Immemorial Sword Venerable

Chapter 1574: Breakthrough, life and death!

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The void creature itself does not belong to the lower realm, and it will be ostracized by the rules and order of the lower realm.

Moreover, by the means of that powerful void creature, it is also impossible to send the strong men of the ancient world and above to the lower realm.

So this time, the strongest of the void creatures that came to the lower realm is just the pinnacle of life and death.

The leader of the void creatures this time is called Shimo. He is the strongest of these void creatures. Although he is only the ninth of life and death, he can resist the eternal realm.

Of course, it's just resistance, and it's impossible to defeat Vanguard.

In addition to the void creatures, there are a large number of captives.

They have different levels of strength, ranging from low-level life and death realm to mid-level life and death realm and high-level life and death realm.

These are the captives captured by the void creatures in the chaotic void over the years.

"The entire lower realm is under the control of the human race. If I want to hide, I have a place to go." Qianyuan master said.

"Lead the way." Shi Mo said in a deep voice.

Under the leadership of Qian Yuan and Emperor Xuesha, everyone came to Pterosaur Jedi.

Silently, the void creature entered Pterosaur Jedi.

With Pterosaur Jedi as the core, start to lay a solid defense.

At the same time, Shimo issued an order to let some low-level captives of life and death, mixed with the human race, inquire about the news.


Void creatures invade, the danger gradually comes.

However, the Terran Warrior was unaware that the Terran Saint Lord was retreating and his injuries were unclear.

The holy land of the Yuan tribe is holding a battle for sword and yuan fruit, which is extremely fierce, and Yuan Gu has no time to take care of others.

As for the eyes of the other two great holy places, they are also attracted to the holy places of the Yuan tribe.

The holy place of Yuan tribe.

After the break, Fang Chen's third opponent is the old nine of the nine.

His cultivation is the fivefold of life and death.

Its combat effectiveness is very arrogant, even other people dare not underestimate.

Lao Jiu went to Wutai and looked at Fang Chen with a smile.

"Boy, come to an end here."

Lao Jiu attacked with a thunderous thunder.

Rumble ...

Lao Jiu's attack was too tyrannical, and the entire Yanwutai was shaking.

Fortunately, Yanwutai was arranged by the senior officials of the Yuan tribe, otherwise, they would not be able to withstand the attack of the emperor of life and death.

Heaven and earth buried sword tactics.

Fang Chen once again exhibited the heaven and earth burial sword tactics, a fifty-fold increase in power, and a breath of terror emerged.

The ninth-order Divine Soldier Hidden Sword burst into its powerful side.


Lao Jiu's horror was busy, and was blocked by Xingyin Jian.

"Ninth-order Divine Soldier is good, but you are not worthy of him."

Old nine sneered sneer, and immediately continued to shoot.


Terrorist attacks are very intensive.

He did not give Fang Chen any chance and wanted to resolve the battle quickly.

Seeing the situation on Yanwutai, Yuan Gu's face showed a faint smile.

The miracle of Blood Sword Saint is over.

Although his potential is against the sky, after all, there is a big gap in cultivation.

On the performance stage, the Blood Sword Saints retreated.

Everyone thought that when Blood Sword Saint was about to fail, suddenly his figure disappeared out of thin air.

Space-time book.

Fang Chen finally exhibited the divine space-time book.

All along, he did not want to expose his killer skills.

But now, he has to be exposed.

Lao Jiu's strength is very strong, and the middle-ranking emperor can be regarded as an upper-middle level.

Without the help of time and space, it is impossible to defeat Lao Jiu.


Fang Chen's figure disappeared into the void in a blink of an eye.

Before everyone could react, he appeared from the void and suddenly came behind Lao Jiu.

Thump ...

Heaven and earth burial sword tactics are displayed again, and at the same time Fang Chenshi exhibited the Five Thundering Tribulation Method.


In the sky, countless thunders threw down, bombarding Lao Jiu.

Fifty times the strength of the heaven and earth burial sword tactics, but also stab at Lao Jiu.

"not good."

Lao Jiu screamed, his heart moved, and a black dart appeared in his palm.

Without hesitation, all the power in Qihai poured into the black dart, and Lao Jiu threw it out.

A dreadful breath erupted inside the darts, and the martial artists in the square were suffocated.

Click ...

The dart shattered Fang Chen's sword light, carrying strong force, and shot at Fang Chen.

It was at this time that Lao Jiu's whole body flashed with light, and he successfully resisted the attack of the Five Thunders.

call out……

Fang Chen's figure once again merged into time and space.

The fifth floor of the space-time book has reached the extreme, and the figure walks quickly in the void.

Stabbed from time to time.

Thump ...

At the beginning, Lao Jiu was able to resist.

But for a long time, there was a problem with Lao Jiu's defense.

Unexpectedly, Fang Chen was stabbed in the sky with a sword.

Blood was spilling over the sky, Lao Jiu's thigh was injured, and he was a little unstable.

"Damn ..."

Old Nine opened his palm, and the black darts were suspended in the palm of his hand.

"Blood Sword Saint, I want you to die."

Lao Jiu poured his blood into the black dart.

Suddenly, the black dart suffocated.

However, before the darts shot out, Fang Chen interrupted him.

The hidden means of the Divine Time and Space Book is simply not imaginable by those in the lower realm.

Moreover, the most important thing is that Fang Chen is a warrior of time and space cultivation, and also has the true meaning of time and space at the peak of the nine grades.

He didn't want to be discovered, and no one could find him.

"Bash ..."

The Xingyin sword stabbed Lao Jiu again, causing Lao Jiu to scream in the sky.

However, to no avail.

Fang Chen has been secretly attacking secretly, and Lao Jiu has no choice.

On the rostrum, Yuan Gu's face was extremely gloomy.

"What the **** did this **** guy practice?"

Yuan Gu was a little surprised, even he couldn't catch Fang Chen's figure.

The Black Blade Emperor on the side stared at Fang Chen.

"This kid is hiding too deep."

Tie Lieyuan was not surprised by this, he had already been taught.

After the battle continued for half an hour, it finally ended with Lao Jiu's physical strength.

Lao Jiu's defeat was injustice, but there was no way, Fang Chen did not violate the rules.

"Blood Sword Saint, you mean little villain."

Lao Jiu was staring at Fang Chen under the performance of Wutai, killing intently.

Fang Chen directly ignores the threat of Lao Jiu, as long as he can win the final victory, it does not matter what moves he uses.

Moreover, the space-time book is not a crooked way?

Fang Chen stood calmly on the Yanwu platform.

Now that the card of time and space has been exposed, he will respond to the battle in a shocking way in the next battle.

His eyes fell on the boss.

The boss practiced the secret technique of the Yuan tribe and was able to see through some hidden means.

"I don't know if your secret method can see through my hidden means."

Fang Chen secretly said.

Seeing Fang Chen's provocation, the boss's face showed a wild smile.

It has been a long time since no one dared to provoke him so blatantly, and the other party is still a warrior with a fortune-telling ninth level.

"Blood Sword Saint, I hope you can stick to my appearance." The boss said in a deep voice.


The next battle really exceeded everyone's expectations.

Fang Chen turned the time and space book to the extreme, and the people of the Yuan tribe couldn't even capture his figure.

The old eight failed, the seventh failed, and the sixth failed.

When Lao Wu and Fang Chen played against each other, an unexpected thing happened.

In the battle with Zidao, Fang Chen felt the mystery of the law of flame vaguely.

And this old five, happens to have the law of flame, he uses the law of flame against Fang Chen.

Fang Chen was bathed in the flame laws of the old five and gradually realized.

When the battle was nearing its end, Fang Chen's whole body was covered with immortal inflammation.

The immortal inflammation at this moment is undergoing an essential transformation.

"The law of flames?"

Fang Chen's mind is full of hot breath.

In the sky, the power of the terrifying flame law came, covering Fang Chen's whole body.


On the rostrum, Yuan Gu's fists clenched, and his heart was filled with anger. "≠" ≠ "≠" ≠,

Not only did the Blood Sword Saint fail, but he also realized the power of the Fire Law.

Damn guy, good luck?

Tie Lieyuan laughed, many warriors could not enter the realm of life and death after their entire lives.

Some people can step in with just a few breaths.

Fang Chen belongs to the latter. At this critical moment, he suddenly realized the law of flame, so that the power of the law came to the body of baptism.

As soon as the baptism is over, his state will step into life and death.

"The realm of creation is so powerful. What surprises will it bring to life and death?" Tie Lieyuan waited and waited.

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