Immemorial Sword Venerable

Chapter 1572: Break the ice

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There are many secret methods similar to this kind of air attack, but there is only this one that can attract Yuan Gu's attention.

Fang Chen's control over the killing of the earthquake reached a perfect point.

Of course, Yuan Dao cannot be defeated only by the earthquake.

After all, Yuan Dao is a fourfold emperor of life and death. If he resisted with all his strength, he would be able to resist the attack power of the earthquake.

However, at that time, Fang Chen exhibited the heaven and earth burial sword tactics, a fifty-fold increase in power, and was madly attacking the defense of Yuandao.

At this time, Yuan Dao will naturally focus on Jianguang.

Therefore, Fang Chen's attack was also a coincidence.

Although it was a coincidence, it won the final victory.

Moreover, he fiercely fought back against the guys who mocked him.

After the first game, Fang Chen sat cross-legged on the ground and closed his eyes.

Although the first game was easily won, it also exposed some drawbacks.

The gap between cultivation and cultivation can be bridged with the sword sutra.

However, the gap in the power of the law cannot be bridged.

The power of law is part of the order of the universe.

The power of law is unimaginable.

Yuan Dao's control of the power of laws is not too perfect, and his power of laws is the law of shadows.

Not good at attacking, so he cannot pose any threat to the opponent.

If you change to other people, it may not be so easy to win the battle.

On the rostrum, Yuan Gu and Heibla Emperor glanced at each other, then shook their heads.

Step by step, Blood Juggernaut showed perfect talent.

In Yuan Gu's heart, there was even a trace of envy.

Why does his Yuan tribe have no such excellent genius?

Thinking of this, Yuan Gu sighed.

Since it cannot be used by me, it can only be destroyed.

A quarter of an hour soon passed.

The first battle did not consume any power, so it quickly recovered.

At the beginning of the second war, Zidao embarked on Yanwutai.

"Black Blade, you have full confidence in the Purple Sword." Yuan Gu saw the Black Blade Emperor in a hurry and whispered.

"Although the strength of Blood Sword Saint is beyond my expectations, I believe that Purple Sword can cope with it." Black Blade Emperor said.

Zi Dao has Zi Zu's freezing method. Once Qi Hai is frozen, even if Blood Sword Saint's attack power is strong, it cannot be Zi Dao's opponent.


Zidao looked at Fang Chen calmly, "Blood Sword Saint, do you still remember what I said to you in the inheritance ancestry?"

Fang Chen said indifferently: "I just remember that you were defeated by me and inspired Zizu's idea to seek protection."

Hearing the words, Zi Dao's complexion changed, but he recovered quickly.

"Is it interesting to say this now?" Zi Dao said in a deep voice: "There is nothing better than defeating you in the final."

Zi Dao still has some complaints.

Inheritance ancestral ground was defeated by Fang Chen, snatching the highest inheritance.

Now, he wants to defeat the Blood Sword Saint in front of everyone.

"The strongest young generation in the lower realm is my purple sword, not your blood sword saint." Purple sword continued: "Today, I will break your legend."

It is meaningless to talk about it.

Fang Chen didn't take Zidao as an opponent at all.

Even the quadruple emperor of life and death is not afraid, will he be afraid of the purple sword?

"The battle begins."

With Yuan Gu's order, Zi Dao summoned Zi Zu's phantom.


His whole body, a purple light appeared, a terrible breath, straight into the sky.

At the same time, behind him, there appeared a purple ghost image, which is the purple ghost image.

In Zidao's body, Zizu blood flowed.

"Zizu is invincible, and the world is frozen."

There was a deafening voice in Zidao's mouth.

Immediately afterwards, the temperature in the air dropped sharply.

The power of the terrifying ice law surrounds the body of the purple sword.


The purple ancestor's shadow behind the purple sword turned into a streamer, and the power of the bearer's terrifying ice law shot at Fang Chen.

Between the light and flint, the streamer shot towards Fang Chen.

Before hitting Fang Chen, he spread out and formed an ice-sealed cage, trapping Fang Chen in it.

At the same time, the power of the law of ice penetrated into Fang Chen's body without any holes.


The power of the law of ice is freezing his air.

"Is this still the trick?"

Fang Chen sneered secretly, and hurriedly urged the immortal inflammation in the golden heart.


The scorching flame spread out from the golden heart and penetrated into the sea of ​​qi.

"Blood Sword Saint, your qi sea is frozen by me. I see how you can resist my attack?"

Feeling the blood sea of ​​the blood sword saint frozen, Zidao laughed wildly.

He seemed to have seen the game coming to an end, and Blood Sword Saint was defeated by his men.

On the rostrum, Yuan Gu nodded with Black Blade Emperor.

It is the most terrifying to freeze the sea of ​​air by the icing means of Zizu.

It's ridiculous that the Blood Sword Saint is too big to hold back.

The air sea is frozen, the blood sword saint has no combat power, and the battle is over.

"I told you long ago, let you be careful, alas."

Tie Lieyuan is very anxious, but there is no way to do this.

On the rostrum, the cage was frozen.

Fang Chen felt the power of the law of ice in the surrounding air and sighed.

He suffers by eating the power of the law.

If you have the power of the law, you will not be in a passive state.

"Zizu's freezing method is really strange. If Zizu personally performed it, I'm afraid I can't do it. But Zidao's exertion is more powerful than one level." Fang Chen said secretly.

He is feeling the frozen sea of ​​air.

"Undead Flame is the most powerful flame in the world, known as the King of Flames."

Fang Chen ignited Undead Flame and controlled the latter against the ice.

Hiss ...

Although the freezing method is strong, the immortality is more domineering.


In the fight against the ice, Fang Chen felt his brain concussion.

He saw some subtle changes in Undead Flame in the sea of ​​flames in Qihai.

"That's ... the law of flames?"

Fang Chen's eyes widened, staring at the change of immortal inflammation.

The immortal flame seems to be absorbing, the power of the law of flame.

"Is this the law of flame?"

Fang Chen hurried into the mind, fully aware of the law of flame.

This is an excellent opportunity. The Undead Flame was urged to the extreme, and the frozen method against Zizu triggered the fire law in the heaven and earth.

If he can take the opportunity to enlighten himself, he will surely break through to the realm of life and death.

Outside the ice cage, Zidao sneered.

"Blood Sword Saint, don't do unnecessary struggle, admit defeat." Zidao said in a deep voice.

He walked step by step towards the ice-sealed cage. Since Blood Sword Saint refused to admit defeat, then he would personally send the latter to Wutai.

Everyone's eyes were all focused on Zidao.

When Zidao came to the ice-sealed cage, the atmosphere was dignified.


Fang Chen's mind concussed, the law of flame poured into his mind.

He seemed to be in the sea of ​​fire, feeling the joy brought by the endless flame.

Huh ...

After a few breaths, Fang Chen opened his eyes.

"The Law of Flame."

Fang Chen's eyes were burning, and he seemed to have captured the connotation of the law of flame.

"It turns out so."

Fang Chen grinned, and after that moment, his perception of the law of flames was even more profound.

As long as you feel more immortal, you will be able to understand the law of fire.

Thinking of this, Fang Chen was overjoyed.

"It's time to crack the ice."

Immediately, Fang Chen began to urge Undead Flame to fight the ice.

Hiss ...

The power of immortality seems to have increased a lot.

In a blink of an eye, the power of the law of ice in Qihai completely collapsed.

Qihai, restore the original.


A powerful force emerged from the Qihai, flowing to the limbs.

At this time, the ice cage was opened. ︽2︽2︽. * 2 Pavilion︽2,

Fang Chen's figure appeared again in front of the world.

"Blood Sword Saint, you lost." Zidao said.

Fang Chen looked up at Zidao, "The battle is not over yet. Is it too early for you to say this?"

"Huh, your air and sea are frozen by me, what else do you use to fight?" Zidao asked with spreading his hands.

It seems that everything is under his control.

"It's a pity that your freezing method is too garbage, not even tickling me." Fang Chen said lightly.

"Well, the advantage of talking can't avoid the result of you stepping on my feet." Zi Dao sneered, thinking Fang Chen was pretending to be in a pose.

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