Immemorial Sword Venerable

Chapter 1616: Thousand-fold increase

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Such a precious flat peach fruit, even the five giants, can't stand its temptation.

However, the boss gave him one without hesitation.

You know, there are only three in total, one of which is for the old **** stick, and only two are left.

The little mouse clutched the flat peach fairy fruit with big paws, clenching his fists, and his heart was warm.

He wanted to say something, but he kept talking.

Fang Chen put away two flat peach fairy fruits and glanced at the little mouse: "Why? I'm so moved to cry?"

Fang Chen said this, and the little mouse burst into laughter.

He is also not pretentious. He is the brother who was born and died with his boss, and sometimes he doesn't need to say anything.

Click ...

The little mouse held the flat peach fairy fruit and swallowed it directly.

The flat peach fruit is not big, but the little mouse doesn't dare to swallow it.

The flat peach fairy fruit contains the majestic power, which is stronger than the power of an original ancestral stone born in the world.

While the little mouse swallowed the flat peach fairy fruit, Fang Chen secretly guarded.

After a while, Pantao Xianguo finished eating.

At this time, the whole body of the little mouse was full of rich purple light.

"Boss, my body is full of power." The little mouse said excitedly.

Fang Chen nodded, and the little mouse began to guide the body's power to spread.

He is taking this opportunity to improve his cultivation.

It has to be said that the effect of Pantao Xianguo is really too strong, but just for a while, the realm of the little mouse has improved several levels.

Fang Chen's face was full of smiles, but he had to sigh again.

The Devouring God Rat is worthy of being the unique monster in the universe, too powerful.

It is actually possible to devour the flat peach fairy fruit directly. If you are a human warrior, at least some preparation is required.

Otherwise, if the power is too strong, it will explode and die.

"Are you all right?" Fang Chen asked worriedly.

The purple light around the mouse gradually disappeared, and he shook his head: "Boss, I'm fine."


Just when the voice of the little mouse fell, there was a great shock on the edge of the sky.

The flowers and plants at the edge of the sky are shaking, and there seems to be horrible things that are about to happen.

"what is the problem?"

Fang Chen tried to stabilize his body and looked around.

However, a shocking scene appeared.

Above the edge of the sky, the void cracked and the breath of breath spread.

He is very familiar with these breaths, but the breath of God Realm.

"this is……"

Fang Chen's eyes widened, staring at the cracked void.

An illusory door gradually emerged.

Suddenly, Fang Chen's body was directly wrapped in the breath of majestic God Realm, forcibly pulling Fang Chen's body to the door of illusion.

Needless to say, this door of illusion is the door of introduction.

According to legend, as long as you step into the door of the lead, you can step into the spirit world.

Looking at the lower realm, I am afraid that any warrior can't resist the temptation of the door to lead?

Even Fang Chen was extremely hot inside.

However, when he came to the door, he roared sharply and stopped his body stiffly.

The golden heart was beating rapidly, and a stream of air appeared, surrounding his body, isolating the contact between his body and the breath of God Realm.

"For the time being, we can't step into the door of access."

Fang Chen shook his head constantly, his body backed away a little.

Let Fang Chen have this idea, there are two points in total.

The first point is that Fang Chen has not bid farewell to his relatives and friends in the lower realm.

The second point is that he has not yet sent back the Pantao Xianguo and is not ready to enter God Realm.

Fang Chen's eyes stared at the door of the lead.

The access door seems very ordinary, but it is very magical.

Unreal runes circulated on the door, which gave people a shocking feeling.

Slowly, the breath flowing from the golden heart began to absorb the breath of God Realm and entered Fang Chen's body.


Fang Chen's brain concussion, this is an excellent opportunity to practice.

Without saying anything, Fang Chen sat directly on the ground cross-legged, closed his eyes, and began to practice.

Boom Boom Boom!

The golden heart beats faster and faster, and it absorbs more and more breath of God Realm.

Time passed quickly, and within the door of access, a large amount of the spirit of the gods appeared.

In Fang Chen's mind, the Yuanshen turned, and he realized the power of the law contained in the breath of God Realm.

The golden heart, which has not been moving for a long time, started to transform.

"The golden heart is changing."

The golden halo diffused and shone on the earth.

After the breath of God Realm poured into the golden heart, the latter gradually became larger.

Fang Chen could clearly feel that as the golden heart changed, the strength in his body became stronger and stronger.

"So strong."

In a few breaths, the transformation of the golden heart is completed.

At this time, Fang Chen began to carefully examine the golden heart.

"The golden heart after transformation has become stronger and stronger." Fang Chen said secretly.

Moreover, he felt his understanding of Kendo became stronger and stronger.

Faintly, Fang Chen saw that within the golden heart, there was a golden sword suspended.

He just glanced at it, and felt the deep pain of Yuanshen.

"It hurts."

Fang Chen shouted, and immediately stabilized his body.

"Illusion or reality?"

Fang Chen has a strong obsession with the golden sword.

At first, when he was on the earth, he was stabbed by a golden sword that was born out of the air, and then traversed to the ancient sword continent.

It was also because of the change that time that he had embarked on a martial arts journey.

However, thinking of the pain just now, he dared not go to see it.

"In the final analysis, your strength is too weak, otherwise you will be able to see clearly. One day, your strength will reach a certain level, and you will be able to know the secret of the golden heart."

Fang Chen clenched his fists and secretly said.


The golden heart after the metamorphosis, worked again.

The golden halo gradually flowed out, and at the moment Fang Chen's eyes also became confused.

In my mind, the Jian Jing started automatically.

In the distance, the little mouse looked at the boss sitting cross-legged in front of the gate, and was a little worried.

"The boss seems to be practicing?"

Although very worried, the little mouse still held back. He looked around with caution, guarding the boss.

Time passed bit by bit.

Fang Chen was immersed in the sea of ​​Kendo.

The sword classic is broad and profound, with a total of six layers, and Fang Chen only completed the first three layers and then.

Even so, it can exert a hundred-fold increase in strength. For Fang Chen, this is an indispensable killer.

And this time, he is cultivating with the help of the golden heart after transformation, and the breath of God Realm in front of the door.

If anyone in the outside world knows that someone sees that the door to the lead is not going in, but is practicing here, he will definitely yell at him.

Looking at the lower realm, I don't know how many people have spent their entire lives, and I can't see the door to the loser.

And this guy Fang Chen, the door of introduction appeared but did not enter.

In fact, Fang Chen is not in a hurry to enter the door, there is another reason.

That's the one who met before.

His appearance made Fang Chen guess that the door to the lead was not necessarily safe.

Fang Chen's whole body was filled with intense and extreme sword energy.

His body was as horrifying as a sharp blade with a sheath.

Unconsciously, the little mouse was also shocked.

The boss's breath is as strong as the five giants.

"So strong."

The little mouse sighed.

This state lasted for about three days and three nights.

Finally, at a certain moment, Fang Chen opened his eyes.


The whole edge of the sky was shaking, and Fang Chen stood up suddenly.

Jian Qi rushed to the sky, tearing the sky.

In his eyes, two horrible blades were shot, cutting the strong wind in the air directly.

"The fourth layer of the sword sutra?"

Fang Chen said to himself.

Reaching the fourth level of the sword sutra, the power increase has reached a thousand times.

A hundred times is already very strong, what is the concept of a thousand times?

It is no exaggeration to say that the current Fang Chen, although only a king of life and death, is really fighting power, comparable to the top ten in the universe.

Throughout the ages, I am afraid that there will be no more powerful emperor than Fang Chen, right?

"Boss, broke through?" The little mouse asked with a smile.

Fang Chen looked at the entrance door with a complicated look, then stepped back to the little mouse and nodded. "The sword reaches the fourth floor, and the strength increases by a thousand times."

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