Immemorial Sword Venerable

Chapter 1570: The third level

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Over 90% of the vast universe is a void ocean.

Everywhere is filled with majestic empty sea water, only about 10% of the land.

But this is nothing to the human race.

Inside the universe, there are stable rules of operation.

Rules and laws cooperate with each other to form a stable order, sheltering the creatures in the universe.

Outside the universe, there is endless void.

In the endless void, out of the turbulent flow of space, there is the most frightening chaotic airflow.

At the beginning of the universe, chaos exists.

The power of the chaotic airflow, even if it is the strongest in the ancient realm, will die if touched.

Compared with the turbulent space, I don't know how many times it is dangerous.

Between the **** realm and the lower realm, there is a chaotic air current.

Therefore, it is almost impossible for the people of God Realm to come to the lower realm.

Of course, this is the ordinary strong man of God Realm, and some mighty God Realm can still do this step.

Outside of the Endless Void, there are various Void creatures.

There are many types of void creatures, similar to the Ten Thousands in the Nether.

They survive in various forms, and some void creatures are fearlessly turbulent in space.

They are shuttled in the endless void all year round, looking for prey.

At this time, beside the turbulent flow of space.

A void-like creature like a hill, with a savage body covered with blood thorns.

He stretched out his paws and grasped two tiny humans.

In the eyes of the void creatures, humans are just their food.

"It has been a long time since I saw humans."

The voice of the void creature said hoarsely, and his voice contained a terrifying breath.

The ruler of Qianyuan and the emperor Xuesha both had some anger and blood.

Fortunately, the void creatures didn't target them, or they would die in minutes.

"Senior, we inadvertently broke into this place, and also asked the senior to raise your hand." Qianyuan ruler begged for mercy.

Faced with such a strong man, they did not even have the mind to escape.

Void creatures are too strong, and the breath emanating from their bodies is much stronger than the holy Lord of the human race in the ancient world.

Such a strong man needs only one look to kill them.

"Where are you from?"

Void creature, said again.

After hearing this, Emperor Xuesha hurriedly said, "We are from the lower realm."

"Senior, we were warriors of the lower realm. We entered the void crack by accident and came to this place." Qian Yuan master said carefully.


Hearing the words of the lower realm, the gong's big eyes of the void creature clearly emit a strange light.


Void creature said to itself.

Immediately, his body flickered, and he came to a palace with Qian Yuan and Lord Xuesha.


From the outside, this empty spot is floating in the turbulent space, which is very scary.

"What kind of strong man can build a palace outside the endless void?"

Master Qian Yuan and Emperor Xuesha were completely shocked.

"Are they the mighty gods?" Besides, there is no reasonable explanation.

Around the palace, there was a gray atmosphere.

After entering the palace, Master Qianyuan and Emperor Xuesha found that the terrifying breath of the endless void was actually isolated from here.

The atmosphere here is very strange.


In an instant, the sound of shouts spread throughout the palace.

"they are?"

At this time, Lord Qianyuan and Emperor Xuesha found out that there were many void creatures in this palace.

However, the strength of these void creatures is obviously not as strong as they came from.

"Now, you have a chance to live." Void creature said.

"Senior, please." Master Qian Yuan asked hurriedly.

Emperor Xuesha also nervously looked at the hill-like void creature.

"Help me unify the lower realm." Void creature said.


It is said that Master Qianyuan and Emperor Xuesha were shocked at the same time.

"Senior, to be honest, the two of us were forced out of the endless void by the enemy. With our strength, we couldn't find a way back." Qian Yuan, the master, said bitterly.

"Yes, Senior, even if we go back two times, we can't help you unify the lower realm. There is a strong man in the lower realm, and we are not his opponents." Emperor Xuesha said truthfully.

Void creatures heard the words and snorted. The atmosphere in the entire palace instantly became very dignified.

The emperor Xuesha and the Qianyuan ruler felt scalp numbness.

They also don't know what the intention of this void creature is.

"I walked in the chaotic void, always looking for the way to the lower realm. But the chaotic void is too large, and I haven't found it so far. Your appearance gives me hope." Void creature said: "You were born in the lower realm , There is the breath of the lower realm in my body. I can find the boundary wall of the lower realm according to the breath of your body. "

Wen Yan, the Emperor Xuesha and Qian Yuan nodded.

"Senior, with your strength, if you come to the lower realm, you can definitely unify the lower realm easily."

The Void creature shook its huge head and said: "I am too strong to enter the Nether. I will send my men and the captives who have been caught in the Chaos Void for years to enter the Nether. What you two do is, Guide them in the lower realm and help them. "

After talking, the void creature looked at the two, waiting for the two to make a decision.

"Senior, it is our pleasure to work for you." Qian Yuan ruled.

"Yes, senior, as long as you can send us back to the lower realm, we will definitely be able to help you unify the lower realm. It's just that the younger generation has a ruthless request." Emperor Xuesha said in a moment.


Void creature said in a deep voice.

"After the predecessors unify the lower realm, will they be able to cede part of the territory and send them to the Kraken." Emperor Xuesha said.

"I'm not interested in the lower boundary."

The words of Void Creatures rejoiced that Qian Yuan and the Blood Emperor.


The holy place of Yuan nationality, on the square.

From the beginning, three thousand people participated in the war, and now only the last twelve are left.

Of these twelve people, nine will be able to get the sword yuan fruit.

Everyone was very excited. They were only one step away from Jian Yuanguo.

Especially the strongest nine people, their faces are full of confidence.

Among the twelve, their strength is the strongest and they are head-to-head, they are not afraid of anyone.

In the eyes of everyone, I am afraid that the weakest of the twelve is the Purple Sword that has just broken through to the realm of life and death, and the Blood Sword Saint of the Ninefold of the Realm of Realm.

As for another child of the Yuan tribe, cultivation is a fourfold life and death situation, and is not very competitive.

In the final analysis, it is still the strongest nine.

At this moment, the whole holy place of the Yuan nationality was extremely excited.

In 30,000 years, a mature sword yuan fruit, in the end who will spend it.

The last battle is a round-robin battle, that is to say, everyone has to fight eleven games, ranking according to points.

Tie Lieyuan is explaining some key points to Fang Chen.

Suddenly, Fang Chen closed his eyes. His whole body was full of sword energy.


A loud blaring sound from the sword rang through the sky.

Everyone's eyes looked over.

Tie Lieyuan was also stunned, and laughed immediately.

Unexpectedly, at this juncture, this kid can still have an epiphany, this mentality is really no one.

Sword qi is vertical and horizontal, and the sword dictum in his mind runs quickly.

Quickly in Fang Chen's body, running for a small week.

In an instant, Fang Chen's body, the sword qi all gathered in the sea of ​​Qi, blinking time to make Qi Sea full.

It was at this time that Fang Chen's body resonated.

The golden heart was beating fast, and the vast sword spirit emerged.

Resonated with Jian Jing.

The second layer of the sword classics automatically runs, and Fang Chen feels that he understands the third layer of the sword classics more and more.


Fang Chen was talking in his mouth.

Suddenly, he opened his eyes and shot a terrible sword in his eyes.

His body is as aggressive as a sharp long sword.

At the same time, the ninth order Divine Soldier Hidden Sword also gave out a cheerful sound of sword song, and seemed to be cheering the master's breakthrough.

Fang Chen held the Xingyin sword tightly, feeling the breath of kendo inside the Xingyin sword.

Take a deep breath and immediately stand up.

"Your boy, can this break through?"

Tie Lieyuan narrowed his eyes and said with a smile.

Fang Chen touched his head awkwardly and said, "Slightly understood."

Tie Lieyuan nodded, looking at Fang Chen seriously. "You do not have the advantage of the round-robin battle. I hope this breakthrough will give you some chances of winning."

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