Immemorial Sword Venerable

Chapter 1596: Iron chain suppression

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Yinyue Dragon's strength at the time was also very arrogant.

The character is arrogant, not forever.

He thought he was the master of Yinyue Island, even in the peak period, he was blatantly called Banyue Longjiao.

Unfortunately, lost to Yinyue Dragon Dragon.

Of course, if this alone, it is not enough for Yinyue Dragon Jiao to suppress him.

After all, they are all people of the same family.

The publicity of Yinyue Longteng was severely defeated by Yinyue Longjiao.

In his heart, he was extremely resentful of Yinyuelongjiao, so he took the risk.

Over the years, whenever he saw the iron chains on his hands and feet, he was extremely angry.

He once vowed that if one day he could escape from this, he would surely destroy the entire Yinyue Island by himself.


Yinyue Longteng's body was gritty, and the point of contact between the iron chain and the wall made a deafening sound.

However, no matter how the Yinyue Longteng struggles, he can't escape.

There is a strong ban on the chain, and Yinyue Dragon was seriously injured that year and almost died.

If it weren't for Yinyue Longjiao's mercy, he would never have survived to the present.

His training has plummeted, and he was able to maintain the limit of life and death a few years ago.

Now, he can only barely maintain the seventh level in life and death.

If it is in a few years, the cultivation base will still fall.

When Xiuwei fell to the lowest level and became a mortal, it was his death.

He didn't want to perish, he wanted to escape.

Therefore, when he saw Fang Chen and Bi Qingqing coming, he struggled desperately.

"I understand."

Seeing the struggling Yinyue Dragon, Bi Qingqing's eyes brightened and he said immediately.

"Under the Yinyue Mountain, the Yinyue Dragon. The meaning of these eight characters should be to say that the Yinyue Dragon can be obtained by beating the Yinyue Dragon."

Fang Chen nodded, he also guessed.

In his heart, he was quite sighed.

"Hahaha, if you want to kill me, let's dream." Yinyue Longteng laughed wildly.

Fang Chen and Bi Qingqing's cultivation behavior, in his view, like ants, it is impossible to kill him.

Fang Chen looked at Yinyue Dragon and felt the fierce breath on his body.

"It just happens to sharpen myself." Fang Chen secretly said.

"Qingqing, you step back a little, I will meet him later." Fang Chen said.

Bi Qingqing nodded and walked to the rear.

Rumble ...

Fang Chen clenched his fists tightly, enveloping his fist with undead inflammation.

The flame law of the four-star realm spreads instantly, and the power of immortal flame increases greatly.

"Let me try how strong you are."

Fang Chen snorted and punched with a punch.

Suddenly, wild flames burst into the sky.

The flame fist contains the power of the terrifying flame law, even if it is the sixth martial arts in life and death, it does not dare to confront.


Regarding Fang Chen's attack, Yinyue Longteng said disdainfully.

Seeing that the flame punch was about to touch his body, he waved at will.

Suddenly, in front of him, a terrifying vortex appeared. Within the vortex, a terrifying attraction emerged, directly swallowing the beauty of Hong Yan.

"Boy, your attack is too weak."

Yinyue Longteng disheveled his hair and sneered.

If it was during his peak, such **** could be pinched to death with one finger.

But now, Xiuwei has fallen a lot, resulting in a much worse strength than before, but even so, this kind of garbage is not provocative.

"Your attack is not as strong."

Fang Chen looked at Yinyue Longteng and smiled.

The punch just now was just a temptation.

Next, he will show the strongest attack.

call out……

Thirty-six brilliant sword lights roared out of the sky when the sword of the sword was performed.

At the same time, Undead Flame, carrying the power of the powerful law of flame, merged into thirty-six sword lights and shot towards the Silver Moon Dragon.

"Huh?" Seeing Fang Chen's magic, Yinyue Dragon's face slightly changed. "The means of Saints of Heaven?"

Fang Chen did not expect that Yinyue Longteng actually recognized the Heavenly Imperial Divine Art.

However, this did not affect his attack.

Yinyue Longteng's face was extremely gloomy, his figure flashed, but he was troubled by the iron chain and could not leave this small area.

Bang Bang Bang ...

Yinyue Dragon showed a very strong defense. Thirty-six sword light stabbed on his body, and everything was broken.

"If Heavenly Priest is here, I might be afraid, you can't do it at all." Yinyue Longteng sneered.

"If the Heavenly Priest is here, you will have died." Fang Chen said in a deep voice.

Yinyue Longteng's strength is actually not strong, but after all, he used to be the pinnacle of power, and his means are simply not imaginable.

Fang Chen suffers by eating from experience.

Space-time book.

When Fang Chen was around, the air was oscillating, the space-time book was running quickly, and his body disappeared in an instant.

Swish ...

Fang Chen's body is looming, and he can't tell the difference between true and false.

"this is……"

At this moment, Yinyue Longteng's eyes finally showed a sense of shock.

"Boy, who the **** are you? Why do you have the means of the Guzu?" Yinyue Longteng shouted loudly.

Gu Zu Nai is the most powerful warrior of this human race.

Its unique practice system shocked the entire lower realm.

Even during the peak period of the Yinyue Dragon, they dare not challenge the Guzu.

And now, after an endless period of time, the ancestors of the Guzu reappear.

"You know a lot."

Fang Chen ignored the Yinyue Dragon and continued to display the space-time book.

His body shape is constantly changing, and at the same time, the Tianyu Divine Art is being performed.

Soon, Yinyue Longteng's body appeared some sword marks.

However, these sword marks are not enough to cause Yinyue Dragon to be seriously injured, but only skin trauma.


Yinyue Longteng threw a punch, pushing Fang Chen back.

"Boy, after you are the Guzu, I don't want to be an enemy with you." Yinyue Longteng said in a deep voice: "Strictly speaking, I and Guzu are also acquaintances. You should not join Yinyue Island to deal with me, Instead, rescue me. "

If Yinyue Longteng said, Fang Chen couldn't believe it.

Fang Chen was not surprised that he knew the ancestor's cultivation system.

However, he said that he knew the ancestor of the bones, which was obviously deceiving him.

"Humph, when am I an idiot?" Fang Chen sneered.

"Boy, do you really want to join forces with Yinyue Island to deal with me?" Yinyue Longteng's face was somber and cold.

"I don't want to, but there is no way, I need Long Yue Mi Tian Guo." Fang Chen spread his hand.

Yinyue Longteng fell into silence.

After a long time, he raised his head and looked at Fang Chen: "Even if you try your best, it is impossible to kill me. On the contrary, you are still in danger of life. It is better to let us take a step back and how about a deal?"

Fang Chen did not speak.

Yinyue Longteng continued: "You help me leave this place, I make a martial pledge to help you get Longyue Tiantian fruit, how do you think?"

"Kill you, you can still get it." Fang Chen said lightly.

He wouldn't easily believe in Yinyue Dragon, if he was released from his trap, he might not know what would happen.


Yinyue Dragon was furious, exuding a terrifying and fierce breath, staring at Fang Chen with scarlet eyes.

"Boy, you will regret your choice."


In the palm of Yinyue Longteng, a scarlet light appeared, and quickly shot at Fang Chen.


Fang Chen waved his palm, Xingyin sword across his chest, blocking the scarlet light.

"Fang Chen." Suddenly, Bi Qingqing said.

Fang Chen turned his head and Bi Qingqing said: "The method of the Silver Moon Dragon is very strange. If you want to crack it, you need to grab it from the root. With some of the ancestor's methods, you can find some ways to deal with Yinyue Dragon. "

After hearing this, Fang Chen nodded and agreed.

Indeed, with his current strength, even if he tries his best, it is at best to suppress the Silver Moon Dragon. It is difficult to kill it. : (. *) ☆ Half ^ Float ^ Life ☆ =

"Old guy, let you live a few more days."

After talking, follow Bi Qingqing to leave Yinyueshan.


Yinyue Dragon's body twisted wildly, and the iron chain rattled.

In his mouth, there was a roar of upward screaming.

His body was pulling the chain with force, but no matter how hard he struggled, he couldn't open the chain.

"Yinyue Longjiao, do you think a casual descendant can kill me Yinyue Longteng? You are a mean and shameless guy." Yinyue Longteng shouted angrily. Your Silver Moon Island. "

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