Immemorial Sword Venerable

Chapter 1573: The purple knife

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The biggest reliance on Zi Dao is Zi Zu's freezing method, and Zi Zu's phantom.

These two great weapons are his killer tools for his confidence to get Jian Yuanguo.

Up to now, Zi Dao has not found that Fang Chen Qihai has already lifted the ice.

Zizu's frozen method is invalid to the opponent.

Seeing Fang Chen's face, Zi Dao was very displeased and did not conceal the killing intention in his eyes.

He held a purple war knife, stomped his feet, and his body was suspended in the sky. The horrible purple sword was roaring like a mountain.

"It's time to end."

Fang Chen looked up at Zidao's attack and secretly said.

The sea of ​​tremors vibrated, and the terrifying force of extreme power broke out in the nine-pointed starburst.

The third level of the sword scriptures, the power of heaven and earth to bury the sword tactics was directly increased by fifty times.


The dazzling sword light exploded from the ninth-order **** soldier star hidden sword.


After seeing Fang Chen's breath, Zi Dao's face changed drastically and exclaimed.

"His anger?"

Zidao couldn't believe all of this.

The self-proclaimed frozen method actually has no effect on the Blood Sword Saint.

Seeing this scene, the three strong men on the rostrum were also somewhat stunned.

Yuan Gu was slightly startled, and then calmed down again.

Tie Lieyuan looked at Fang Chen with a smile, and couldn't keep his mouth closed.

As for the Black Bladed Emperor, if his face is gloomy and the frozen method is ineffective against the Blood Sword Saint, with the strength of the Purple Sword, he wants to face the defeat of the Blood Sword Saint head-on, the chance is too small.

"How did this **** guy crack Zizu's frozen means?"

Even the Black Bladed Emperor had to sigh that the frozen method left by Zizu was very mysterious.

However, now, a warrior in the chemical realm can actually ignore the frozen method.

"Be able to ignore the frozen means unless he has the strongest flame in the world." Yuan Gu's voice sounded faintly.

"Xeon Flame?"

The Black Blade Emperor is a little puzzled, and he has not seen which of the strongest flames in the lower realm.

From his perspective, the flames simply couldn't resist the frozen method.

Yuan Gu's deep eyes penetrated the void and fell on Fang Chen's body.

Then he sighed: "Brother Black Blade, do you remember that the ancient beast is not a dead bird?"

"You mean? The immortal flame known as the king of flames?"

Thinking of this, the Black Blade Emperor's eyes widened and stared at Fang Chen.

"The ancient immortal beast, the immortal bird, has long disappeared. Immortal inflammation also disappeared in the dust of history with it. I don't believe that Blood Sword Saint can get immortal inflammation." The Black Blade Emperor did not believe.

"Then how do you explain his fearless freezing means?" Yuan Gu asked rhetorically.

The Black Blade Emperor was a little speechless.

He was lost in contemplation, and a complex look appeared on his face.

If the Blood Sword Saint is really pregnant with death, it would be too much.

The closer to the end of the game, the more Blood Sword Saint was shocking.

"How many secrets does this kid have?"

Black Blade Emperor's eyes locked on Fang Chen, secretly said.

The three people on the rostrum guessed that Fang Chen had immortality, but the onlookers in the square did not know.

The shock in their hearts couldn't be added.

There has never been a warrior who can make them so shocked.

Blood Sword Saint is the first.

At this moment, even as a child of the Yuan tribe, some disciples have to say that they admire the Blood Sword Saint in their hearts.

In the younger generation, no one can do this except the Blood Sword Saint.

Even in this cosmic era, the ancestor of the strongest human race, when he was the same age as the blood sword saint, did not reach this height.

The noise in the square gradually disappeared.

It was replaced by tranquility.

Only the voice on Yanwutai sounded.

Fifty-fold increase in power, and the power of heaven and earth to bury the sword tactics to the extreme.

The dazzling sword light blasted away the sword in the hands of Zidao with a strong attitude.

Then, he directly defeated the phantom of Zizu in front of him.


The phantom of Zizu resisted 90% of the attacks, and the rest of the attacks fell on Zidao.

Zidao's body flew out.

His eyes were full of despair.

The blow this time was too heavy for him.

Since the apprenticeship of the Black Blade Emperor, he has been walking along the road with a smooth sailing and has never been hit by such a blow.

As the emperor of life and death, he was beaten by a warrior of forged realm.

"No, I don't believe it."

The purple knife fell to the ground, still saying this in his mouth.

His consciousness was a little unclear, and he seemed to be caught in a fire.


The Black Blade Emperor leapt from the rostrum and hurried to the front of Zidao. His fingers stretched out and he tapped a few times on him.

Suddenly, Zidao's consciousness recovered.

His face was dull and dull and lifeless.

"Purple Sword, what is a failure?" Black Blade Emperor said in a deep voice.

His voice oscillated in Zidao's mind, trying to wake Zidao.

Zi Dao looked up and said pale: "Master, I ..."

"No need to say anything, come back with me."

After all, the Black Blade Emperor grabbed the purple knife and nodded gently to Yuan Gu on the podium: "Brother Yuan Gu, I'll take the disciple back to heal first."

Yuan Gu nodded.

After the Black Blade Emperor left, everyone's eyes fell on Fang Chen again.

The two wars were a complete victory, and everything seemed to deviate from Yuan Gu's expectations.

He stared blankly at Yanwutai. Blood Sword Saint had already sat cross-legged and began to recover his strength.

Next, there are nine battles waiting for him.

These nine battles will be his final test.

"Nine of you, no matter what, ambush the blood sword saint."

Yuan Gu sent a message to nine people.

If someone said to him at the outset that Blood Sword Saint could enter the finals and still perform so well, Yuan Gu would definitely not believe it.

But now, he believes.

He even had some doubts about whether the Blood Sword Saint still had a killer weapon hidden.

In any case, the Sword Yuan Guo must be a thing of the Yuan clan, and cannot be taken by the Blood Sword Saint.

Therefore, Yuan Gu sent a message to nine people to prevent it from happening.

Nine people focused their heads and looked at each other.

"After a while on the stage to fight, try his best to shoot, even if he loses to Blood Sword Saint, he must force his hole card out." The boss is arranging countermeasures for others.

"Boss, rest assured, every blood sword saint, is not our opponent at all."

"Yes boss, Jian Yuanguo is nine of us, no one can take it away."

"Don't take it lightly, Blood Sword Saint has great potential, and I think he was very easy to fight before, and should be reserved. Don't be confused by his cultivation, otherwise, you will pay a heavy price." Road.

After these battles, the boss's view of the Blood Sword Saint has changed a lot.

He felt a trace of crisis on the blood sword saint.

Therefore, he told the other eight people to go all out.


The battles of the holy sites of the Yuan tribe quickly spread to the other three holy sites.

Especially the Luo people's holy land, after the Lord of Luo people informed Luo Liuli, the latter was very excited.

The eyes of the three holy places are attracted by the holy places of Yuan nationality.

However, somewhere unexpectedly, something unexpected happened.

At the edge of the empty ocean, there is endless desolation here, which belongs to the uncultivated land.

The environment here is very bad, the Terran Warriors will not come here at all.

Even if the sea monsters dominated the void ocean, they would not come here.

Today, there was a sudden thunder and thunder, a terrifying wind, and a wild blow.


Suddenly, a crack appeared in the void.

Immediately afterwards, a terror vortex like a black hole appeared from the crack.

The breath inside the whirlpool is suffocating.

But as soon as it appeared, it was wrapped in a magical power by the void creature, and the breath could not be leaked.


In the vortex, two figures came out.

"It's finally back." Master Qian Yuan took a deep breath and grinned.

Beside him, the emperor Xuesha said in a deep voice: "This time, the human race must pay a heavy price."

As the two spoke, the void creatures in the vortex walked out.

The vortex lasted about half an hour, and finally disappeared in the sky.

Void creatures arrive, carrying a large number of prisoners of war, ready to occupy the nether.

"This is the territory of the human race. We are outsiders. We can't confront them hard. Find a place to hide and wait for the opportunity." Said a leader of the void creature.

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