Immemorial Sword Venerable

Chapter 1595: Silver Moon Dragon

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Under the Yinyue Mountain, the Yinyue Dragon is rising.

Eight mysterious handwriting, but let Fang Chen fall into deep thought.

He didn't know what the eight words meant, but he could vaguely guess a little.

"Under Yinyue Mountain, Yinyue Dragon is rising."

Fang Chen couldn't stop talking about these eight words, racking his brain.

However, I didn't understand it after thinking for a long time, and finally didn't want to.

Seeing Longyue Mitianguo in front of you, if you change to an ordinary warrior, you can't suppress the greed in your heart, you will be forced to grab it.

However, Fang Chen did not do so.

He did not know how strong the ancestors of Yinyue Island were, but he knew that it would be very dangerous to do so.

Step by step from the projectile land of the ancient sword continent, it is very difficult to reach the present.

Fang Chen has experienced a lot of ups and downs, and has a deep sense.

No matter when, he will not put himself in danger.

Anyway, Long Yue Mi Tian Guo is here, and no one will **** it away. So after thinking about it for a moment, he left the Jumbo Pavilion.

Seeing Fang Chen coming out of the Jumbo Pavilion, Bi Qingqing hurriedly approached.

However, when she saw the latter's face, she knew he had not succeeded.

"Did you not succeed?" Bi Qingqing asked.

Fang Chen nodded and asked, "I found Long Yue Mi Tian Guo on the second floor of the Jumbo Pavilion, but I couldn't get it."

"What's going on?" Bi Qingqing asked in surprise.

"There are two small lines of writing on the portrait of Longyue Mitianguo. To get Longyue Mitianguo, you need to unravel the mystery." Fang Chendao said: "The second row is, Yinyue Mountain, Yinyue Dragon.

"I'm guessing, is the answer under Yinyue Mountain?"

After hearing the words, Bi Qingqing's beautiful eyes flickered and immediately said: "Under the Yinyue Mountain, the Yinyue Dragon is rising."

"I seem to remember that there is a dragon character in the name of the ancestor of Yinyue Island." Bi Qingqing said.

"But, under the Yinyue Mountain, there is only the Treasure Pavilion, what should I do?" Fang Chen was puzzled.

If you want to get the dragon fruit, you must solve the mystery.

But now, I don't even know what the riddle is, how to solve it?

This is where Fang Chen is speechless.

"Maybe, I know where."

After all, Bi Qingqing is the saint of Yinyue Island, knowing the secrets of Yinyue Island.

After listening to Fang Chen's analysis, he took Fang Chen directly and set foot on Yinyue Mountain.

"Where are you taking me?" Fang Chen asked.

Bi Qingqing didn't answer Fang Chen, his figure flashed, and he climbed to Yinyue Mountain soon.

At this moment, on Yinyue Mountain, there are many Yinyue Islanders practicing.

Yinyue Mountain is a very special mountain and the sacred mountain of Yinyue Island.

"Yinyue Mountain is the most important peak in Yinyue Island. The cultivation resources here are huge. Every time Yinyue Mountain opens, the strength of Yinyue Island will advance by leaps and bounds." Bi Qingqing introduced.

Fang Chen stood on Yinyue Mountain and looked around, his golden heart beating rapidly.

The heaven and earth aura on Yinyue Mountain is very rich.

Moreover, the power of the law here is exceptionally majestic.

Huh ...

Undead Flame jumps out automatically, greedily absorbing the power of the law here.

"Maybe, the Yinyue Mountain under the portrait is the real interior of Yinyue Mountain." Bi Qingqing said.

"How to go on?"

On the endless Yinyue Mountain, there is mud everywhere, and there is no entrance under the ground.

"follow me."

This kind of thing can't help Bi Qingqing.

The latter's palm waved, Yinyue Tiangong was exerted, his body gradually faded, and then he fell into the soil.

While Fang Chen was stunned, he felt a soft little hand and pulled his palm.


Under the leadership of Bi Qingqing, he got into the soil and was heading towards Yinyue Island.

"Qing Qing."

Fang Chen noticed that Bi Qingqing's body was trembling and seemed to be a little sick.

"what happened to you?"

Bi Qingqing shook his head and said it was all right.

However, Fang Chen cannot be concealed, "Did Qingqing enter the Yinyue Mountain and hurt you?"

After being questioned by Fang Chen, Bi Qingqing finally told the truth.

"Yinyue Mountain is the sacred mountain of Yinyue Island. It was created by our ancestors and has extraordinary power. The people of Yinyue Island can only practice above it. Even as a saint, I want to enter Yinyue Island "It's also difficult inside," Bi Qingqing said. "Mainly because my Yinyue Tiangong hasn't been practiced to the extreme, so I can't completely dilute my body and force myself into Yinyue Mountain. I will be rejected."

"Qingqing ..."

Fang Chen was very worried.

Not enough, Bi Qingqing didn't stop and moved on.

Her face became paler.

However, in the end, he passed through the soil of Yinyue Mountain and came to the bottom of Yinyue Mountain.


The bodies of Fang Chen and Bi Qingqing fell here at the same time.

Here is like a mountain stream, with a waterfall flowing down above it, and the business of Wla La, resounding throughout the ground.

At a glance, Fang Chen looked at the place where he stood, there was a river, and beside the river, there was a cave.

"Here was the place where the ancestors practiced. Outsiders are forbidden to enter." Bi Qingqing said.


Just as Bi Qingqing spoke, a sudden roar came from the cave.

This roar is terrifying and trembling.

"Someone in the cave?"

Fang Chen's eyes widened, staring at the cave.

Unexpectedly, there are still human beings in this cave? What exactly is going on?

A glance at Bi Qingqing, the latter is not very clear.

"Go, look over."

Fang Chen took out the Xingyin sword, and the law of flame surrounded him, ready to shoot at any time.

Before Bi Qingqing walked to the cave, her face was dignified, and she seemed to sense something.

"Within the cave, there is a familiar breath."

After all, Bi Qingqing stepped out and entered the cave.

The cave is not too big, but it is messy.

At a glance, in the depths of the cave, there was a dry old man with a disheveled hair.

The roar just now came from the dry old hair.

His hands and feet were tied by an iron chain with some complicated patterns on it, which should be banned.

"who are you?"

Bi Qingqing asked aloud.

The withered old man slowly raised his head, his eyes did not look a little.

If he was n’t seen standing still, he thought he would have died long ago.

"Long Jiao, you bastard, thought you could perish me if you left such a backhand?" After seeing Bi Qingqing, the dry old man laughed wildly, a little crazy.

The blood on his body had already dried up, and if he hadn't cultivated to be tyrannical, he would have died long ago.

It was a miracle that he was trapped here, not eating or drinking, and able to persist for such a long time.

Fang Chen stared at the dry old man carefully. His hands and feet were locked by iron chains, his face was grim, and he seemed to hate himself and Bi Qingqing very much.

"you are……"

After thinking for a long time, Bi Qingqing finally discovered the identity of this person.

Her pretty face was full of shock.

"Are you a dragon demon?" Bi Qingqing shouted silently.

She was a little unbelievable. In the history of Yinyue Island, the dragon and the demon betrayed Yinyue Island that year, and was completely slain by the ancestors of Yinyue Island.

But now, he actually appeared before Bi Qingqing's eyes.

Has he been suppressed under the Yinyue Mountain all these years?


The dry old man in the madness suddenly widened his eyes, and the fierce breath came to his face instantly, staring straight at Bi Qingqing.

"I am not a dragon demon, I am a silver moon dragon."

His voice was very loud, shouting hysterically.

Silver Moon Dragon?

Fang Chen was terrified. Was the Yinyue Mountain and Yinyue Dragon mentioned in the portrait talking about him?

what happened?

Fang Chen's heart was a bit chaotic, and he looked at Bi Qingqing.

"It turns out so."

Until this moment, Bi Qingqing finally knew that the so-called Yinyue Dragon and Dragon Demon were actually one person.

"He is the Silver Moon Dragon. At that time, he was known as the Dragon Demon, betrayed Yinyue Island, and was suppressed here by his ancestors." Bi Qingqing explained to Fang Chen.

Hearing Bi Qingqing's words, the dry old man shouted in anger, and the majestic breath filled him.

His body suddenly rushed to Bi Qingqing, but due to the chain, he was only halfway rushed and was pulled.

"Yinyue Dragon Jiao, this mean and shameless guy, if I get out of trouble, I will destroy the entire Yinyue Island."

By now, things are clear at a glance.

Yinyuelongjiao was the ancestor of Yinyuedao, and Yinyuelongteng was originally a person of Yinyuedao, but was suppressed by Yinyuelongjiao because of certain things.

Since the endless years, he has been holding a breath.

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