Immemorial Sword Venerable

Chapter 1569: Void Creature

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Since the end of the inheritance trip.

The first battle of the younger generation seems to have no suspense.

Blood Sage Saint, with its mighty strength, beheaded Yuan Ming and defeated Purple Sword, becoming the undisputed youngest generation of the strongest.

For a time, the blood sword saint became famous all over the world.

However, now that the Purple Sword has broken through to the realm of life and death, after mastering the law of ice, it has succeeded in inheriting the frozen magic power of the Purple Ancestor.

Regained the title of the younger generation first.

Of course, this is just what he thinks.

This battle is directly related to Fang Chen and Zi Dao, who is stronger and weaker.

The opponents of the two are the triple emperor of life and death. If Fang Chen can defeat the opponent in the realm of creation, it is undoubtedly stronger than the purple sword.

"I thought there would be a battle between us, but no one expected you to be eliminated."

Zidao looked at Yanwutai and grinned.

Almost everyone is not optimistic about Blood Sword Saint, Yuan Gu and Black Blade Emperor's face, a light smile appeared.

Blood Sword Saint is finally going to be eliminated.

His existence is the shame of the Yuan tribe.

"Blood Sword Saint."

The triple emperor of life and death, snorted, and the other party launched an attack.

Rumble ...

On the performance stage, the breath of terror spread out instantly.

Fang Chen took out the Xingyin sword.

The game is now, the first time to take out the magic soldier.

Fifth Chen did not know how powerful the ninth-order Divine Soldier Hidden Sword was, with blood Luo Jing iron.

Seeing Fang Chen take out the Xingyin sword, Tie Lieyuan's eyes widened, but this was his masterpiece.

"I hope you can surprise me." Tie Lieyuan secretly said.

Heaven and earth buried sword tactics.

Fang Chenshi exhibited the heaven and earth burial sword tactics.

Since the strength soared, dealing with the enemy has almost defeated the enemy.

It's been a long time since I used the heaven and earth to bury the sword.

call out……

Xingyin's sword shook, and a delicate sword light burst out of it.

The sword light, which contains the breath of death, is shot at the triple warrior in the life and death realm from an incredible angle.

"Every sword light, do you want to stop me?"

The man sneered and punched a punch.


Jianguang was shattered, and he jumped forward and came to Fang Chen.

"It's over here."

In Qihai, the law flows.

The law of fire spread out instantly, and the scorching breath swept the entire Yanwutai, wrapping Fang Chen.

All of a sudden, Fang Chen was trapped in the sky.

"Is this the law of fire?"

Fang Chen carefully sensed the law of fire in the sea of ​​fire and secretly said.

The law of fire jumps with the flames in the sea of ​​fire, giving Fang Chen an unparalleled feeling of shock.

At the same time, the immortal inflammation in the golden heart absorbed the power of the law of fire in the sea of ​​fire wildly.

"So comfortable."

The power of the law of fire can make Undead Flame more powerful.

Hiss ...

Ascending to the level of law is no longer understandable to ordinary people.

Seeing that Fang Chen was trapped in the sea of ​​fire, the person sneered and immediately stepped out into the sea of ​​fire.

Rumble ...

The deafening voice resounded through the sky.

A terrifying battle broke out in the sea of ​​fire.

Everyone looked intently at the sea of ​​fire, and they wanted to know who won the battle.

The battle lasted just a few breaths, and there was no movement.

At this time, the sea of ​​flames on Yanwutai gradually collapsed.

In the middle of the sea of ​​fire, Fang Chen closed his eyes and carefully sensed the law of fire around him.

"Is this the law of fire?"

At the same time, his mind concussed, and the immortal inflammation in the golden heart also changed a little bit.

He felt that he seemed to have caught something.


The sea of ​​fire completely collapsed, and the triple warrior of the emperor of life and death lay on the ground, his clothes ragged, and he seemed to have been burned.

And Fang Chen, standing safe and sound on the Yanwutai.


At this moment, even Yuan Gu couldn't sit still, so he stood up.

The dark eyes stared at Fang Chen as if to see him through.

"what happened?"

The power of the law wrapped, they did not see the battle inside clearly.

Did not expect a few breathing time, Fang Chen solved the opponent?

"Is he treasured?"

The Black Blade Emperor looked at Fang Chen somewhat puzzled, and suddenly noticed the Divine Soldier in his hand.

"Order 9th Order?"

He thought of Tie Lieyuan aside.

"This must be the case. This ninth-order **** soldier is from the hands of Tie Lieyuan, and it must be strange." The Black Blade Emperor decided.

He sent a message to Yuan Gu, who glanced at Tie Lie Yuan.

"Tie Lieyuan, for your brother, you are really working hard."

There is some irony in the discourse.

"My brother defeated his opponent by his own strength."

Tie Lieyuan spread his hands.

Although the ninth order soldiers are strong, they are not yet dominating the game.

Only Tie Lieyuan knew that Fang Chen had defeated the other party with his own strength.

"It's a magical guy." Tie Lieyuan secretly said.

Below, there was an uproar.

The holy place of Yuan tribe boiled completely.

The Ninth Layer of the Forged Realm defeated the Triple Warriors in the Life and Death Realm.

This has broken the iron law since the endless years of the lower realm.

They looked at Fang Chen like a monster, and they set off a storm in their hearts.

Facing everyone's shock, Fang Chen ignored it.

In fact, he did not exert his full strength and did not want to expose prematurely.

The opponent is too strong to defend.

In a burst of noise, Fang Chen stepped down to perform Wutai.

Yuan Gu calmed down his mood and immediately said: "The twelve games are over, only the last twelve people are left. Nine sword Yuan fruits will also belong to you."

"The last group of battles, the rules have changed a little bit, not to draw a lottery to fight. It is a round-robin battle." Yuan Gudao.

What is a round-robin battle is that everyone has to fight eleven other people.

In each battle, one point is awarded for victory, and no points are awarded for failure.

After all battles are over, they are ranked by points.

The warriors ranked in the top nine points will get nine sword yuan fruit.

This rule is extremely unfavorable to Fang Chen and Zi Dao.

However, the Black Blade Emperor and Tie Lieyuan can't say anything.

After all, this is the holy place of the Yuan tribe, Yuan Gu has the final say.

"Of course, after the final ranking is determined, if someone disagrees, they can still have two opportunities to challenge others." Yuan Gu continued to add. "If you fail both times, you will miss the sword."

In fact, this is also an opportunity to convince the eliminated three.

In this way, others will also say that Yuan Gu works generously and has strength.

In fact, everything is in his calculations.

"Given that you have just fought a fierce battle, it will start after a short break." Yuan Gudao.

After an hour, the most intense battle will take place.

The twelve people all came together, waiting for the most glorious moment.

During the break, the Black Blade Emperor summoned the ten Yuan tribes and told them something.

The Purple Sword also called the Black Master Zun Hei.

Tie Lieyuan is explaining to Fang Chen some of his knowledge of the Yuan clan, so that Fang Chen can better understand his opponents.


Outside the endless void, there are terrible turbulences everywhere.

The emperor of life and death enters the turbulent space, and is also a nine-death life.

Unless a miracle occurs, it is difficult to escape.

On this day, outside the endless void, a place where the breath is disordered.

Suddenly, a vortex appeared.

Within the vortex, two figures emerged, and they were very embarrassed.

"What a terrible space turbulence."

As soon as the two came out of the vortex, they felt a terrible turbulence in the space, and they were able to **** them in at any time.

"Bloody, you have to find a way to leave." Qian Yuan ruled Shen Sheng.

At the time of defeat, he was forced into a turbulent space.

Fortunately, he was able to escape into the black hole outside the endless void.

Having been in a state of escape, the two of them were miserable and sometimes even wanted to give up.

However, the thought of genocide is full of motivation.

"The turbulence in space is too strong. If we go on like this, we will definitely die."

However, just as the two spoke. ℃ ≡ ℃ ≡ ℃ ≡Ge ℃ ≡

In the turbulent flow of space, a large claw was found.

"There are actually two humans."

A huge, gigantic body of void creature appeared in front of the two.

"not good."

Master Qianyuan and Emperor Xuesha wanted to escape, but it was too late.

In an instant, he was held by the void creature.

"Tell me, where do you come from?" Void creatures exhaled and asked hoarsely.

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