I can't hold on, I gave up."

One of them said breathlessly.

This man had just finished speaking, and several others also gave up climbing, anyway, they were able to advance.

It doesn't matter if you can't directly advance to the fifth round.

In the end, six of the nine gave up, and the rest were three, and continued to climb.

After reaching the seventh floating ladder, the pressure is increasing.

Even the last three people, every step is very difficult.

After a few breaths, the three came to the eighth floating ladder.

At this time, the remaining two also gave up.

The pressure on the eighth floating ladder made their faces change greatly.

If you are taking a step, you will definitely suffer backlashes. In that case, the gain is not worth the loss.

"I am going to the summit."

Of the nine, only the boss is left, still climbing.

He roared, and there was a terrible breath all over his body, his feet stomped, and he stepped out instantly.

His left foot had touched the ninth floating ladder.

As long as his left foot can stand firm on the ninth floating ladder, he can be sure to put his body on the ninth floating ladder.

However, he still trough the strength of the ninth floating ladder.


When his left foot touched the ninth floating ladder, suddenly a vast force came to his face.

The boss's body was directly blasted away, he vomited blood, and his face was pale.

Pedal Pedal ...

The boss is in the void, twisting his body and forcibly controlling his body. It fell on the first floating ladder and almost fell out of it.

This scene made everyone scream.

At the same time, they also felt the power of the ninth floating ladder.

The boss gently wiped the blood on the corners of his mouth, a bitter smile appeared on his face, and he immediately climbed again.

This time, the boss was not reckless, but came to the eighth floating ladder and stopped.

"Boss, are you all right?"

The two on the eighth floating ladder asked worriedly.

"It's okay." Old Avenue.

"This ninth floating ladder is really amazing." The two exclaimed.

The boss did not break into the ninth floating ladder, causing a commotion.

But soon the crowd returned to calm, and they were climbing hard.

Among the younger generation, headed by Yuan Liang.

He stood on the fifth floating ladder, followed by Yuan Jiaojiao. As for Yuan Liao and Yuan Qian, they were finally trapped on the fourth floating ladder.

Their faces are full of unwillingness, but to no avail.

Yuan Gu's eyes fell on Yuan Longfeng and nodded with satisfaction.

The current situation is basically what he expected.

"Purple Knife moved."

Suddenly, the purple knife that had stayed on the first floating ladder set off.

I saw his speed was so fast, blinking, he crossed the second floating ladder and came to the third floating ladder.

I thought he would take a break, who knew he actually chose to continue climbing.

"what happened?"

"How can he climb so fast?"

Many Yuan tribe children were shocked.

The cultivation practice of the Purple Sword is also a realm of creation, and it is also a foreigner. Why can it adapt to the breath of Yuan Longfeng?

Everyone was puzzled, and Zidao had arrived on the fifth floating ladder.

He calmed down on the surface, but his heart was filled with waves.

It has to be said that Yuan Longfeng's rejection of the foreign race is very great. Fortunately, he has a killer skill, otherwise, it is impossible to step on.

He glanced up at the master, and then closed his eyes to recuperate.

The Black Blade Emperor nodded in satisfaction, but the Purple Sword did not disappoint him.

"Two foreigners, Zi Dao has already advanced. I don't know how this Blood Sword Saint Club?"

Black Blade Emperor said with a smile.

Yuan Gu sneered aside: "Yuan Longfeng is not a child's play, I think the Blood Sword Saint is likely to be eliminated."

Tie Lieyuan kept watching Fang Chen, his instinct told him that the latter should be able to climb up.

"I believe my brother." Tie Lieyuan said in a deep voice.

"Tie Lieyuan, we don't believe you, but you should see the reality. Fang Chen's strength is there, how can he climb the fifth floating ladder?" Yuan Gu said.

"That's right, my apprentice Zidao has Zizu bloodline, what is his blood sword saint? It's just good luck, get some opportunities." Emperor Black Blade said.

Tie Lieyuan disdain to argue with the two.

His eyes fell on Fang Chen.

At this time, Fang Chen had just left the first floating ladder and came to the second floating ladder.

The children of the Yuan tribe along the way watched him coldly, and even spoke a little badly.

However, Fang Chen ignored this.

The dog bites you, do you still have to press the dog to bite back on the ground? Obviously impossible.

Fang Chen treats them like crazy dogs, and doesn't need to bother about them, and beats them on the face with actual conditions.

He looked around, sneering in his heart.

He would like to know what expression will appear on the face of the Yuan people after he conquered this Yuanlong Peak.

Thinking of this, Fang Chen stepped out and came to the third floating ladder.

"Almost, this should be his limit."

"I bet that Blood Juggernaut cannot cross the fifth floating ladder."

"Yes, a foreigner can't resist Yuan Longfeng's rejection."

Standing on the fourth floating ladder, as well as the disciples of the Yuan clan on the fifth floating ladder, the other party was ridiculed and sneered.

Fang Chen raised his head and showed a sly smile to everyone.

Immediately, he easily took a step and set foot on the fourth floating ladder.

This scene shocked many people.

"How is it possible? He actually stepped on the fourth floating ladder?"

"Huh, what about stepping on the fourth floating ladder?"

Hearing this voice, Fang Chen felt ridiculous.

"The fourth floating ladder does not prove anything, but if I step on the ninth floating ladder and conquer Yuanlongfeng, will you still laugh at me like this?" Fang Chen countered.

"Blood Sword Saint, don't you daydream anymore, who do you think you are? Gu Zu reincarnated? You also tried to conquer Yuan Longfeng."

"Blood Sword Saint You are an idiot. If you can conquer Yuan Longfeng, I will see you in the future and call you Grandpa."

"It's crazy enough, you step on the fifth floating ladder first."

Fang Chen's words aroused the anger of many Yuan ethnic children.

They taught Fang Chen aloud.

However, Fang Chen's counterattack was even sharper.

"It's easy to step on the fifth floating ladder." Fang Chen sneered.

"Just brag."

However, before this man's words were finished, he saw Fang Chen's body, like a ghost, came to the fifth floating ladder.

"Who is bragging?" Fang Chen grinned.

The person who had just spoken, his face flushed, could not say a word.

Below, Yuan Gu and Black Blade Emperor's face dignified.

"I knew that my brother would not let me down." Tie Lieyuan laughed, his heart was very happy.

"The fifth floating ladder is only." Yuan Gu said awkwardly.

Yuan Longfeng, the fifth floating ladder.

Fang Chen stood on the fifth floating ladder and felt a lot of anger.

"The fifth floating ladder is the end point for you, but for me, it is just the starting point." Fang Chen finished, and set foot on the sixth floating ladder.

For a while, everyone did not know how to refute the blood sword saint.

Immediately after that, Fang Chen set foot on the seventh floating ladder.

At this time, Yuan Gu's complexion finally became gloomy.

"Damn, what secrets are there in this blood sword saint, why can he so easily set foot on Yuanlongfeng?" Yuan Gu thought to himself.

The Black Blade Emperor on the side is also puzzled.

This matter is too weird.

"It seems that this is not the case with Yuan Longfeng. My brother may really be able to conquer Yuan Longfeng." Tie Lieyuan said to himself.

"It's impossible. Yuan Longfeng hasn't been climbed by foreigners so far. The blood sword saints are impossible." Yuan Gu directly retorted.

As the master of the Yuan tribe, he knew too much about Yuan Longfeng.

Even if they are people of this race, there is no one who can reach the summit.

The foreigners cannot even resist the repulsive force of Yuan Longfeng, and they are even more unlikely to reach the summit.

Although Fang Chen was very relaxed at the moment, Yuan Gu did not believe he could reach the summit.

"Why didn't those people who just said me jump?"

Fang Chen mocked.

The children of the Yuan tribe behind him can only hope to find a ground seam to get in.

"The villain has his way."

The three standing on the eighth floating ladder said coldly.

"The villain in your mouth can stand with you on a floating ladder. What does that mean?"

As soon as Fang Chen's voice fell, he took another step and came to the eighth floating ladder.

"This shows that you are not as good as a villain." Fang Chen mocked.


"What are you doing? Isn't it?" Fang Chen continued.

The boss closed his eyes and didn't want to look squarely at Fang Chen.

"It's just a beam-jumping clown who walked **** and stepped onto the eighth floor. It's no big deal."

"Leave the bouncing clown with **** luck?" Fang Chen sneered: "Do you mean to say that you are not as good as the bouncing beam clown? Or that your big Yuan family is not as good as a bouncing beam clown."


The boss opened his eyes and stared at Fang Chen.

"Blood Sword Saint, you're over."

"Am I over? I just elaborated the facts." Fang Chen did not have any fear. "If I want to climb to the top, it's a breeze. You said that I was a clown who jumped on the beam. Have you ever wondered, when I climbed to Yuanlong Peak, what is the face of your Yuan tribe?"

In Fang Chen's words, the words are humbling. For a time, the three people were furious.

"I'm going to see, how do you board Yuan Longfeng." The boss shouted, holding back the anger in his heart.

There is a threat in his words.

"Then you will take care of it."

Fang Chen's breath rose sharply, and he stepped out in one step and boarded the ninth floating ladder.

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