Immemorial Sword Venerable

Chapter 1615: Flat Peach Fruit

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Finally, under some observation, Fang Chen discovered what was after the vortex.

The edge of the sky.

The legendary edge of the sky, only warriors recognized by the will of the universe, can see the edge of the sky.

And often the appearance of the edge of the sky is often accompanied by the appearance of the door of God Realm.

Thinking of this, Fang Chen's heartbeat accelerated.

When I first came to the mainland of heaven, did the edge of heaven appear?

Does it mean that you are already qualified to step into the legendary God Realm?

The golden heart beats faster and faster.

In the end, even Fang Chen felt incredible.

After the vortex, the place like a fairyland becomes more and more real.

After thinking for a while, Fang Chen leapt forward, suspended in the sky, and walked towards the vortex step by step.

The closer you are to the vortex, the more you can feel the vast power that comes out of the vortex.

Fang Chen's body, the sword-shaped runes flickered, and the power was looming.

After a few breaths, he came before the vortex.

"The edge of the sky?"

Fang Chen was a little nervous, but stepped into it one step at a time.

Rumble ...

After entering, the vortex disappeared out of thin air, as if it had never appeared.


As soon as Fang Chen was white, he found that he had come to the edge of the sky.

"What a strong force of heaven and earth."

Fang Chen couldn't help but sigh, worthy of the edge of the sky, the aura's richness here is beyond the reach of the outside world.

He could clearly feel that the air was filled with the power of a very strong law of flame.

"It seems like a fairyland."

Fang Chen's eyes were a little blurry. Simply put, the edge of the sky seemed like a valley with mountains and wild mountains.

Fang Chen stood in front of the valley, and at a glance, the valley was full of lush green grass.

These green grass are very extraordinary, exuding the breath of fairy road.

Fang Chen can already be determined, here is the edge of the sky.

He started looking for Pantao Xianguo.

"Where is the flat peach fairy fruit?"

Fang Chen's consciousness spread and quickly enveloped the entire sky.

"On the edge of the whole sky, there are spirit grass and spirit trees everywhere, but there is no flat peach fairy tree." After looking around, Fang Chen secretly said.

It is easy to enter the edge of the sky, and naturally will not give up easily.

He displayed the space-time book, his body merged into the void, and continued to search.

After searching for about half an hour, Fang Chen finally found a trace of what could be done.

In the deepest part of the valley, there is a huge bluestone.

If there is only bluestone alone, it will not attract Fang Chen's attention. The key is that there is a very strange tree above the bluestone.

This big tree is not as tall as it was supposed to be. If you don't look closely, it looks like ordinary vegetation.

However, Fang Chen found something wrong on this big tree.

The appearance of this big tree has dried up, as if dying.

However, the golden heart became more active when approaching the big tree.

This let Fang Chen know that this tree is not simple.

"Rooted in bluestone, the appearance is dry, but the inside is intact." Fang Chen frowned and said slightly.


When Fang Chen came to Qingshi, the golden heart beat at different speeds.


Fang Chen put his hands on the dry tree.

Suddenly, an amazing scene appeared.

Within the big tree, there was a wild attraction, which quickly absorbed the power of Fang Chen.

"not good."

Fang Chen screamed badly and quickly drew back his palm.

It was at this time that the little mouse appeared abruptly.

"Boss, this tree is a flat peach fairy tree." Little Mouse said in a deep voice, his words full of firm tone.

"Are you sure?" Fang Chen's eyes lit up and asked quickly.

"In my memory, there is information about the flat peach fairy tree. The flat peach fairy tree is a very precious plant. It is best at disguising. When the warrior is close to his main trunk, he will absorb the body power." On the bluestone, a large dry tree.

Integrating his own memory, after seeing the situation just now, the little mouse determined that this withered tree is a flat peach fairy tree.


Little Mouse knows what Fang Chen wants to ask.

"Boss, look at me."

The mouse stepped back a few steps, and immediately displayed a talented supernatural power to devour.

"Look at your attraction, or my devouring power."

The mouse said in a deep voice.

Behind him, a purple mouse phantom condensed out. This phantom opened the big mouth of the blood basin, and the horrible swallowing power diffused instantly, wrapping up the dry tree.

Hiss ...

Fang Chen watched quietly on the side, and he was shocked to find.

With the unfolding of the talent of the little mouse, the dried skin of the big tree gradually fell off.

After a few breaths, the little mouse stopped its talent.

At this moment, Fang Chen widened his eyes and looked at the big tree on the bluestone.

At this time, the big tree, with its dry skin, had already fallen off, replaced by the cherished torso.

"Peach fairy tree."

Fang Chen was very excited.

The flat peach fairy tree in memory is exactly the same as this big tree.

Sure enough, it was a flat peach fairy tree. Fang Chen clenched his fists and was almost deceived by the peach fairy tree's camouflage technique. Fortunately, there were little mice.

"Boss, go pick the fairy fruit," the little mouse said.

There are three flat peach fairy fruits on this flat peach fairy tree.

Fang Chen jumped forward and came before the flat peach fairy fruit.

Just stretched out his hand to pick it up, and suddenly a skeleton palm appeared in the void, instantly attacking Fang Chen.

"not good."

Fang Chen screamed, and immediately launched the space-time book, his body exploded.

At the same time, before the Peach Fairy Tree, a skeleton man appeared.

The whole body of this skeleton man exudes a strong ghostly atmosphere.

"this is……"

Fang Chen was a little surprised, but after a moment he knew the origin of the Skeleton Man.

This skeleton man is the legendary mage.

What is a mage?

After the warrior died, the grievances were too heavy, and the body turned into a skeleton, generating a trace of thought.

And to practice together with the ghost, this kind of skeleton person is a mage.

The monk is a very terrible monk, and the power of the ghosts on them is very corrosive.

"Why is there a meditator on the edge of the sky?" Fang Chen was puzzled.

"Boss, maybe this person wants to enter the God Realm through the door of the lead, and there is an unexpected fall, and then he lives as a meditator in the edge of the sky and guards the flat peach fairy tree." The little mouse said.

After hearing this, Fang Chen nodded.

Only this explanation will work.

However, no matter what, Pantao Xianguo is bound to get, no one can stop.

"Small human, the Peach Fairy Tree is mine."

A hoarse voice came out of the skeleton.

The power of the nether surrounds the body, and the surrounding air is extremely gloomy.


Fang Chen and the mouse looked at each other, and then took out the Xingyin sword and exhibited the Tianyu sword technique.

call out……

Thirty-six sword lights, carrying a terrifying sword energy, stab at the skeleton man quickly.

At the same time, the little mouse exhibited extreme talent penetration.

Although the Skeleton Man is a mage, his body cannot withstand the power of extreme penetration.

Click ...

After being penetrated by the purple spear hole, the thirty-six sword lights that followed Chen Chen penetrated into his body.


The Skeleton Man roared upward, desperately resisting.

The little mouse exhibited the devouring magical power, and Fang Chen jumped forward and came behind the skeleton man. His strength increased by a hundredfold, and he punched with a punch.

Click ...

The skull's head shattered instantly.

After shaking, the skeleton's body collapsed.


"Is this mage too weak?" Said the little mouse, pursing his lips.

Fang Chen shook his head, not that the weak men were weak, but that the two of them combined, and the fighting power burst.

"Boss, hurry and pick the flat peach fruit," said the little mouse.

Fang Chen nodded, jumped forward, and came to the flat peach fairy tree.

Although Pantao Xianshu is struggling, but Fangchen's time and space album is on display, his body is everywhere, and Pantao Xianshu can't escape at all.

In the end, all three flat peach fairy fruits fell into Fang Chen's palm.


This time came to the edge of the sky, the harvest was too great.

I originally thought it would be good to get one.

I didn't expect to get three flat peach fairy fruits at once.

"Boss, this flat peach fairy fruit is a good thing." The little mouse said with a smile.

Fang Chen threw one to the little mouse and said, "This one is for you."

The little mouse took the flat peach fairy fruit, froze for a moment, and was very touched immediately.

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